Are Democrats enemies of the Constitution?

The Impeachment fiasco is just the latest example.

For anyone paying attention, the Democrats have been trying to re-write the Constitution since the days of Woodrow Wilson. But rather than pursue Amendments - which would have lacked sufficient popular support to pass - they have populated the Federal Courts with Leftist judges and justices who have virtually neutered the vital Tenth Amendment, which was written to create a real WALL (unlike the fictitious "wall" of separation between Church & State) between the powers of the Feds and the States.

Nearly half of our Federal spending is on programs that are plainly unconstitutional. The Founders would be flabbergasted to see a Federal "Department of Education," or Social Security & Medicare, not to mention Housing & Urban Development (or whatever it is called these days). National Public Radio? Are you kidding?

And we have Democrat presidential candidates who are openly hawking socialized medicine, paying off private education loans, reparations for slavery, and neutering our immigration laws, not to mention destroying the economy in the name of Saving the Planet.

How can anyone be surprised when they bastardize trivialities like the impeachment of a President?

Another unconstitutional act is the creation of automatic "cost of living" increases to federal programs. This usurps the budgeting authority of future Congresses by requiring new spending that they have not authorized.

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