Are Democrats guilty of "collusion" on the Russian "dossier"?

Are Democrats guilty of collusion on the Russian "dossier"?

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?
Are Democrats guilty of collusion on the Russian "dossier"?

The question makes same sense as "Does a bear sh*t in the woods?"

P.S. Don't forget to add McCain to the list of guilty Democrats.
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I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?

I generally ignore you - but you do make a valid point. Here is my truthful answer: YES, I will hold them accountable - but only if Trump is held equally and fairly accountable. BTW, it wasn't the Clinton campaign that was spreading fake news and encouraging the Russians to help them discredit Trump.
It's the Clintons. So is this really surprising to anyone? First Obama orders surveillance on the opposition, and then Clinton pays for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. It was an ugly blatant attack on our Democracy. But will anyone be held accountable? Don't count on it.
It's the Clintons. So is this really surprising to anyone? First Obama orders surveillance on the opposition, and then Clinton pays for a despicable phony Russian dossier on Trump. It was an ugly blatant attack on our Democracy. But will anyone be held accountable? Don't count on it.

Funny. Where is your "credible" proof of illegal activity?
But hey, the Obama-ordered surveillance and phony Clinton-Russian dossier, was all just innocent "Opposition Research." That's what Clinton and Democrats are tellin us anyway. You buyin it? I sure ain't.
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?
Yeah. We still don't know. But given the track record of Crooked Hillary and the DNC, it's not much of a stretch.
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?
Yeah. We still don't know. But given the track record of Crooked Hillary and the DNC, it's not much of a stretch.

What has Hillary ever been convicted of? NaziCon ignorance, lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories don't count.
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?
Yeah. We still don't know. But given the track record of Crooked Hillary and the DNC, it's not much of a stretch.

What has Hillary ever been convicted of? NaziCon ignorance, lies, fake news, and conspiracy theories don't count.
Hasn't stopped you with your lack evidence from doing the same towards Trump. But I expect nothing else from a Maddow sock.
I'm more interested in the corruption and abuse of federal agencies to favor the Democratic party candidate and spy on their opponents. They can go dig up all the dirt they want, but they can't use taxpayer money and government agencies to do their dirty work.
Hasn't stopped you with your lack evidence from doing the same towards Trump. But I expect nothing else from a Maddow sock.
Carter Page Met Russian Politician Behind Uranium One Deal During Trump Campaign
Source: The Stern Facts

Trump Campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page met last year with one of Russia’s Deputy Prime Ministers, who sat on Rosatom’s board of directors and was active in their acquisition of a controlling stake in Uranium One.

Carter Page is an energy consultant, Rosatom is the state-run Russian nuclear energy monopoly, and Arkady Dvorkavich served on its Board of Directors in 2010 and from at least 2009, until his departure in 2012.

The Democratic Coalition’s Scott Dworkin discovered photographic proof of the New Economic School’s graduation ceremony in Moscow earlier this year. (embedded below)

Dvorkovich is considered one of Putin’s closest aides in the Kremlin today.
Carter Page obtained Trump campaign permission to travel to Moscow during the height of the 2016 election campaign

Read more: Carter Page Met Russian Politician Behind Uranium One Deal During Trump Campaign

Scott Dworkin @funder

#BREAKING: Carter Page met with Russian politician behind Uranium One deal while working for Trump campaign #AMJoy …

5:44 PM - Oct 27, 2017

Carter Page Met Russian Politician Behind Uranium One Deal During Trump Campaign
Trump Campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page met last year with one of Russia’s Deputy Prime Ministers, who sat on Rosatom’s board of…
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?
Here is a bigger question. Why are you not holding them guilty like you did Trump on the mere suggestion of wrong doing?
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion, but the better question is, if they are guilty of collusion will you hold them accountable or gloss right over it?
if they are guilty of collusion

Let's be clear -- because if one is going to talk about the matter in terms of whether one can be prosecuted for it, the details and nuances matter, and they matter a lot -- legally speaking, there is no crime called "collusion," so nobody can be guilty of collusion.

That there is no crime in the U.S. Code called "collusion" is a critical to note because it means no prosecutor can bring a charge for collusion. Prosecutors must charge alleged offenders with having committed a specific criminal act(s). They are not permitted, as are laymen, to play "fast and loose" with the charges they bring. Accordingly, to be charged with a crime, it must be possible to identify precisely the Code provision one violated, and there is no Code provision that prohibits collusion.

What collusion is, is an act, but not a criminal act. Specifically, it is (source):
An act that is illegal is conspiracy, and, legally, conspiracy is not the same thing as collusion, most notably in that it is a criminal act. Conspiracy is:
  • A combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act, or some act which is innocent in itself, but becomes unlawful when done by the concerted action of the conspirators, or for the purpose of using criminal or unlawful means to the commission of an act not in itself unlawful.
While to laymen, collusion and conspiracy may seem the same, attorneys of all stripes know well that, in a court of law, they are not. They are not, in part, because of the nature of definitional practice in law: what is meant in a legal definition, which is the one that applies in a courtroom, is exactly what is said, not more and not less.

That practice is primarily why exists the term "legalese." One must 100% understand every bit term, every combination of terms, every punctuation mark's role in a given passage, every bit of context, every nuanced difference and similarity between/among terms, and, like it or not, lawyers are the only people taught all of that stuff. (The rest of us can certainly research that stuff, but it's time consuming to do so, all the more so if one has no formal legal training of any sort.)

While the above is presented to add a bit of clarity, the fact remains that Robert Mueller and every other attorney knows that no charge of collusion will be brought against anyone.

I don't think there is enough information yet to form an educated opinion

Would that more people who are not privy to the fully body of information on the matter, along with those who have no legal training -- not the least of whom is Donald Trump -- were to exercise the level of intellectual and discursive integrity you have in refraining from forming, at this point in time, a conclusion on the matter....
The term "collusion" was invented by the idiotic criminal conspiracy in the media as a tool to beat up the Trump administration. There is no such word in the criminal code. If you want to turn it on democrats you have to define it and set the rules.
I don't think so, but I'm waiting for credible legal experts to specifically address the question. What do you think? Why or why not?
Collusion with who? Putin? LOL

Uh no

The Steele Dossier was to protect America, not destroy it like trump did being Putin's bitch.

The Dossier also STOPPED trump from surrendering the USofA to Russia.

You should thank Steele.
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Hasn't stopped you with your lack evidence from doing the same towards Trump. But I expect nothing else from a Maddow sock.
Carter Page Met Russian Politician Behind Uranium One Deal During Trump Campaign
Source: The Stern Facts

Trump Campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page met last year with one of Russia’s Deputy Prime Ministers, who sat on Rosatom’s board of directors and was active in their acquisition of a controlling stake in Uranium One.

Carter Page is an energy consultant, Rosatom is the state-run Russian nuclear energy monopoly, and Arkady Dvorkavich served on its Board of Directors in 2010 and from at least 2009, until his departure in 2012.

The Democratic Coalition’s Scott Dworkin discovered photographic proof of the New Economic School’s graduation ceremony in Moscow earlier this year. (embedded below)

Dvorkovich is considered one of Putin’s closest aides in the Kremlin today.
Carter Page obtained Trump campaign permission to travel to Moscow during the height of the 2016 election campaign

Read more: Carter Page Met Russian Politician Behind Uranium One Deal During Trump Campaign

Scott Dworkin @funder

#BREAKING: Carter Page met with Russian politician behind Uranium One deal while working for Trump campaign #AMJoy …

5:44 PM - Oct 27, 2017

Carter Page Met Russian Politician Behind Uranium One Deal During Trump Campaign
Trump Campaign foreign policy advisor Carter Page met last year with one of Russia’s Deputy Prime Ministers, who sat on Rosatom’s board of…
Never happened.

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