Are Democrats principled?

Older, Rural, and Republican Americans Are More Likely to Own Guns

The study found that gun ownership is highest among those over 50 years of age (40 percent) and lowest among young adults (26 percent), while ownership among middle-aged adults mimics the overall trend. At 51 percent, gun ownership is far more likely among rural residents than all others and lowest in urban areas (25 percent). It's also far more likely among those who affiliate with the Republican party (49 percent) than among those who are Independents (37 percent) or Democrats (22 percent). Ownership by ideology -- conservative, moderate, and liberal -- shows the same distribution.

White People Are Twice as Likely to Own Guns Than Blacks and Hispanics

The really surprising result given the way violence is present within racial stereotypes has to do with race. White adults are twice as likely to have guns at home than are blacks and Hispanics. While the overall rate of ownership among whites is 41 percent, it is just 19 percent among blacks and 20 percent among Hispanics. In other words, while more than 1 in 3 white adults lives in a house with guns, just 1 in 5 black or Hispanics adults do the same. It is gun ownership among white people, then, that drives the national rate up to 34 percent.

However, despite this disparity in ownership by race, blacks and Hispanics are far more likely than whites to be the victims of gun homicide. That rate is highest for Blacks, which is likely influenced by the over-representation of homicide by police among this racial group, especially since they are the racial group least likely to actually own guns.

Pew's data also reveal a significant trend at the intersection of race and geography: nearly half of all white southerners have guns in the home. (The low rate of ownership among blacks in the south brings the overall rate for the region down by nine percentage points.)

Gun Owners Are More Likely to Identify as a "Typical American"

Perhaps most fascinating (and troubling) among the findings is the set of data that show a connection between gun ownership and American values and identity. Those who own guns are more likely than the general population to identify as "a typical American," to claim "honor and duty" as core values, and to say that they "often feel proud to be American." And, while those who own guns are also more likely to consider themselves "outdoor" people, just 37 percent of gun owners identify as hunters, fishers, or sportsmen. This finding would seem to debunk the "common sense" notion that people keep firearms for hunting. In fact, most do not actually hunt with them.

As I said sparky, anytime you motherfuckers feel froggy go ahead and jump. We STAY ready.
Bill Clinton used the dixie flag as a campaign symbol.
Will the Dems take down his statues?
View attachment 349501
View attachment 349503
About as principaled as Republicans.
The Dems have proven over and over that they don't have any real principles.

And yet Democrats manage not to crimes of corruption, or abuse of power while in the White House - Something that no Republican President in the past 50 years can claim.

OH MY WORD. Were you asleep during the entire Clinton presidency? He had scandal after scandal after scandal, for the entire eight years. And by the way, his scandals go way back to his days as governor of Arkansas, and even before that. Stop stating blatantly ignorant things.
Bill Clinton used the dixie flag as a campaign symbol.
Will the Dems take down his statues?
View attachment 349501
View attachment 349503
About as principaled as Republicans.
The Dems have proven over and over that they don't have any real principles.

And yet Democrats manage not to crimes of corruption, or abuse of power while in the White House - Something that no Republican President in the past 50 years can claim.

OH MY WORD. Were you asleep during the entire Clinton presidency? He had scandal after scandal after scandal, for the entire eight years. And by the way, his scandals go way back to his days as governor of Arkansas, and even before that. Stop stating blatantly ignorant things.
She’s just parroting what the MSM told her. She believes every word, as do many on the left. They tell her Ears was scandal free too, yet it was one scandal after another.

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