Are GOPers and righwtingers really conservatives?

CG never gets on the right, she's far right in a lot of her views since she supports the Tea Baggers. Harry you're full of it, anyway, that coward Oddball has yet to post his positions.
I didn't start the thread and my beliefs on the proper role of gubmint are widely known.

Speaking of cowardice, why is it that you need to deflect onto others when called out on the nature of your true collectivist authoritarian proclivities?

now you run like a coward after your skirt has been lifted up, you positions are far right by default and thus do not represent true conservatives.
I'm not running anywhere, deflectasaurus rex.

You started the thread and it's up to you to define how you're defining "conservative" here.

I pretty much reject the moniker myself, in favor of libertarian, mainly because of phony poseur left wing big gubmint nanny-statist "conservatives", like you, Jake the fake and Colin Powell.
Ignoring Liarbility's trolling, I have seen no positions in this forum befitting of *TRUE* conservatives which is conservatism as practiced by right of center conservatives, anything beyond right of center is far right and non-productive. Most imbeciles believe that attacks anything by Democrats makes them "conservative," as if that really does, thats the kind of "conservative" that CG, teabaggersamurai, Liarability, Claudette and especially Senile Ollie and Divecon are.

Except that I have in fact defended the left on this board. Mainly against idiotic claims by TeaPartySamurai. Keep lying about me if it makes you feel justified but you are, as usual, completely wrong.
Ignoring Liarbility's trolling, I have seen no positions in this forum befitting of *TRUE* conservatives which is conservatism as practiced by right of center conservatives, anything beyond right of center is far right and non-productive. Most imbeciles believe that attacks anything by Democrats makes them "conservative," as if that really does, thats the kind of "conservative" that CG, teabaggersamurai, Liarability, Claudette and especially Senile Ollie and Divecon are.

FYI; The gop is right of center and no longer conservative enough for many former members.

If you think the gop is right of you, that puts you in the middle or to the left.
CG never gets on the right, she's far right in a lot of her views since she supports the Tea Baggers. Harry you're full of it, anyway, that coward Oddball has yet to post his positions.

Again, why don't you ask TeaPartySamurai how many times I've slapped her for her out and out stupidity? More times than I can count. The proof is there, on this board, for anyone who cares to look for it. Shame that the facts won't fit your fiction.

Charlie, you are - simply - wrong. Stop the bullshit.

I saw your posts myself, you never get on the right, but you slam anything that isn't far right s being liberal, stop hiding CG, either you're far right as you portray or you're a lefty trolling as a rightie.

That's fucking bullshit. And you make yourself look stupid.
Again, why don't you ask TeaPartySamurai how many times I've slapped her for her out and out stupidity? More times than I can count. The proof is there, on this board, for anyone who cares to look for it. Shame that the facts won't fit your fiction.

Charlie, you are - simply - wrong. Stop the bullshit.

I saw your posts myself, you never get on the right, but you slam anything that isn't far right s being liberal, stop hiding CG, either you're far right as you portray or you're a lefty trolling as a rightie.

That's fucking bullshit. And you make yourself look stupid.

thats the 257th time that you've used the f-word CG, I've been keeping track and you know what I said was right, I haven't seen you take on the right, you're hiding something CG, but at least you have courage, unlike that bootlicking coward sodomite Oddball, who refuses to state his positions.
Ignoring Liarbility's trolling, I have seen no positions in this forum befitting of *TRUE* conservatives which is conservatism as practiced by right of center conservatives, anything beyond right of center is far right and non-productive. Most imbeciles believe that attacks anything by Democrats makes them "conservative," as if that really does, thats the kind of "conservative" that CG, teabaggersamurai, Liarability, Claudette and especially Senile Ollie and Divecon are.
FYI; The gop is right of center and no longer conservative enough for many former members.
If you think the gop is right of you, that puts you in the middle or to the left.
The GOP is now where the Dems were ~25 years ago.
I didn't start the thread and my beliefs on the proper role of gubmint are widely known.

Speaking of cowardice, why is it that you need to deflect onto others when called out on the nature of your true collectivist authoritarian proclivities?

now you run like a coward after your skirt has been lifted up, you positions are far right by default and thus do not represent true conservatives.
I'm not running anywhere, deflectasaurus rex.

You started the thread and it's up to you to define how you're defining "conservative" here.

I pretty much reject the moniker myself, in favor of libertarian, mainly because of phony poseur left wing big gubmint nanny-statist "conservatives", like you, Jake the fake and Colin Powell.

Jake is a true con and so is Colin Powell, libertarians are far rightwingers who are afraid to admit the far rightisms.
I saw your posts myself, you never get on the right, but you slam anything that isn't far right s being liberal, stop hiding CG, either you're far right as you portray or you're a lefty trolling as a rightie.

That's fucking bullshit. And you make yourself look stupid.

thats the 257th time that you've used the f-word CG, I've been keeping track and you know what I said was right, I haven't seen you take on the right, you're hiding something CG, but at least you have courage, unlike that bootlicking coward sodomite Oddball, who refuses to state his positions.
holy shit
obsess much?
now you run like a coward after your skirt has been lifted up, you positions are far right by default and thus do not represent true conservatives.
I'm not running anywhere, deflectasaurus rex.

You started the thread and it's up to you to define how you're defining "conservative" here.

I pretty much reject the moniker myself, in favor of libertarian, mainly because of phony poseur left wing big gubmint nanny-statist "conservatives", like you, Jake the fake and Colin Powell.

Jake is a true con and so is Colin Powell, libertarians are far rightwingers who are afraid to admit the far rightisms.
Right..."Far righters" are all for abolishing DHS, TSA, ending the foolhardy "war" on (some) drugs, nation building, American military deployment in over 120 nations....

Face it, you have zero idea what you're babbling about or how you're going to define your "conservativism", without smoking yourself out as the closet LBJ leftist that you are
Ignoring Liarbility's trolling, I have seen no positions in this forum befitting of *TRUE* conservatives which is conservatism as practiced by right of center conservatives, anything beyond right of center is far right and non-productive. Most imbeciles believe that attacks anything by Democrats makes them "conservative," as if that really does, thats the kind of "conservative" that CG, teabaggersamurai, Liarability, Claudette and especially Senile Ollie and Divecon are.
FYI; The gop is right of center and no longer conservative enough for many former members.
If you think the gop is right of you, that puts you in the middle or to the left.
The GOP is now where the Dems were ~25 years ago.

That's a fact.

Here, you wanna know where you stand? and can post it;

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 4.62 That puts me near center right.
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.00 with a touch of libertarian.

The Political Compass - Test

It's been done a few times. But it never gets old. :lol:
When Oddball and Harry Dredsen man up and state their positions I'll state mine.

i havent been asked......ok here goes........

Politically i would say i am a Liberal Republican or a Conservative Democrat.....

i cant stand both Political Parties....both right now are killing this Country.....

i am all for EVERYONE having Healthcare.....its just how to get it to 300 million people.....its not as easy as the pro-Healthcare People make it sound.....

i am all for Regulating the Ins. Companies were they CANNOT turn down pre-existing Conditions....and they Cannot drop you if you develop a disease they dont like...and if the existing Ins. Company's cannot abide by these two regulations....then get out of the business.....

i think the Media creates a hell of a lot of our Problems by putting their Spins on every story they the news as it happens.....or get out of the business....

im against Illegal Immigration....

i think our Justice System is a very Hypocritical one in many cases.....and i think VIOLENT Felons should be treated as such.....

im all for preserving the Environment.....i think Global Warming is not as bad as Al Gore and his followers say it is....but i think its worse than what the nay sayers say it is....but it should be studied and we definitely should be looking for alternative energy sources....

all for Education....

all for getting this Economy back up and going .....and i dont care who the Architect of that may be....i just hope it happens....soon....

all for Science and Technology.....

Religion wise probobly an never know...

all for studying History.....something many HS kids today lack.....

i see nothing wrong with the Govt. promoting a Healthy Lifestyle......this Country could use it.....

all for a STRONG Military.....

i have no problems with any race.....they all have their assholes and good people....

im against giving any kind of aide to 3 rd World Countries outside of Humanitarian aide...

we should have never gone into Iraq.....been against it from day one....

i dont care if Gays get Married.....i have met some very nice gay Couples.....

i dont know if i missed anything.......

ok Bass.....your serve....

We have similar views in everything except:

-I don't care if sodomites get married either, but I don't support at the same time, neither do I support homosexuality being promoted.

-I'm pro-taking care of *ALL* Americans first before taking care of foreigners

- I'm against abortions except in the case when the health of the mother is at risk.

-I'm against America meddling the affairs of countries just so we can take over and control these countries and their resources, which really means I'm against 21st century neocolonialism.

-I'm against unrestricted, unregulated capitalism which creates a bigger gulf between haves and have nots.

-I'm for education overhaul and believe more emphasis needs to be placed upon reading, writing and mathematics because without those three no one can learn anything.

- I'm anti death penalty since the justice systems disproportionately sentences minorities to death more than whites

-I'm for government health care for those who can't afford the more expensive insurance and or only as a voluntary option and I do not believe health care companies should refuse people with pre-existing conditions, nor do I believe insurance companies have the right to selective pick and chose what they want to cover just so they can save money.

- I'm against the war on drugs as it currently is being "fought" because it put nearly an entire generation of black men in prison and broke up families all for naught because the strategy has been ineffective.

-I believe in tax cuts and tax breaks for small businesses and for people who want to start small businesses and none for big businesses like Walmart who wipe out the livelihoods small businesses which have served communities for years. Such small businesses make small and middle sized communities self sufficient and less dependent on federal aid.

I'm against letting foreign products flood the market and believe American good should be the predominant product in stores.

We have similar views in everything except:

-I'm pro-taking care of *ALL* Americans first before taking care of foreigners

i agree here.....

- I'm against abortions except in the case when the health of the mother is at risk.

here is one i missed....i dont like Abortions either.....but i will go by whatever the law says.....

- I'm anti death penalty since the justice systems disproportionately sentences minorities to death more than whites

i am only for the death penalty if the guy is guilty without a doubt.....but it can only be for the more violent,heartless a guy robbing a 7-11 and shooting dead the clerk....for the hell of it....

-I'm for government health care for those who can't afford the more expensive insurance and or only as a voluntary option and I do not believe health care companies should refuse people with pre-existing conditions, nor do I believe insurance companies have the right to selective pick and chose what they want to cover just so they can save money.

for a start yea....just cover for right now those without Ins......until things get better and more people are working....
I'm against the war on drugs as it currently is being "fought" because it put nearly an entire generation of black men in prison and broke up families all for naught because the strategy has been ineffective.

agreed here....a big waste of time and resources.....

-I believe in tax cuts and tax breaks for small businesses and for people who want to start small businesses and none for big businesses like Walmart who wipe out the livelihoods small businesses which have served communities for years. Such small businesses make small and middle sized communities self sufficient and less dependent on federal aid.

i agree about the small businesses....but i am not for Demonizing many do.....

I'm against letting foreign products flood the market and believe American good should be the predominant product in stores.

i agree here ....i think we should start up all those Manufacturing Factories that used to produce so much and hired so many people....AND get our Farmers producing again....
I saw your posts myself, you never get on the right, but you slam anything that isn't far right s being liberal, stop hiding CG, either you're far right as you portray or you're a lefty trolling as a rightie.

That's fucking bullshit. And you make yourself look stupid.

thats the 257th time that you've used the f-word CG, I've been keeping track and you know what I said was right, I haven't seen you take on the right, you're hiding something CG, but at least you have courage, unlike that bootlicking coward sodomite Oddball, who refuses to state his positions.

CG never makes a substantive post unless she copies and pastes it. Otherwise, all she has is her curse words. She thinks it makes her look tough, when it's obvious that it's the way all wingnuts avoid admitting their mistakes
I saw your posts myself, you never get on the right, but you slam anything that isn't far right s being liberal, stop hiding CG, either you're far right as you portray or you're a lefty trolling as a rightie.

That's fucking bullshit. And you make yourself look stupid.

thats the 257th time that you've used the f-word CG, I've been keeping track and you know what I said was right, I haven't seen you take on the right, you're hiding something CG, but at least you have courage, unlike that bootlicking coward sodomite Oddball, who refuses to state his positions.

Just because you have not seen something does not mean it does not exist, Charlie. So fuck you, mmmmk?
I'm not running anywhere, deflectasaurus rex.

You started the thread and it's up to you to define how you're defining "conservative" here.

I pretty much reject the moniker myself, in favor of libertarian, mainly because of phony poseur left wing big gubmint nanny-statist "conservatives", like you, Jake the fake and Colin Powell.

Jake is a true con and so is Colin Powell, libertarians are far rightwingers who are afraid to admit the far rightisms.
Right..."Far righters" are all for abolishing DHS, TSA, ending the foolhardy "war" on (some) drugs, nation building, American military deployment in over 120 nations....

Face it, you have zero idea what you're babbling about or how you're going to define your "conservativism", without smoking yourself out as the closet LBJ leftist that you are

None of those positions are "conservative"

No one on the far right is a conservative. They are all radicals
That's fucking bullshit. And you make yourself look stupid.

thats the 257th time that you've used the f-word CG, I've been keeping track and you know what I said was right, I haven't seen you take on the right, you're hiding something CG, but at least you have courage, unlike that bootlicking coward sodomite Oddball, who refuses to state his positions.

CG never makes a substantive post unless she copies and pastes it. Otherwise, all she has is her curse words. She thinks it makes her look tough, when it's obvious that it's the way all wingnuts avoid admitting their mistakes

I never copy and paste without a link.
thats the 257th time that you've used the f-word CG, I've been keeping track and you know what I said was right, I haven't seen you take on the right, you're hiding something CG, but at least you have courage, unlike that bootlicking coward sodomite Oddball, who refuses to state his positions.

CG never makes a substantive post unless she copies and pastes it. Otherwise, all she has is her curse words. She thinks it makes her look tough, when it's obvious that it's the way all wingnuts avoid admitting their mistakes

I never copy and paste without a link.

And you never post substance without a cut and paste
That's fucking bullshit. And you make yourself look stupid.

thats the 257th time that you've used the f-word CG, I've been keeping track and you know what I said was right, I haven't seen you take on the right, you're hiding something CG, but at least you have courage, unlike that bootlicking coward sodomite Oddball, who refuses to state his positions.
holy shit
obsess much?

Isn't it interesting how many people who disagree with me are, at the same time, totally obsessed with me!


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