Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

Even with this referendum that isn't worth one red cent by the way, they're gonna have to pony up that billion or so euros to cover that past due interest payment. That would put the banks back in business for the short term.

After that, who knows.
Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Qsts based on the above:

1.Were the "lenders" lending Greece billions because they're nice and generous lenders, or because there were profits to be made?

2. If the answer to the above is that indeed there were profits to be made, exactly what set of policies curbed the lenders' greed from making "some" profit versus "huge" profits?

The analogy is a simple one.......Greece is like the proverbial drug addict and the European banks, like the proverbial drug pushers......Should only ONE in these symbiotic relationships be held responsible???

Oh good grief. Yes, the banks are in it to make money. They make money when the loan is paid back, not when it is failed to be paid back.
Do you think banks would exist for long if they are lending other people's money and never get it back?
The progressives will now just blame rich white people. They will say Germans should be forgiving this debt and even pay it for them.

Remember how our economic crisis a while back was all caused by "greedy banks" giving too much money to people who could not pay it back? The lefties just kept repeating that lie, until they just believed it blindly.

I'm telling you, they are just going to do the same here. So if their economy just collapses, they will blame the banks and debt holders like Germany. The progressive Agenda must not take a hit, it must press on.
We certainly aren't going to let you liars control the message.

I'm not a media mogul. I cannot control any message.
Your elitist masters do that. They have already begun circulating stories about how Germany had its debt forgiven after WWII, and now the same should be done for Greece. They're going to say the Germans are being too inflexible and mean, and that they should be paying more of their "fair share" on behalf of poor countries like Greece. The socialist have already been using the term "blackmail" for conditions on receiving a loan.
It's a typical leftist tactic, play the victim and blame your political opposition for your own failures. It's worked like a charm so far, I suspect it will work again.
Almost as if they let Greece in on purpose knowing this would happen?

Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Progs can never take responsibility for their failed policies.
Just look at how so many Americans didn't pay their mortgages and defaulted. They made all their money back and then some. Not only that but they got there policies passed and will continue to reap the benefits for years to come. Greece said f*** you just like we should have to the bankers back during tarp. No thanks don't love this. They would rather get their way but don't worry about the bankers buddy will be just fine.

Keep complaining about how things are and then cry about the debt and realize that the debt is there because of how things are

Our banks got bailed out by the taxpayers, when they should of just failed.

The banks will be fine in the EU because they aren't going to throw more money down the Greek money pit. Unless of course they are forced into giving more loans out that have no chance of being paid back, which is what happened with US banks forced to give mortgages to poor bums that could never pay it back.
Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Qsts based on the above:

1.Were the "lenders" lending Greece billions because they're nice and generous lenders, or because there were profits to be made?

2. If the answer to the above is that indeed there were profits to be made, exactly what set of policies curbed the lenders' greed from making "some" profit versus "huge" profits?

The analogy is a simple one.......Greece is like the proverbial drug addict and the European banks, like the proverbial drug pushers......Should only ONE in these symbiotic relationships be held responsible???

Oh good grief. Yes, the banks are in it to make money. They make money when the loan is paid back, not when it is failed to be paid back.
Do you think banks would exist for long if they are lending other people's money and never get it back?

Simplistic response....Of course, banks are in it for the money...The freaking question that NO right winger (now defending banks) dares to address is this: HOW MUCH OF AN INTEREST RATE has been levied on these Greek loans?
Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Qsts based on the above:

1.Were the "lenders" lending Greece billions because they're nice and generous lenders, or because there were profits to be made?

2. If the answer to the above is that indeed there were profits to be made, exactly what set of policies curbed the lenders' greed from making "some" profit versus "huge" profits?

The analogy is a simple one.......Greece is like the proverbial drug addict and the European banks, like the proverbial drug pushers......Should only ONE in these symbiotic relationships be held responsible???

Oh good grief. Yes, the banks are in it to make money. They make money when the loan is paid back, not when it is failed to be paid back.
Do you think banks would exist for long if they are lending other people's money and never get it back?

Simplistic response....Of course, banks are in it for the money...The freaking question that NO right winger (now defending banks) dares to address is this: HOW MUCH OF AN INTEREST RATE has been levied on these Greek loans?

It was whatever the Greeks agreed to. I suppose you think anyone should be able to just dictate what interest they want to a bank, even after agreeing to one.

Yea, that wouldn't cause economic turmoil.
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep
Yeah man! They took mommy and daddy's money, spent it all and ain't paying it back. Stick it to the man, revolution!
I already know after 35 years debating with dumb Republicans that you guys can't even fathom where the fault or blame really lies. You didn't in the eighties nineties or two thousands so why should I expect you to now?
Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Qsts based on the above:

1.Were the "lenders" lending Greece billions because they're nice and generous lenders, or because there were profits to be made?

2. If the answer to the above is that indeed there were profits to be made, exactly what set of policies curbed the lenders' greed from making "some" profit versus "huge" profits?

The analogy is a simple one.......Greece is like the proverbial drug addict and the European banks, like the proverbial drug pushers......Should only ONE in these symbiotic relationships be held responsible???

Oh good grief. Yes, the banks are in it to make money. They make money when the loan is paid back, not when it is failed to be paid back.
Do you think banks would exist for long if they are lending other people's money and never get it back?

Simplistic response....Of course, banks are in it for the money...The freaking question that NO right winger (now defending banks) dares to address is this: HOW MUCH OF AN INTEREST RATE has been levied on these Greek loans?

It was whatever the Greeks agreed to. I suppose you think anyone should be able to just dictate what interest they want to a bank, even after agreeing to one.

Yea, that wouldn't cause economic turmoil.
Did you know that when George Bush got into office he changed the bankruptcy laws to make it harder for people to go bankrupt but easier for rich people and corporations to do the same? Well consider this grease is just going bankrupt. Just like corporations go bankrupt and renege on pensions.
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep
Yeah man! They took mommy and daddy's money, spent it all and ain't paying it back. Stick it to the man, revolution!
I already know after 35 years debating with dumb Republicans that you guys can't even fathom where the fault or blame really lies. You didn't in the eighties nineties or two thousands so why should I expect you to now?
We understand that you can't spend your way into prosperity. You believe in magic. Like a little kid.
It was whatever the Greeks agreed to. I suppose you think anyone should be able to just dictate what interest they want to a bank, even after agreeing to one.

Yea, that wouldn't cause economic turmoil.

I repeat...the analogy for this situation would be like the relationship between drug addict and drug pusher......Now, would you hold only ONE responsible or do BOTH bear responsibility?
The Greeks are saying, "Hey, we ain't paying."

The consequence is bad credit. It's just like a person walking away from their phone bill. The phone company sells the debt to a collector who calls the person up and threatens them with vocal aggression, but has no real legal power.

Once the nations of the world wake up to the fact that they can walk away from their debts, and there isn't really any global authority that can put them in debtor's prison, so to speak, then it's going to get hilarious.
Democrats figure that is the solution to the National Debt. Just don't pay it.

Problem is.....the government owes most of it to us....not China.

I don't see a scenario where a democracy like ours falls on their own sword and agrees to start making real dents in an $18+ trillion debt that was mostly incurred by the retiring baby boomers.
Did you know that when George Bush got into office he changed the bankruptcy laws to make it harder for people to go bankrupt but easier for rich people and corporations to do the same? Well consider this grease is just going bankrupt. Just like corporations go bankrupt and renege on pensions.

....true....and dare I say that Greece (like AIG) may be "too big to fail"?
I don't see a scenario where a democracy like ours falls on their own sword and agrees to start making real dents in an $18+ trillion debt that was mostly incurred by the retiring baby boomers.

......shall we just forget those trillions we wasted on the wars??? or the waste created by the Medicare Advantage give-away?
I don't see a scenario where a democracy like ours falls on their own sword and agrees to start making real dents in an $18+ trillion debt that was mostly incurred by the retiring baby boomers.

......shall we just forget those trillions we wasted on the wars??? or the waste created by the Medicare Advantage give-away?

What we should do ain't got nothing to do with it.
Am I wrong in pointing out that the defense budget continued to grow after Bush W.? We're spending more now than we did during the Iraq War

But, in fairness, there is also this report (however, the total amount is still lower than GWB's):

According to the Pentagon’s press release, the proposed budget for fiscal 2016 amounts to $585.3 billion. However, that’s merely the sum requested for the Defense Department. As defined by the Office of Management and Budget, appropriations for “national defense” also include the Energy Department’s nuclear weapons programs and assorted items in various other agencies, which together add up to $35.6 billion—putting the total request at $620.9 billion.

President Obama s enormous defense budget It favors big weapons systems and will lead to fighting among Air Force Army and Navy chiefs.
It was whatever the Greeks agreed to. I suppose you think anyone should be able to just dictate what interest they want to a bank, even after agreeing to one.

Yea, that wouldn't cause economic turmoil.

I repeat...the analogy for this situation would be like the relationship between drug addict and drug pusher......Now, would you hold only ONE responsible or do BOTH bear responsibility?

You can repeat your stupid analogy as many times as you want, it doesn't make EU banks "drug dealers". Although I will agree that progressives are as dumb crackheads.
Er...that would be the obstructionist Teapers, not the democrats.
Can somebody translate this?

Since I wasn't replying to you there is no need for a translation. However, since I am in a rather jovial mood I'll show the full context of the post you want "translated." Anyone who was breathing when the Teaper GOP shills took over the House knows that they didn't want to raise the debt ceiling to cover the cost of day to day government operations.It is the Tea Party inspired GOP controlled House that fits the characterization in my reply to Mudwhiste's post, not the democrats.
Mud is just twisting reality like most of you scumbag cons do all too frequently.



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