Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

The Greeks are saying, "Hey, we ain't paying."

The consequence is bad credit. It's just like a person walking away from their phone bill. The phone company sells the debt to a collector who calls the person up and threatens them with vocal aggression, but has no real legal power.

Once the nations of the world wake up to the fact that they can walk away from their debts, and there isn't really any global authority that can put them in debtor's prison, so to speak, then it's going to get hilarious.
The Greeks are saying, "Hey, we ain't paying."

The consequence is bad credit. It's just like a person walking away from their phone bill. The phone company sells the debt to a collector who calls the person up and threatens them with vocal aggression, but has no real legal power.

Once the nations of the world wake up to the fact that they can walk away from their debts, and there isn't really any global authority that can put them in debtor's prison, so to speak, then it's going to get hilarious.
Democrats figure that is the solution to the National Debt. Just don't pay it.

Problem is.....the government owes most of it to us....not China.
My greatest concern, at what point is Obama going to stick his nose in and send $billions of OUR money in to help bailout these leeches?
Are you kidding? The house Teapers aren't giving up SHIT. Obama can't send squat without their approval.
The Greeks are saying, "Hey, we ain't paying."

The consequence is bad credit. It's just like a person walking away from their phone bill. The phone company sells the debt to a collector who calls the person up and threatens them with vocal aggression, but has no real legal power.

Once the nations of the world wake up to the fact that they can walk away from their debts, and there isn't really any global authority that can put them in debtor's prison, so to speak, then it's going to get hilarious.
Democrats figure that is the solution to the National Debt. Just don't pay it.
Er...that would be the obstructionist Teapers, not the democrats.
The progressives will now just blame rich white people. They will say Germans should be forgiving this debt and even pay it for them.

Remember how our economic crisis a while back was all caused by "greedy banks" giving too much money to people who could not pay it back? The lefties just kept repeating that lie, until they just believed it blindly.

I'm telling you, they are just going to do the same here. So if their economy just collapses, they will blame the banks and debt holders like Germany. The progressive Agenda must not take a hit, it must press on.
We certainly aren't going to let you liars control the message.

I'm not a media mogul. I cannot control any message.
Your elitist masters do that. They have already begun circulating stories about how Germany had its debt forgiven after WWII, and now the same should be done for Greece. They're going to say the Germans are being too inflexible and mean, and that they should be paying more of their "fair share" on behalf of poor countries like Greece. The socialist have already been using the term "blackmail" for conditions on receiving a loan.
It's a typical leftist tactic, play the victim and blame your political opposition for your own failures. It's worked like a charm so far, I suspect it will work again.
Almost as if they let Greece in on purpose knowing this would happen?

Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Progs can never take responsibility for their failed policies.
Just look at how so many Americans didn't pay their mortgages and defaulted. They made all their money back and then some. Not only that but they got there policies passed and will continue to reap the benefits for years to come. Greece said f*** you just like we should have to the bankers back during tarp. No thanks don't love this. They would rather get their way but don't worry about the bankers buddy will be just fine.

Keep complaining about how things are and then cry about the debt and realize that the debt is there because of how things are
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep
Yeah man! They took mommy and daddy's money, spent it all and ain't paying it back. Stick it to the man, revolution!
Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Qsts based on the above:

1.Were the "lenders" lending Greece billions because they're nice and generous lenders, or because there were profits to be made?

2. If the answer to the above is that indeed there were profits to be made, exactly what set of policies curbed the lenders' greed from making "some" profit versus "huge" profits?

The analogy is a simple one.......Greece is like the proverbial drug addict and the European banks, like the proverbial drug pushers......Should only ONE in these symbiotic relationships be held responsible???
When Greece runs out of money, the pensions won't be paid. Salaries won't be paid. None of the welfare entitlements will be paid.

This isn't like walking away from a mortgage and moving to a new home.

Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep

That's truly bizarre. The Greeks expect other people to pay for a system with a 100% Guaranteed Fail. Much like Detroit and every other failed Progressive Utopia, once they force their productive class to leave, it's only a matter of time before the system collapses
How about instead of leaving the productive class pays their f****** taxes

How about they cut back all the social programs that caused the shit in the first place?
Had no idea that right wingers on here are all siding with the IMF....

Yes, Greece is in trouble for its excesses, such as retirement at 55 years old at full pension and the individual then getting another job holding the younger population unemployed.
HOWEVER, what the rest of the EU and other banks did, is partake in usury toward the Greeks...and THAT is precisely what the ordinary Greek citizen is objecting to' basically, they have been "enslaved" by too high an interest rate on their loans and they are telling the bankers to go screw themselves and unless they lower the rate or extend the term of their loans, they may NOT see any of the debts repaid.

Do you think that Germany will declare war on Greece over the non-payment? Keep in mind what Germany did when faced with war-reparation debts in the late 1940s and 50s.

This is so much like the housing bubble bursting.
If you cant pay the note dont take on the loan,I mean I can kind of understand some poor uneducated slob with dreams of home ownership falling for the shit....but a government?
All those politicians cared about was getting re elected and to hell with future consequences...the chickens are coming home to roost.

Well, my friend, that video you posted should be a "must-see" for all right wingers who believe that predatory lending is a left-inspired myth, and that we (and other powerful countries) have really stopped being colonists.
How about they cut back all the social programs that caused the shit in the first place?

In fairness, the Greeks have cut back......The problem was and IS, that the EU established a "unified" currency, but NOT a unified fiscal set of policies.

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