Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

You can't deny that the American bank bailout was a joke. We could have spent that money much smarter ways. But they said the sky would fall so we gave them whatever they want. Actually that's not true. Bush was going to give them whatever they wanted Obama gave them the money but put some rules on it. Bush literally wanted to hand them the money and not ask any questions or require them to do anything other than just take the money. You are a freaking idiot
LOL. Almost all economists agreed that the bank bailout was the right thing to do or it would have gotten really bad. But unlike GM they payed it back with interest, so how is that a joke?
Not paying your taxes is just an extension of the leftist belief that you can get something for nothing.

So, huge US conglomerates that pay virtually no taxes because of their bribing law makers to include loop holes in the tax code, ARE ALL "leftists"???

Amazing that these people are so illiterate as to what is going on

It's a stupid convention with two attendees, Guno and Nat.
Greece's national sport is avoiding paying taxes. That is the bottom line why the country is a failure.
When you have to keep begging for other people's money just to keep the lights on something is fucking broken in the political/social system.
The German population generally look at Greeks as a bunch or slackass Socialist losers and moochers.. This is indeed what they are.
It will be interesting to watch who Greece goes begging to next.
Ah, the eternal pessimism of right wingers and their "dependable" bashing of anything that's left of center.

It is rather ironic that the party of "less taxes" and the party of "get that government off our backs"...cannot see that Greece's main problems stem precisely from 90% of its citizens NOT paying their taxes, and from a weak central government NOT implementing economic stimuli packages.


Roads and bridges. If only Greece had roads and bridges
has anyone compared the gross debt vs gnp....greece to the us....who are they indebted too and who are we indebted too
The IMF has been charging an effective interest rate of 3.6% on its loans to Greece. This is far more than the interest rate the institution needs to meet all its costs, currently around 0.9%. If this was the actual interest rate Greece had been paying the IMF since 2010, it would have spent €2.5 billion less on payments.

Out of its lending to all countries in debt crisis between 2010 and 2014 the IMF has made a total profit of €8.4 billion, over a quarter of which is effectively from Greece. All of this money has been added to the Fund’s reserves, which now total €19 billion. These reserves would be used to meet the costs from a country defaulting on repayments. Greece’s total debt to the IMF is currently €24 billion.

Greece did not fail on its own. It was made to fail.

The banks wrecked the Greek government, and then deliberately pushed it into unsustainable debt … while revenue-generating public assets were sold off to oligarchs and international corporations

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Some perspectives (without the usual partisan slant):

1. Greece's population is less than that of Ohio
2. Greece's GDP is about that of a large US city such as Atlanta or Miami.
3. The interest rate levied by Germany and France's loans to Greece borders on usury.
4. Having such countries as Greece, Portugal and even Spain be part of the EU based on their GDPs, was more of a political scheme than an economic one.
5. After all the sabre rattling, a deal will be reached between all parties involved for 2 main reasons: Debtors would lose big if Greece completely defaults (a-la Argentina) and the EU does NOT want Russia to court Greece into its fold.
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The IMF has been charging an effective interest rate of 3.6% on its loans to Greece. This is far more than the interest rate the institution needs to meet all its costs, currently around 0.9%. If this was the actual interest rate Greece had been paying the IMF since 2010, it would have spent €2.5 billion less on payments.

Out of its lending to all countries in debt crisis between 2010 and 2014 the IMF has made a total profit of €8.4 billion, over a quarter of which is effectively from Greece. All of this money has been added to the Fund’s reserves, which now total €19 billion. These reserves would be used to meet the costs from a country defaulting on repayments. Greece’s total debt to the IMF is currently €24 billion.

That's only their IMF debt, and based on their risk profile, Greece should be paying 15% or more on any loans given to it.

Money lending isn't only about cost, its about risk, something you fail to grasp, or choose to ignore.
Some perspectives (without the usual partisan slant):

1. Greece's population is less than that of Ohio
2. Greece's GDP is about that of a large US city such as Atlanta or Miami.
3. The interest rate levied by Germany and France's loans to Greece borders on usury.
4. Having such countries as Greece, Portugal and even Spain be part of the EU based on their GDPs, was more of a political scheme than an economic one.
5. After all the sabre rattling, a deal will be reached between all parties involved for 2 main reasons: Debtors would lose big if Greece completely defaults (a-la Argentina) and the EU does NOT want Russia to court Greece into its fold.

So the lesson is that Socialism fails irrespective of the size or population of the entity that tries it
Some perspectives (without the usual partisan slant):

1. Greece's population is less than that of Ohio
2. Greece's GDP is about that of a large US city such as Atlanta or Miami.
3. The interest rate levied by Germany and France's loans to Greece borders on usury.
4. Having such countries as Greece, Portugal and even Spain be part of the EU based on their GDPs, was more of a political scheme than an economic one.
5. After all the sabre rattling, a deal will be reached between all parties involved for 2 main reasons: Debtors would lose big if Greece completely defaults (a-la Argentina) and the EU does NOT want Russia to court Greece into its fold.

So the lesson is that Socialism fails irrespective of the size or population of the entity that tries it

That kind of inane response shows the failure of the educational system in this country.

Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep

Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep

That's truly bizarre. The Greeks expect other people to pay for a system with a 100% Guaranteed Fail. Much like Detroit and every other failed Progressive Utopia, once they force their productive class to leave, it's only a matter of time before the system collapses

Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep

That's truly bizarre. The Greeks expect other people to pay for a system with a 100% Guaranteed Fail. Much like Detroit and every other failed Progressive Utopia, once they force their productive class to leave, it's only a matter of time before the system collapses
How about instead of leaving the productive class pays their f****** taxes

Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep

That's truly bizarre. The Greeks expect other people to pay for a system with a 100% Guaranteed Fail. Much like Detroit and every other failed Progressive Utopia, once they force their productive class to leave, it's only a matter of time before the system collapses
So you sided with and agreed with the bankers that were too big to fail back in 2007?
Greece's troubles are directly related to what happens when liberals train a population to look to the government for their well being and livlihood.
Some perspectives (without the usual partisan slant):

1. Greece's population is less than that of Ohio
2. Greece's GDP is about that of a large US city such as Atlanta or Miami.
3. The interest rate levied by Germany and France's loans to Greece borders on usury.
4. Having such countries as Greece, Portugal and even Spain be part of the EU based on their GDPs, was more of a political scheme than an economic one.
5. After all the sabre rattling, a deal will be reached between all parties involved for 2 main reasons: Debtors would lose big if Greece completely defaults (a-la Argentina) and the EU does NOT want Russia to court Greece into its fold.

So the lesson is that Socialism fails irrespective of the size or population of the entity that tries it

That kind of inane response shows the failure of the educational system in this country.

How so? And Please be specific. At least as specific as your intellectual limitations allow... .

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