Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

Some perspectives (without the usual partisan slant):

1. Greece's population is less than that of Ohio
2. Greece's GDP is about that of a large US city such as Atlanta or Miami.
3. The interest rate levied by Germany and France's loans to Greece borders on usury.
4. Having such countries as Greece, Portugal and even Spain be part of the EU based on their GDPs, was more of a political scheme than an economic one.
5. After all the sabre rattling, a deal will be reached between all parties involved for 2 main reasons: Debtors would lose big if Greece completely defaults (a-la Argentina) and the EU does NOT want Russia to court Greece into its fold.

So the lesson is that Socialism fails irrespective of the size or population of the entity that tries it
Things were going fine before bushanomics was implemented. Or reaganomics. Also notice the debt doubled under them too. This is happening all over the world. This is not an American or Greek phenomenon its divide and conquer. If we accept your premise in Greece or America then we are saying that poor people are what ruined the economy and we all know thats not true.

Do poor people in Greece and America contribute towards the debt? Of course, but its so much more than that.

Why did we turn the federal reserve over to private bankers in 1913? Do you want to go back to the gold standard? Do you want to stop borrowing from china? Do you want to stop spending so much on defense?
Isn't that what we do? Have? A progressive tax system? Of course the rich subsidize the poor. Always have and should.
Now Reader, as you read the Left's Rationalizations regarding the impending collapse of the Greek Culture... understand that what you're witnessing is THE REASON for the impending collapse of the US Culture.
The progressives will now just blame rich white people. They will say Germans should be forgiving this debt and even pay it for them.

Remember how our economic crisis a while back was all caused by "greedy banks" giving too much money to people who could not pay it back? The lefties just kept repeating that lie, until they just believed it blindly.

I'm telling you, they are just going to do the same here. So if their economy just collapses, they will blame the banks and debt holders like Germany. The progressive Agenda must not take a hit, it must press on.
The progressives will now just blame rich white people. They will say Germans should be forgiving this debt and even pay it for them.

Remember how our economic crisis a while back was all caused by "greedy banks" giving too much money to people who could not pay it back? The lefties just kept repeating that lie, until they just believed it blindly.

I'm telling you, they are just going to do the same here. So if their economy just collapses, they will blame the banks and debt holders like Germany. The progressive Agenda must not take a hit, it must press on.
We certainly aren't going to let you liars control the message.
Or fools because you have to know you're wrong to be lying. I'm out of here. There's so much these right wingers don't understand and never will I can see debate is pointless. Their like rabbid dogs rested after the holidays. Lol
Well We certainly aren't going to let you liars control the message.

Reader, what she is saying is that they; the Relativists, cannot afford to allow truth to discredit the Deceit and FRAUD that they are directing toward the Ignorant.
The progressives will now just blame rich white people. They will say Germans should be forgiving this debt and even pay it for them.

Remember how our economic crisis a while back was all caused by "greedy banks" giving too much money to people who could not pay it back? The lefties just kept repeating that lie, until they just believed it blindly.

I'm telling you, they are just going to do the same here. So if their economy just collapses, they will blame the banks and debt holders like Germany. The progressive Agenda must not take a hit, it must press on.
We certainly aren't going to let you liars control the message.

I'm not a media mogul. I cannot control any message.
Your elitist masters do that. They have already begun circulating stories about how Germany had its debt forgiven after WWII, and now the same should be done for Greece. They're going to say the Germans are being too inflexible and mean, and that they should be paying more of their "fair share" on behalf of poor countries like Greece. The socialist have already been using the term "blackmail" for conditions on receiving a loan.
It's a typical leftist tactic, play the victim and blame your political opposition for your own failures. It's worked like a charm so far, I suspect it will work again.

Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep

That's truly bizarre. The Greeks expect other people to pay for a system with a 100% Guaranteed Fail. Much like Detroit and every other failed Progressive Utopia, once they force their productive class to leave, it's only a matter of time before the system collapses
So you sided with and agreed with the bankers that were too big to fail back in 2007?

I'm against FDIC insurance in the first place. I think grown ups can fund a bank with their own money and do whatever they want on this side of the law; if they win they get the profits, if they lose, that's their problem, not the taxpayers.

The Single Family home loan operations of Fannie and Freddie should have been closed forever and never allowed to get back into business.

Merrill Lynch, Bear Stearns and Lehmann Bros were all vaporized. Bush had many chances to channel the wisdom of Calvin Coolidge and passed up every opportunity. He gave conservative an undeserved black eye because he was never one of us

Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep
Guess the truth does matter much here.

Greeks are too busy collecting disability to pay their this is what they got.

Yay team.....fuck the rich!!!!
Some perspectives (without the usual partisan slant):

1. Greece's population is less than that of Ohio
2. Greece's GDP is about that of a large US city such as Atlanta or Miami.
3. The interest rate levied by Germany and France's loans to Greece borders on usury.
4. Having such countries as Greece, Portugal and even Spain be part of the EU based on their GDPs, was more of a political scheme than an economic one.
5. After all the sabre rattling, a deal will be reached between all parties involved for 2 main reasons: Debtors would lose big if Greece completely defaults (a-la Argentina) and the EU does NOT want Russia to court Greece into its fold.

So the lesson is that Socialism fails irrespective of the size or population of the entity that tries it
Things were going fine before bushanomics was implemented. Or reaganomics. Also notice the debt doubled under them too. This is happening all over the world. This is not an American or Greek phenomenon its divide and conquer. If we accept your premise in Greece or America then we are saying that poor people are what ruined the economy and we all know thats not true.

Do poor people in Greece and America contribute towards the debt? Of course, but its so much more than that.

Why did we turn the federal reserve over to private bankers in 1913? Do you want to go back to the gold standard? Do you want to stop borrowing from china? Do you want to stop spending so much on defense?

Bush was a our president.

What Greece is suffering under is a world wide Socialist movement that is beginning to engulf the United States.

They are showing us that if the majority of the people in a country are collecting entitlements or benefits from the government their bills pile up because of lack of revenue. Not enough Greeks paying taxes. Too many living off of the government teet.
Had no idea that right wingers on here are all siding with the IMF....

Yes, Greece is in trouble for its excesses, such as retirement at 55 years old at full pension and the individual then getting another job holding the younger population unemployed.
HOWEVER, what the rest of the EU and other banks did, is partake in usury toward the Greeks...and THAT is precisely what the ordinary Greek citizen is objecting to' basically, they have been "enslaved" by too high an interest rate on their loans and they are telling the bankers to go screw themselves and unless they lower the rate or extend the term of their loans, they may NOT see any of the debts repaid.

Do you think that Germany will declare war on Greece over the non-payment? Keep in mind what Germany did when faced with war-reparation debts in the late 1940s and 50s.
The progressives will now just blame rich white people. They will say Germans should be forgiving this debt and even pay it for them.

Remember how our economic crisis a while back was all caused by "greedy banks" giving too much money to people who could not pay it back? The lefties just kept repeating that lie, until they just believed it blindly.

I'm telling you, they are just going to do the same here. So if their economy just collapses, they will blame the banks and debt holders like Germany. The progressive Agenda must not take a hit, it must press on.
We certainly aren't going to let you liars control the message.

I'm not a media mogul. I cannot control any message.
Your elitist masters do that. They have already begun circulating stories about how Germany had its debt forgiven after WWII, and now the same should be done for Greece. They're going to say the Germans are being too inflexible and mean, and that they should be paying more of their "fair share" on behalf of poor countries like Greece. The socialist have already been using the term "blackmail" for conditions on receiving a loan.
It's a typical leftist tactic, play the victim and blame your political opposition for your own failures. It's worked like a charm so far, I suspect it will work again.
Almost as if they let Greece in on purpose knowing this would happen?
All I can say is way to go Greeks. The Rich and powerful said do what we say or else and the Greeks said f*** you. in America when the banker said give us all your money or else we bent over and took it because we are sheep

Yeah!!! Eat the rich!
So now that Greece has said "FUCK YOU" to those who have funded their decades long party, their patsies are about to return the sentiment. Stay tuned for the collapse of Greece into 2nd (or 3rd) World status. Way to go guys. WooHoo.
Yes, Greece is in trouble for its excesses, such as retirement at 55 years old at full pension and the individual then getting another job holding the younger population unemployed.
HOWEVER, what the rest of the EU and other banks did, is partake in usury toward the Greeks...

Typical whiny, sniveling loony leftist excuses. Greeks were content to live beyond their means as long as others were paying for it. No one forced them to accept that money or the terms. It was a road they CHOSE, just as they unilaterally CHOSE to fail to implement the bailout required reforms - reforms which could have led them to prosperity - and CHOSE instead to crash and burn. Unless you are going to bail them out they will now have to embrace the responsible socio-economic policies they have assiduously avoided because those who have been burned are done.
It's a typical leftist tactic, play the victim and blame your political opposition for your own failures. It's worked like a charm so far, I suspect it will work again.
Almost as if they let Greece in on purpose knowing this would happen?

:lmao: Yeah ... what a great plan! Bailout Greece to the tune of nearly $400bil just to force them to renege and go full deadbeat.
You really thought that bit of stupidity through!
The progressives will now just blame rich white people. They will say Germans should be forgiving this debt and even pay it for them.

Remember how our economic crisis a while back was all caused by "greedy banks" giving too much money to people who could not pay it back? The lefties just kept repeating that lie, until they just believed it blindly.

I'm telling you, they are just going to do the same here. So if their economy just collapses, they will blame the banks and debt holders like Germany. The progressive Agenda must not take a hit, it must press on.
We certainly aren't going to let you liars control the message.

I'm not a media mogul. I cannot control any message.
Your elitist masters do that. They have already begun circulating stories about how Germany had its debt forgiven after WWII, and now the same should be done for Greece. They're going to say the Germans are being too inflexible and mean, and that they should be paying more of their "fair share" on behalf of poor countries like Greece. The socialist have already been using the term "blackmail" for conditions on receiving a loan.
It's a typical leftist tactic, play the victim and blame your political opposition for your own failures. It's worked like a charm so far, I suspect it will work again.
Almost as if they let Greece in on purpose knowing this would happen?

Yes of course, because banks love it when they lend out billions that don't get paid back.

Thanks for proving my point, that lefties will now say Greece was a victim of "predatory" bank practices and it's really the fault of the lenders.

Progs can never take responsibility for their failed policies.

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