Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?


Greece is in for some tough times because they've discovered that Socialism just doesn't work for everyone....especially when you have more people unemployed than working. 61% of voters said no to working with Europe and thus suffering through more austerity measures just to stay in the Euro.

I'm not really sure what they want to do because they've fallen for the trappings of socialism and yet don't want to pay the bills.


Is this what's in store for the United States?

Leave it up to Democrats....


....if we hit $24 trillion in debt....this is us.
Neither does not paying taxes. Not paying taxes is why Greece is in the spot there in. Note by the way it is the communist and socialist who voted no yesterday in Greece dummy

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. It's the fault of the Kulaks
You can't deny that the American bank bailout was a joke. We could have spent that money much smarter ways. But they said the sky would fall so we gave them whatever they want. Actually that's not true. Bush was going to give them whatever they wanted Obama gave them the money but put some rules on it. Bush literally wanted to hand them the money and not ask any questions or require them to do anything other than just take the money. You are a freaking idiot
Two entirely different issues.
Nice non sequitur...
You lefties will do and say anything in defense of the socialist utopia.
You can't deny that the American bank bailout was a joke. We could have spent that money much smarter ways. But they said the sky would fall so we gave them whatever they want. Actually that's not true. Bush was going to give them whatever they wanted Obama gave them the money but put some rules on it. Bush literally wanted to hand them the money and not ask any questions or require them to do anything other than just take the money. You are a freaking idiot

Absolute crock of sh*t.
Completely false.
Obama to this day still provides $40,000,000 a month in free money to the financial system.
Obama has handed the wealthiest corporations in America literally $trillions since he took office.
My God, how clueless can a person be?
It's $85 billion.....QEIII is also open ended.
A leftist party is in control of greece and they just said fuck you to the capitalists of the world and kicked them in the nuts

More than 60% heeded left-wing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' call to vote "no." He hopes to force Europe to hand over more money with less austerity attached, and cancel some of Greece's enormous debt.
Not going to happen. There is no "cancel" of the debt. No one just make it disappear.
The referendum means nothing. Greece will have to comply.
You righties are such simple minded dumb fucks thinking the people voted against Socialism as the thread asks

No Greek vote shocks Europe - Jul. 5 2015
Whether the Greeks voted for or against socialism or not is immaterial. The cold hard fact is the type of socialism that supports some 60% of Greeks is a dismal failure. 32 hour work weeks. govt mandated month's long vacations.....generous government 'pensions', zero out of pocket govt mandated medical care.....The money has to come from somewhere.
That somewhere has run out of money.....
You righties are such simple minded dumb fucks thinking the people voted against Socialism as the thread asks

No Greek vote shocks Europe - Jul. 5 2015
Whether the Greeks voted for or against socialism or not is immaterial. The cold hard fact is the type of socialism that supports some 60% of Greeks is a dismal failure. 32 hour work weeks. govt mandated month's long vacations.....generous government 'pensions', zero out of pocket govt mandated medical care.....The money has to come from somewhere.
That somewhere has run out of money.....

You'd think this would be a lesson to the liberals, but no...they just don't get it.
A leftist party is in control of greece and they just said fuck you to the capitalists of the world and kicked them in the nuts

They weren't "leftists" when they were borrowing the money owned by the "capitalists" and spending it.

There is no point in responding intelligently to guano. He may actually be the first poster in USMB history to be worse than Truthmatters.


You want to invoke her dumb ass back onto this site?
No WAY......I'm glad that stupid bitch is gone
Why don't you bobble heads go back to whining about gay marriage

Somehow and some way, you can rest assured that the O/P will find a way of linking Greece's problems to the ACA and blemishing of the Confederate may sound impossible, but never "underestimate" the abject stupidity of some right wingers.
Never underestimate the ability of a left wing moon bat to connect the non contiguous in order to create a new narrative.
A leftist party is in control of greece and they just said fuck you to the capitalists of the world and kicked them in the nuts

More than 60% heeded left-wing Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' call to vote "no." He hopes to force Europe to hand over more money with less austerity attached, and cancel some of Greece's enormous debt.
Not going to happen. There is no "cancel" of the debt. No one just make it disappear.
The referendum means nothing. Greece will have to comply.
File bankruptcy. Sure it will ruin their credit scores for 7 years but suck it Europe
You righties are such simple minded dumb fucks thinking the people voted against Socialism as the thread asks

No Greek vote shocks Europe - Jul. 5 2015
Whether the Greeks voted for or against socialism or not is immaterial. The cold hard fact is the type of socialism that supports some 60% of Greeks is a dismal failure. 32 hour work weeks. govt mandated month's long vacations.....generous government 'pensions', zero out of pocket govt mandated medical care.....The money has to come from somewhere.
That somewhere has run out of money.....

You'd think this would be a lesson to the liberals, but no...they just don't get it.
We told you the bank bailout and austerity cuts we've seen in Detroit, all of America got tea bagged, France, couple of middle East countries had cuts and riots now Puerto Rico and Greece.

Divide and conquer. The rich are shifting the tax burden more onto us and less onto themselves. They won't stop till they pay no taxes. It's pointless to explain it to a sheeple.
You righties are such simple minded dumb fucks thinking the people voted against Socialism as the thread asks

No Greek vote shocks Europe - Jul. 5 2015
Whether the Greeks voted for or against socialism or not is immaterial. The cold hard fact is the type of socialism that supports some 60% of Greeks is a dismal failure. 32 hour work weeks. govt mandated month's long vacations.....generous government 'pensions', zero out of pocket govt mandated medical care.....The money has to come from somewhere.
That somewhere has run out of money.....

You'd think this would be a lesson to the liberals, but no...they just don't get it.
No of course not....They all have a very high awareness of self entitlement.
Selfish and greedy. All of them
Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

They're saying F'You to Reality.
Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

They're saying F'You to Reality.
My rich brother is starting to see Greece's points. He's living in Switzerland and understands the bankers are asking for too much.

Just because us coward Lee Americans caved in and gave the bankers what they ask for when they were too big to fail back in 2007. Good for the Greeks not being pussies like America
You righties are such simple minded dumb fucks thinking the people voted against Socialism as the thread asks

No Greek vote shocks Europe - Jul. 5 2015
Whether the Greeks voted for or against socialism or not is immaterial. The cold hard fact is the type of socialism that supports some 60% of Greeks is a dismal failure. 32 hour work weeks. govt mandated month's long vacations.....generous government 'pensions', zero out of pocket govt mandated medical care.....The money has to come from somewhere.
That somewhere has run out of money.....

You'd think this would be a lesson to the liberals, but no...they just don't get it.
We told you the bank bailout and austerity cuts we've seen in Detroit, all of America got tea bagged, France, couple of middle East countries had cuts and riots now Puerto Rico and Greece.

Divide and conquer. The rich are shifting the tax burden more onto us and less onto themselves. They won't stop till they pay no taxes. It's pointless to explain it to a sheeple.
What a bunch of shit.....Utter bullshit.
Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

They're saying F'You to Reality.
My rich brother is starting to see Greece's points. He's living in Switzerland and understands the bankers are asking for too much.

Just because us coward Lee Americans caved in and gave the bankers what they ask for when they were too big to fail back in 2007. Good for the Greeks not being pussies like America



Who you callin' WE Whiteman?

As an American, my position is today, what it has always been... those who fail to do business outside of sound principle, will fail. When they fail, the failure is there own. And that includes, when their failure is the result of having accepted the bribes, of an unscrupulous cult.

Those banks that succumbed to the coercion of the Left to set aside sound, actuarial lending principles for a perverse notion of fairness, suicided the moment that they accepted guarantees against losses for doing what could only result in losses.

They should have been scuttled and their assets sold off, same with the Auto manufacturers who made their deal with the devil in the form of socialized labor, making bargains that they could never sustain.

IF that had happened, the market would have readily reset and the crisis would have come and gone inside 24 months.

But, the reset was prevented by YOU and your cult... which is fitting given that the catastrophe was caused by you and your cult.

The problem that Greece has is that its people are corrupt... it's practices inviable and its culture doomed to suffer the consequences of its profound degeneracy... AGAIN!
A good friend of mine owns significant properties in Puerto Rico... and his accounts to me of the absolutely debauched circumstances in Puerto Rico is not to be believed. Nearly without exception, every citizen of Puerto Rico is on the Government dole.

It cannot be sustained and as a result it will not.

That you're watching it collapse, should not come as a surprise to anyone.
Are Greeks Saying F' You To Socialism Or Are They Just Saying F' You To The Rest Of Europe?

They're saying F'You to Reality.
My rich brother is starting to see Greece's points. He's living in Switzerland and understands the bankers are asking for too much.

Just because us coward Lee Americans caved in and gave the bankers what they ask for when they were too big to fail back in 2007. Good for the Greeks not being pussies like America



Who you callin' WE Whiteman?

As an American, my position is today, what it has always been... those who fail to do business outside of sound principle, will fail. When they fail, the failure is there own. And that includes, when their failure is the result of having accepted the bribes, of an unscrupulous cult.

Those banks that succumbed to the coercion of the Left to set aside sound, actuarial lending principles for a perverse notion of fairness, suicided the moment that they accepted guarantees against losses for doing what could only result in losses.

They should have been scuttled and their assets sold off, same with the Auto manufacturers who made their deal with the devil in the form of socialized labor, making bargains that they could never sustain.

IF that had happened, the market would have readily reset and the crisis would have come and gone inside 24 months.

But, the reset was prevented by YOU and your cult... which is fitting given that the catastrophe was caused by you and your cult.

The problem that Greece has is that its people are corrupt... it's practices inviable and its culture doomed to suffer the consequences of its profound degeneracy... AGAIN!
Poor people and middle class people around the world did not destroy this economy the Rich did and you provided them shelter and you defended them. You still do
At the end of the day, they'll kick the can down the road again and these people who live the life of Reilly will go on with their fancy pensions and 35 vacation days/year!!


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