Are Gun Control Laws Constitutional

Are gun controls Constitutional

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The Supreme Court has found some gun control laws to be constitutional. They have also found some gun control laws to be unconstitutional. So if you want an answer to the OP question, you have to be way more specific as to the nature of gun control you are talking about.

Not true. There are those who hold to the opinion that any form of gun control is unconstitutional. That is the point of the question, if one law refutes the claim of nothing can infringe on this right, the right becomes a privilege.
You've cofused what ought to be vs what actually is.
The Supreme Court has found some gun control laws to be constitutional. They have also found some gun control laws to be unconstitutional. So if you want an answer to the OP question, you have to be way more specific as to the nature of gun control you are talking about.

Not true. There are those who hold to the opinion that any form of gun control is unconstitutional. That is the point of the question, if one law refutes the claim of nothing can infringe on this right, the right becomes a privilege.
You've cofused what ought to be vs what actually is.

Another idiot-gram ^^^
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?
Yes they had an absolute right. None of them were guilty of any crime, all of them could or did pass background checks.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever. The 2A is very clear about this.

Do you have any evidence they all passed a comprehensive background check? Even if true, and considering the source (Rabbi), nothing should be taken as true without confirmation.
Adam Lanza was still in school..
And how do you know people are crazy before they act crazy? Do people want to start forcing sane tests on us too?

Everybody knew Adam Lanza was crazy.


Lanza's family and school were well aware of his problems long before the shooting. I'm not sure the extent of his problems were known, but there was no doubt that they existed.
Everybody knew Adam Lanza was crazy. Allowing him to be around guns was wrong.

"Around guns".

So you bleev that not only should a crazy person be banned from guns, anyone he might come in contact with in his life should also be banned from guns?

Not what I said. He certainly should have been prevented from having access to guns.
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?
Yes they had an absolute right. None of them were guilty of any crime, all of them could or did pass background checks.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever. The 2A is very clear about this.

Do you have any evidence they all passed a comprehensive background check? Even if true, and considering the source (Rabbi), nothing should be taken as true without confirmation.
What is a "comprehensive" background check?
Everybody knew Adam Lanza was crazy. Allowing him to be around guns was wrong.

"Around guns".

So you bleev that not only should a crazy person be banned from guns, anyone he might come in contact with in his life should also be banned from guns?
I pretty sure that the around guns comment meant that he should not own a gun or have in his possession a gun for any reason. I doubt it meant that those around him could not own guns.

It was already pointed out before he made the "around guns" comment that Adam Lanza did not own a gun.

"Allowing him to BE AROUND guns" clearly means more than "allowing him to OWN guns". So I would like an explanation of that comment.

But then, I guess this is the critical thinking of the conservative that allows me to understand these things.
Try harder.

I should have said have access to guns. Feel better now?
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?
Yes they had an absolute right. None of them were guilty of any crime, all of them could or did pass background checks.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever. The 2A is very clear about this.

Do you have any evidence they all passed a comprehensive background check? Even if true, and considering the source (Rabbi), nothing should be taken as true without confirmation.

Says the far left drone following their religious programming!

More proof that the far left wants only the criminals to have guns..
if its ok to force testing and license and background checks for one right, then it is certainly reason to believe that the same conditions can be put on another, like voting.

Good Idea. Let's only allow only those with a four year degree from a University the right to vote. Anyone without such a degree, or holds a JD or MBA, should also be excluded.

Yes....democrats did this when blacks first tried to vote.......then the Republicans had to step in and stop them...again...
Reagan was a Republican and he and the NRA worked to make sure Black people couldnt carry weapons.
actually if you look at the crime statistics, thats really not a bad idea.
if its ok to force testing and license and background checks for one right, then it is certainly reason to believe that the same conditions can be put on another, like voting.

Good Idea. Let's only allow only those with a four year degree from a University the right to vote. Anyone without such a degree, or holds a JD or MBA, should also be excluded.

Yes....democrats did this when blacks first tried to vote.......then the Republicans had to step in and stop them...again...
Reagan was a Republican and he and the NRA worked to make sure Black people couldnt carry weapons.
actually if you look at the crime statistics, thats really not a bad idea.

But also a very false far left religious narrative..
Your idea is retarded, or do you really want Beavis and Butthead to have guns? Get a grip loser

So you want an IQ test for gun ownership? Only people smarter than you, I take it. That's a pretty low bar, so I expect you will be unable to explain how this infringement does not violate the 2nd Amendment.

"You tell dumb jokes and laugh too much. No guns for you!"
So you believe that all Americans have the right to own a gun. I'm all for the NRA, however there is not one NRA member who believes that to be the case.

So grow up Beavis
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?
Yes they had an absolute right. None of them were guilty of any crime, all of them could or did pass background checks.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever. The 2A is very clear about this.

Do you have any evidence they all passed a comprehensive background check? Even if true, and considering the source (Rabbi), nothing should be taken as true without confirmation.
Adam Lanza was still in school..
And how do you know people are crazy before they act crazy? Do people want to start forcing sane tests on us too?

Everybody knew Adam Lanza was crazy.


Lanza's family and school were well aware of his problems long before the shooting. I'm not sure the extent of his problems were known, but there was no doubt that they existed.

And he had never shown any violent behavior.........would you put Sheldon Cooper in a mental hospital?
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?
Yes they had an absolute right. None of them were guilty of any crime, all of them could or did pass background checks.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever. The 2A is very clear about this.

Do you have any evidence they all passed a comprehensive background check? Even if true, and considering the source (Rabbi), nothing should be taken as true without confirmation.
What is a "comprehensive" background check?

Any background check that prevents private citizens from owning guns......
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?
Yes they had an absolute right. None of them were guilty of any crime, all of them could or did pass background checks.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever. The 2A is very clear about this.

Do you have any evidence they all passed a comprehensive background check? Even if true, and considering the source (Rabbi), nothing should be taken as true without confirmation.
What is a "comprehensive" background check?

Any background check that prevents private citizens from owning guns......
No. Everyone buying a gun gets the same background check. But CumCatcher is such a dishonest ignorant piece of shit I suspect he's using the word "comprehensive" as an escape hatch.
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?
Yes they had an absolute right. None of them were guilty of any crime, all of them could or did pass background checks.
There should be no restrictions whatsoever. The 2A is very clear about this.

Do you have any evidence they all passed a comprehensive background check? Even if true, and considering the source (Rabbi), nothing should be taken as true without confirmation.
What is a "comprehensive" background check?

Any background check that prevents private citizens from owning guns......
No. Everyone buying a gun gets the same background check. But CumCatcher is such a dishonest ignorant piece of shit I suspect he's using the word "comprehensive" as an escape hatch.

You know the idiot wants mental health in the background check.......that way if you talk to a social worker as a teen you will be forever barred from owning or carrying a gun.....
There is no question that restrictions on freedom and the Bill of Rights fall within the Constitutional discretion of the law makers in the greatest Country in the world. It's equally Constitutional for citizens to fight against restrictions to the freedoms listed in the first ten Amendments to the Constitution aka the Bill of Rights. Most people wouldn't object to referendums regarding restrictions on the Bill of Rights freedom but it seems that the democrat party would rather issue decrees like some sort of perverted monarchy rather than leave it up to the people and the voting booth..
Post your opinion to these simple questions:

Do you believe Adam Lanza, Dylann Roof and Jared Lee Loughner (among too many others) had the absolute right to own, possess and have in their custody and control a gun prior to the murders they committed?

Should each state be granted the power to require all residents or visitors to their state, who want to own or possess a gun, to be licensed by the state?

This is a stupid thread.

You know they are not.

We are going to buy our firearms legally from Colt or in the blackmarket .

We will NOT be deprived - we will not be disarmed


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