Are "honor killings" in the U.S. a "terror attack"?

Are "honor killings" in the US a terror attack?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • No

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters
What about imposing Sharia Law? Is that political?
No, it is not political. Sharia is a code of conduct and the violation thereof drawing punishment. It is the constitution and sanction regarding conduct.
However, if a law is created and used for political purposes such as censorship, under the token of hate speech, in Europe or so called hate crime in the U.S. then it becomes political.
Islam cannot coexist with western civilization. Islam has been making trouble for centuries. We should do something about this now, while we have the upper hand.

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The thread isn't about "Islam". Or any other religion.
Well, I disagree.

Thread title mentions "honor killing" and "terrorism". Neither of those relate to religion.
What religion has followers that engage in these honor killings? It is not Christianity or the Jewish faith, moron.

Try again, moron.

It's usually a good idea to know the answer before you ask someone a question that you THINK you know the answer to.

Honor killings occur across the world and within a variety of religions. Religion has nothing to do with it.

For example, this article talks about a huge spike in honor killings recently, in India:
India has registered an almost 800 percent rise in the number of killings in the name of "honour" reported last year, according to figures presented in parliament.

Indian police registered 251 cases of honour killings in 2015, compared with 28 cases reported in 2014 when the government began counting them separately from murder, according to a statement this week by Junior Home Minister Hansraj G Ahir to India's parliament.

The surge could partly reflect more willingness by people to report such crimes, which many still consider just punishment for women and men who defy communal customs by marrying outside of their religion, clan, or caste.

Often the perpetrators are relatives seeking to punish young couples for bringing "shame" to the family.

Women's rights activists say the government must pass legislation to recognise the crime as unique in order to target perpetrators for prosecution.

This site gives a pretty good summary of honor killing and it's prevalence in different parts of the world. If it was a religious thing, you'd think you'd see it throughout the Muslim world but you don't.
As far as I know only Muslims do honor killings here in the US, looking at it from the "woman's" point of view it looks like terror, and sounds like terror to me. Women are not free to enjoy the US, if they do they are slaughtered. If beheadings of Christians is an act of terror, then murdering a daughter for assimilating is also an act of terror.
Islam cannot coexist with western civilization. Islam has been making trouble for centuries. We should do something about this now, while we have the upper hand.

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The thread isn't about "Islam". Or any other religion.
Well, I disagree.

Thread title mentions "honor killing" and "terrorism". Neither of those relate to religion.
What religion has followers that engage in these honor killings? It is not Christianity or the Jewish faith, moron.

Try again, moron.

Several are coincident, most notably Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism and an untold number of non-religious peoples.

But notice I said "coincident". In none of them, including Islam, does it have a religious function. Because --- again for the kids slow getting off the short bus ---- it's not a fucking religious ritual. It's a social one. It's literally thousands of years old and predates all of those religions, all of which prohibit it Including Islam. So when a Muslim, or a Christian, or a Hindu, commits an "honor" killing they do so in defiance of their religion. Because social influences are stronger than religions. Always were.

Take the Stupor Bowl. Please. How many Americans sat stupefied in front of it the other day? Shall we say tens of millions? And how many of them were Christians? Shall we say 90%? Shall we then conclude that watching the Stupor Bowl is a Christianism thing?

See what I did there ---- moron?

Ever hear of Henry VIII? Famous honor-killer.
There are between 23 - 27 honor killings in the US on average every year.
Honor killing in America: DOJ report says growing problem is hidden in stats

I've heard an audio tape made by one girl being shot by her dad for being "westernized", and I say it is a terror attack and should be classified as such because it is. Its not domestic violence. Its not random. When I hear that no terror attacks in the US come from those (7) countries on the "ban" list I disagree.

I voted No.

I voted No because Honour Killings have nothing to do with terrorism but everything to do with homicide, this because of a completely fucked-up in the membrane idea that a female member of the family has in some way brought dishonour on the family as a whole and the equally fucked-up in the membrane idea that only killing that female member of the family can restore honour to the family as a whole.

It has NOTHING to do with terrorism on any level.

The philosophy behind Honour Killings is purely because of the warped Patriarchal views regarding women and especially the position of women in society.

These families in pretty much ALL cases have their origins in backward nations such as Pakistan for example, where the men dominate and women are almost entirely dependent on their father and then their husband, the latter is usually chosen FOR them and the woman is expected to obey ALL males in her family and is essentially considered the property of them and not a person or an individual with any rights of their own.

Therefore the woman must submit in total to the male authority figures within her family and failure to do so can result in varying degrees of punishment depending on how severe the male authority figures deem the failure to comply, the most severe of course being the Honour Killing.

Oosie totally gets it. :bow2:

Patriarchy and naked fear of women's power is exactly what it's about.
Islam cannot coexist with western civilization. Islam has been making trouble for centuries. We should do something about this now, while we have the upper hand.

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The thread isn't about "Islam". Or any other religion.
Well, I disagree.

Thread title mentions "honor killing" and "terrorism". Neither of those relate to religion.
What religion has followers that engage in these honor killings? It is not Christianity or the Jewish faith, moron.

Try again, moron.

It's usually a good idea to know the answer before you ask someone a question that you THINK you know the answer to.

Honor killings occur across the world and within a variety of religions. Religion has nothing to do with it.

For example, this article talks about a huge spike in honor killings recently, in India:
India has registered an almost 800 percent rise in the number of killings in the name of "honour" reported last year, according to figures presented in parliament.

Indian police registered 251 cases of honour killings in 2015, compared with 28 cases reported in 2014 when the government began counting them separately from murder, according to a statement this week by Junior Home Minister Hansraj G Ahir to India's parliament.

The surge could partly reflect more willingness by people to report such crimes, which many still consider just punishment for women and men who defy communal customs by marrying outside of their religion, clan, or caste.

Often the perpetrators are relatives seeking to punish young couples for bringing "shame" to the family.

Women's rights activists say the government must pass legislation to recognise the crime as unique in order to target perpetrators for prosecution.

This site gives a pretty good summary of honor killing and it's prevalence in different parts of the world. If it was a religious thing, you'd think you'd see it throughout the Muslim world but you don't.

It's a bit like the Republicans and the 1964 Civil Rights Act mythology, where they completely ignore the overwhelmingly crucial factor of geography. A Muslim in Pakistan might be involved in an "honor killing"; a Muslim in Morocco or Indonesia, not at all likely. Meanwhile Hindus, Sikhs and Muslims are all deeply involved -- three different unrelated religions but all in a common setting -- India. Because that's where the cultural practice was entrenched and in too many cases still is.

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