Are Lefties Willing to Destroy Our Country...

Most of my physicians were making the lion's share of their income from Medicare patients during GWs enriching of the MNCs via off-shoring and Business Visas.
More and more people lost Health Insurance and the 2008 crash REALLY made the bottom drop out.
The Health Insurance Biggies got together like nice little piggies and handed their troughs over to the Administration at hand to collect what was theirs after making some healthy contributions.

Now all the Neo-Cons are crying.
I have a simple answer for you...Invest in Health oriented companies and STFU!
Now that's interesting. I thought the reason you didn't vote Republican was because you're a flaming leftist. But it's actually these posts? usual.....Fiscally I am much more conservative than most "flaming leftists".....However, your ilk's stance on social issues is akin to what was believed about 100 years ago.

Yet, you support the imbecile that is bankrupting the nation with his social programs, government health care, immigration policies, etc.

I bet you're in favor of single payer health care too. Are you?

Yep, that's Gnat. He's a totalitarian, leftist authoritarian ... fiscally conservative libertarian

or for short, he's an idiot
It's easy to brag about number of newly insured when you threaten extortion and prison time if you don't sign up for the healthcare, isn't it?

You're right....Prisons are overcrowded with a whole bunch of idiots like you who have refused to get health insurance through the ACA......Terrible, isn't it???? LOL

(what a dolt !!!)

My insurance has doubled since the ACA has been enacted. Thanks for that fiscal Conservative socialism there, Gnat. You really do tighten your belt when you support politicians who micromanage the economy.

You're a very confused little guy, no wonder your feet are flying everywhere
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Clearly they are gleefully doing so.

And when the country falls, they will blame BOOOsh and St. Ronnie.

they will take no responsibility at all and claim they kept it from being worse.
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.
shovel ready
the aca
the debt
the wars
Yippee. 22 million more government dependents. Only a liberal would find this festive

You're would be MUCH cheaper to just throw them in some concentration camp...or just shoot them on the spot, isn't that so?

Our choices are giving out free healthcare or putting them in concentration camps. LOL, tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are...
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.
shovel ready
the aca
the debt
the wars

Obama ended a war. The ACA is not a failure. The deficit is in major decline. Unemployment is falling.
Yippee. 22 million more government dependents. Only a liberal would find this festive

You're would be MUCH cheaper to just throw them in some concentration camp...or just shoot them on the spot, isn't that so?

Our choices are giving out free healthcare or putting them in concentration camps. LOL, tell me again how you're smarter than Republicans because you aren't all black and white like they are...

I'm telling ya, it's just the way those people think.
Whenever you have the two words of "force" and "government" in the same paragraph, look out, because you're about to lose some liberty.

Pity that you "lost your liberty" when you were FORCED to buy car insurance (unless you're one of those bright right wingers who can't pass the DMV test)......

Most right-wingers can pass the test. That's why you only see liberals on busses and also why we can get a voter ID while your ilk cannot.

Not only did I pass the test, but I passed the test for my Class A license as well which is why I'm working today and not on this internet like a liberal crying that I can't find a job. To save you the time to find out what Class A means, it's an endorsement to drive tractor-trailers, a test you could never pass without training and experience.

The difference between Commie Care and driving is that you have a choice whether you want to drive or not. There are alternatives like getting a ride from somebody, peddling a bike or taking a bus. If you have the money, using a cab service of some kind. My mother nor my late grandparents ever purchased car insurance because none of them ever drove a vehicle in their lives.

So what are the alternatives to Commie Care? There are none. If you can't afford insurance, the Commies will take money from you as a penalty as if you had money to begin with. See, liberals don't mind taking money from poor people when it suits their interest, but ask that we have poorer people pay something in income tax, now the liberals come out of the woodwork to tell us poor people can't afford to pay income tax.
Well, I would say that is what they are determined to do. All of them with out exception despise this country. All of their followers with out exception believe this country from its founding has been and will always illegitimate. That is what they taught in schools. That is what they all believe now. They 100% believe it is totally justifiable to lie, cheat and steal to fulfill their objectives. One, destroy the American way of life which includes a fee market enterprise and the free expression of Christianity, which is hey mock it every chance they get.

The clearest example was in 2008, when the democrats had control of the house and senate and they deliberately ignored ALL of Bush's warnings about the housing bubble. They were willing to sink this country into a devastating recession in order to win a super majority. It was a big election year after all.

They are enemies to this country and their followers are nothing more than demented brainwashed pawns of their socialist masters who are guiding this world into another caste system. Yes, the caste system has just been renamed. There is nothing new under the sun. It is socialism. Which takes power from the people and gives it to the elites (Barrons, nobles, and other forms of the upper crust of society.)

Hope this answers the rhetorical question clearly enough.
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That's why you only see liberals on busses

Come on.......isn't it "liberating" to openly admit to your racism and that most people on busses are a shade darker than you???? LOL

(You try to hide your red neck as much as possible....but it always surfaces, doesn't it)
Well, I would say that is what they are determined to do. All of them with out exception despise this country. All of their followers with out exception believe this country from its founding has been and will always illegitimate. That is what they taught in schools. That is what they all believe now. They 100% believe it is totally justifiable to lie, cheat and steal to fulfill their objectives. One, destroy the American way of life which includes a fee market enterprise and the free expression of Christianity, which is hey mock it every chance they get.

You may be dumber than a can of dried-up paint and illiterate......but you ARE funny.
What moronic right wingers always FAIL to acknowledge is that budgets, and how federal funds are to be spent, is a responsibility of CONGRESS.......the POTUS makes recommendations, but the budget is a congressional responsibility......PERIOD (and we all know who has a majority in congress, don't we?)

Here's a pie chart of the 2015 budget, right wingers:

That's why you only see liberals on busses

Come on.......isn't it "liberating" to openly admit to your racism and that most people on busses are a shade darker than you???? LOL

(You try to hide your red neck as much as possible....but it always surfaces, doesn't it)

No, there are not many red necks in Cleveland, Ohio. Maybe look it up on the map sometime and see what I'm talking about.

Most people on busses are a shade darker than me? Is that what you think I meant? Do you liberals hear voices in your heads when you read things so as to satisfy your thirst for racism? I mean, a conservative could greet you by saying "Good morning, how are you?" and you liberals would find a way to make it racist somehow.

At times when things are not going my way and I feel the weight of the world on my shoulders, I always think how grateful to God I am that he didn't make me a liberal. I can't imagine going through life with a mind that works like that. It must be torture.
It's easy to brag about number of newly insured when you threaten extortion and prison time if you don't sign up for the healthcare, isn't it?

You're right....Prisons are overcrowded with a whole bunch of idiots like you who have refused to get health insurance through the ACA......Terrible, isn't it???? LOL

(what a dolt !!!)

From the ObamaFraud website.


Of course, we all know paying the income tax is voluntary, and what happens if you don't pay.
Whenever you have the two words of "force" and "government" in the same paragraph, look out, because you're about to lose some liberty.

Pity that you "lost your liberty" when you were FORCED to buy car insurance (unless you're one of those bright right wingers who can't pass the DMV test)......

How many people who don't have a car are forced to buy car insurance?
...rather then admit that they have been dead wrong about Obama and his failed policies? He has strangled our economy, created chaos abroad and incited racial disharmony not seen in 50 years. Yet the Lefties' response is to double down by supporting candidates (Clinton and Sanders) with even more destructive ideas. Even Democrats with a modicum of common sense (e.g., Jim Webb) are shunned as apostates. Do they really want to turn the U.S. into a shit hole like the rest of the world? What would be the benefit of that, other than to salve their guilty consciences? Is there no limit to their destructive narcissism?

Name a policy that Obama has failed at.
shovel ready
the aca
the debt
the wars

Obama ended a war. The ACA is not a failure. The deficit is in major decline. Unemployment is falling.
I told the bozzo before you already, opinion doesn't equate the truth.

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