are non-whites truly american like whites

are non-whites truly american like whites

  • certain ethnic groups are and certain not (like blacks are/are not, asians are/are not etc.)

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Would you mind explaining your explanation?

i read someone saying that only "whites, blacks and native americans" are truly american because whites were the colonisers, blacks the slaves and native americans were before there etc. thats his opinions, how do you feel about that?
Whites and native Americans I can agree with, but blacks? Slave labor contributed very little to American prosperity. It was a very small part of our economy, so their role is minuscule. They should have been sent back after the Civil War. It would have been easier for blacks to adjust if they had been returned to their native countries and lived among their own kind. They would have been much happier.

You ignorance and lack of education is showing :eusa_whistle:

Now go rotate the tires on your trailer house

Great Contributions To Civilization By Black People
but in most american movies americans are portrayed as white/black and there is one white guy one black guy etc. if there is a non-white/non-black character he is usually portrayed as foreigner with accent etc. like in rush hour where the black guy is american but the chinese guy isnt

So you're basing a survey on some garbage that is put out by the racist Zionists in Hollywitz?? By that logic, ogres are all just like Shrek. Unless you've seen "Harry Potter" , then we have a conundrum for you.
We are all Mutts. Because over time our ancestors have stated, look at that fine chick over there and nature takes its course...........
I voted yes they are Americans and Americans are mutts.

Speak for your own family tree which you swung from. MY family is pure European and I'm 100% German/English with no muds polluting the gene pool.
You're broad-stroking an opinion with no facts to back it up.
The other garbage about the so-called native Americans is a lie as well. The Kinniwick Man was here 10,000 years ago, longer than the Indians.
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We are all Mutts. Because over time our ancestors have stated, look at that fine chick over there and nature takes its course...........
I voted yes they are Americans and Americans are mutts.

Speak for your own family tree which you swung from. MY family is pure European and I'm 100% German/English with no muds polluting the gene pool.
You're broad-stroking an opinion with no facts to back it up.
The other garbage about the so-called native Americans is a lie as well. The Kinniwick Man was here 10,000 years ago, longer than the Indians.


People have been doing it with different cultures since the beginning of time. Back it up with facts...........What do you want a porn flick showing Germans and Mongolians doing it..............

but in most american movies americans are portrayed as white/black and there is one white guy one black guy etc. if there is a non-white/non-black character he is usually portrayed as foreigner with accent etc. like in rush hour where the black guy is american but the chinese guy isnt

So you're basing a survey on some garbage that is put out by the racist Zionists in Hollywitz?? By that logic, ogres are all just like Shrek. Unless you've seen "Harry Potter" , then we have a conundrum for you.

there were no europeans in america ten thousand years ago but there were australian aboriginal like people.

BBC News | Sci/Tech | 'First Americans were Australian'

the native americans are certainly more indigenous to america then whites, but i wouldnt say they are the only americans but that whites are more native to the soil etc. is certainly wrong because whites have only a history of 500 years in america and native americans of ten thousand of years
We are all Mutts. Because over time our ancestors have stated, look at that fine chick over there and nature takes its course...........
I voted yes they are Americans and Americans are mutts.

Speak for your own family tree which you swung from. MY family is pure European and I'm 100% German/English with no muds polluting the gene pool.
You're broad-stroking an opinion with no facts to back it up.
The other garbage about the so-called native Americans is a lie as well. The Kinniwick Man was here 10,000 years ago, longer than the Indians.

What have I been telling you guys about Germans and people of German heritage.
We are all Mutts. Because over time our ancestors have stated, look at that fine chick over there and nature takes its course...........
I voted yes they are Americans and Americans are mutts.

Speak for your own family tree which you swung from. MY family is pure European and I'm 100% German/English with no muds polluting the gene pool.
You're broad-stroking an opinion with no facts to back it up.
The other garbage about the so-called native Americans is a lie as well. The Kinniwick Man was here 10,000 years ago, longer than the Indians.

Why do the stupidest trailer trash of Whites always claim some 100% European heritage?

The only way to substantiate such bullshit was for you to personally have been sitting in every uncle, niece, grandmother and grandfather, every cousin, etc every day of their lives to witness who they had children with for the last 200 years.

Have you done that???!!!
No you haven't you stupid dipshit, take that 100% bullshit back where your fraction of White folk masturbate one another over the internet.
Would you mind explaining the third choice?

for example you see african-americans as americans but not asian americans, or you see mexican-americans as americans but not african-americans, or you dont see pakistani americans as americans but everyone else. that means you view not all "non-whites" as the same.
Would you mind explaining your explanation?

You must be dumber than I thought. Its not a hard to understand question.
The original white founders of this country intended for it to be a white nation. You only need to look at history to figure it out. It is amazing to see the hypocrisy in a country that on one hand professes to be about liberty, freedom, etc but in all likelyhood is the most divisive and racist on the planet. The one good thing was that the founders provided a loophole where everything could be changed or adapted to present times. In that case I would say anyone can be an american with citizenship. How the founders would feel about that is open to speculation. One wonders if they are rolling over in their graves or applauding the fact of so many races/ethnicities in the US.
We are all Mutts. Because over time our ancestors have stated, look at that fine chick over there and nature takes its course...........
I voted yes they are Americans and Americans are mutts.

Speak for your own family tree which you swung from. MY family is pure European and I'm 100% German/English with no muds polluting the gene pool.
You're broad-stroking an opinion with no facts to back it up.
The other garbage about the so-called native Americans is a lie as well. The Kinniwick Man was here 10,000 years ago, longer than the Indians.

German and English chicks love Black men. The darker the better. Pretty sure you have multiple instances of African DNA in you more recently than the genes all humans have from Africa..
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please vote and discuss, this video made me think

Since many African Americans are able to trace their ancest, in what is now the United States, it is easily argued that they are several or more generations more American than many of us white people.

"The Atlantic slave trade or transatlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 16th through to the 19th centuries. The vast majority of those enslaved that were transported to the New World, many on the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, were West Africans from the central and western parts of the continent sold by West Africans to Western European slave traders, or by direct European capture to the Americas. The numbers were so great that Africans who came by way of the slave trade became the most numerous Old-World immigrants in both North and South America before the late 18th century."

Atlantic slave trade - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
There's no such thing as an African-American. You're either African or American, you can't be from two continents at the same time.
for example you see african-americans as americans but not asian americans, or you see mexican-americans as americans but not african-americans, or you dont see pakistani americans as americans but everyone else. that means you view not all "non-whites" as the same.
Would you mind explaining your explanation?

You must be dumber than I thought. Its not a hard to understand question.
He's more American than you are.
There's no such thing as an African-American. You're either African or American, you can't be from two continents at the same time.

You are a retard if you think American means you are from this continent.

American is to be born in the US, which is in America, which is a continent. Now you know.

No stupid. All that is required is that you are a citizen. Where were you educated?
You are a retard if you think American means you are from this continent.

American is to be born in the US, which is in America, which is a continent. Now you know.

No stupid. All that is required is that you are a citizen. Where were you educated?

So what are you saying? That African-Americans were all born in Africa but have US citizenship? So which part of Africa are you from?
American is to be born in the US, which is in America, which is a continent. Now you know.

No stupid. All that is required is that you are a citizen. Where were you educated?

So what are you saying? That African-Americans were all born in Africa but have US citizenship? So which part of Africa are you from?

I'm saying you are a retard if you think American means you have to be from this continent. Where were you educated? In a trailer park?
Had to answer "No", given that non-whites are more likely to be descended from natives of the continent. Thus, technically, more American.

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