Are poor whites living on a Republican Plantation? What do they get for voting GOP?

pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

What State had no healthcare providers before Obama? Did you take a stupid pill today, R-Derp?
pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

What State had no healthcare providers before Obama? Did you take a stupid pill today, R-Derp?

today ??? --LOL
pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

As for how many Senators and Congress members each State gets? It's in the Constitution you buffoon! Each State gets 2 Senators and the number of Congress members is decided by population. If a State has only one member in the House it's because they have a small population. Let me're ready to scrap the Constitution because you liberals can't control government now? Ah...poor babies!
pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

As for the usefulness of aircraft carriers against targets in the desert? Do you have any idea how many thousands of sorties have been flown by US carrier based aircraft against targets all over the Middle East? That's got to be one of the dumbest things you've EVER posted here...and that's saying something!
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

Really? Poor democrats aren't doing to well right now. Those homeless and jobless people begging on the streets for alms.. Not seeing too many Blacks , Asians or Hispanics homeless beggars.Perhaps, all these presupposed white trash ignorant hillbillies, those that actually BOTHERED to vote, they want real CHANGE? Not pandering to illegal aliens or race baiting whatzits? Wasn't that Obama's catch phrase? CHANGE? Well, that comes in different flavors...Drink up!
Last edited:
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Jobs. See, that way they make money, get non-state benefits, educate their kids, get out of poverty and have a better future.

It's all anathema to liberals. We get that.
The don't get jobs and they get lots of benefits. That's the reality. Not some weird right wing fantasy that is easily disproved.

pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

As for the usefulness of aircraft carriers against targets in the desert? Do you have any idea how many thousands of sorties have been flown by US carrier based aircraft against targets all over the Middle East? That's got to be one of the dumbest things you've EVER posted here...and that's saying something!
Yea, because Republicans attacked Iraq to keep us safe. And created Isis. And now Iraq hates our guts. Good Job Brownie.
Republicans are, for lack of a better word, delusional. They are pro business, and businesses LOVE illegal aliens, and hate unions generally speaking. Liberals, those rich Anglos that live in gated communities and create sanctuary cities, they would never dirty themselves by actually living with Mexicans. Democrats are just as delusional. They justify exploiting illegals by creating this phony immigrants rights stuff. So, this is more about the First estaters wants and and their whims and whimsies and mind games. We plebs can go f*ck our selves...We have assholes that alternately hire illegals, and then bash illegals, then give them amnesty, then want to spend tax payers money building walls keeping out illegals and then give them sanctuary? Let's end that neurotic stuff once and for all.Anyone have enough of this?
Last edited:
pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

What State had no healthcare providers before Obama? Did you take a stupid pill today, R-Derp?
Some reminders of life before Obamacare

The ‘good old days’ before Obamacare

No, Obamacare Hasn't Jacked Up Your Company's Insurance Rates

Without Obamacare, what happened to kids like Kimmel's son?

You see, if there are no providers willing to cover you, then for all intents and purposes, there is no provider available. Obamacare, by law had to cover everyone.

Now that Republicans ended the subsidies and healthcare is no longer mandatory, what will happen in 2019?

The first projections for Trumpcare 2019 are in: Expect rate increases of up to 30%

The States Where Health Care Premiums Will Go Up the Most in 2019

The Trump states that will get really socked the most:

West Virginia
North Dakota
South Dakota

Even their barebones policies will cost much more.

GOP Tax Plan Would Still Leave 13 Million Without Health Insurance, CBO Says

Premiums for ACA health insurance plans could jump 90 percent in three years

Every month, it becomes a little clearer what the GOP have done to their base. But the full effects won't be known until October, just a couple of weeks before the midterms.


The nationwide analysis, issued Thursday by California’s insurance marketplace, finds wide variations state to state, with a broad swath of the South and parts of the Midwest in danger of what the report calls “catastrophic” average rate increases by 2021.

“And the middle class will be priced out of insurance in about a third of America.”

Lee said the three-year increase — up to 94 percent, the analysis predicts — probably will be greatest in conservative states


All the GOP base knows is that billionaires got huge tax cuts and that means eventually, they should get something. Eventually, they will find out it was all a scam. Not only that, those that need healthcare are so very fuked. And in November, they will show the GOP how much the GOP needs to be "thanked".
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Didn't you see the President's Tax Cut whatever-that-was yesterday? The poor white folk were right at the table with him, telling their personal stories about how the tax cuts have saved their families, kissing Mr. President's ass big time.
I'm sure they were telling the truth, and I'm glad for all of them, but that kind of personal endorsement is just embarrassing to watch. I don't know why.
How did a tax cut scheduled to begin at the end of the 2018 tax year save poor families?
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Yep sure are.
Here is a hint.
People will not vote for candidates who hate them.
Left Wingers loathe working class Americans, except for about two weeks before election day.
Liberals have expressed their contempt for working class people in thousands of TV shows and Movies.
BTW, the poverty rate for White Americans is about 10%, and I doubt that all of that 10% vote Republican.
There is probably a 50/50 split.
Who are the left wingers? If you point to the Democrats as left wingers I'd like to know how you reconcile their political affinity with and support of unions with your notion the left hates wirking class people. Without the Democrats there would be no middle class.
The enemy of workers is the GOP, not the Democrats.
pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

What State had no healthcare providers before Obama? Did you take a stupid pill today, R-Derp?
Some reminders of life before Obamacare

The ‘good old days’ before Obamacare

No, Obamacare Hasn't Jacked Up Your Company's Insurance Rates

Without Obamacare, what happened to kids like Kimmel's son?

You see, if there are no providers willing to cover you, then for all intents and purposes, there is no provider available. Obamacare, by law had to cover everyone.

Now that Republicans ended the subsidies and healthcare is no longer mandatory, what will happen in 2019?

The first projections for Trumpcare 2019 are in: Expect rate increases of up to 30%

The States Where Health Care Premiums Will Go Up the Most in 2019

The Trump states that will get really socked the most:

West Virginia
North Dakota
South Dakota

Even their barebones policies will cost much more.

GOP Tax Plan Would Still Leave 13 Million Without Health Insurance, CBO Says

Premiums for ACA health insurance plans could jump 90 percent in three years

Every month, it becomes a little clearer what the GOP have done to their base. But the full effects won't be known until October, just a couple of weeks before the midterms.


The nationwide analysis, issued Thursday by California’s insurance marketplace, finds wide variations state to state, with a broad swath of the South and parts of the Midwest in danger of what the report calls “catastrophic” average rate increases by 2021.

“And the middle class will be priced out of insurance in about a third of America.”

Lee said the three-year increase — up to 94 percent, the analysis predicts — probably will be greatest in conservative states


All the GOP base knows is that billionaires got huge tax cuts and that means eventually, they should get something. Eventually, they will find out it was all a scam. Not only that, those that need healthcare are so very fuked. And in November, they will show the GOP how much the GOP needs to be "thanked".
This was a Obama plan and will up the fees and this is what happe;ns when the gov wants to help you.
pretty much the same as when Democrats promise health care and prison reform,
don't deliver, and leave poor people without help while millions if not billions of dollars
are sucked out of communities and taxpayers to pay for the ongoing waste on bureaucracy.

The Conservatives ARGUE for "independent business and charities" to provide services
instead of relying on Govt. But do they invest in any as an equal accessible choice and
solution to REPLACE the govt-based alternatives? They only use this argument
to block Govt from forcing taxpayers to go through Federal Govt to get health care, etc.

Same with Democrats and Greens who don't focus on INVESTING in building
'universal care' directly, but waste lobbying and resources on "fighting to get this established through Govt."

I do find MORE Greens actually working to set up locally owned coops, so THESE leaders practice what they preach!
Sean Hannity as a Conservative (he explains he is Conservative and not Republican) lobbies
for "health care coops" as the solution as well.

What I don't see are either Democratic or Republican party leadership calling to organize
the mentorship and business leadership, plans and investments to actually set this up.

I read one argument from the conservative side, to SUPPORT the Obamacare reforms
as an opportunity to SET UP health care alternatives outside govt. But the major
political push was to contest this whole reform being forced on taxpayers to pay for
through govt without first setting up the health care provisions as a free and equal choice.

It seems both parties exert and exhaust all resources fighting to argue for their beliefs
instead of actually investing in building them and promoting these by example.
I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

What State had no healthcare providers before Obama? Did you take a stupid pill today, R-Derp?
Some reminders of life before Obamacare

The ‘good old days’ before Obamacare

No, Obamacare Hasn't Jacked Up Your Company's Insurance Rates

Without Obamacare, what happened to kids like Kimmel's son?

You see, if there are no providers willing to cover you, then for all intents and purposes, there is no provider available. Obamacare, by law had to cover everyone.

Now that Republicans ended the subsidies and healthcare is no longer mandatory, what will happen in 2019?

The first projections for Trumpcare 2019 are in: Expect rate increases of up to 30%

The States Where Health Care Premiums Will Go Up the Most in 2019

The Trump states that will get really socked the most:

West Virginia
North Dakota
South Dakota

Even their barebones policies will cost much more.

GOP Tax Plan Would Still Leave 13 Million Without Health Insurance, CBO Says

Premiums for ACA health insurance plans could jump 90 percent in three years

Every month, it becomes a little clearer what the GOP have done to their base. But the full effects won't be known until October, just a couple of weeks before the midterms.


The nationwide analysis, issued Thursday by California’s insurance marketplace, finds wide variations state to state, with a broad swath of the South and parts of the Midwest in danger of what the report calls “catastrophic” average rate increases by 2021.

“And the middle class will be priced out of insurance in about a third of America.”

Lee said the three-year increase — up to 94 percent, the analysis predicts — probably will be greatest in conservative states


All the GOP base knows is that billionaires got huge tax cuts and that means eventually, they should get something. Eventually, they will find out it was all a scam. Not only that, those that need healthcare are so very fuked. And in November, they will show the GOP how much the GOP needs to be "thanked".

So did you want to name the States that didn't have any coverage for people before Obama?
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

They get to keep the money they earn.

They get to keep their guns.

They get to keep illegal aliens from entering the country.

They would get school choice instead of having their kids stuck in crap hole, democrat run public schools.
They don't have any money.

They don't have good jobs whether immigrants enter the country or not.

And they don't want to go to school. Besides, the majority of the GOP think college is bad for America.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

Has this poor white gotten a better job? Yes.

Am I making more money? Hell yes.

Am I receiving benefits? Oh yeah, not only that, but my common law wife does to for two reasons. One, because we have a child together, two, because she is considered a domestic partner, so yeah.

Are they better educated? Who would that be?

Do I have a better future? I have always had a bright future.

I’ll help you out. All this crazy libtard shit is what is losing y’all elections. All the democrats who won special elections won because they said they were on the trump train. Think about that.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

Has this poor white gotten a better job? Yes.

Am I making more money? Hell yes.

Am I receiving benefits? Oh yeah, not only that, but my common law wife does to for two reasons. One, because we have a child together, two, because she is considered a domestic partner, so yeah.

Are they better educated? Who would that be?

Do I have a better future? I have always had a bright future.

I’ll help you out. All this crazy libtard shit is what is losing y’all elections. All the democrats who won special elections won because they said they were on the trump train. Think about that.
I don't know who was on the Trump train, but the Trump train is about to leave the rails.

China cancelling billions in soy bean orders. Farmers refuse to blame Trump --------- for now.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

Has this poor white gotten a better job? Yes.

Am I making more money? Hell yes.

Am I receiving benefits? Oh yeah, not only that, but my common law wife does to for two reasons. One, because we have a child together, two, because she is considered a domestic partner, so yeah.

Are they better educated? Who would that be?

Do I have a better future? I have always had a bright future.

I’ll help you out. All this crazy libtard shit is what is losing y’all elections. All the democrats who won special elections won because they said they were on the trump train. Think about that.
I don't know who was on the Trump train, but the Trump train is about to leave the rails.

China cancelling billions in soy bean orders. Farmers refuse to blame Trump --------- for now.

So? Farmers have had enough of a free ride.
You're not supposed to get anything from government you piece of shit.

Then you Southern Protestant hicks better stop costing us Northern Catholics money not once, not twice, but thrice.

You cost us once in more welfare for the Individual, twice in more welfare for the state, and thrice in paying more for your kooky massive military, and Zionist wars for Israel.

It's time we cut you simpletons off, you have no business running a country, you're a bunch of racial scums, who should shut your dirty mouths.
The South should give up all those Federal things promoted for you.

Give up your stronger amount of Federal stimulus funding like Federal Prisons, Federal military bases, NASA outfits, or in some cases even electricity like the Tennessee Valley Authority.

Give up all your Federal stimulus funding on Military, and Wars, for Israel.

It would be fine if Southerner Protestant Dregs, and Negs just took our money, and shut the f*ck up.

But, when you shitheads cost us American lives, and American tax dollars on wars for Israel that's serious.

Let the South secede, all you did for the North was gouge our jobs, gouge our wages, get us killed, and export a bunch of Negro shits on the North.

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