Are poor whites living on a Republican Plantation? What do they get for voting GOP?

Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county

98% white. Even more white than the GOP.

Overwhelmingly Republican.

Many places in Appalachia don't even have electricity or running water. That makes them among the poorest people in the world.

What are Republicans doing for these people? And why do they even vote GOP?

most Appalachian poor communities have not recovered from historically being democratic strong holds .
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So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

I personally don't vote, anymore.

Both parties love Negs, illegal dregs, and Israel's looting, and shooting.
Then you are an idiot.

Republicans are 90% white and vote race.

Democrats are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, atheist, religious and so on. It truly is a coalition party. That means the groups have to work together. And when they don't, we get Republicans and recession and tax breaks for needy billionaires and dirty air and dirty water and so on.......

The Republican party isn't racist, it's anti-Racist just like Democrats.

All the Republicans have done in the past 50 years is cut taxes for mostly the rich, and help Israel.

They have folded to Democrats on Blacks, they have folded on Abortion, they have folded on Illegals, they have folded on Gay marriage, and even Refugees.

The Republican philosophy is do-nothing but cut taxes, until Israel is involved, then you flail your arms around like retards looting, and shooting in wars in the name of Israel.

This country has become a monstrosity.
If Republicans aren't racist, it wouldn't be 90% white.
It wouldn't be home to the KKK, the Alt White, the Aryan Nation, the American Nazi Party and White Nationalists.

So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

I personally don't vote, anymore.

Both parties love Negs, illegal dregs, and Israel's looting, and shooting.
Then you are an idiot.

Republicans are 90% white and vote race.

Democrats are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, atheist, religious and so on. It truly is a coalition party. That means the groups have to work together. And when they don't, we get Republicans and recession and tax breaks for needy billionaires and dirty air and dirty water and so on.......

The Republican party isn't racist, it's anti-Racist just like Democrats.

All the Republicans have done in the past 50 years is cut taxes for mostly the rich, and help Israel.

They have folded to Democrats on Blacks, they have folded on Abortion, they have folded on Illegals, they have folded on Gay marriage, and even Refugees.

The Republican philosophy is do-nothing but cut taxes, until Israel is involved, then you flail your arms around like retards looting, and shooting in wars in the name of Israel.

This country has become a monstrosity.
If Republicans aren't racist, it wouldn't be 90% white.
It wouldn't be home to the KKK, the Alt White, the Aryan Nation, the American Nazi Party and White Nationalists.


I'm a Fascist, and I'm a registered Democrat.

While, I supported Trump slightly more than Hillary, now I'm not so sure.

I see most of Trump's achievements as only Israel related thus far, otherwise he's done nothing of importance.

So, no I don't really like him, in fact I think his personality is trash, as his moral standing.
Here is a hint.
People will not vote for candidates who hate them.
Left Wingers loathe working class Americans, except for about two weeks before election day.
Liberals have expressed their contempt for working class people in thousands of TV shows and Movies.
BTW, the poverty rate for White Americans is about 10%, and I doubt that all of that 10% vote Republican.
There is probably a 50/50 split.

yep, liberals hated america back in the day when trade unions were strong and a family could be raised with just one person working. That was pre reagan times of course. I consider the reagan presidency as the time when we really started going downhill.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

I personally don't vote, anymore.

Both parties love Negs, illegal dregs, and Israel's looting, and shooting.
Then you are an idiot.

Republicans are 90% white and vote race.

Democrats are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, atheist, religious and so on. It truly is a coalition party. That means the groups have to work together. And when they don't, we get Republicans and recession and tax breaks for needy billionaires and dirty air and dirty water and so on.......

The Republican party isn't racist, it's anti-Racist just like Democrats.

All the Republicans have done in the past 50 years is cut taxes for mostly the rich, and help Israel.

They have folded to Democrats on Blacks, they have folded on Abortion, they have folded on Illegals, they have folded on Gay marriage, and even Refugees.

The Republican philosophy is do-nothing but cut taxes, until Israel is involved, then you flail your arms around like retards looting, and shooting in wars in the name of Israel.

This country has become a monstrosity.
If Republicans aren't racist, it wouldn't be 90% white.
It wouldn't be home to the KKK, the Alt White, the Aryan Nation, the American Nazi Party and White Nationalists.


The Republican status quo isn't anymore racist.

The Republican masses might be, however.

Just kind of proves how they're being duped.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

I personally don't vote, anymore.

Both parties love Negs, illegal dregs, and Israel's looting, and shooting.
Then you are an idiot.

Republicans are 90% white and vote race.

Democrats are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, atheist, religious and so on. It truly is a coalition party. That means the groups have to work together. And when they don't, we get Republicans and recession and tax breaks for needy billionaires and dirty air and dirty water and so on.......

The Republican party isn't racist, it's anti-Racist just like Democrats.

All the Republicans have done in the past 50 years is cut taxes for mostly the rich, and help Israel.

They have folded to Democrats on Blacks, they have folded on Abortion, they have folded on Illegals, they have folded on Gay marriage, and even Refugees.

The Republican philosophy is do-nothing but cut taxes, until Israel is involved, then you flail your arms around like retards looting, and shooting in wars in the name of Israel.

This country has become a monstrosity.

Mostly all true what you say, however, democrats do have a few programs to help the little guy when he's down and out, unlike the republicans. And those programs can help keep body and soul together. Food stamps, medicaid, aid to get housing so people don't live in tents or under bridges. Republicans have no plan except work cheaper than the next guy till we've reached third world wage status.
"Poor Whites", just like poor Blacks and everybody else are poorer because of the failed Left Wing economic policies of the Democrats.

The best way not to be poor is to not elect dumbass Democrats that think the country will be more prosperous if we take away the money made by productive people and give it away to the welfare queens.

Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty
"Poor Whites", just like poor Blacks and everybody else are poorer because of the failed Left Wing economic policies of the Democrats.

The best way not to be poor is to not elect dumbass Democrats that think the country will be more prosperous if we take away the money made by productive people and give it away to the welfare queens.

Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.
"Poor Whites", just like poor Blacks and everybody else are poorer because of the failed Left Wing economic policies of the Democrats.

The best way not to be poor is to not elect dumbass Democrats that think the country will be more prosperous if we take away the money made by productive people and give it away to the welfare queens.

Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

Almost half of Bush's debt was incurred in 2007 and 2008 with the filthy ass Democrat controlled Congress.

Obama really ran up debt. $10 trillion dollars worth. More if you consider what he voted for in 2007 and 2008 as a Senator. More than any other President in history. More than all the other Presidents combined.

Obama was a complete failure. The Moon Bats were idiots electing him. He was never qualified and had a record of being Liberal clueless and he proved it by the worst President this country ever had. Being a Negro and being a Moon Bat Democrat are not qualifications to be President of the US. Not by a long shot.

This stupid Liberal idea that you will somehow magically make this country more prosperous by taking away money from the people that earned it and giving it to those didn't earn it is absolutely crazy. That sutpiity has destroyed economies.
Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

This stupid Liberal idea that you will somehow magically make this country more prosperous by taking away money from the people that earned it and giving it to those didn't earn it is absolutely crazy. That sutpiity has destroyed economies.

Welfare is probably more solid for economic growth than Tax cuts for rich civilians.

Welfare turns the lower classes into better consumers, whom in return spend more back into the economy.

Tax cuts for rich civilians leads to hording money not put as readily back into the economy, and even over-investment like you know rich investors using tax cuts to buy homes to rent out, causing a Housing market bubble. (Like what happened under W Bush, ahem)

The bottom-line is so long as you Republicans don't do anything more about Abortion, Illegals, Refugees, or Negs, and Zionist issues, then I see not one damn reason to support you.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

The get a false 'feel good' feeling by feeling their 'team' is winning. This is what con-media has reduced so many of these people to, whether their 'team' is winning or losing. Whether they get to feel good or inferior for a day.
Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

Obama was a complete failure. The Moon Bats were idiots electing him. He was never qualified and had a record of being Liberal clueless and he proved it by the worst President this country ever had. Being a Negro and being a Moon Bat Democrat are not qualifications to be President of the US. Not by a long shot.

LOL, while the worst president since the 1950's was a Democrat, and the best was a Republican.

You're not right at all.

Republican Eiseinhower is that best Republican, he deported Mexis in mass, he built the highway to connect travel, and trade, he warned of the Military industrial complex.

Democrat Lyndon B Johnson is that worst Democrat, he got nearly 60,000 Americans killed, and caused a basic genocide in Vietnam, he also created Affirmative Action to discriminate against White American males like myself, and his Civil Rights helped fleeing Neg's into Northern cities, by forcing our Northern landlords, and developers to rent, and sell to Blacks more readily.
The real Southern Strategy was clearly to f*ck the North.

1.) Civil rights helped the South dump Neg's into White neighborhoods because most Whites in the North didn't want to let Neg's be rented to, or sell their homes too.

2.) Welfare helps the South, where there's more Neg's, and Dregs, to prop up your economy by funneling out Northern money into your welfare.

3.) To cut down your taxes, so we Northerners have to pay the greater state burden.

4.) To cut down unions, and corporate taxes, so you could grab jobs from Northern factories scooting South.

5.) To have money flood disproportionately more into your South, by the military paid for by Northern taxes disproportionately, and yes more military bases, and military personell per capita down South, they bring in money, jobs, and when they get hurt, because bozo the clown Southerners like W Bush or LBJ want to go nuts looting, and shooting, our Northern tax payers funds them disproportionately AGAIN.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Are they so stupid that they don't see that they are being used?
You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

Obama was a complete failure. The Moon Bats were idiots electing him. He was never qualified and had a record of being Liberal clueless and he proved it by the worst President this country ever had. Being a Negro and being a Moon Bat Democrat are not qualifications to be President of the US. Not by a long shot.

LOL, while the worst president since the 1950's was a Democrat, and the best was a Republican.

You're not right at all.

Republican Eiseinhower is that best Republican, he deported Mexis in mass, he built the highway to connect travel, and trade, he warned of the Military industrial complex.

Democrat Lyndon B Johnson is that worst Democrat, he got nearly 60,000 Americans killed, and caused a basic genocide in Vietnam, he also created Affirmative Action to discriminate against White American males like myself, and his Civil Rights helped fleeing Neg's into Northern cities, by forcing our Northern landlords, and developers to rent, and sell to Blacks more readily.
Eisenhower also started NASA. But those were different days.

How did the Vietnam War start? - The Vietnam War

What's funny is that the president that actually brought us into Vietnam was Eisenhower. Johnson escalated the war trying to get it over with and hoping to defeat communism but it was Eisenhower that started it all.

CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup

It was also Eisenhower that took down the only democracy in the Middle East, Iran, and replaced it with a brutal dictator, the Shah. And that all leads to where we are today. Republicans in the Middle East have been one debacle after another.
You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

Obama was a complete failure. The Moon Bats were idiots electing him. He was never qualified and had a record of being Liberal clueless and he proved it by the worst President this country ever had. Being a Negro and being a Moon Bat Democrat are not qualifications to be President of the US. Not by a long shot.

LOL, while the worst president since the 1950's was a Democrat, and the best was a Republican.

You're not right at all.

Republican Eiseinhower is that best Republican, he deported Mexis in mass, he built the highway to connect travel, and trade, he warned of the Military industrial complex.

Democrat Lyndon B Johnson is that worst Democrat, he got nearly 60,000 Americans killed, and caused a basic genocide in Vietnam, he also created Affirmative Action to discriminate against White American males like myself, and his Civil Rights helped fleeing Neg's into Northern cities, by forcing our Northern landlords, and developers to rent, and sell to Blacks more readily.
Eisenhower also started NASA. But those were different days.

How did the Vietnam War start? - The Vietnam War

What's funny is that the president that actually brought us into Vietnam was Eisenhower. Johnson escalated the war trying to get it over with and hoping to defeat communism but it was Eisenhower that started it all.

CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup

It was also Eisenhower that took down the only democracy in the Middle East, Iran, and replaced it with a brutal dictator, the Shah. And that all leads to where we are today. Republicans in the Middle East have been one debacle after another.

Sadly that still makes him the best U.S.A president since the 1950's.
You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

This stupid Liberal idea that you will somehow magically make this country more prosperous by taking away money from the people that earned it and giving it to those didn't earn it is absolutely crazy. That sutpiity has destroyed economies.

Welfare is probably more solid for economic growth than Tax cuts for rich civilians.

Welfare turns the lower classes into better consumers, whom in return spend more back into the economy.

Tax cuts for rich civilians leads to hording money not put as readily back into the economy, and even over-investment like you know rich investors using tax cuts to buy homes to rent out, causing a Housing market bubble. (Like what happened under W Bush, ahem)

The bottom-line is so long as you Republicans don't do anything more about Abortion, Illegals, Refugees, or Negs, and Zionist issues, then I see not one damn reason to support you.

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

All welfare does is take money away from the people that earn it and give it to the assholes that didn't earn it. That hurts the economy.

I don't know about you but I am personally getting about $2K more spendable dollars this year as a retiree because of the tax cuts. That is money I am spending in the productive economy instead of giving it to some piece of shit welfare queen or illegal alien. You know, the shitheads that keep the Democrats in office.

My bother in law has a medium size business. The tax cuts is helping him to expend his business and hire additional people. That is a whole lot better for the economy than giving it some welfare queen to spend on drugs, isn't it?

Of course idiots like you don't know things like because you are ignorant listening to your fake news sources, do you?
You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.

Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

This stupid Liberal idea that you will somehow magically make this country more prosperous by taking away money from the people that earned it and giving it to those didn't earn it is absolutely crazy. That sutpiity has destroyed economies.

Welfare is probably more solid for economic growth than Tax cuts for rich civilians.

Welfare turns the lower classes into better consumers, whom in return spend more back into the economy.

Tax cuts for rich civilians leads to hording money not put as readily back into the economy, and even over-investment like you know rich investors using tax cuts to buy homes to rent out, causing a Housing market bubble. (Like what happened under W Bush, ahem)

The bottom-line is so long as you Republicans don't do anything more about Abortion, Illegals, Refugees, or Negs, and Zionist issues, then I see not one damn reason to support you.

You are really confused about this aren't you Moon Bat?

All welfare does is take money away from the people that earn it and give it to the assholes that didn't earn it. That hurts the economy.

I don't know about you but I am personally getting about $2K more spendable dollars this year as a retiree because of the tax cuts. That is money I am spending in the productive economy instead of giving it to some piece of shit welfare queen or illegal alien. You know, the shitheads that keep the Democrats in office.

My bother in law has a medium size business. The tax cuts is helping him to expend his business and hire additional people. That is a whole lot better for the economy than giving it some welfare queen to spend on drugs, isn't it?

Of course idiots like you don't know things like because you are ignorant listening to your fake news sources, do you?

Very wrong.

There's a lot of support for Welfare increasing GDP or economic growth.

1.) LBJ was one of the top in economic growth in America when creating the Welfare system.

2.) Studies also have shown Welfare increases spending into the economy, which boosts it.

That doesn't even begin to account for how much more poverty there would without it.

But, you British Protestants are the Negs, and Dregs of Europe.

You are basically the Germanic trash Sweden didn't want, so you went nuts looting, and shooting to England as Germanic Anglos, that wasn't enough so you went nuts looting, and shooting into America. (Especially the U.S.A South)

How dumb you people are is this.
A.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in wars for Israel.
B.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in starvation.
C.) You think patriotism is letting your people die from preventable disease in healthcare.
D.) You think that the rich, and businesses are your friends, even though they hire illegals.
E.) You don't grasp how the Middle-Class was propped up by social programs.

With that said, I don't believe in able bodied workers sitting around getting Welfare, but rather the Government should help them get jobs, and some money if they can't afford it.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
do poor people who vote democrat have better jobs?....are they making more money?.....are they getting benefits?...are they better educated? they have a better future?....a way out of poverty?....
If you follow Democratic Policies, then yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.

Follow GOP policies and you have no healthcare, you don't get college, which means you either have no job or a crappy job which means your future sucks and your kids won't have teeth either.


The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
so the poor in democrat states have better jobs,are making better money,have better benefits,are better educated,and you say they have a better future and a way out of poverty,,but yet are still poor? sound like one of your asshole politicians....

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