Are poor whites living on a Republican Plantation? What do they get for voting GOP?

I honestly don't know what world you live in.
Millions more received healthcare under Obama.
In fact, Red States that complain they only had one provider had none before Obama. Because of low population. Some states only have one congressman even though they have two senators.

Republicans that complain that we pay for other people have no problem with paying trillions for aircraft carriers that sit in the ocean when many of our enemies live in the desert.

Democrats want to invest in job training and affordable education.

Republicans want what? To end it?

Democrats want school lunches for poor children, Republicans want to end it.

Democrats believe in equal pay for equal work. Do Republicans?

Democrats believe in daycare so parents can work. Republicans want dividends, not for everyone, just for billionaires.

Everything I'm saying is true and you know it.

Yes, Republicans want some of that also, however, we just don't think GOVERNMENT programs, and more taxes are the answer for everything. Is it FAIR to force people to pay for what they don't agree, nor want? Most people are NOT RICH. The people paying the taxes, are mostly NOT RICH. Stop stealing from everyone.
"Poor Whites", just like poor Blacks and everybody else are poorer because of the failed Left Wing economic policies of the Democrats.

The best way not to be poor is to not elect dumbass Democrats that think the country will be more prosperous if we take away the money made by productive people and give it away to the welfare queens.
"Poor Whites", just like poor Blacks and everybody else are poorer because of the failed Left Wing economic policies of the Democrats.

The best way not to be poor is to not elect dumbass Democrats that think the country will be more prosperous if we take away the money made by productive people and give it away to the welfare queens.

Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

They get to keep illegal aliens from entering the country.

They would get school choice instead of having their kids stuck in crap hole, democrat run public schools.

Republicans are also pro-Illegal, Obama apparently deported more of them than either W Bush, or even Trump.

Public schools aren't dangerous because of Democrats, but because of Neg's.
Behind Trump’s victory: Divisions by race, gender, education

"White non-Hispanic voters preferred Trump over Clinton by 21 percentage points (58% to 37%)"

The Democratic Party has successfully divided Americans by race, and now they complain about the results
Republicans are 90% white and they elected a president who says SOME Mexicans don't rape.

But it's Democrats who are divisive? You may imbibe the swill, but that's you, not me.
Here is another hint.
The Democratic Party only offers the middle finger to working class voters, middle class voters, christian voters, suburban voters, southern voters, midwestern voters, and then the Dems wonder why they won't vote for them.

Dems "we hate you, so vote for us" LOL

Oh please, Republicans are just Democrats who cut taxes.

I see no evidence of Republicans doing anything else, they also give the middle finger to their own voters on Abortion, on illegals, on refugees...
Inside Owsley: America's poorest white county

98% white. Even more white than the GOP.

Overwhelmingly Republican.

Many places in Appalachia don't even have electricity or running water. That makes them among the poorest people in the world.

What are Republicans doing for these people? And why do they even vote GOP?


Appalachia would have a lot less electricity if not for the Tennessee Valley Authority by Democrat FDR, and his New Deal.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
do poor people who vote democrat have better jobs?....are they making more money?.....are they getting benefits?...are they better educated? they have a better future?....a way out of poverty?....
All you have to do is look at Red States and look at Blue States and the question pretty much answers itself.
so there are no poor people in blue states?....there are no poor people who vote democrat in red states?....nice dance though dean....

There's poor in the blue states, indeed.

A lot of them are Neg's who migrated from the South in the Great Migration.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
do poor people who vote democrat have better jobs?....are they making more money?.....are they getting benefits?...are they better educated? they have a better future?....a way out of poverty?....
All you have to do is look at Red States and look at Blue States and the question pretty much answers itself.
so there are no poor people in blue states?....there are no poor people who vote democrat in red states?....nice dance though dean....

There's poor in the blue states, indeed.

A lot of them are Neg's who migrated from the South in the Great Migration.
Wow, then the south should be doing pretty good, right?

Only, it's a mess.

And why is that?

150 years of conservative fiscal policies. And it doesn't even take them that long for their policies to cause enormous damage. Look at what they did under Bush. And Trump? OMG! Trump was lucky to get the Obama economy and not the Bush economy. But will it last? Trillions in new debt without creating millions of new jobs. It's going to cost trillions more after the GOP are stopped from fuking up the environment. The cost of babysitting millions of unemployed Republicans who think college is bad for America and on and on.........
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

I personally don't vote, anymore.

Both parties love Negs, illegal dregs, and Israel's looting, and shooting.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Didn't you see the President's Tax Cut whatever-that-was yesterday? The poor white folk were right at the table with him, telling their personal stories about how the tax cuts have saved their families, kissing Mr. President's ass big time.
I'm sure they were telling the truth, and I'm glad for all of them, but that kind of personal endorsement is just embarrassing to watch. I don't know why.
How did a tax cut scheduled to begin at the end of the 2018 tax year save poor families?
The cut if for needy billionaires and corporations. That's why Republicans had to end the subsidies for healthcare. To pay for the tax cuts.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
do poor people who vote democrat have better jobs?....are they making more money?.....are they getting benefits?...are they better educated? they have a better future?....a way out of poverty?....
If you follow Democratic Policies, then yes, yes, yes, yes, yes and yes.

Follow GOP policies and you have no healthcare, you don't get college, which means you either have no job or a crappy job which means your future sucks and your kids won't have teeth either.


The majority of Republicans say colleges are bad for America (yes, really)
"Poor Whites", just like poor Blacks and everybody else are poorer because of the failed Left Wing economic policies of the Democrats.

The best way not to be poor is to not elect dumbass Democrats that think the country will be more prosperous if we take away the money made by productive people and give it away to the welfare queens.

Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

I personally don't vote, anymore.

Both parties love Negs, illegal dregs, and Israel's looting, and shooting.
Then you are an idiot.

Republicans are 90% white and vote race.

Democrats are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, atheist, religious and so on. It truly is a coalition party. That means the groups have to work together. And when they don't, we get Republicans and recession and tax breaks for needy billionaires and dirty air and dirty water and so on.......
You're not supposed to get anything from government you piece of shit.
Then why pay for it dum dum? Are you from Russia? Cuz they pay taxes too. Only they pay to Putin. That's why he's the richest man on earth.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Didn't you see the President's Tax Cut whatever-that-was yesterday? The poor white folk were right at the table with him, telling their personal stories about how the tax cuts have saved their families, kissing Mr. President's ass big time.
I'm sure they were telling the truth, and I'm glad for all of them, but that kind of personal endorsement is just embarrassing to watch. I don't know why.
How did a tax cut scheduled to begin at the end of the 2018 tax year save poor families?
The cut if for needy billionaires and corporations. That's why Republicans had to end the subsidies for healthcare. To pay for the tax cuts.

This country caters to Corporations, and Billionaires, and their little helper Illegal Bean buddies who cut Unions throats, who cut workers throats.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

Has this poor white gotten a better job? Yes.

Am I making more money? Hell yes.

Am I receiving benefits? Oh yeah, not only that, but my common law wife does to for two reasons. One, because we have a child together, two, because she is considered a domestic partner, so yeah.

Are they better educated? Who would that be?

Do I have a better future? I have always had a bright future.

I’ll help you out. All this crazy libtard shit is what is losing y’all elections. All the democrats who won special elections won because they said they were on the trump train. Think about that.
I don't know who was on the Trump train, but the Trump train is about to leave the rails.

China cancelling billions in soy bean orders. Farmers refuse to blame Trump --------- for now.

So? Farmers have had enough of a free ride.
Farmers are some of the hardest working people in the country. Most, if not all, get up before dawn and start working. They continue to work until it gets dark.
And if they have to deliver a foal or a calf that's in the wrong position, they can stay up all night and work the next day.
They have to worry about weather and animals that attack their animals.
It's a hard life.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?

I personally don't vote, anymore.

Both parties love Negs, illegal dregs, and Israel's looting, and shooting.
Then you are an idiot.

Republicans are 90% white and vote race.

Democrats are black, white, Hispanic, Asian, gay, straight, conservative, liberal, rich, poor, atheist, religious and so on. It truly is a coalition party. That means the groups have to work together. And when they don't, we get Republicans and recession and tax breaks for needy billionaires and dirty air and dirty water and so on.......

The Republican party isn't racist, it's anti-Racist just like Democrats.

All the Republicans have done in the past 50 years is cut taxes for mostly the rich, and help Israel.

They have folded to Democrats on Blacks, they have folded on Abortion, they have folded on Illegals, they have folded on Gay marriage, and even Refugees.

The Republican philosophy is do-nothing but cut taxes, until Israel is involved, then you flail your arms around like retards looting, and shooting in wars in the name of Israel.

This country has become a monstrosity.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Didn't you see the President's Tax Cut whatever-that-was yesterday? The poor white folk were right at the table with him, telling their personal stories about how the tax cuts have saved their families, kissing Mr. President's ass big time.
I'm sure they were telling the truth, and I'm glad for all of them, but that kind of personal endorsement is just embarrassing to watch. I don't know why.
How did a tax cut scheduled to begin at the end of the 2018 tax year save poor families?
The cut if for needy billionaires and corporations. That's why Republicans had to end the subsidies for healthcare. To pay for the tax cuts.

This country caters to Corporations, and Billionaires, and their little helper Illegal Bean buddies who cut Unions throats, who cut workers throats.
That's why Unions give to Democrats. But Republicans have been effective in destroying unions. Only about 7% of all US workers belong to unions.
Unions negotiated 40 hour work weeks, vacations, healthcare, minimum wage, child labor laws and so on..........Republicans want to end those things. Why? Because they are for corporations. And to Republicans, corporations are the ONLY people who count.

"Poor Whites", just like poor Blacks and everybody else are poorer because of the failed Left Wing economic policies of the Democrats.

The best way not to be poor is to not elect dumbass Democrats that think the country will be more prosperous if we take away the money made by productive people and give it away to the welfare queens.

Is that why official poverty rates halved after Texan Lyndon B. Johnson's Great Society?

Funny that some of the richest counties in America, also have the highest taxes, like Nassau, and Westchester of New York.

While Bibb County, and Walker County of Alabama with the lowest taxes aren't rich, in fact they're lower end.

Highest and Lowest County Property Taxes—Where Do You Want to Live?

You are confused Moon Bat.

You do know that poverty increased under that worthless Left Wing asshole Obama don't you? Not only that but family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and we had eight years of dismal economic growth.

Trump was right when he said that Blacks have nothing to lose by dumping the filthy ass Democrats.

LBJ was giving away the wealth of America to give the Democrats the Black vote. His welfare programs have cost this country over $10 trillion dollars and that has greatly curtail real productive economic growth.

His famous quote "I'll have those goddamn Negrras voting Democrat for the next 150 years".

Most of the welfare in this country goes to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes. Even in the red States.

You mean because of W Bush's recession?

Both parties are a mistake, American's are clearly sub-Human overall.

Well, I shouldn't say that, your Jewish handlers, and White Catholics around the North-East aren't so dumb.

But, you Brit-Shit Protestants are very, very sub-Human.
So what is it poor whites get for voting GOP?

Unemployment is down in the 3% range.

Have poor whites got better jobs?

Are they making more money?

Are they getting benefits?

Are they better educated?

Do they have a better future? A way out of poverty?

How does the GOP keep them voting GOP? Besides race?
Didn't you see the President's Tax Cut whatever-that-was yesterday? The poor white folk were right at the table with him, telling their personal stories about how the tax cuts have saved their families, kissing Mr. President's ass big time.
I'm sure they were telling the truth, and I'm glad for all of them, but that kind of personal endorsement is just embarrassing to watch. I don't know why.
How did a tax cut scheduled to begin at the end of the 2018 tax year save poor families?
The cut if for needy billionaires and corporations. That's why Republicans had to end the subsidies for healthcare. To pay for the tax cuts.

This country caters to Corporations, and Billionaires, and their little helper Illegal Bean buddies who cut Unions throats, who cut workers throats.
That's why Unions give to Democrats. But Republicans have been effective in destroying unions. Only about 7% of all US workers belong to unions.
Unions negotiated 40 hour work weeks, vacations, healthcare, minimum wage, child labor laws and so on..........Republicans want to end those things. Why? Because they are for corporations.

Illegal Immigrants also help kill Unions, because basically not one of them are in a Union, thus they f*ck with Unions.

I bet stupid Sub-Humans didn't think about that, now did you?

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