Are poor whites living on a Republican Plantation? What do they get for voting GOP?


There's a lot of support for Welfare increasing GDP or economic growth.

1.) LBJ was one of the top in economic growth in America when creating the Welfare system.

2.) Studies also have shown Welfare increases spending into the economy, which boosts it.

That doesn't even begin to account for how much more poverty there would without it.

But, you British Protestants are the Negs, and Dregs of Europe.

You are basically the Germanic trash Sweden didn't want, so you went nuts looting, and shooting to England as Germanic Anglos, that wasn't enough so you went nuts looting, and shooting into America. (Especially the U.S.A South)

How dumb you people are is this.
A.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in wars for Israel.
B.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in starvation.
C.) You think patriotism is letting your people die from preventable disease in healthcare.
D.) You think that the rich, and businesses are your friends, even though they hire illegals.
E.) You don't grasp how the Middle-Class was propped up by social programs.

With that said, I don't believe in able bodied workers sitting around getting Welfare, but rather the Government should help them get jobs, and some money if they can't afford it.

One of the things that always amazes me about you idiot Moon Bats is how stupid you are when it comes to History, The Constitution, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and especially Economics.

You may have heard from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow, or Comedy Central that welfare stimulates the economy but if you would have ever taken Economics 101 you would know that is simple bullshit. The economy is never better when the filthy ass government takes money away from the people that earned it and gives it away to the welfare queens and Illegals.

The Middle Class is being destroy in the US by Socialism. Under that idiot Left Wing idiot Obama poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and economic growth was dismal. In Commie states like California we are seeing tremendous debt and increased poverty. The natural progression of socialist program. We have seen it all over the world.

By the way Moon Bat, that asshole Obama gave Israel billion of dollars, weapon systems and was at war every day f his administration so don't talk about "you people supporting wars" Where were you when he was bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan? It was you Moon Bats that elected him. He also ran up the cost of health care for all Americans except for the asshole welfare queens getting the filthy ass subsidies that somebody else had to pay for so don't bitch to me about the cost of health care..

I am not going to bother teaching simple economics to a stupid Moon Bat like you, You are simply too confused. I doubt you have the ability to ever pull your head out of your ass.

If you want to be a Left Wing dickhead then put on your pink pussy hat, go howl at the sky and post on DU about how evil Trump is. That is all you are good for.
You notice only liberals from the ghetto complain ? The poor folks in red county's are happy :)

There's a lot of support for Welfare increasing GDP or economic growth.

1.) LBJ was one of the top in economic growth in America when creating the Welfare system.

2.) Studies also have shown Welfare increases spending into the economy, which boosts it.

That doesn't even begin to account for how much more poverty there would without it.

But, you British Protestants are the Negs, and Dregs of Europe.

You are basically the Germanic trash Sweden didn't want, so you went nuts looting, and shooting to England as Germanic Anglos, that wasn't enough so you went nuts looting, and shooting into America. (Especially the U.S.A South)

How dumb you people are is this.
A.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in wars for Israel.
B.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in starvation.
C.) You think patriotism is letting your people die from preventable disease in healthcare.
D.) You think that the rich, and businesses are your friends, even though they hire illegals.
E.) You don't grasp how the Middle-Class was propped up by social programs.

With that said, I don't believe in able bodied workers sitting around getting Welfare, but rather the Government should help them get jobs, and some money if they can't afford it.

One of the things that always amazes me about you idiot Moon Bats is how stupid you are when it comes to History, The Constitution, Climate Science, Biology, Ethics and especially Economics.

You may have heard from Democratunderground, Rachael Maddow, or Comedy Central that welfare stimulates the economy but if you would have ever taken Economics 101 you would know that is simple bullshit. The economy is never better when the filthy ass government takes money away from the people that earned it and gives it away to the welfare queens and Illegals.

The Middle Class is being destroy in the US by Socialism. Under that idiot Left Wing idiot Obama poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and economic growth was dismal. In Commie states like California we are seeing tremendous debt and increased poverty. The natural progression of socialist program. We have seen it all over the world.

By the way Moon Bat, that asshole Obama gave Israel billion of dollars, weapon systems and was at war every day f his administration so don't talk about "you people supporting wars" Where were you when he was bombing Libya and escalating the war in Afghanistan? It was you Moon Bats that elected him. He also ran up the cost of health care for all Americans except for the asshole welfare queens getting the filthy ass subsidies that somebody else had to pay for so don't bitch to me about the cost of health care..

I am not going to bother teaching simple economics to a stupid Moon Bat like you, You are simply too confused. I doubt you have the ability to ever pull your head out of your ass.

If you want to be a Left Wing dickhead then put on your pink pussy hat, go howl at the sky and post on DU about how evil Trump is. That is all you are good for.

Here's 2 evidences, 1 that Johnson who founded Welfare is the biggest economic growth president since WW2, and 2 a study.

The Economic Case for Food Stamps

Supporters of federal food benefits programs including President George W. Bush understood this, and proved the economic value of SNAP by sanctioning a USDA study that found that $1 in SNAP benefits generates $1.84 in gross domestic product (GDP). Mark Zandi, of Moody's, confirmed the economic boost in an independent study that found that every SNAP dollar spent generates $1.73 in real GDP increase. "Expanding food stamps," the study read, "is the most effective way to prime the economy's pump."

You notice only liberals from the ghetto complain ? The poor folks in red county's are happy :)

If you're referring to me, I come from a household net-worth of 1.5 million.

Certainly not ghetto, nor Liberal, but I do understand the implications of how society works.

Welfare is not perfect, but it's overall a greater good, it helps hungry people, and it builds up more consumers into the Middle class.

Negs are also not perfect, but overall a greater detriment in looting, and shooting neighborhoods at orur expense.

Zionists are also not perfect, but overall a greater detriment in looting, and shooting for Israel at our expense.
Bush was doing fine for six years until that filthy as Democrat Congress took over in 2007. The one with Tits Peloski, Dirty Harry, Barney Queerboy and that worthless affirmative action asshole Senator from Illinois. Then the economy pretty well crashed. Thanks a lot Democrats. You always fuck up everything.

It got worse when the idiot Negro became President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt, increased income disparity and dismal economic growth. The only thing that increased was the number of part time burder flipping jobs.

By the way Moon Bat. Since you are confused about things like this which state as the most poverty? It is the most bat shit crazy Left Wing loony bin - California.

California leads the nation — in poverty – Orange County Register

California leads the nation — in poverty

W Bush, and Obama both were debt.

The difference is Obama's debt was to clean up W Bush's messy recession, while W Bush's debt was to go nuts as a Neocon Zionist scum looting, and shooting Iraq for Israel.

Obama was a complete failure. The Moon Bats were idiots electing him. He was never qualified and had a record of being Liberal clueless and he proved it by the worst President this country ever had. Being a Negro and being a Moon Bat Democrat are not qualifications to be President of the US. Not by a long shot.

LOL, while the worst president since the 1950's was a Democrat, and the best was a Republican.

You're not right at all.

Republican Eiseinhower is that best Republican, he deported Mexis in mass, he built the highway to connect travel, and trade, he warned of the Military industrial complex.

Democrat Lyndon B Johnson is that worst Democrat, he got nearly 60,000 Americans killed, and caused a basic genocide in Vietnam, he also created Affirmative Action to discriminate against White American males like myself, and his Civil Rights helped fleeing Neg's into Northern cities, by forcing our Northern landlords, and developers to rent, and sell to Blacks more readily.
Eisenhower also started NASA. But those were different days.

How did the Vietnam War start? - The Vietnam War

What's funny is that the president that actually brought us into Vietnam was Eisenhower. Johnson escalated the war trying to get it over with and hoping to defeat communism but it was Eisenhower that started it all.

CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup

It was also Eisenhower that took down the only democracy in the Middle East, Iran, and replaced it with a brutal dictator, the Shah. And that all leads to where we are today. Republicans in the Middle East have been one debacle after another.

Sadly that still makes him the best U.S.A president since the 1950's.
That's because he was doing things FOR the US. Like NASA and the Interstate Highway system.

Presidents like Reagan, Bush and Trump don't actually build anything. They move money to the top 1%. Eisenhower warned of the Military/Industrial complex. The other three want it to grow so Republicans can make money off it. Rich Republicans. Their position is to fuk the poor. Even their own voters.

Obama and Clinton pushed for education and infrastructure improvements and healthcare. Those can't be denied. But Republicans have been to powerful. They work so hard to screw over America. Perhaps Americans are finally waking up to what Republicans have done and continue to do to this country.



Somehow, Republicans have brainwashed their base into believing that welfare for needy billionaires and corporations is a "good thing" and helping disadvantaged Americans is a terrible thing to do.

There's a lot of support for Welfare increasing GDP or economic growth.

1.) LBJ was one of the top in economic growth in America when creating the Welfare system.

2.) Studies also have shown Welfare increases spending into the economy, which boosts it.

That doesn't even begin to account for how much more poverty there would without it.

But, you British Protestants are the Negs, and Dregs of Europe.

You are basically the Germanic trash Sweden didn't want, so you went nuts looting, and shooting to England as Germanic Anglos, that wasn't enough so you went nuts looting, and shooting into America. (Especially the U.S.A South)

How dumb you people are is this.
A.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in wars for Israel.
B.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in starvation.
C.) You think patriotism is letting your people die from preventable disease in healthcare.
D.) You think that the rich, and businesses are your friends, even though they hire illegals.
E.) You don't grasp how the Middle-Class was propped up by social programs.

With that said, I don't believe in able bodied workers sitting around getting Welfare, but rather the Government should help them get jobs, and some money if they can't afford it.

The Middle Class is being destroy in the US by Socialism. Under that idiot Left Wing idiot Obama poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and economic growth was dismal. In Commie states like California we are seeing tremendous debt and increased poverty. The natural progression of socialist program. We have seen it all over the world.

Bullshit, you dumb Hick Dregs, and Negs down South don't know anything.

Unions are way down, Taxes are way down since the 1970's,
, Real Wages were growing until the 1970's then they stagnated
and Illegals are up, Legal Immigrants are up.

Immigrants are here because of Capitalism, even the Capitalists of the Chamber of Commerce call for Illegal Immigrant support.

Reagan started the whole fiasco by giving Amnesty to millions of Mexican illegals, and ever since we've been loaded, because Reagan gave them a good message that if you come here, you'll be U.S Citizens by Capitalist retards.
You notice only liberals from the ghetto complain ? The poor folks in red county's are happy :)

If you're referring to me, I come from a household net-worth of 1.5 million.

Certainly not ghetto, nor Liberal, but I do understand the implications of how society works.

Welfare is not perfect, but it's overall a greater good, it helps hungry people, and it builds up more consumers into the Middle class.

Negs are also not perfect, but overall a greater detriment in looting, and shooting neighborhoods at orur expense.

Zionists are also not perfect, but overall a greater detriment in looting, and shooting for Israel at our expense.
I went into the military for a couple of reasons.
I believe every American should serve and I totally support the draft.
I wanted the GI Bill.
Then I went to college using the GI Bill and worked for 38 years as an engineer and a Senior Design Engineer and at 63 I retired because I could. I paid off my student loans.

I have no problem with people not going into the military. But I do have a problem with someone like Trump who got 5 deferments and smeared McCain and Gold Star families. I like people who weren't captured? What kind of a$$ Whole creep says something like that? What kind of jerk supports him?

There's a lot of support for Welfare increasing GDP or economic growth.

1.) LBJ was one of the top in economic growth in America when creating the Welfare system.

2.) Studies also have shown Welfare increases spending into the economy, which boosts it.

That doesn't even begin to account for how much more poverty there would without it.

But, you British Protestants are the Negs, and Dregs of Europe.

You are basically the Germanic trash Sweden didn't want, so you went nuts looting, and shooting to England as Germanic Anglos, that wasn't enough so you went nuts looting, and shooting into America. (Especially the U.S.A South)

How dumb you people are is this.
A.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in wars for Israel.
B.) You think patriotism is letting your people die in starvation.
C.) You think patriotism is letting your people die from preventable disease in healthcare.
D.) You think that the rich, and businesses are your friends, even though they hire illegals.
E.) You don't grasp how the Middle-Class was propped up by social programs.

With that said, I don't believe in able bodied workers sitting around getting Welfare, but rather the Government should help them get jobs, and some money if they can't afford it.

The Middle Class is being destroy in the US by Socialism. Under that idiot Left Wing idiot Obama poverty increased, family income decreased, debt soared, income disparity increased and economic growth was dismal. In Commie states like California we are seeing tremendous debt and increased poverty. The natural progression of socialist program. We have seen it all over the world.

Bullshit, you dumb Hick Dregs, and Negs down South don't know anything.

Unions are way down, Taxes are way down since the 1970's,
, Real Wages were growing until the 1970's then they stagnated
and Illegals are up, Legal Immigrants are up.

Immigrants are here because of Capitalism, even the Capitalists of the Chamber of Commerce call for Illegal Immigrant support.

Reagan started the whole fiasco by giving Amnesty to millions of Mexican illegals, and ever since we've been loaded, because Reagan gave them a good message that if you come here, you'll be U.S Citizens by Capitalist retards.
Tax down and debt is up. What was the debt when Bush became president. Then came two unpaid for wars and trillions in tax cuts. Eventually, the economy was wrecked after 8 years of Bush and the GOP controlling the government for about 6 of those years.

So, which economy was better? The one Bush handed Obama or the one Obama handed Trump?

What will Trump leave to the next president? Two trillion more debt in a year and a half? Trade wars? Lies? Broken agreements? Millions losing their healthcare? And it's only been a year and a half.

I have no problem with people not going into the military. But I do have a problem with someone like Trump who got 5 deferments and smeared McCain and Gold Star families. I like people who weren't captured? What kind of a$$ Whole creep says something like that? What kind of jerk supports him?

Did you have a problem with Slick Willy that purposely avoided the draft by lying to Col Holmes and who said that he "loathed the military"?

How about his filthy ass wife? How about that shithead Obama who never served his country because he hung out with his Commie friends? Biden that purposely avoided the draft? How about Kerry who lied about his service and whose fellow veterans said he was a coward? Did you like it when he said that the US military was "reminiscent of Genghis Khan? Were you like Genghis Khan in the military?

Do you have equal disdain for the filthy ass Democrats or it is only for Republicans?
You notice only liberals from the ghetto complain ? The poor folks in red county's are happy :)

My region has been Republican long before the South.

Both Pawling, and Putnam Lake are regions that continue to be Republican throughout the 20th century.

Unlike the South which as you admitted voted for Democrat Jimmy Carter.

With that said, I'd vote for Republicans if I knew what the heck they do besides being Democrat Liberal tolerance types who cut taxes..

I have no problem with people not going into the military. But I do have a problem with someone like Trump who got 5 deferments and smeared McCain and Gold Star families. I like people who weren't captured? What kind of a$$ Whole creep says something like that? What kind of jerk supports him?

Did you have a problem with Slick Willy that purposely avoided the draft by lying to Col Holmes and who said that he "loathed the military"?

How about his filthy ass wife? How about that shithead Obama who never served his country because he hung out with his Commie friends? Biden that purposely avoided the draft? How about Kerry who lied about his service and whose fellow veterans said he was a coward? Did you like it when he said that the US military was "reminiscent of Genghis Khan? Were you like Genghis Khan in the military?

Do you have equal disdain for the filthy ass Democrats or it is only for Republicans?

I have no problem with people not going into the military. But I do have a problem with someone like Trump who got 5 deferments and smeared McCain and Gold Star families. I like people who weren't captured? What kind of a$$ Whole creep says something like that? What kind of jerk supports him?

Did you have a problem with Slick Willy that purposely avoided the draft by lying to Col Holmes and who said that he "loathed the military"?

How about his filthy ass wife? How about that shithead Obama who never served his country because he hung out with his Commie friends? Biden that purposely avoided the draft? How about Kerry who lied about his service and whose fellow veterans said he was a coward? Did you like it when he said that the US military was "reminiscent of Genghis Khan? Were you like Genghis Khan in the military?

Do you have equal disdain for the filthy ass Democrats or it is only for Republicans?
Show me where Obama said "I like people who weren't captured".
Show me where Clinton made fun of Gold Star families.

Show me.



Thought so.

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