Are "Poor" Women too stupid to avoid getting pregnant?

this will not have any effect on the white woman...since she will just visit doctor and get pharms...
Why go through it if you don;t have to?

And like I said human behavior proves that humans will always have sex.

Believing that abstinence is realistic is beyond stupid

I am not advocating for abstinence. If you were "mature" enough to fuck, than be mature enough and face the consequences.
Currently with our level of medical technology somewhere after 22 weeks

You see, the leftist argument is that you could kill anything that's not viable.

Newborn is not viable. Even 5 yo is not viable. Most leftist aren't viable neither.
If people are not in control of their own sexual organs and urges, is it too much to ask to have them take responsibility for their own actions? It all reverts back to personal responsibility.
Yes I get that you people want to move back to the 50's. You made a mistake, now take your punishment even if it means ruining your life. The strongest reason for abortion was simply that women would always have them done. There was no known society where this was not the case and although Right wing Christians have managed to get many people in Africa to hate and harm gays, they have not got them to go against abortion because they know that sometimes this is necessary. So given that women will and always have had abortions, they can have them done in safety by the medical establishment or in the back streets where they have a good risk of dying. Loads of reason's why women would need an abortion. It is only very recently that rape has been properly charged. Nowadays a woman can forget to take her pill. To make it a crime like most evangelical Christians want to do is just harming or possibly killing those who are vulnerable. A man has the choice to take no responsibility when a woman gets pregnant. The woman of course has it all.
If you're a dem it seems the only alternative to popping out babies like a gumball machine is abortion and especially so if you are poor.

Husbands do not have the "right" to kill their wives to escape the consequences of marriage and avoid the financial cost of divorce.

Parents should not have the "right" to kill their children to escape the consequences of sex and avoid financial cost of raising kids.
Husbands do not have the "right" to kill their wives to escape the consequences of marriage and avoid the financial cost of divorce.

Parents should not have the "right" to kill their children to escape the consequences of sex and avoid financial cost of raising kids.
Democrats have had a hot and cold war against Personal Responsibility going since the mid sixties with the, "War on Poverty" making everyone else responsible for individuals making poor choices in life and providing gov't programs to "help" them that taught little more than dependency over self sufficiency.
ALL of the current hissy-fits about RvW PRESUME that women can get pregnant, (a) by accident, (b) without their knowledge, and/or (c) without their consent. And while one can imagine bizarre examples of these three phenomena, they are extremely rare.

They also ignore the moral/ethical aspect of abortion, to wit, it is possibly the taking of an innocent human life (after viability, remove the word, "possibly").

And yet, our kids who are lucky enough to attend American public schools learn about contraception in Kindergarten, and if not then, certainly before they are capable of getting pregnant.

Must one count the ways?

Refrain from reproductive activity (which has the added benefit of being without cost),
Take The Pill,
Use a mechanical obstructor.

As a final thought, what is the point of Planned Parenthood now? Women's reproductive health? What is that if not getting fixed when you want it?

Disturbing statistic: Black women, who comprise less than 7% of the population, are the recipients of more than 40% of the abortions. Is that simply a function of poverty, or are other factors involved? Inquiring minds want to know.

The Pill and mechanical obstructors are not 100% sure. My first wife was on The Pill when she got pregnant with my oldest child. In fact, she kept taking it for several weeks because she did not know she was pregnant. Luckily he was not harmed by it. He will be 40 next April. (damn I'm old)
The Pill and mechanical obstructors are not 100% sure. My first wife was on The Pill when she got pregnant with my oldest child. In fact, she kept taking it for several weeks because she did not know she was pregnant. Luckily he was not harmed by it. He will be 40 next April. (damn I'm old)
The same happened with myself and my siblings, thankfully my parents chose to take responsibility for those "whoopse's" or we'd have all ended up washed down the sink.
We are not talking about people in coma's.
We are talking about fetus's/unborn infants.
This is twice you have wasted my time with strawman bullshit.

We know for a fact that a child can be sentient and not in need of his/her mother at 21 weeks.
So, any abortion after that is probably murder.

But it is flat out IMPOSSIBLE for a fetus to be sentient without brain activity.
Thus, abortions before then are acceptable.

I have stated my beliefs on this subject.
You don't agree?
Take a wild guess how much it matters to me?

We are done here.
It isn't a strawman. If the bar is sentience then we should be able to treat coma patients the same way. It's a human being, not a lump of cells or an inconvenience.

No matter how we feel about abortion the only honest discussion begins with the fact that every successful abortion kills at least one completely innocent human being.
Don't assume anything, you'd be wrong

Abortions have been happening long before Roe v Wade, often with dangerous results. Legalizing it, made it safer for the woman. As with anything, there are those who take it too far, that now they are performed after birth.

Life does begin at conception and taking that life does carry the mental/emotional responsibility of doing so for many women. Yes there are alot of women who couldn't care less and use it as birth control and that shouldn't be allowed to happen. Nor should late term abortions.

The other side of that coin is the fact that sometimes shit happens. birth control methods didn't work or even forgotten, the guy was more forceful or even raped her, some women don't have regular cycles or others have been led to believe they are infertile, etc....there's a thousand reasons that a woman may choose abortion.....within the first trimester, if at all possible. Sometimes due to medical conditions of the mother, or health issues that happen during pregnancy to the mother and/or the baby even a first trimester procedure isn't possible.

My point has been that the responsibility for birth control to avoid unwanted pregnancy, or to have the child is just as much the man as it is the woman. It takes 2 to tango, and if you're going to tango you better be prepared for the consequences. Both parties need to provide birth control and if it doesn't work for whatever reason, they both need to decide how to move forward. Either THEY (both man & woman) raise the child, or THEY go to a clinic together........and if they can't or won't, they shouldn't be playing around
Lots of bad or inconvenient things happen to us in life, that's just unavoidable.

The solution isn't to try to cover them up or pretend they didn't happen, it's to take responsiblity for them and do what's right. That includes an unplanned pregnancy.

On very rare occasions carrying a child to term would be fatal, I certainly can't judge a woman harshly who decides to opt for abortion in such situations because that's just acting in self defense.

On the other hand, when a mother chooses to take that risk knowing she's likely to die in my mind she's a true hero no matter the outcome.

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