Are "Poor" Women too stupid to avoid getting pregnant?

We have people who were standing outside the Capitol building on Jan. 6 being branded and treated like terrorists. And this is the real evil. When I see Brandon, there is nothing but a total fraud and corrupted lying scumbag that has helped to shape and destroy a nation in a half century. But he became rich on it and that is important. Progs will not be forgiven for this economy.
The very same Joe Biden who voted in 1982 for a constitutional amendment to allow states to individually overturn r v w. now he is 1000% against it.

ALL of the current hissy-fits about RvW PRESUME that women can get pregnant, (a) by accident, (b) without their knowledge, and/or (c) without their consent. And while one can imagine bizarre examples of these three phenomena, they are extremely rare.

They also ignore the moral/ethical aspect of abortion, to wit, it is possibly the taking of an innocent human life (after viability, remove the word, "possibly").

And yet, our kids who are lucky enough to attend American public schools learn about contraception in Kindergarten, and if not then, certainly before they are capable of getting pregnant.

Must one count the ways?

Refrain from reproductive activity (which has the added benefit of being without cost),
Take The Pill,
Use a mechanical obstructor.

As a final thought, what is the point of Planned Parenthood now? Women's reproductive health? What is that if not getting fixed when you want it?

Disturbing statistic: Black women, who comprise less than 7% of the population, are the recipients of more than 40% of the abortions. Is that simply a function of poverty, or are other factors involved? Inquiring minds want to know.

The Planned Parenthood purpose is, and always has been, to exterminate blacks. Unironically, that was the same purpose of the KKK.

Therefore unconditional support for "Klanned Parenthood" and all out praise for Margaret Sanger from Democrats since it's beginning.
You write that life begins at conception. I would agree completely. The science would agree as well.

I would disagree that abortions often have dangerous results. I would say they always result in dangerous outcomes for the pre-born. If one agrees that life begins at conception, abortion would equate to murder. The pre-meditated killing of another human.

other than the extremely rare occurrence of the mother's life or the child, I can see the justification for the pro-choice argument. otherwise, it is a choice of convenience.
Many, many years ago, I worked for an abortionist for about six months. At that time, I actually believed that what that doctor was scraping out of a woman's body was just a few cells. I quit that job the day after, while cleaning up the equipment, I recognized something human in the detritus that I was rinsing down the sink. And I still have nightmares, forty years later.

I pray that God has forgiven me for working in that place, assisting in the deaths of unborn humans.

BTW, that "doctor" nearly went to prison for selling opioid prescriptions to high school students. Pure evil.

I can't imagine that someone can kill babies far more fully developed than the one that sent me running from that job and not wonder what spiritual retribution is coming their way. I believe they will see hell.
You said 20 years of forced motherhood, right now men can be forced into 20 years of forced fatherhood.

Removing roe makes it possible to force it on both of them

If women doesn't want to be mothers, they cannot force men to be fathers.

Also, even Roe did not provide an absolute protection of abortion.
I really don't care. I think viability outside the womb is a reasonable limit on abortions.

And there is no winning this debate. it's like arguing religion. You're never going to change anyone's mind.

At what age exactly a child become viable?
1) my mistake.
I mean human's are not 'alive' if they have no brain activity.
And they certainly are NOT sentient.

2) I am not using latin.
I am using a word that was derived from latin.
And yes, I do know what it means.

Could you clarify something here...

Let's say someone ends up in hospital, in coma. At what point doctor can pronounce that someone dead?
Motherhood is punishment?

For feminist sluts certainly is.

Taking responsibility for being irresponsible.

So is giving birth. Nobody forces you to keep the baby.
Why go through it if you don;t have to?

And like I said human behavior proves that humans will always have sex.

Believing that abstinence is realistic is beyond stupid

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