Are Republicans at war with the poor? The facts on food stamps make it seem that way.

Food stamps, you mean the things that help feed people? I agree with you that we are definitely the fattest nation on earth. Fat with self-interest, the wealth gap is so large, it baffles me to this day.

Why does the wealth gap baffle you? From my observation, it only seems to baffle people who have nothing. My advice, get an education, work hard, dedicate yourself to creating wealth, and you won't be baffled anymore. :)

Wealth is very distinct isn't it? Thomas Paine agrees that social security was necessary hundreds of years ago, so did Benjamin Franklin. To quote French philosopher Jean Rousseau "the fruits are everyone's, and the earth no ones". When we as human beings have ambition in direct opposition with other's ambition, failure is inevitable. While some would like to still believe the guise of the "American Dream", it does not quite exist, anymore. The rich stifle the poor, its class warfare, in a capitalist society you will always have class warfare. What I am saying is that in a society based on classical republican principles it only seems right that we should care about our neighbors.

Social Security exists only for people who have paid into the system for years, or theoretically, have been severely disabled. Otherwise, get working don't want to be one of the have-nots. do ya?

As for the socialist's another tip. There is no society where it has ever been successful long term. Why, you ask? Because human beings are not fucking ants or bees. There is a strong desire to compete and win in humans, as well as to cooperate, They are each parts of the human condition. Winners win. Losers lose. It has always been that way and always will. No amount of social engineering is going to change that.

Class warfare is bullshit. If you want to succeed, then do so. If you want to fail, and then bitch about it...write a letter to Obama.
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Why does the wealth gap baffle you? From my observation, it only seems to baffle people who have nothing. My advice, get an education, work hard, dedicate yourself to creating wealth, and you won't be baffled anymore. :)

To liberals, wealth and success is a taboo.

My wife and I worked full time night shifts in a hospital to get through grad school. We worked our asses off. We are comfortable...not wealthy. But we worked years and years to get comfortable.

If you are an able bodied person in America and you are not willing to work hard and sacrifice to acquire some degree of comfort and wealth, frankly, too fucking bad. I don't owe you anything. America doesn't owe you anything.

America was built on the social contract of opportunity for all. Not free shit...not handouts. Opportunity. If you are too lazy or stupid to take advantage of the things this society is not my problem or societies.

EVERONE works hard. America was built on the institutions of equality, and unity. You are misreading my words. If it never occurred to you, some people cant work. Disabilities, unemployment(lack of jobs), poverty, these all contribute to the need of government aid. Don't you think if the U.S. was based on rugged individualism we would be in anarchy? The social contract involves being governed by a higher power(the government). We live in republic, together.
I agree that there should be strict limits on government aid but hard work does not cut it all the time. Society in itself is corrupt because man has ambition, which is in direct opposition to other peoples ambition. I admire the fact that you put the effort and got what you put in, but we are all united under one banner.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?
Why does the wealth gap baffle you? From my observation, it only seems to baffle people who have nothing. My advice, get an education, work hard, dedicate yourself to creating wealth, and you won't be baffled anymore. :)

Wealth is very distinct isn't it? Thomas Paine agrees that social security was necessary hundreds of years ago, so did Benjamin Franklin. To quote French philosopher Jean Rousseau "the fruits are everyone's, and the earth no ones". When we as human beings have ambition in direct opposition with other's ambition, failure is inevitable. While some would like to still believe the guise of the "American Dream", it does not quite exist, anymore. The rich stifle the poor, its class warfare, in a capitalist society you will always have class warfare. What I am saying is that in a society based on classical republican principles it only seems right that we should care about our neighbors.

Social Security exists only for people who have paid into the system for years, or theoretically, have been severely disabled. Otherwise, get working don't want to be one of the have-nots. do ya?

As for the socialist's another tip. There is no society where it has ever been successful long term. Why, you ask? Because human beings are not fucking ants of bees. There is a strong desire to compete and win in humans, as well as to cooperate, They are each parts of the human condition. Winners win. Losers lose. It has always been that way and always will. No amount of social engineering is going to change that.

Class warfare is bullshit. If you want to succeed, then do so. If you want to fail, and then bitch about it...write a letter to Obama.

What socialist nonsense?!?!! You made my point by describing people not as ants or bees, we are humans. Humans have no innate desires(except survival), everything else is conditioned. Not once did I mention social engineering. I am disgusted by your adamant view that success comes to those who chase it. Theodore Roosevelt once said the government is "you and I", we don't have to hate each other, but work WITH each other.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

I realllly hope this wasn't directed to me.
The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole?

I love people in prison. Data shows it has dramatically lowered the crime rate in America. :)

As for health care. I could give a shit. Healthcare is not a Constitutional Right. We have zero legal or social obligation to give people free healthcare.

If fucking Greece wants to dole out and go brankrupt...good for them. It doesn;t mean it's a good idea for America. If you want for it. It's real simple.
To liberals, wealth and success is a taboo.

My wife and I worked full time night shifts in a hospital to get through grad school. We worked our asses off. We are comfortable...not wealthy. But we worked years and years to get comfortable.

If you are an able bodied person in America and you are not willing to work hard and sacrifice to acquire some degree of comfort and wealth, frankly, too fucking bad. I don't owe you anything. America doesn't owe you anything.

America was built on the social contract of opportunity for all. Not free shit...not handouts. Opportunity. If you are too lazy or stupid to take advantage of the things this society is not my problem or societies.

EVERONE works hard. America was built on the institutions of equality, and unity. You are misreading my words. If it never occurred to you, some people cant work. Disabilities, unemployment(lack of jobs), poverty, these all contribute to the need of government aid. Don't you think if the U.S. was based on rugged individualism we would be in anarchy? The social contract involves being governed by a higher power(the government). We live in republic, together.
I agree that there should be strict limits on government aid but hard work does not cut it all the time. Society in itself is corrupt because man has ambition, which is in direct opposition to other peoples ambition. I admire the fact that you put the effort and got what you put in, but we are all united under one banner.

I work in an ER. Millions of able bodied people refuse to work and sponge off the system. I see if everyday. There is massive fraud and waste.

You are correct. Man has ambition. Man also has the need to cooperate because we are social beings. Pure ambition is a antisocial monster. Too much cooperation = a doormat and a scapegoat. Humans ideally should have these qualities in roughly equal measure. You are an idealist who dreams of a socialist vision. A society where we all cooperate like little angels. That is not human. You have to have both for a functioning society.
Are Republicans at war with the poor? The facts on food stamps make it seem that way.

No, they’re not ‘at war’ with the poor, but they are ignorant of the root causes and complex issues associated with poverty; they’re also making matters worse by blindly adhering to incorrect rightist dogma about ‘welfare,’ particularly the ignorant notion that public assistance ‘causes’ poverty.
Are Republicans at war with the poor? The facts on food stamps make it seem that way.

No, they’re not ‘at war’ with the poor, but they are ignorant of the root causes and complex issues associated with poverty; they’re also making matters worse by blindly adhering to incorrect rightist dogma about ‘welfare,’ particularly the ignorant notion that public assistance ‘causes’ poverty.

The number one root cause of poverty on America is low I.Q. It has been known for 50 years. No other variable comes close. In the western world bright people are overwhelmingly successful as defined by income and education. They have far fewer children out of wedlock...much lower levels of incarceration...and lower levels of substance abuse.

The poor in our society have low I.Q. That is why the "War on Poverty" has been such an abject failure. Money can't fix stupid. I could point you to literally thousands of studies that all will tell you this, but I have a feeling since it doesn't fit your social paradigm you would not be interested.
To liberals, wealth and success is a taboo.

My wife and I worked full time night shifts in a hospital to get through grad school. We worked our asses off. We are comfortable...not wealthy. But we worked years and years to get comfortable.

If you are an able bodied person in America and you are not willing to work hard and sacrifice to acquire some degree of comfort and wealth, frankly, too fucking bad. I don't owe you anything. America doesn't owe you anything.

America was built on the social contract of opportunity for all. Not free shit...not handouts. Opportunity. If you are too lazy or stupid to take advantage of the things this society is not my problem or societies.

man has ambition, which is in direct opposition to other peoples ambition.
I call it survival of the fittest. This nation would have never made it without ambition and endurance in the beginning.
There is no cut to SNAP. IT is rolling back what was supposed to be a temporary increase. One again Billy proves to be among the most clueless posters here.
The truth is Dems hate poor people and want them to stay that way. The GOP wants poor people to join the middle class, heck even become rich.

Everybody can't be middle class or rich. There will always be low skilled jobs that need to be filled and that do not pay much. If it were possible for everyone to have a college degree and have a great job, who do you suggest would do all the low skill jobs? Would we have to pay college educated people $30 per hour to flip burgers?

Saying Dems hate poor people and want to keep them that way just shows your ignorance of the facts. Dems realize that there always will be poor people and especially if they work, they should be able to put food on the table for their kids. And don't bother bringing up your anecdotal stories of how some woman with twenty kids just keeps having more kids to get more welfare money. We all know there is a small percentage of welfare whores, but you don't cut welfare spending to 45 million needy people because 1 million are abusing the system.
There is no cut to SNAP. IT is rolling back what was supposed to be a temporary increase. One again Billy proves to be among the most clueless posters here.
The truth is Dems hate poor people and want them to stay that way. The GOP wants poor people to join the middle class, heck even become rich.

Everybody can't be middle class or rich. There will always be low skilled jobs that need to be filled and that do not pay much. If it were possible for everyone to have a college degree and have a great job, who do you suggest would do all the low skill jobs? Would we have to pay college educated people $30 per hour to flip burgers?

Saying Dems hate poor people and want to keep them that way just shows your ignorance of the facts. Dems realize that there always will be poor people and especially if they work, they should be able to put food on the table for their kids. And don't bother bringing up your anecdotal stories of how some woman with twenty kids just keeps having more kids to get more welfare money. We all know there is a small percentage of welfare whores, but you don't cut welfare spending to 45 million needy people because 1 million are abusing the system.

Dems have enslaved poor blacks since the 1960's and have effectively replaced black fathers. It is cynical and corrupt. Trillions spent on the war on poverty has accomplished nothing except to destroy black families. This cannot be argued. It is self-evident.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty. Address the issue honestly and directly. Dems need to stop preying on the poor and acting like they care by throwing our tax dollars at the problem. That has not worked. it will never work.
There is no cut to SNAP. IT is rolling back what was supposed to be a temporary increase. One again Billy proves to be among the most clueless posters here.
The truth is Dems hate poor people and want them to stay that way. The GOP wants poor people to join the middle class, heck even become rich.

Everybody can't be middle class or rich. There will always be low skilled jobs that need to be filled and that do not pay much. If it were possible for everyone to have a college degree and have a great job, who do you suggest would do all the low skill jobs? Would we have to pay college educated people $30 per hour to flip burgers?

Saying Dems hate poor people and want to keep them that way just shows your ignorance of the facts. Dems realize that there always will be poor people and especially if they work, they should be able to put food on the table for their kids. And don't bother bringing up your anecdotal stories of how some woman with twenty kids just keeps having more kids to get more welfare money. We all know there is a small percentage of welfare whores, but you don't cut welfare spending to 45 million needy people because 1 million are abusing the system.

Dems have enslaved poor blacks since the 1960's and have effectively replaced black fathers. It is cynical and corrupt. Trillions spent on the war on poverty has accomplished nothing except to destroy black families. This cannot be argued. It is self-evident.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty. Address the issue honestly and directly. Dems need to stop preying on the poor and acting like they care by throwing our tax dollars at the problem. That has not worked. it will never work.

So you are saying that most blacks have low IQ and are inherently stupid? Sorry, but I happen to know a lot of very intelligent blacks. I also know a lot of really stupid ones. The major difference is that the intelligent ones were raised in middle class families and went to decent schools. As for the stupid ones, they grew up in the hood. That is the difference in intelligence.
There is no cut to SNAP. IT is rolling back what was supposed to be a temporary increase. One again Billy proves to be among the most clueless posters here.
The truth is Dems hate poor people and want them to stay that way. The GOP wants poor people to join the middle class, heck even become rich.

Everybody can't be middle class or rich. There will always be low skilled jobs that need to be filled and that do not pay much. If it were possible for everyone to have a college degree and have a great job, who do you suggest would do all the low skill jobs? Would we have to pay college educated people $30 per hour to flip burgers?

Saying Dems hate poor people and want to keep them that way just shows your ignorance of the facts. Dems realize that there always will be poor people and especially if they work, they should be able to put food on the table for their kids. And don't bother bringing up your anecdotal stories of how some woman with twenty kids just keeps having more kids to get more welfare money. We all know there is a small percentage of welfare whores, but you don't cut welfare spending to 45 million needy people because 1 million are abusing the system.

Dems have enslaved poor blacks since the 1960's and have effectively replaced black fathers. It is cynical and corrupt. Trillions spent on the war on poverty has accomplished nothing except to destroy black families. This cannot be argued. It is self-evident.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty. Address the issue honestly and directly. Dems need to stop preying on the poor and acting like they care by throwing our tax dollars at the problem. That has not worked. it will never work.

Low IQ is the root cause of poverty? Do you have evidence to prove that? Of course not.

Just because people with low IQs are more likely to be poor, it does not mean most poor people are dumb.
Everybody can't be middle class or rich. There will always be low skilled jobs that need to be filled and that do not pay much. If it were possible for everyone to have a college degree and have a great job, who do you suggest would do all the low skill jobs? Would we have to pay college educated people $30 per hour to flip burgers?

Saying Dems hate poor people and want to keep them that way just shows your ignorance of the facts. Dems realize that there always will be poor people and especially if they work, they should be able to put food on the table for their kids. And don't bother bringing up your anecdotal stories of how some woman with twenty kids just keeps having more kids to get more welfare money. We all know there is a small percentage of welfare whores, but you don't cut welfare spending to 45 million needy people because 1 million are abusing the system.

Dems have enslaved poor blacks since the 1960's and have effectively replaced black fathers. It is cynical and corrupt. Trillions spent on the war on poverty has accomplished nothing except to destroy black families. This cannot be argued. It is self-evident.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty. Address the issue honestly and directly. Dems need to stop preying on the poor and acting like they care by throwing our tax dollars at the problem. That has not worked. it will never work.

So you are saying that most blacks have low IQ and are inherently stupid? Sorry, but I happen to know a lot of very intelligent blacks. I also know a lot of really stupid ones. The major difference is that the intelligent ones were raised in middle class families and went to decent schools. As for the stupid ones, they grew up in the hood. That is the difference in intelligence.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty in America, not race. Whites with low I.Q. have identical rates of poverty as blacks with low I.Q. There is a mountain of evidence to support this conclusion that goes back at least 50 years. Educate yourself and we'll talk.
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Everybody can't be middle class or rich. There will always be low skilled jobs that need to be filled and that do not pay much. If it were possible for everyone to have a college degree and have a great job, who do you suggest would do all the low skill jobs? Would we have to pay college educated people $30 per hour to flip burgers?

Saying Dems hate poor people and want to keep them that way just shows your ignorance of the facts. Dems realize that there always will be poor people and especially if they work, they should be able to put food on the table for their kids. And don't bother bringing up your anecdotal stories of how some woman with twenty kids just keeps having more kids to get more welfare money. We all know there is a small percentage of welfare whores, but you don't cut welfare spending to 45 million needy people because 1 million are abusing the system.

Dems have enslaved poor blacks since the 1960's and have effectively replaced black fathers. It is cynical and corrupt. Trillions spent on the war on poverty has accomplished nothing except to destroy black families. This cannot be argued. It is self-evident.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty. Address the issue honestly and directly. Dems need to stop preying on the poor and acting like they care by throwing our tax dollars at the problem. That has not worked. it will never work.

Low IQ is the root cause of poverty? Do you have evidence to prove that? Of course not.

Just because people with low IQs are more likely to be poor, it does not mean most poor people are dumb.

Google poverty and low I.Q. Read for several months. We'll talk. :)
Dems have enslaved poor blacks since the 1960's and have effectively replaced black fathers. It is cynical and corrupt. Trillions spent on the war on poverty has accomplished nothing except to destroy black families. This cannot be argued. It is self-evident.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty. Address the issue honestly and directly. Dems need to stop preying on the poor and acting like they care by throwing our tax dollars at the problem. That has not worked. it will never work.

So you are saying that most blacks have low IQ and are inherently stupid? Sorry, but I happen to know a lot of very intelligent blacks. I also know a lot of really stupid ones. The major difference is that the intelligent ones were raised in middle class families and went to decent schools. As for the stupid ones, they grew up in the hood. That is the difference in intelligence.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty in America, not race. White with low I.Q. have identical rates of poverty as blacks with low I.Q. There is a mountain of evidence to support this conclusion that goes back at least 50 years. Educate yourself and we'll talk.

So you're saying that IQ is the reason we have low wage job positions?
Dems have enslaved poor blacks since the 1960's and have effectively replaced black fathers. It is cynical and corrupt. Trillions spent on the war on poverty has accomplished nothing except to destroy black families. This cannot be argued. It is self-evident.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty. Address the issue honestly and directly. Dems need to stop preying on the poor and acting like they care by throwing our tax dollars at the problem. That has not worked. it will never work.

Low IQ is the root cause of poverty? Do you have evidence to prove that? Of course not.

Just because people with low IQs are more likely to be poor, it does not mean most poor people are dumb.

Google poverty and low I.Q. Read for several months. We'll talk. :)

Again I ask, are you saying IQ is the cause of low wage job positions?

You obviously don't understand empirical research. When it comes to the issue of poverty and IQ, the conclusions are bi-directional. Poverty has been known to CAUSE low IQ. You are completley over simplifying the issue. Aside from that, it is much more than just IQ that causes poverty. Not all poor people are dumb.
So you are saying that most blacks have low IQ and are inherently stupid? Sorry, but I happen to know a lot of very intelligent blacks. I also know a lot of really stupid ones. The major difference is that the intelligent ones were raised in middle class families and went to decent schools. As for the stupid ones, they grew up in the hood. That is the difference in intelligence.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty in America, not race. White with low I.Q. have identical rates of poverty as blacks with low I.Q. There is a mountain of evidence to support this conclusion that goes back at least 50 years. Educate yourself and we'll talk.

So you're saying that IQ is the reason we have low wage job positions?

Apparently, low IQ was what put Obama in office. Some people are too dumb to know when they are being lied to.

You like your job? You can keep it. Period.

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So you are saying that most blacks have low IQ and are inherently stupid? Sorry, but I happen to know a lot of very intelligent blacks. I also know a lot of really stupid ones. The major difference is that the intelligent ones were raised in middle class families and went to decent schools. As for the stupid ones, they grew up in the hood. That is the difference in intelligence.

Low I.Q. is the root cause of poverty in America, not race. White with low I.Q. have identical rates of poverty as blacks with low I.Q. There is a mountain of evidence to support this conclusion that goes back at least 50 years. Educate yourself and we'll talk.

So you're saying that IQ is the reason we have low wage job positions?

Speaking of low I.Q. ....................

I cannot be any clearer. The number one predictive variable for poverty status is low I.Q. Period. Please tell me you understand this or I'll worry. :)

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