Are Republicans at war with the poor? The facts on food stamps make it seem that way.

No, they’re not ‘at war’ with the poor, but they are ignorant of the root causes and complex issues associated with poverty; they’re also making matters worse by blindly adhering to incorrect rightist dogma about ‘welfare,’ particularly the ignorant notion that public assistance ‘causes’ poverty.

The number one root cause of poverty on America is low I.Q. It has been known for 50 years. No other variable comes close. In the western world bright people are overwhelmingly successful as defined by income and education. They have far fewer children out of wedlock...much lower levels of incarceration...and lower levels of substance abuse.

The poor in our society have low I.Q. That is why the "War on Poverty" has been such an abject failure. Money can't fix stupid. I could point you to literally thousands of studies that all will tell you this, but I have a feeling since it doesn't fit your social paradigm you would not be interested.

You don't need a high IQ to work in industry, manufacturing, etc., but the capitalists have taken those jobs out of America, where they once existed by the millions and paid very good wages,

and put those jobs in places where people are willing to work for almost nothing.

You're right....................they've taken those jobs out of this country and shipped them off to places like India and China, and don't really care what they did.

I just hope that they don't think about shipping off military jobs to those places, because you really don't need a high I.Q. to serve in the Armed Forces, you just need to want to serve for whatever reason (patriotism, needing a place to live, wanting to provide for your family, etc.).

How do I know those reasons? Because I was Head Classifier in MEPS Amarillo from 1999 until 2002, and heard them all.

And yeah..................if you join the military, as an E-1 through E-3, you're working for a lot less than what your civilian counterparts would be paid (meaning next to nothing).

Google "military pay charts" sometime and see what this country is paying people to do a dangerous job, and tell me that most of you civilians would get paid the same amount for what they do and do it happily.

Me? I served 20 years and was happy to be there, and happy to do the job, even though it meant that at the top of my service (when I was an E-6 who had served over 19 years and was looking forward to retirement, which is where a lot of people retire at) and I was only making around 37,000/year.

You won't get rich in the military, but you will have a lot of fun, as well as gain a lot of experience and insight (if you're smart).
I hard did the Koch brothers work for THEIR money?

How about Grover Norquist?

neither of them work to had or work long and hard hours to acquired their wealth... they inherited it

You're right............................they DID NOT work for it, nor did they do anything to achieve it, they just inherited it.

However........................because they have it, they are hoping that the government will help them grow it.

Norquist and the Koch Brothers are hoping for lower taxes, because it will bring them more money.

Know what I hope? Anyone earning over 2,000,000/year has to pay a tax of at least 40 percent to help this country that they supposedly love (and has helped to make them rich) to keep their fountain of wealth going.

If you earn under 75,000, you should be given a pass, as in low taxes (around 1 percent). sounds Communist or Marxist, or whatever you think, but my question is, how much money do you need to feel successful?
No, they’re not ‘at war’ with the poor, but they are ignorant of the root causes and complex issues associated with poverty; they’re also making matters worse by blindly adhering to incorrect rightist dogma about ‘welfare,’ particularly the ignorant notion that public assistance ‘causes’ poverty.

The number one root cause of poverty on America is low I.Q. It has been known for 50 years. No other variable comes close. In the western world bright people are overwhelmingly successful as defined by income and education. They have far fewer children out of wedlock...much lower levels of incarceration...and lower levels of substance abuse.

The poor in our society have low I.Q. That is why the "War on Poverty" has been such an abject failure. Money can't fix stupid. I could point you to literally thousands of studies that all will tell you this, but I have a feeling since it doesn't fit your social paradigm you would not be interested.

You don't need a high IQ to work in industry, manufacturing, etc., but the capitalists have taken those jobs out of America, where they once existed by the millions and paid very good wages,

and put those jobs in places where people are willing to work for almost nothing.

Thank Clinton for the great sucking sound of jobs fleeing the country, as was predicted.
Are Republicans at war with the poor? The facts on food stamps make it seem that way

They do not understand the rules.

It is perfectly fine for the parasites to be at war against the Taxpayers and Producers. But not vice-versa.

Under the Welfare State constitution of 1935 the taxpayers owe the Parasitic faction a living.

Can anyone on the right give a valid argument why this program needed to be cut?

Read the whole article if you actually want to be informed about the SNAP program. I put important points in this article in bold, including the ONLY valid complaints republicans have about the program:

William Galston: In Defense of Food Stamps -
"Any idiot can be a libertarian. It takes intelligence and maturity to appreciate the role of government". Our government is made up of over 2,000 agencies, no one knows the exact number. The Constitution gives the three branches of government only 35 duties to do. Most are done half assed or not at all. Or like Joe protecting our border he takes millions of our money shipping them around the states hiding them. He threatens us with Nukes and F-15's while trying to disarm us. Appreciate the government! What, can't you chew gum and walk at the same time? I'm sure they have a government program to get on that will take care of that problem.
Because today's Neo-Cons are the true party of "big gubmint".

They want "big gubmint" to control peoples private lives in regard to abortion.

They want "big gubmint" to control peoples private lives in regard to who can get married.

They want "big gubmint" to control peoples private lives in regard to euthanasia.

They want "big gubmint" to control peoples private lives and decide for the family on whether a plug gets pulled in a comatose loved one.

They want "big gubmint" to control peoples private lives in regard to cancer treatment.

So as you see today's Neo-Cons stand for Totalitarianism, plain and simple.

If the cowardly repugs were at war with anyone it would be only a snivel not loud enough to hear. Like those cops in Texas.
"Any idiot can be a libertarian. It takes intelligence and maturity to appreciate the role of government". Our government is made up of over 2,000 agencies, no one knows the exact number. The Constitution gives the three branches of government only 35 duties to do. Most are done half assed or not at all. Or like Joe protecting our border he takes millions of our money shipping them around the states hiding them. He threatens us with Nukes and F-15's while trying to disarm us. Appreciate the government! What, can't you chew gum and walk at the same time? I'm sure they have a government program to get on that will take care of that problem.

Just out of curiosity, WHO is threatening us with F-15's and Nukes? Got any links to prove your bullshit assertations?
Food stamps? How did this become a current issue? Is that the best that freaking lefties can do to deflect attention from Biden's inflation?

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