Are Republican's claims valid that Trump's indictment is 'political'?

No, that isn't the only thing.

When will Biden be held accountable for his actions?
Ending the pandemic
Bringing unemployment from 11% to 3%
Providing federal assistance to the incompetents in Texas, Alabama, Florida, Ohio and other Red states.

The rat bastard!

Ending the pandemic
Bringing unemployment from 11% to 3%
Providing federal assistance to the incompetents in Texas, Alabama, Florida, Ohio and other Red states.

The rat bastard!

Biden ended the pandemic? That's rich.

What did Biden do to end unemployment?

your are saying that dispensing cash to parasite is some kind of an achievement.
so you tell me, what horrible crimes did he committ.....taking money from china maybe....throwing a gun in the trash....whoops those were the bidens, my bad

Real crimes little one.
Not your NEWSMAX fantasies.

Tax evasion
money laundering...

Capone didn't go to prison for the murders
Capone died in prison because of the money trail.
Real crimes little one.
Not your NEWSMAX fantasies.

Tax evasion
money laundering...

Capone didn't go to prison for the murders
Capone died in prison because of the money trail.
You live in a fantasy world. When did Trump commit extortion? bribery? perjury?
Biden ended the pandemic? That's rich.

What did Biden do to end unemployment?

your are saying that dispensing cash to parasite is some kind of an achievement.
Well, I can say Joe Biden never told you to drink bleach or stick a light bulb up your ass.

You should be thanking Biden for keeping your stupidity from killing you.
You live in a fantasy world. When did Trump commit extortion? bribery? perjury?

Since he finished crapping in daddy's coffin.

But let's wait for the rest of the charges to see just how ignorant you really are.
I suggest that such claims by Republicans, itself, is political. It certainly gives Republicans, many of whom, privately, have expressed their dislike of Trump, while publically either being indifferent or approving of him, the claims of 'political' give Republicans a political advantage if they succeed in convincing a large swath of the electorate that the claim is true.

But is it true? Let's take a deep dive (and please, those with short attention spans are not invited).

The recent indictment of former President Donald Trump on over 30 counts of crimes has brought to light once again the problematic claim of Republicans that this is a political move. This claim conveniently ignores the numerous examples of hypocrisy in their own actions, such as their investigations into Hunter Biden and current President Joe Biden, both of whom have not been indicted for any crimes in which there is one salient and glaring fact: Rep. Comer's investigation, when assigned to the task, his committee was investigating Jared Kushner, which he stalled in favor of investigating Hunter Biden (but the target of the investigation, as admitted by Comer, is Joe Biden), and to date, their 'memo' does not actually prove any illegal activity by the 'Biden family', a characterization which, though intended to imply, does not include include Joe Biden

Moreover, this claim also overlooks the fact that Trump's own family members, including Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump, have benefited from their connections to foreign officials, which could potentially constitute conflicts of interest and unethical behavior.

Let us first examine the claims made by Republicans that Trump's indictment is politically motivated. While it is true that politics can play a role in legal proceedings, it is important to note that the evidence presented against Trump is extensive and has been gathered over several years by multiple investigators. It is also worth mentioning that the indictments were issued by the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, which is not a partisan entity and has a long history of impartiality.

Contrast this with the Republican-led investigations into Hunter Biden, who is not, nor has he ever been, a public official. These investigations seem to have been motivated purely by political gain and have not resulted in any criminal charges being brought against Biden. It is also worth noting that Joe Biden himself has not been indicted for any crimes, despite the intense scrutiny he has faced from Republicans.

However, the hypocrisy of the Republicans does not end there. Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, held a senior advisory position in the White House and reportedly received $2 billion from Mohammed Bin Salman, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. This payment was allegedly made in exchange for soft treatment by the Trump White House, and Bin Salman himself is suspected of involvement in the brutal murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

Similarly, Ivanka Trump also held a senior advisory position in the White House and received accelerated trademarks worth millions from China. These trademarks allowed her to sell products to the tune of millions in profits while her father was negotiating with China on a trade deal.

It is difficult to argue that these actions by Kushner and Ivanka Trump do not constitute conflicts of interest and potentially unethical behavior. Yet, Republicans have largely ignored these examples of possible corruption within their own party.

In conclusion, the Republican claim that Trump's indictment is politically motivated is problematic and ignores the extensive evidence gathered against him. Moreover, it highlights the hypocrisy of their investigations into Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, who have not been indicted for any crimes given that no evidence has ever been forthcoming (though plenty of implication and innuendo), while ignoring the potential conflicts of interest and unethical behavior of their own party members, such as Kushner and Ivanka Trump. It is important for us to hold all public officials, regardless of party affiliation, accountable for their actions and to demand transparency and integrity in our political system.
Trumpers need to hype a well-documented case of the relatively minor offense of claiming bimbo hush money as a legal expense into an existential armageddon for fundraising purposes, wee-weeing up the cult, and transforming a dispassionate judicial consideration of evidence into a glitzy propaganda bonanza.


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Pathetic. If you don't insist that you're above the law, contest the charges in court with exculpatory evidence,
not whiny hysterics such as
"Thugs and Radical Left Monsters!" and sissy bleating such as

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Since he finished crapping in daddy's coffin.

But let's wait for the rest of the charges to see just how ignorant you really are.
In other words, you can't list any times.

I will bookmark this post for the time when the charges are dismissed.
In other words, you can't list any times.

I will bookmark this post for the time when the charges are dismissed.
Do that Nancy-boy

And don't forget Trump signed those tax returns knowing they were fraudulent.

Good day.
Don't you just love the smell of consecutive sentences in the air.
I suggest that such claims by Republicans, itself, is political.
The goddamn Democrats claimed that Crooked Hillary was innocent, even after Comey laid out her crimes but then made the unbelievable and ridiculous determination that she had "no intent".

All you stupid Moon Bats are in denial about The Worthless Negro's lies and incompetency and Poatohead's corruption and disastrous record.

So just go fuck yourself Moon Bat.


Be thankful. Were it not for Joe you'd be stupid from a mass grave.
What's on tape? What stupid show?

You are a complete fucking idiot.
I'm sure that politics does play some role, but the fact remains that laws were broken. Trump knowingly violated campaign finance law by directing Michael Cohen to make payments to Danie;ls and other women, which constituted in-kind donations to Trump's political campaign, and exceeded what Cohen was legally allowed to donate.

He made this same type of deal with the owners of the National Enquire, and they violated the law as well.

Normally, this would be a misdemeanor, but apparently, they have evidence that Trump and his associates committed other crimes to cover up the payments, which makes the payments a felony.

Many of these dealings were done through Trump's business, the Trump Organization, which tried to launder the money and pass them off as business expenses, which is where the normally federal crime became something that could be charged on the state level, since Trump's business is registered in the state of New York.

The only real issue is the statute of limitations, but New York does have laws on the books which allow the state to put a freeze on the statute of limitations, whenever a suspect is outside of the state's ability to indict and try in a timely manner. Normally, this would be in cases where a suspect is outside of the state's legal jurisdiction, such as if they fled the country. A person who is indicted must be arrested and charged within a certain time period. It could also easily apply to Trump while he was serving as President. New York prosecutors could easily argue that due to Trump being the sitting President at the time the investigation began, that they could not effectively investigate him, let along bring him in for arraignment. So this extension of the statute of limitations could easily apply in Trump's case.
I'm sure that politics does play some role, but the fact remains that laws were broken.
That certainly isn't a fact, moron. That's why we have trials, to determine the facts.

Trump knowingly violated campaign finance law by directing Michael Cohen to make payments to Danie;ls and other women, which constituted in-kind donations to Trump's political campaign, and exceeded what Cohen was legally allowed to donate.
He didn't violate any campaign laws, moron.

He made this same type of deal with the owners of the National Enquire, and they violated the law as well.
You really have no clue what actually happened

Normally, this would be a misdemeanor, but apparently, they have evidence that Trump and his associates committed other crimes to cover up the payments, which makes the payments a felony.

Many of these dealings were done through Trump's business, the Trump Organization, which tried to launder the money and pass them off as business expenses, which is where the normally federal crime became something that could be charged on the state level, since Trump's business is registered in the state of New York.

The only real issue is the statute of limitations, but New York does have laws on the books which allow the state to put a freeze on the statute of limitations, whenever a suspect is outside of the state's ability to indict and try in a timely manner. Normally, this would be in cases where a suspect is outside of the state's legal jurisdiction, such as if they fled the country. A person who is indicted must be arrested and charged within a certain time period. It could also easily apply to Trump while he was serving as President. New York prosecutors could easily argue that due to Trump being the sitting President at the time the investigation began, that they could not effectively investigate him, let along bring him in for arraignment. So this extension of the statute of limitations could easily apply in Trump's case.
I won't waste my time debunking every idiotic claim you made.
What's on tape? What stupid show?

You are a complete fucking idiot.
what you're looking for my tiny minded poopeater.
Maybe if you took your cheeto colored nose out of Trump's ass long enough for a single sniff of fresh air that pile of crappettes between your ears might generate a thought or two.

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