Are Some Cultures Superior to Others?

Are Some Cultures Superior to Others?

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It is the case because there are more blacks in jail. Probably because jail is better than living in a crack house.

Thats the point. There is a meth epidemic in the white neighborhoods. Why aren't there more whites in jail?

Probably because in general whites aren't as dumb as blacks.

Do you know what epidemic means? it means a lot of people. Why arent they in jail when the majority of Black people are in jail due to minor offenses like smoking weed?
It's a valid question because some people tend to use words to define people or an ideology in an ignorant way. The word "Liberal" is a prime example, especially when some conservatives us it as a word of disparagement as well as forgetting that this country was Founded by Liberals and that the very Constitution they claim to hold in high regard , is a Liberal document.Many of the positive changes in this society were enacted by people with a Liberal mindset and ideology.

Liberalism has changed from what it was 200+ years ago.

Liberals today do not support limited government and unrestricted free market as our Founders did.

Don't reveal your ignorance by equating "unrestricted free market" with wanting to trade with our nations, bub. The various colonies had market restrictions on each other.

Where did you go to school?

I wasn't equating the two you stupid fuck. Pay attention.
Not from white controlled institutions. I have a strong suspicion that they are lying just like they seem to lie about a lot of things. Historically this has always happened in the Black community. It has a negative affect on perceptions of Black people. I wonder why the vast majority of Black people I know don't conform to the stats?

Suspicion doesn't mean squat.

These are the facts.

History isn't on your side.

Suspicion means everything. I dont believe the data points. Those are not facts. They only become facts when someone is dumb enough to believe in them.

Those are the facts and you don't have to believe them.
Excellent summation. Just to add to what you state, so called "black culture" is often defined on this board by certain individuals as a "violent, hip- hop" loving, culture that disdains education and work ethic.

When on the other hand, more than less black people over 35 are employed, religious, do not like hip hop, disdain violence and desire to live peacefully.

Just as the majority of white people are not Aryan supremacists, who believe in "master race" theories.

I'm curious to see where you got your stats.

The violent, hip hop, disdains education, lacks work ethics and lets add criminal behavior, isn't a stereotype that someone just made up out of thin air.

You have 72 percent of blacks babies born out of wedlock, you have black unemployment at a five year low is 12.6 percent almost twice as much as the national average.

One in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Only 52 percent of black males graduate high school.

For starters, based on my calculations, 1 out 3 imprisoned does not equal a majority, nor does 12.6% equal a majority of those you are able to join the workforce.

Besides that, I base much of what I say and believe on my personal contact with a large circle of successful, college educated family oriented black people.

I don't usually read or respond to what you post, however I did notice once where you commented that you came in contact with blacks while in prison, so like me, much of what you believe may be based on what you have been exposed to, which is normal.

That's human nature.

Who said anything about "majority"?

So, you live in your own little bubble. Must be nice to ignore reality.

Yes, I had contact with blacks in prison but also outside of the prison walls and to be honest, with the exception of a few blacks, they're all the same. IMO
Excellent summation. Just to add to what you state, so called "black culture" is often defined on this board by certain individuals as a "violent, hip- hop" loving, culture that disdains education and work ethic.

When on the other hand, more than less black people over 35 are employed, religious, do not like hip hop, disdain violence and desire to live peacefully.

Just as the majority of white people are not Aryan supremacists, who believe in "master race" theories.

I'm curious to see where you got your stats.

The violent, hip hop, disdains education, lacks work ethics and lets add criminal behavior, isn't a stereotype that someone just made up out of thin air.

You have 72 percent of blacks babies born out of wedlock, you have black unemployment at a five year low is 12.6 percent almost twice as much as the national average.

One in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Only 52 percent of black males graduate high school.

LOL, it's real "fun" to post a headline that supports your position, but it's even more fun to
analyze the report and find facts like this:

"We remain frustratingly short of our best ambitions
in this work. But in the matter of graduating
our kids, especially our African American male
students, we have made enormous strides.
In the
period from 2006-07 to 2010-11, the dropout
rate for all students in the district declined from
9.4% to 4.2% — a 55% decrease
. Our Black male
students were an engine for this progress, with
dropouts declining from 11.9% to 5.0% in the
same timeframe: a decrease of 58%. In 2010-
11, the first year that Maryland reported cohort
graduation rates that tracked every individual
student over time, 87% of our students who had
entered high school in 2007-08 had either graduated
or were still in school.

"Over the past nine years, there has been progress in the national graduation rate for male
students across the board. The national graduation rate for Black males has increased by 10
percentage points, from 42% in 2001-02 to 52% in 2009-10. This is the first year that more than half of the nation’s Black males in Grade 9 graduated with regular diplomas four years later."

Alaska 71%
Arizona 84%
Idaho 73%
Maine 97%
Oregon 72%
Utah 76%
Vermont 82%

There are plenty of other states that have over 52%, I thought that some conservatives and republicans claim that they "don't see color" and "don't break people up into groups (unless it's Blacks obviously)" , as well as "concentrate on the individual"?

"As Table 2 indicates, states with conspicuously large gaps between their graduation rates
for Black and White, non-Latino male students include the District of Columbia (50%),
Iowa (49%), Nebraska (43%) and New York (42%). As in previous years, states with relatively small Black populations achieve high graduation rates for Black male students (Maine, Utah,Vermont, Idaho). This seems to indicate that Black males, on average, perform better in places and spaces where they are not relegated to under-resourced districts or schools. When provided similar opportunities they are more likely to produce similar or better outcomes as their White male peers."

"On average, states with low graduation rates for Black male students (New York, Nebraska,
South Carolina, Delaware, Illinois, Florida) tend to have concentrations of those students in under-resourced districts (New York City, Charleston, Duval County, FL and Chicago) where both Black and White male students perform poorly."

The funny thing about the study, is how they saw certain people "coming" when they closed with this:

"Historically, a common reaction to these data outcomes has been to make a leap from poor graduation outcomes for Black males to the formation and promotion of negative public perceptions of Black males’ abilities and roles in society. Let us be clear: The Schott Foundation firmly believes that these data are not indicative of a character flaw in Black boys and men, but rather they are evidence of an unconscionable level of willful neglect and disparate resource allocations by federal, state and local entities and a level of indifference by too many community leaders. Yet, despite these challenges, many Black males progress to further education and work in communities across the nation making positive impacts— accomplishments given not nearly as much public attention as the negative perceptions are given."


Damn you're funny.

Out of the seven states you listed, what percentage of them are black?
Liberalism has changed from what it was 200+ years ago.

Liberals today do not support limited government and unrestricted free market as our Founders did.

Don't reveal your ignorance by equating "unrestricted free market" with wanting to trade with our nations, bub. The various colonies had market restrictions on each other.

Where did you go to school?

I wasn't equating the two you stupid fuck. Pay attention.

That was the implication of the argument and the OP.
Don't reveal your ignorance by equating "unrestricted free market" with wanting to trade with our nations, bub. The various colonies had market restrictions on each other.

Where did you go to school?

I wasn't equating the two you stupid fuck. Pay attention.

That was the implication of the argument and the OP.

The implication was in your head. I made no such implication and my statement was pretty damn clear. I don't give a rat's ass what the OP's implication may or may not have been.
Thanks Brother. I just trying to help some of the posters here who still carry this "baggage" written about below. As you can see, their same attitudes persist to this day. I will add that this was not just a "Southern" phenomena, it existed and still exists at many quarters thru-out this country. ;)

"Other ex-slaves can relate many such cases as the Hawkins' case and such instances, in my opinion, have been the cause of the intense hatred of slaves against the poor whites of the South, and I believe that from such troubles originate the term "poor white trash". In many ways this unfortunate class of Southern people had but a few more privileges than the slaves. True, they were free, could go where they pleased without a "pass," but they could not, with impunity, dispute the word of the rich in anything, and obeyed their masters as did the slaves. It has been stated by many writers, and I accept it as true, that the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Lincoln, not only freed the slaves, but the poor whites of the South as well, for they occupied a condition nearly approaching that of slavery.

They were nominally free, but that freedom was greatly restricted on account of the prejudice against them as a class. They were often employed by the ruling class to do small jobs of work and while so engaged were not allowed, even to eat with them at the same table, neither could they in any way associate or intermarry with the upper classes. Of course this unfortunate class of people had a vote, but it was always cast just as the master class directed, and not
Page 31

as the voter desired, if he had a desire. I recall very clearly the fact, that at each Country, State or National election the poor white people were hauled to the voting places in wagons belonging to the aristocratic class. They also furnished a prepared ballot for each man and woe unto that poor white man who failed to vote that ticket or come when sent for. Each one of the master class kept a strict lookout for every poor white man in his neighborhood and on election days sent his wagons and brought each one of these voters to the polls.

When the war of the Rebellion broke out this class of men constituted the rank and file of the Confederate army and rendered good service to their masters, who had only to speak a kind word to them when the would take the oath and obediently march to the front, officered by the aristocratic class. These poor people contributed their full share to the death roll of the Southern Army.

True to his low instinct, the poor white man is represented at the South as the enemy of the Colored people to-day, just as he was before the war, and is still as illiterate as he was then. He is not far enough up the scale to see the advantage of education, and will not send his children to school, nor allow the Colored child to go, if it is in his power to prevent it. It is this class who burn the school houses in the Southland to-day. The aristocracy and the Colored people of the South would get along splendidly, were it not for these poor whites, who are the leaders in all the disorders, lynchings and the like. The South will be the garden spot, the cradle of liberty, the haven of America, when the typical poor whites of that section shall have died off, removed, or become educated, and not till then."
Henry Clay Bruce, 1836-1902. The New Man. Twenty-Nine Years a Slave. Twenty-Nine Years a Free Man.

Indeed the same attitudes exist today, and in some ways are more visible than they were in the 60's and 70's, and even though the south is where it was deeply ingrained as a part of THAT culture, it was not entirely a southern phenomena, then or now.

You might find an interest in the following book that a friend recommended to me and I just finished it. Very interesting read, and a true story. Joe Madison recently interviewed the author on his radio talk show.

Snow-Storm in August by Jefferson Morley - Book - eBook - Random House

P.S. I'm reading the preview and it diverted me fro my other book. It's a good read, thank you! Just to add; ironically on page 12 of the book, I'm pretty sure that Yellow House used to confine and sell the slave was referenced in Solomon Winthrop's book called "12 Years a Slave".

I believe you are correct. Considering that the practice of kidnapping and selling was done was a relatively close knit network, it makes sense.
I'm curious to see where you got your stats.

The violent, hip hop, disdains education, lacks work ethics and lets add criminal behavior, isn't a stereotype that someone just made up out of thin air.

You have 72 percent of blacks babies born out of wedlock, you have black unemployment at a five year low is 12.6 percent almost twice as much as the national average.

One in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Only 52 percent of black males graduate high school.

For starters, based on my calculations, 1 out 3 imprisoned does not equal a majority, nor does 12.6% equal a majority of those you are able to join the workforce.

Besides that, I base much of what I say and believe on my personal contact with a large circle of successful, college educated family oriented black people.

I don't usually read or respond to what you post, however I did notice once where you commented that you came in contact with blacks while in prison, so like me, much of what you believe may be based on what you have been exposed to, which is normal.

That's human nature.

Who said anything about "majority"?

So, you live in your own little bubble. Must be nice to ignore reality.

Yes, I had contact with blacks in prison but also outside of the prison walls and to be honest, with the exception of a few blacks, they're all the same. IMO

Surely you couldnt be serious. The fact that you would even make a statement that all people of one race "are the same" is practically admitting that you live in a bubble, way outside of what reality is.

I knew there was a reason that I usually don't read what you post.

Carry on.

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