Are States Legally Obligated to Defy Obergefell (2015)? Silhouette vs the 50 States.

Though marriage has ancient roots, until recently love had little to do with it.

"What marriage had in common was that it really was not about the relationship between the man and the woman," said Stephanie Coontz, the author of "Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage," (Penguin Books, 2006). "It was a way of getting in-laws, of making alliances and expanding the family labor force."

History of Marriage: 13 Surprising Facts
Yes, its ancient roots were and are to provide children remedy for all the ills of not having a mother and father.

Says who? Marriage wasn't about the 'rights of children'. It about property. Men owned their wives. Men owned their children. Children were property. Your fairytale version of marriage has nothing to do with the institution. You're fantasizing.

The LGBT arguments for destroying marriage have always been "since it has hairline cracks everywhere, let's dispense with the glue, let's just take a hammer to it wearing a blindfold...the kids will just have to deal with the shattered bits because we say so!".. (and plus it gives them the last 'legal vestige' of formality to be able to sue adoption agencies for not ponying up the kids they want to bring into their lifestyles..while marriage itself in reality has ceased to exist..)

More accurately, the right to marry isn't predicated on children or the ability to have them. Nor does marriage define the gender of your parents.

Denying same sex parents the right to marry doesn't magically transform them into opposite sex parents. It merely guarantees that their children never have married parents. Which hurt those children and help none.

Which you know. But really hope we don't.
According to whom?
The 90% +/- people who voted here: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? One can extrapolate backwards in time that folks have always felt a mother and father were important to a child. The burden is upon you to prove otherwise since it is one of the deepest foundation stones in the human psyche...
your question doesn't address the origins of marriage and an internet poll is generally proof of nothing.
According to whom?
The 90% +/- people who voted here: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? One can extrapolate backwards in time that folks have always felt a mother and father were important to a child. The burden is upon you to prove otherwise since it is one of the deepest foundation stones in the human psyche...

The poll never so much as mentions marriage. Let alone states that the purpose of marriage is to ' provide children remedy for all the ills of not having a mother and father.'

You're quite simply a liar.
According to whom?
The 90% +/- people who voted here: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? One can extrapolate backwards in time that folks have always felt a mother and father were important to a child. The burden is upon you to prove otherwise since it is one of the deepest foundation stones in the human psyche...
your question doesn't address the origins of marriage and an internet poll is generally proof of nothing.

Nope. But remember who you are dealing with. Sil cited a USMB strawpoll on if churches should be forced to perform same sex weddings as a NATIONAL poll opposing same sex marriage. And insisted that Gallup couldn't be trusted because they had been 'infiltrated by homosexuals'.

She's quite insane.
According to whom?
The 90% +/- people who voted here: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? One can extrapolate backwards in time that folks have always felt a mother and father were important to a child. The burden is upon you to prove otherwise since it is one of the deepest foundation stones in the human psyche...
your question doesn't address the origins of marriage and an internet poll is generally proof of nothing.

Nope. But remember who you are dealing with. Sil cited a USMB strawpoll on if churches should be forced to perform same sex weddings as a NATIONAL poll opposing same sex marriage. And insisted that Gallup couldn't be trusted because they had been 'infiltrated by homosexuals'.

She's quite insane.
i'll take her seriously as soon as she fights for mandated birth control for single women and the outlawing of divorce.

if she can get behind those things i'll believe she's earnest about the rights of children and not just using it as an excuse to hate on gays.
According to whom?
The 90% +/- people who voted here: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? One can extrapolate backwards in time that folks have always felt a mother and father were important to a child. The burden is upon you to prove otherwise since it is one of the deepest foundation stones in the human psyche...
your question doesn't address the origins of marriage and an internet poll is generally proof of nothing.

Nope. But remember who you are dealing with. Sil cited a USMB strawpoll on if churches should be forced to perform same sex weddings as a NATIONAL poll opposing same sex marriage. And insisted that Gallup couldn't be trusted because they had been 'infiltrated by homosexuals'.

She's quite insane.
i'll take her seriously as soon as she fights for mandated birth control for single women and the outlawing of divorce.

if she can get behind those things i'll believe she's earnest about the rights of children and not just using it as an excuse to hate on gays.

She was a single mother. So they totally get a pass. Its only the gays and lesbians that are subject to her imaginary 'rules'.

Consistency is another burden that Sil never has to bear.
According to whom?
The 90% +/- people who voted here: Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life? One can extrapolate backwards in time that folks have always felt a mother and father were important to a child. The burden is upon you to prove otherwise since it is one of the deepest foundation stones in the human psyche...
your question doesn't address the origins of marriage and an internet poll is generally proof of nothing.

Nope. But remember who you are dealing with. Sil cited a USMB strawpoll on if churches should be forced to perform same sex weddings as a NATIONAL poll opposing same sex marriage. And insisted that Gallup couldn't be trusted because they had been 'infiltrated by homosexuals'.

She's quite insane.
Bigotry is a mental illness.
Bigotry is a mental illness.
Child abuse is a mental illness. Holding children hostage for life away from either a mother or father is abuse.

Then do you advocate taking children from same sex parents? After all, you insist that its abuse?

Laughing......its always adorable to watch you accidentally reveal your actual goals.
What goals?
The only goal people like silly wet have is the endless persecution of their imagined demons.
Bigotry is a mental illness.
Child abuse is a mental illness. Holding children hostage for life away from either a mother or father is abuse.
You suffer from a mental illness – you have a delusional, unfounded, unwarranted hatred of gay Americans whom you seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Fortunately the Constitution prohibits you from doing so, but you are at liberty to continue to wallow in your own bigotry and hate.
You suffer from a mental illness – you have a delusional, unfounded, unwarranted hatred of gay Americans whom you seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Fortunately the Constitution prohibits you from doing so, but you are at liberty to continue to wallow in your own bigotry and hate.

Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution you are referring to when you claim special rights for gay sexual behaviors (no such thing as "gay Americans" anymore than there are "alcholic Americans" as a class). Behaviors don't get special unwritten protections in the Constitution. When behaviors are protected, they are specified. No such specification exists for homosexuality in the Constitution.

You can decriminalize people getting drunk. You just can't take the legal leap from there and say "drunk Americans have the right to drive like everyone else!". Gays cannot provide both a mother and father to children: implicit partners in the marriage contract. Therefore, gays guarantee a psychological "car wreck" to the other parties to marriage: the most important ones as it turns out..

And, New York vs Ferber (1982) says that even if homosexuality had explicit written protections in the Constitution (which it doesn't, but for argument's sake...) to marry, if such a union results in harm to children either physically or mentally (by stripping children of either a mother or father for life) that "right" is no longer protected..

States' first and foremost duty is to protect children. Secondarily they look to protect delineated adult Constitutional rights.
You suffer from a mental illness – you have a delusional, unfounded, unwarranted hatred of gay Americans whom you seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Fortunately the Constitution prohibits you from doing so, but you are at liberty to continue to wallow in your own bigotry and hate.

Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution you are referring to when you claim special rights for gay sexual behaviors (no such thing as "gay Americans" anymore than there are "alcholic Americans" as a class). Behaviors don't get special unwritten protections in the Constitution. When behaviors are protected, they are specified. No such specification exists for homosexuality in the Constitution.

You can decriminalize people getting drunk. You just can't take the legal leap from there and say "drunk Americans have the right to drive like everyone else!". Gays cannot provide both a mother and father to children: implicit partners in the marriage contract. Therefore, gays guarantee a psychological "car wreck" to the other parties to marriage: the most important ones as it turns out..

And, New York vs Ferber (1982) says that even if homosexuality had explicit written protections in the Constitution (which it doesn't, but for argument's sake...) to marry, if such a union results in harm to children either physically or mentally (by stripping children of either a mother or father for life) that "right" is no longer protected..

States' first and foremost duty is to protect children. Secondarily they look to protect delineated adult Constitutional rights.
what should the sentence be for unwed mothers and divorcees with children?
Bigotry is a mental illness.
Child abuse is a mental illness. Holding children hostage for life away from either a mother or father is abuse.

Then do you advocate taking children from same sex parents? After all, you insist that its abuse?

Laughing......its always adorable to watch you accidentally reveal your actual goals.
What goals?
The only goal people like silly wet have is the endless persecution of their imagined demons.

Sil's goal to take children away from same sex parents.
You suffer from a mental illness – you have a delusional, unfounded, unwarranted hatred of gay Americans whom you seek to disadvantage through force of law for no other reason than who they are.

Fortunately the Constitution prohibits you from doing so, but you are at liberty to continue to wallow in your own bigotry and hate.

Can you direct me to the part of the Constitution you are referring to when you claim special rights for gay sexual behaviors (no such thing as "gay Americans" anymore than there are "alcholic Americans" as a class). Behaviors don't get special unwritten protections in the Constitution. When behaviors are protected, they are specified. No such specification exists for homosexuality in the Constitution.

More obvious nonsense.

The right to self defense with a firearm is a behavior. Its not in the constitution.

The right to remain silent is a behavior. Its not in the constitution.

The right to speak to a lawyer after being arrested is a behavior. Its not in the constitution.

The right to burn a flag is behavior. Its not in the constitution.

The right to travel is a behavior. Its not in the constitution.

The right to marry is a behavior. Its not in the constitution.

Debunking your 'behaviors are never protected' pseudo-legal horseshit. You simply don't know what you're talking about, Sil. You never you keep citing your imagination as the law. And it never is.

And, New York vs Ferber (1982) says that even if homosexuality had explicit written protections in the Constitution (which it doesn't, but for argument's sake...) to marry, if such a union results in harm to children either physically or mentally (by stripping children of either a mother or father for life) that "right" is no longer protected..

More foolish, obvious lies. Ferber says no such thing. It never even mentions homosexuality, marriage or any of the nonsense you've hallucinated. Back in reality, the Supreme Court explicitly found that same sex marriage benefits children. And that the right to marry isn't conditioned on children or the ability to have them.

Your 'argument' has degenerated into hallucinating passages that the Supreme Court never uttered while ignoring the Supreme Court's explicit findings.

That's not a legal argument, Sil. It never has been.
I think I'm suffering from Sil Spam fatigue.

Recognize her spam for what it is: desperation.

And it gets so much easier.

Plus her pseudo-legal arguments require so little brain power to refute. Most of my replies occur while I'm the phone with clients. Or having a pleasant conversation about something useful.

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