Are The Democrats Running Scared Or What?

From what I've gleaned, the Liberals are afraid of just about any and everything under the sun. They are afraid of Christians, Conservatives, heterosexuals, and just about everything out there. Apparently they are afraid of what will happen once their Black Messiah leaves office. The Utopia they feel he has created for them may crumble and they may be required to contribute something toward paying their own way for a change.
How many threads are you going to be full of shit on?

How much shit does it take to fill your bag of Lays?
Not even original.
Does the RWnut Official Playbook require a certain number of these sorts of threads?
at least 1 per week. page 45 paragraph 2.

Does the RWnut Official Playbook require a certain number of these sorts of threads?

at least 1 per week. page 45 paragraph 2.

Kid brother has one of those books, but his is only 10 pages.

You must have got your hands on the one they printed for Democrats...

all pictures
Even less original.
From what I've gleaned, the Liberals are afraid of just about any and everything under the sun. They are afraid of Christians, Conservatives, heterosexuals, and just about everything out there. Apparently they are afraid of what will happen once their Black Messiah leaves office. The Utopia they feel he has created for them may crumble and they may be required to contribute something toward paying their own way for a change.
How many threads are you going to be full of shit on?

As many as I choose. Are you discriminating against little old me? Shame Shame.
Calling a an asshole an asshole is not discrimination , but a finally honed skill.
From what I've gleaned, the Liberals are afraid of just about any and everything under the sun. They are afraid of Christians, Conservatives, heterosexuals, and just about everything out there. Apparently they are afraid of what will happen once their Black Messiah leaves office. The Utopia they feel he has created for them may crumble and they may be required to contribute something toward paying their own way for a change.
How many threads are you going to be full of shit on?

How much shit does it take to fill your bag of Lays?

That bag of Lays was all he had left on his EBT card after buying his cheap wine at the convenience store.
False but making shit up in lieu of fact is what you do best.
From what I've gleaned, the Liberals are afraid of just about any and everything under the sun. They are afraid of Christians, Conservatives, heterosexuals, and just about everything out there. Apparently they are afraid of what will happen once their Black Messiah leaves office. The Utopia they feel he has created for them may crumble and they may be required to contribute something toward paying their own way for a change.
How many threads are you going to be full of shit on?

How much shit does it take to fill your bag of Lays?

That bag of Lays was all he had left on his EBT card after buying his cheap wine at the convenience store.
I thought only JUNKIES ate that shit!
Must be your favorite place then.
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

So you have a murderous, lying,corrupt old bitch with mental problems, a senile old white man that looks like something from "Back to the Future" and believes woman want to be gang raped, a Former Gov. of Maryland, that's SCARED TO DEATH of a handful of black thugs & that apologize to the scum for saying "All live Matter', and JoJo "The World's Dumbest Politician and PART TIME PEDOPHILE, and SEXUAL ABUSER" Biden.... Hey you can always drag out Fauxahontis!!! And her $700K a year JOB at Harvard...she cares about the little people!
Steaming pile of overly melodramatic shit with peanuts.
Hillary is still one of the LEAST qualified candidates, on either ticket, as far as governing goes.

The closest she has come to 'governing' is as First Lady in Arkansas for 10 years, and the White House for 8.

She was 'given' her Senate seat by dint of carpetbagging, and on the 'power' of her status as outgoing First Lady.

Secretary of State was a consolation prize.

Trump won't make it past May, if he stays that long.
No more experience than President Kennedy, I suppose.

PS, she was an excellent Senator of new York and she won her reelection to the position as well, not on her Husband's coat tails.
If it wasn't for all the fucking THUGS and minorities in NYC voting for her FREE SHIT platform, she wouldn't have won as upstate beat the shit out of her...and just what did she do for N.Y.?
jealous ?
From what I've gleaned, the Liberals are afraid of just about any and everything under the sun. They are afraid of Christians, Conservatives, heterosexuals, and just about everything out there. Apparently they are afraid of what will happen once their Black Messiah leaves office. The Utopia they feel he has created for them may crumble and they may be required to contribute something toward paying their own way for a change.
How many threads are you going to be full of shit on?
He is WELCOME here and if he wants to sh8t down your throat? Open wide sucker.
The queen of being full of shit blathers!
No more experience than President Kennedy, I suppose.

PS, she was an excellent Senator of new York and she won her reelection to the position as well, not on her Husband's coat tails.
If it wasn't for all the fucking THUGS and minorities in NYC voting for her FREE SHIT platform, she wouldn't have won as upstate beat the shit out of her...and just what did she do for N.Y.?
Simply NOT TRUE.

She won by a wide margin, EVERY COUNTY outside of NYC, except 1, the county the republican candidate was from, I presume.

She won by a very wide margin (+70% outside of nyc), 56 of the 57 counties outside of New York City in 2006.

There's no bucking that... ALL of upstate New York supported her....

so you are dreaming on this one Vigil!

here's the link i just found on it
I stand corrected! I imagine this was WAY before we knew she was a murderer, corrupt beyond belief, a serial liar, and a mental retard!
nahhhhh, you guys claimed such back in the 90's with all of the Gates....

But NOW we have a lot more ammunition about her!
All blanks!
SOME democrats out there are suggesting we run Mitt again so we republicans have a chance? When was the last time a democrat wanted you to have a chance?
The other strange part is they think republicans are AS stupid as democrats.

They want us to choose THEIR choice for OUR run? I'm not sure about you and you of course are free to comment BUT where do they get this idea they should CONTROL both parties and BOTH picks?

Oh it's that one country one party thinking. Communist for the younger crowd.
When you are being mugged by government and you are, the last thing you want to do is give the mugger bullets for his empty gun.

And that is the problem democrats face right now. The democrats have a pop gun {Hillary} and somebody has stolen the cork. So why are the democrats talking up Mitt? They want to set the stage so they don't get beat so badly. Because they ARE looking at a slaughter.

You see democrats you and I have a problem there. I WANT to see a slaughter and a damn big one. Pain and defeat epic in size, history making if you will.
The person your party wants may not even make Iowa, and you want me to rely on you as to what's best for me?

So all regards but NO Mitt and NO Jeb. And if that leaves you with hurt feelings? Well go flame somewhere. Put on a clown suit and act stupid, be a grammar nazi or a spelling nazi.

Who really cares what you democrats want us to think or want us to do? This IS about what WE want and what WE want to do. You democrats have a senile old woman who lies and an aging socialist and a pervert {maybe} and you want to pick for us?

Nah, we can do it. See you in Iowa.

They know Hillary won't be their candidate.

They also know they might have to face either a black guy or a woman in the VP spot, thereby ending their Fictional "War on <insert blacks or da wimmenz!> narrative

I can't imagine they're happy about running a mental midget and possible lunatic like Biden
SOME democrats out there are suggesting we run Mitt again so we republicans have a chance? When was the last time a democrat wanted you to have a chance?
The other strange part is they think republicans are AS stupid as democrats.

They want us to choose THEIR choice for OUR run? I'm not sure about you and you of course are free to comment BUT where do they get this idea they should CONTROL both parties and BOTH picks?

Oh it's that one country one party thinking. Communist for the younger crowd.
When you are being mugged by government and you are, the last thing you want to do is give the mugger bullets for his empty gun.

And that is the problem democrats face right now. The democrats have a pop gun {Hillary} and somebody has stolen the cork. So why are the democrats talking up Mitt? They want to set the stage so they don't get beat so badly. Because they ARE looking at a slaughter.

You see democrats you and I have a problem there. I WANT to see a slaughter and a damn big one. Pain and defeat epic in size, history making if you will.
The person your party wants may not even make Iowa, and you want me to rely on you as to what's best for me?

So all regards but NO Mitt and NO Jeb. And if that leaves you with hurt feelings? Well go flame somewhere. Put on a clown suit and act stupid, be a grammar nazi or a spelling nazi.

Who really cares what you democrats want us to think or want us to do? This IS about what WE want and what WE want to do. You democrats have a senile old woman who lies and an aging socialist and a pervert {maybe} and you want to pick for us?

Nah, we can do it. See you in Iowa.

They know Hillary won't be their candidate.

They also know they might have to face either a black guy or a woman in the VP spot, thereby ending their Fictional "War on <insert blacks or da wimmenz!> narrative

I can't imagine they're happy about running a mental midget and possible lunatic like Biden
The well has run dry for them. Let's say they want a woman.
That gives them what? Shirley Lee Jackson? That woman is beyond stupid.

Or a man that fits their need? Like the idiot who gave a big long speech on how an island MIGHT tip over. They got nothing in the tank.

Next problem is if Bernie does NOT at least get the number two spot they may lose their socialist base and it's bigger then they thought.

Politically speaking they are between a rock and a hard place and that place is quick sand. Unless another democrat throws them a life line and quick they will be going DOWN with Hillary.
Who's going to help Trump or Carson in Florida? 2000 Florida was 65.8% white compared to 56.8% today....-9% drop.

Ahahaha okay now subtract all the illegals in Florida who can't vote. The subtract all the minorities who can't vote because they have criminal records or they are too lazy to vote. Then calculate the white vote, libs and math its just too funny. :laugh:
SOME democrats out there are suggesting we run Mitt again so we republicans have a chance? When was the last time a democrat wanted you to have a chance?
The other strange part is they think republicans are AS stupid as democrats.

They want us to choose THEIR choice for OUR run? I'm not sure about you and you of course are free to comment BUT where do they get this idea they should CONTROL both parties and BOTH picks?

Oh it's that one country one party thinking. Communist for the younger crowd.
When you are being mugged by government and you are, the last thing you want to do is give the mugger bullets for his empty gun.

And that is the problem democrats face right now. The democrats have a pop gun {Hillary} and somebody has stolen the cork. So why are the democrats talking up Mitt? They want to set the stage so they don't get beat so badly. Because they ARE looking at a slaughter.

You see democrats you and I have a problem there. I WANT to see a slaughter and a damn big one. Pain and defeat epic in size, history making if you will.
The person your party wants may not even make Iowa, and you want me to rely on you as to what's best for me?

So all regards but NO Mitt and NO Jeb. And if that leaves you with hurt feelings? Well go flame somewhere. Put on a clown suit and act stupid, be a grammar nazi or a spelling nazi.

Who really cares what you democrats want us to think or want us to do? This IS about what WE want and what WE want to do. You democrats have a senile old woman who lies and an aging socialist and a pervert {maybe} and you want to pick for us?

Nah, we can do it. See you in Iowa.
Scared of what, exactly?
Who's going to help Trump or Carson in Florida? 2000 Florida was 65.8% white compared to 56.8% today....-9% drop.

Ahahaha okay now subtract all the illegals in Florida who can't vote. The subtract all the minorities who can't vote because they have criminal records or they are too lazy to vote. Then calculate the white vote, libs and math its just too funny. :laugh:

This doesn't count illegals....Also, -9 drop in the white population to non-whites is very likely going to increase their share of election power...There isn't enough criminals that can't vote to save your ass.

Maybe if you ran rubio but I seriously doubt Trump could take florida.
Who's going to help Trump or Carson in Florida? 2000 Florida was 65.8% white compared to 56.8% today....-9% drop.

Ahahaha okay now subtract all the illegals in Florida who can't vote. The subtract all the minorities who can't vote because they have criminal records or they are too lazy to vote. Then calculate the white vote, libs and math its just too funny. :laugh:

This doesn't count illegals....Also, -9 drop in the white population to non-whites is very likely going to increase their share of election power...There isn't enough criminals that can't vote to save your ass.

Maybe if you ran rubio but I seriously doubt Trump could take florida.

Either you really suck at analytics or you are desperate after the bitch slapping we gave the Dem punks in the last election. You might want to check into the percentage of seniors living in Florida and historically how many of them turn out to vote especially when they are pissed off. :laugh: Obamacare the gift that keeps on giving we'll use it again to destroy the left in 2016. :eusa_dance:
Who's going to help Trump or Carson in Florida? 2000 Florida was 65.8% white compared to 56.8% today....-9% drop.

Ahahaha okay now subtract all the illegals in Florida who can't vote. The subtract all the minorities who can't vote because they have criminal records or they are too lazy to vote. Then calculate the white vote, libs and math its just too funny. :laugh:

This doesn't count illegals....Also, -9 drop in the white population to non-whites is very likely going to increase their share of election power...There isn't enough criminals that can't vote to save your ass.

Maybe if you ran rubio but I seriously doubt Trump could take florida.
Florida is KNOWN for eliminating 3 times the amount of ex felons they actually have by doing a wide net fishing expedition on felons or people with names the same as elections supervisor for one Republican leaning county, threw out the state list disqualifying felons, because her name was on it, due to another felon having the same name as her....

so, do not let the republicans surprise you with their illegal dirty tricks, and then play dumb when they are caught.
Who's going to help Trump or Carson in Florida? 2000 Florida was 65.8% white compared to 56.8% today....-9% drop.

Ahahaha okay now subtract all the illegals in Florida who can't vote. The subtract all the minorities who can't vote because they have criminal records or they are too lazy to vote. Then calculate the white vote, libs and math its just too funny. :laugh:

This doesn't count illegals....Also, -9 drop in the white population to non-whites is very likely going to increase their share of election power...There isn't enough criminals that can't vote to save your ass.

Maybe if you ran rubio but I seriously doubt Trump could take florida.
Florida is KNOWN for eliminating 3 times the amount of ex felons they actually have by doing a wide net fishing expedition on felons or people with names the same as elections supervisor for one Republican leaning county, threw out the state list disqualifying felons, because her name was on it, due to another felon having the same name as her....

so, do not let the republicans surprise you with their illegal dirty tricks, and then play dumb when they are caught.

I'm fine with cheating if it means destroying the left.
SOME democrats out there are suggesting we run Mitt again so we republicans have a chance? When was the last time a democrat wanted you to have a chance?
The other strange part is they think republicans are AS stupid as democrats.

They want us to choose THEIR choice for OUR run? I'm not sure about you and you of course are free to comment BUT where do they get this idea they should CONTROL both parties and BOTH picks?

Oh it's that one country one party thinking. Communist for the younger crowd.
When you are being mugged by government and you are, the last thing you want to do is give the mugger bullets for his empty gun.

And that is the problem democrats face right now. The democrats have a pop gun {Hillary} and somebody has stolen the cork. So why are the democrats talking up Mitt? They want to set the stage so they don't get beat so badly. Because they ARE looking at a slaughter.

You see democrats you and I have a problem there. I WANT to see a slaughter and a damn big one. Pain and defeat epic in size, history making if you will.
The person your party wants may not even make Iowa, and you want me to rely on you as to what's best for me?

So all regards but NO Mitt and NO Jeb. And if that leaves you with hurt feelings? Well go flame somewhere. Put on a clown suit and act stupid, be a grammar nazi or a spelling nazi.

Who really cares what you democrats want us to think or want us to do? This IS about what WE want and what WE want to do. You democrats have a senile old woman who lies and an aging socialist and a pervert {maybe} and you want to pick for us?

Nah, we can do it. See you in Iowa.

They know Hillary won't be their candidate.

They also know they might have to face either a black guy or a woman in the VP spot, thereby ending their Fictional "War on <insert blacks or da wimmenz!> narrative

I can't imagine they're happy about running a mental midget and possible lunatic like Biden
The well has run dry for them. Let's say they want a woman.
That gives them what? Shirley Lee Jackson? That woman is beyond stupid.

Or a man that fits their need? Like the idiot who gave a big long speech on how an island MIGHT tip over. They got nothing in the tank.

Next problem is if Bernie does NOT at least get the number two spot they may lose their socialist base and it's bigger then they thought.

Politically speaking they are between a rock and a hard place and that place is quick sand. Unless another democrat throws them a life line and quick they will be going DOWN with Hillary.

I think they should back Al Sharpton myself. Al would probably get al the Black vote and certainly the Lefty Looney vote and that last one just about covers the whole Democrat Party. Of course they might have a real problem letting Al handle any of the campaign contributions, or even the coffee fund for that matter.
There are two very opposing species. Left Wingnuts on the left hand and human beings on the right hand.

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