Are The Democrats Running Scared Or What?

I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

The same ones that will vote for her just because she's a woman?
No, I really don't think they are one and the me, they are different groups altogether.
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

The same ones that will vote for her just because she's a woman?

The circular reasoning of a total loon.
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

So you have a murderous, lying,corrupt old bitch with mental problems, a senile old white man that looks like something from "Back to the Future" and believes woman want to be gang raped, a Former Gov. of Maryland, that's SCARED TO DEATH of a handful of black thugs & that apologize to the scum for saying "All live Matter', and JoJo "The World's Dumbest Politician and PART TIME PEDOPHILE, and SEXUAL ABUSER" Biden.... Hey you can always drag out Fauxahontis!!! And her $700K a year JOB at Harvard...she cares about the little people!
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

How about telling me how you feel about the topic....? :lol:
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

So you have a murderous, lying,corrupt old bitch with mental problems, a senile old white man that looks like something from "Back to the Future" and believes woman want to be gang raped, a Former Gov. of Maryland, that's SCARED TO DEATH of a handful of black thugs & that apologize to the scum for saying "All live Matter', and JoJo "The World's Dumbest Politician and PART TIME PEDOPHILE, and SEXUAL ABUSER" Biden.... Hey you can always drag out Fauxahontis!!! And her $700K a year JOB at Harvard...she cares about the little people!
:rofl: :rofl::rofl:

How about telling me how you feel about the topic....? :lol:

I'm holding back until you DemocRATS have a debate... they can talk about incontinence, and other urinary tract problems!
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

The same ones that will vote for her just because she's a woman?
No, I really don't think they are one and the me, they are different groups altogether.

First off, I doubt anyone on the right would believe Hillary is a conservative, and definitely not more enough of one to switch their votes.

Second, I doubt any large number of women on the right are going to go for Hillary, or Sanders, and definitely not Biden in 2016.
What can I say? I wanted Hillary over Obama in 2008, and felt she was the more qualified candidate back then...I could not vote for Obama, if my life depended on it....I wanted her to win so much, and when the DNC step in....I went straight to the DMV when my license was renewed and changed my party registration from Democratic to Independent, I was so upset.

There is nothing, that has changed my mind on me believing that she would make a good, strong, President....she has even more experience now....and she's an achiever...she will want to do the best job as possibly could be done, especially as the first president that is female....she will never accept failure, in my opinion, and will work her buns off to make certain she succeeds in her new position.

:D :D :D

Trump on the other hand, will just declare bankruptcy and try to wiggle his way out of another one of his failures!!! (He'll probably trade in his third wife too, since she is now getting out of the range he prefers his mistresses/women to be) :)
Hillary is still one of the LEAST qualified candidates, on either ticket, as far as governing goes.

The closest she has come to 'governing' is as First Lady in Arkansas for 10 years, and the White House for 8.

She was 'given' her Senate seat by dint of carpetbagging, and on the 'power' of her status as outgoing First Lady.

Secretary of State was a consolation prize.

Trump won't make it past May, if he stays that long.
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

The same ones that will vote for her just because she's a woman?
No, I really don't think they are one and the me, they are different groups altogether.

First off, I doubt anyone on the right would believe Hillary is a conservative, and definitely not more enough of one to switch their votes.

Second, I doubt any large number of women on the right are going to go for Hillary, or Sanders, and definitely not Biden in 2016.
so, are you saying that you think they will support trump?

I didn't say Hillary was ''a Conservative'' with a capital C, I said she is more conservative than Trump is.... if you were to take, Donald, Hillary, and Bernie, and rank them as who is more conservative, it would Hillary, Donald, and least Bernie....again, imo.

sure Donald's stance on Mexicans is sort of conservative, but most, if not all of his real policies is liberal or has a liberal tinge to it.
SOME democrats out there are suggesting we run Mitt again so we republicans have a chance? When was the last time a democrat wanted you to have a chance?
The other strange part is they think republicans are AS stupid as democrats.

They want us to choose THEIR choice for OUR run? I'm not sure about you and you of course are free to comment BUT where do they get this idea they should CONTROL both parties and BOTH picks?

Oh it's that one country one party thinking. Communist for the younger crowd.
When you are being mugged by government and you are, the last thing you want to do is give the mugger bullets for his empty gun.

And that is the problem democrats face right now. The democrats have a pop gun {Hillary} and somebody has stolen the cork. So why are the democrats talking up Mitt? They want to set the stage so they don't get beat so badly. Because they ARE looking at a slaughter.

You see democrats you and I have a problem there. I WANT to see a slaughter and a damn big one. Pain and defeat epic in size, history making if you will.
The person your party wants may not even make Iowa, and you want me to rely on you as to what's best for me?

So all regards but NO Mitt and NO Jeb. And if that leaves you with hurt feelings? Well go flame somewhere. Put on a clown suit and act stupid, be a grammar nazi or a spelling nazi.

Who really cares what you democrats want us to think or want us to do? This IS about what WE want and what WE want to do. You democrats have a senile old woman who lies and an aging socialist and a pervert {maybe} and you want to pick for us?

Nah, we can do it. See you in Iowa.
Communist? Still living in the past?
Hillary is still one of the LEAST qualified candidates, on either ticket, as far as governing goes.

The closest she has come to 'governing' is as First Lady in Arkansas for 10 years, and the White House for 8.

She was 'given' her Senate seat by dint of carpetbagging, and on the 'power' of her status as outgoing First Lady.

Secretary of State was a consolation prize.

Trump won't make it past May, if he stays that long.
No more experience than President Kennedy, I suppose.

PS, she was an excellent Senator of new York and she won her reelection to the position as well, not on her Husband's coat tails.
Hillary is still one of the LEAST qualified candidates, on either ticket, as far as governing goes.

The closest she has come to 'governing' is as First Lady in Arkansas for 10 years, and the White House for 8.

She was 'given' her Senate seat by dint of carpetbagging, and on the 'power' of her status as outgoing First Lady.

Secretary of State was a consolation prize.

Trump won't make it past May, if he stays that long.
No more experience than President Kennedy, I suppose.

PS, she was an excellent Senator of new York and she won her reelection to the position as well, not on her Husband's coat tails.

IF you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like you to see.
Hillary is still one of the LEAST qualified candidates, on either ticket, as far as governing goes.

The closest she has come to 'governing' is as First Lady in Arkansas for 10 years, and the White House for 8.

She was 'given' her Senate seat by dint of carpetbagging, and on the 'power' of her status as outgoing First Lady.

Secretary of State was a consolation prize.

Trump won't make it past May, if he stays that long.
No more experience than President Kennedy, I suppose.

PS, she was an excellent Senator of new York and she won her reelection to the position as well, not on her Husband's coat tails.
If it wasn't for all the fucking THUGS and minorities in NYC voting for her FREE SHIT platform, she wouldn't have won as upstate beat the shit out of her...and just what did she do for N.Y.?
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

The same ones that will vote for her just because she's a woman?
No, I really don't think they are one and the me, they are different groups altogether.

First off, I doubt anyone on the right would believe Hillary is a conservative, and definitely not more enough of one to switch their votes.

Second, I doubt any large number of women on the right are going to go for Hillary, or Sanders, and definitely not Biden in 2016.
so, are you saying that you think they will support trump?

I didn't say Hillary was ''a Conservative'' with a capital C, I said she is more conservative than Trump is.... if you were to take, Donald, Hillary, and Bernie, and rank them as who is more conservative, it would Hillary, Donald, and least Bernie....again, imo.

sure Donald's stance on Mexicans is sort of conservative, but most, if not all of his real policies is liberal or has a liberal tinge to it.

Did you miss where I predicted Trump being gone by May?
From what I've gleaned, the Liberals are afraid of just about any and everything under the sun. They are afraid of Christians, Conservatives, heterosexuals, and just about everything out there. Apparently they are afraid of what will happen once their Black Messiah leaves office. The Utopia they feel he has created for them may crumble and they may be required to contribute something toward paying their own way for a change.
How many threads are you going to be full of shit on?
He is WELCOME here and if he wants to sh8t down your throat? Open wide sucker.
Hillary is still one of the LEAST qualified candidates, on either ticket, as far as governing goes.

The closest she has come to 'governing' is as First Lady in Arkansas for 10 years, and the White House for 8.

She was 'given' her Senate seat by dint of carpetbagging, and on the 'power' of her status as outgoing First Lady.

Secretary of State was a consolation prize.

Trump won't make it past May, if he stays that long.
No more experience than President Kennedy, I suppose.

PS, she was an excellent Senator of new York and she won her reelection to the position as well, not on her Husband's coat tails.

IF you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I'd like you to see.
I lived in Brooklyn for a few years of my life and know the layout/landscape/ and bridges well...

there's "No fooling Mother (Nature) Care4all"

I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

The same ones that will vote for her just because she's a woman?
No, I really don't think they are one and the me, they are different groups altogether.

First off, I doubt anyone on the right would believe Hillary is a conservative, and definitely not more enough of one to switch their votes.

Second, I doubt any large number of women on the right are going to go for Hillary, or Sanders, and definitely not Biden in 2016.
so, are you saying that you think they will support trump?

I didn't say Hillary was ''a Conservative'' with a capital C, I said she is more conservative than Trump is.... if you were to take, Donald, Hillary, and Bernie, and rank them as who is more conservative, it would Hillary, Donald, and least Bernie....again, imo.

sure Donald's stance on Mexicans is sort of conservative, but most, if not all of his real policies is liberal or has a liberal tinge to it.

Did you miss where I predicted Trump being gone by May?

Trump may be gone ONLY if the feckless Republicans get a real CONSERVATIVE to take over "BONER'S" position, and even then, we'll have to see how they react to the mulatto's bullshit, lame duck agendas, and if they DO have the balls to DEFUND Planned Parenthood, THAT will be a turning point, or drive Trump over the top, as most Republican's realize that we are simply doing the SAME OLD, SAME OLD!.... We NEED and WANT CHANGE, and if they don't get it, I can definitely see a THIRD PARTY being formed!
What exactly makes her a communist? I say this as someone that has taken a handful of political science classes.

She is a social-democrat. She believes in a hybrid system which we have always used and most of the world uses.

This idea that we shouldn't have a government regulating and making laws is retarded.
I'm not worried.

The republican party is in disarray....

and if the Donald is your candidate,

there are many conservative or even moderately conservative voters, that will view Hillary as the more conservative candidate vs the Donald... at the voting booth, imho. :D

The same ones that will vote for her just because she's a woman?
No, I really don't think they are one and the me, they are different groups altogether.

First off, I doubt anyone on the right would believe Hillary is a conservative, and definitely not more enough of one to switch their votes.

Second, I doubt any large number of women on the right are going to go for Hillary, or Sanders, and definitely not Biden in 2016.
so, are you saying that you think they will support trump?

I didn't say Hillary was ''a Conservative'' with a capital C, I said she is more conservative than Trump is.... if you were to take, Donald, Hillary, and Bernie, and rank them as who is more conservative, it would Hillary, Donald, and least Bernie....again, imo.

sure Donald's stance on Mexicans is sort of conservative, but most, if not all of his real policies is liberal or has a liberal tinge to it.

Did you miss where I predicted Trump being gone by May?
uhhhh, yeah, I did....?
Once you wrap your shot glass sized brain around the fact that you have alienated Women, Millenials, Students, Gays, Hispanics, Native Americans, Muslims, Asians, Blacks and just about everyone else, you will realize you need a good percentage of these people's votes to win. So you won't.

Well Said !!!!! Please run him, please please and bring back Sarah Palin too!

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Once you wrap your shot glass sized brain around the fact that you have alienated Women, Millenials, Students, Gays, Hispanics, Native Americans, Muslims, Asians, Blacks and just about everyone else, you will realize you need a good percentage of these people's votes to win. So you won't.

Well Said !!!!! Please run him, please please and bring back Sarah Palin too!

Bush won simply because he got enough hispanic votes to win Florida! haha...Think about that...38% of whites would never vote for a anti-investment and anti-education party such as yours. SO your little head hits the wall and there's to many pissed of non-whites voting against you!

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