are the dems that doubt barrs summary

This is what you quoted:
"Everyone except dishonest partisan hacks knew he was innocent"

This what you claimed:
"Got it. You don't want the investigation results made public. Trump and Barr agree with you"

Now, explain how those are in the same universe, much less the same thing.

You are calling Mueller a dishonest partisan hack. With that silly claim, of course you wouldn't want it released.

Are you on fucking drugs? I never said anything of the sort!

What seems to be your difficulty? Brain damage? Poor upbringing? Drugs? Alcohol?

Make up your mind. you said
"Everyone except dishonest partisan hacks knew he was innocent"
That would have to include Muller during the whole of his investigation, right?

Newsflash: I didn't say that dumbass! Try reading, or get a child to do it for you!

Forgive me. All you trumpbots are the same to me. Someone from your hive mind said it. so you'll be saying it soon, if you haven't all ready.

You can't keep your lies straight and blame others, dumbass!
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Everyone who considered the collusion delusion as serious is a conspiracy theorist

...Comey, Rosenstein, Mueller are conspiracy theorists? Is that your final answer?

Or traitors, which is the more likely explanation, We know for a fact Rosenstein is, and was involved in a third world level coup with McCabe.

...Coup by recording what Trump says? :rolleyes:

And if coup was really what they were doing how come there is not any charges against them?
...Coup by recording what Trump says? :rolleyes:

And if coup was really what they were doing how come there is not any charges against them?

Coup by trying to elicit cabinet members to ILLEGALLY and UNCONSTITUTIONALLY lie that the president was incapacitated so that they could OVERTHROW the government of the United States.

What McCabe did IS treason, Article VI treason. He made war on the United States.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.

Who needs? You need? Why do you need it? What are you going to do with that information?
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.

Who needs? You need? Why do you need it? What are you going to do with that information?

If you don't already know the answers to those questions, I can't help you figure it out.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.

Who needs? You need? Why do you need it? What are you going to do with that information?

If you don't already know the answers to those questions, I can't help you figure it out.

:lol: In other words, you can't come up with an answer. You don't need it, you just want it. Your want is purely for political reasons.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.

Who needs? You need? Why do you need it? What are you going to do with that information?

If you don't already know the answers to those questions, I can't help you figure it out.

:lol: In other words, you can't come up with an answer. You don't need it, you just want it. Your want is purely for political reasons.
I cant speak for anyome else, but I need to see the report to form an opinion. I certainly am not just going to take the word of trump's personal lackey.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.
Even all the evidence leading up to the investigation?
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.

Who needs? You need? Why do you need it? What are you going to do with that information?

If you don't already know the answers to those questions, I can't help you figure it out.

:lol: In other words, you can't come up with an answer. You don't need it, you just want it. Your want is purely for political reasons.

Plenty of valid answers, but none that would convince a Trump supporter, so why bother. Think what you will.
I cant speak for anyome else, but I need to see the report to form an opinion. I certainly am not just going to take the word of trump's personal lackey.


No you don't. You're opinion is formed.
Wrong, as i clearly just said. I may end up with the opinion barr expressed. But i will get there on my own, not by regurgitating it.

:lol: Keep telling yourself that. It might help you sleep at night.

In any event, on what basis do you need this opportunity to form your own opinion? The Mueller investigation was a Department of Justice activity. Unless you are performing related DOJ business, you have no legitimate need to form your own opinion.

Your interests are personal. You have a personal desire to see the information. I don't blame you. I want to see it, too. I have a very strong personal desire to see all the details. But personal desires of random citizens are not sufficient justification for governmental actions.

This is why the Democrats keep getting their asses handed to them by Donald and the Republicans. You guys only have one play. The Veruca Saltenfuss play. Daddy, I want it and I want it now! Instead of spending their time and effort to actually find solutions and effect plans, Dems in Congress wipe their energy on tantrums and roiling their voters into more tantrums.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.
Even all the evidence leading up to the investigation?

As meticulous as Mueller is, I have no reason to believe he wouldn't include the reasons for the investigation in his report.
Conspiracy theorists?
You know, they say that everytime you doubt the fed gov. Even when actual cables and emails get leaked..
What do you think? It definitely seems consistent logic :dunno:

Four pages that quote only 1.5 sentences of the report can't possibly convey the information that we need and deserve from that report. It would hardly be adequate for a Jr High book report. Release the report, and then those questions will be answered.

Who needs? You need? Why do you need it? What are you going to do with that information?

If you don't already know the answers to those questions, I can't help you figure it out.

:lol: In other words, you can't come up with an answer. You don't need it, you just want it. Your want is purely for political reasons.

Plenty of valid answers, but none that would convince a Trump supporter, so why bother. Think what you will.

You think that I'm one of Donald's supporters? Seriously?
In any event, on what basis do you need this opportunity to form your own opinion?
You just answered your own question, just as I already answered it: to form an opinion. Why do i need to see it for myself to do so? Because I am not taking barr's word for it.

I already covered all of this. It's a reasonable position to take. Why you are twisting yourself into a pasty white little pretzel to find fault in it is anyone's guess. Probably Trump cultism.
In any event, on what basis do you need this opportunity to form your own opinion?
You just answered your own question, just as I already answered it: to form an opinion. Why do i need to see it for myself to do so? Because I am not taking barr's word for it.

I already covered all of this. It's a reasonable position to take. Why you are twisting yourself into a pasty white little pretzel to find fault in it is anyone's guess. Probably Trump cultism.

The reason you need to form your own opinion is so you can form your own opinion? That's question begging nonsense.
The reason you need to form your own opinion is so you can form your own opinion?
What? Stop playing stupid. Are you really asking me why i feel the need to form an opinion? If so, then the answer is because I find it important to form an informed opinion on this matter. Are you then going to ask me why I find it important? Then I would answer that it is because I find it to be important both historically and contemporarily, because the president is a powerful, important position. And I wantto onow to what extent he is surrounded by slime and to what extent he is slimy.

Try as you might, you are simply not going to turn all of that i to anything other than what it is. Your trump cultism affects your brain, not mine.
The reason you need to form your own opinion is so you can form your own opinion?
What? Stop playing stupid. Are you really asking me why i feel the need to form an opinion? If so, then the answer is because I find it important to form an informed opinion on this matter.

You're the one who is engaging in mindless question begging, and you have the audacity to accuse me of being stupid? When my daughter was a toddler and I asked her why she had done something she knew she wasn't supposed to do, she used to tell me "because." And if I told her that wasn't good enough, she would say "because, because." You're doing the same thing. It's beyond juvenile.

Are you then going to ask me why I find it important? Then I would answer that it is because I find it to be important both historically and contemporarily, because the president is a powerful, important position.

Which is exactly my point. You want it for your own personal reasons, but nothing more. There is nothing you want to accomplish, other than re-enforcing your political hatred. No legitimate government function to be performed. Just the hope of political embarrassment. You don't need access to the Mueller report. But you're trying to demand that the Department of Justice operate so as to satisfy your political fancies. That is the stuff that autocracies are made of.

And I wantto onow to what extent he is surrounded by slime and to what extent he is slimy.

Tell me again how you haven't already formed an opinion. :rolleyes:

Try as you might, you are simply not going to turn all of that i to anything other than what it is. Your trump cultism affects your brain, not mine.

Trump cultism!?!?! :lmao: You really think I'm a Donald Trump supporter? What a moron!

The problem isn't my alleged cultism, it's your Trump derangement syndrome.

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