Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 91.7%

  • Total voters
One thing the alternative right is deeply concerned with is corruption in government, as per my understanding of their tenets. There's legitimately no reason for them, or anyone to be afraid or worried if a corrupt official is taken to court and convicted of their corruption.

Now if only the rest of our fine Congressmen and Senators would follow in the wake of whomever Mueller is investigating...
I'm pretty sure the right isn't upset when one of their own gets convicted of corruption.

They just tend to get pretty pissed off when the guilty people on the left DON'T get the same treatment.
I'm sure someone on the Democratic side is about to take the fall for the dossier fabrication currently being investigated, at least. Honestly though, I just wish everyone in government would get investigated...when you become a civil servant, you don't get to become above the law, and you should be held to a much higher standard of honesty than the average joe. But such is not the case with our government...besides, this entire investigation is politically motivated from my point of view, and has very little to do with justice of any kind. When a special committee investigates all top ranking members of both major parties, then I'll be satisfied.
What's really sad is the left isn't upset, in fact is completely silent and even laughs, when people bring up the fact that the FBI conducted an investigation on Trump based on a fake dossier that Clinton's campaign produced. They think it's funny, it's criminal behavior.

Can you imagine what the left would be doing right now if it was discovered that Trump had paid for a fake dossier against Clinton colluding with the Russians?

Oh that's right, a fake one wasn't needed. The truth was plenty enough.
What's really sad is the left isn't upset, in fact is completely silent and even laughs, when people bring up the fact that the FBI conducted an investigation on Trump based on a fake dossier that Clinton's campaign produced. They think it's funny, it's criminal behavior.

Emotion often supersedes reason, or even long-held political values such as transparency in government and the justice system, in many people. In this case, "if it hurts Trump's credibility, it's ok." However, the ends do not always justify the means...this is one of those situations.

As far as I know, they have testimonials to back their warrant to investigate as well...though I'm sure whomever is indicted will have a defense team trying to utilize a false premise for investigation as a means to invalidate the charges. They do have that in their corner.
Yes they do. In fact, that's probably their ace in the hole.

Just like if your neighbor calls the cops on you and reports that you're doing drugs. They bust into your house and find no drugs, and the neighbor admits they made that up. But while in your house they find an illegal gun.

The charge wouldn't stick because the initial reason to even conduct a raid was fake.
A somewhat infuriating at times, but necessary clause to the justice system lol.

Individual rights are important, end of story.
The search warrant would detail that the raid was to look for drugs and they found none. Combine that with the neighbor later admitting it was made up, they'd probably drop the gun charge without taking it to trial because any decent criminal defense attorney would have a hayday with that.​
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

"far and alt" right is being too kind to them.

white supremacists and white supremacist supporters is more appropriate.

and they don't think it's real yet because information doesn't penetrate the trumptard bubble.

Translation: Derpity derpderp herpity derpfully do do
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

"far and alt" right is being too kind to them.

white supremacists and white supremacist supporters is more appropriate.

and they don't think it's real yet because information doesn't penetrate the trumptard bubble.
Ah, the race card. Don't you know nobody buys that shit anymore?

it is not the "race card" to call out white supremacists. sorry bubbe

You have no clue what the hell you are talking about. You wouldn't know a white supremacist if one roosted on your empty head
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

"far and alt" right is being too kind to them.

white supremacists and white supremacist supporters is more appropriate.

and they don't think it's real yet because information doesn't penetrate the trumptard bubble.
Ah, the race card. Don't you know nobody buys that shit anymore?

it is not the "race card" to call out white supremacists. sorry bubbe
Except everybody who doesn't agree with your fucked up left wing ideology is a "white supremacist" in your twisted mind. That's why nobody takes you whackos seriously anymore.

no one "decent" is ok with the orange sociopath. and nothing is as screwed up as rightwingnuts.

now hush up.

So you admit to being nothing more than a mindless, hyper-partisan drone? The three of you are like peas in a pod.
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

"far and alt" right is being too kind to them.

white supremacists and white supremacist supporters is more appropriate.

and they don't think it's real yet because information doesn't penetrate the trumptard bubble.
Ah, the race card. Don't you know nobody buys that shit anymore?

it is not the "race card" to call out white supremacists. sorry bubbe
Except everybody who doesn't agree with your fucked up left wing ideology is a "white supremacist" in your twisted mind. That's why nobody takes you whackos seriously anymore.
Who is "everybody" that believes this way? The white supremacists etc are on the far and alt right.
"far and alt" right is being too kind to them.

white supremacists and white supremacist supporters is more appropriate.

and they don't think it's real yet because information doesn't penetrate the trumptard bubble.
Ah, the race card. Don't you know nobody buys that shit anymore?

it is not the "race card" to call out white supremacists. sorry bubbe
Except everybody who doesn't agree with your fucked up left wing ideology is a "white supremacist" in your twisted mind. That's why nobody takes you whackos seriously anymore.

no one "decent" is ok with the orange sociopath. and nothing is as screwed up as rightwingnuts.

now hush up.
Your posts are getting increasingly adolescent as you become increasingly more desperate. Better quit before I make you cry.
You are projecting again.
This is an excellent description of those on the Alt Right who defend racism.
We see above those on the far right who are very afraid of Monday.

We see those above who simply can't forgive being competently corrected in previous years and still hold a grudge.

What is certain: Monday or whenever the indictments shortly thereafter are publicly released will be a bad day for the right. Those who hold grudges are left to their own devices
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.
Poor Roger Stone did not take news of the Indictments well...

Roger Stone Banned From Twitter After Threatening CNN Anchors

Source: Hollywood Reporter

Roger Stone has been banned from Twitter permanently after a vulgar meltdown Friday aimed at CNN reporters, which included threats, The Hollywood Reporter has learned.

The close friend and former adviser to Donald Trump went on a tirade :alirulz: after CNN reported Robert Mueller approved the first charges into his investigation on the Russian meddling of the 2016 presidential election.

A spokesperson for Twitter said the company did not comment on individual accounts.

Read more: Roger Stone Banned From Twitter After Threatening CNN Anchors
Here's your first clue since you are so indoctrinated. LMAO Anti Americans are going to regret it if they get Trump out because you morons will get a first hand live reality of a communist Country bhaahha Leftist are pretty stupid though.
View attachment 157109
Quoting Malcolm X to defend the Orange Racist Bastard Donald Trump...that has to be in the Cutting Edge of Stupid
Charges are just that. Anyone can be charged with anything. Well except the Clintons, they'll never be charged with anything.

Proving it in a court of law is a whole different story.
"Lock her up "....for what.... you Trumpets are pieces of masturbated to the chant "Lock her up" did you not SHIT FOR BRAINS

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