Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 8.3%
  • No

    Votes: 22 91.7%

  • Total voters
We see above those on the far right who are very afraid of Monday.

We see those above who simply can't forgive being competently corrected in previous years and still hold a grudge.

What is certain: Monday or whenever the indictments shortly thereafter are publicly released will be a bad day for the right. Those who hold grudges are left to their own devices

I didn't see the fear you did, Jake.
Where is it?
Personally I hope a herd of them from either or both sides get thrown in the pokey. Depending on who they are, I may even hope their handcuffs are two sizes too small.
A pox on both their houses
Charges are just that. Anyone can be charged with anything. Well except the Clintons, they'll never be charged with anything.

Proving it in a court of law is a whole different story.
"Lock her up "....for what.... you Trumpets are pieces of masturbated to the chant "Lock her up" did you not SHIT FOR BRAINS

I don't want her locked up!
I want her to run down some railroad tracks in front of a train.
Are the far and alt rights growing increasingly terrified of the indictments' coming revelations?

Very much so. Almost unilaterally so: they are petrified.

"far and alt" right is being too kind to them.

white supremacists and white supremacist supporters is more appropriate.

and they don't think it's real yet because information doesn't penetrate the trumptard bubble.
Ah, the race card. Don't you know nobody buys that shit anymore?

it is not the "race card" to call out white supremacists. sorry bubbe
You call them out, yet why is it they never come?
Charges are just that. Anyone can be charged with anything. Well except the Clintons, they'll never be charged with anything.

Proving it in a court of law is a whole different story.
"Lock her up "....for what.... you Trumpets are pieces of masturbated to the chant "Lock her up" did you not SHIT FOR BRAINS

I don't want her locked up!
I want her to run down some railroad tracks in front of a train.
trump tower.jpg
We see above those on the far right who are very afraid of Monday. We see those above who simply can't forgive being competently corrected in previous years and still hold a grudge. What is certain: Monday or whenever the indictments shortly thereafter are publicly released will be a bad day for the right. Those who hold grudges are left to their own devices
I didn't see the fear you did, Jake. Where is it? Personally I hope a herd of them from either or both sides get thrown in the pokey. Depending on who they are, I may even hope their handcuffs are two sizes too small. A pox on both their houses
I'm not worried, because if a Republican goes to jail because he broke the law. Then he deserves it. See how easy that is? Fakey jakey.
Here's your first clue since you are so indoctrinated. LMAO Anti Americans are going to regret it if they get Trump out because you morons will get a first hand live reality of a communist Country bhaahha Leftist are pretty stupid though.
View attachment 157109
Quoting Malcolm X to defend the Orange Racist Bastard Donald Trump...that has to be in the Cutting Edge of Stupid

“Racist “?
Here's your first clue since you are so indoctrinated. LMAO Anti Americans are going to regret it if they get Trump out because you morons will get a first hand live reality of a communist Country bhaahha Leftist are pretty stupid though.
View attachment 157109
Quoting Malcolm X to defend the Orange Racist Bastard Donald Trump...that has to be in the Cutting Edge of Stupid
“Racist “?
ooops I offended a privileged white Baby
I'm not worried, because if a Republican goes to jail because he broke the law. Then he deserves it. See how easy that is? Fakey jakey.
That is good for you write that. It's book marked, and we will see if you can walk the walk or just talk the talk. :)
I got news for you Right wing whiny bitches...The Reason that you are seeing Nazi s and KKK Parading around in Public instead of under rocks is and so emboldened and sassy is because they see Donald Trump as a Champion of what they Value ...White Supremacy...whites First ...

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