Are There Any In The Realm Of Politics Whom You Genuinely Admire...?


aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
people who are currently active in the realm of politics...

elected officials, unelected candidates, pundits, commentators, philosophers, etc...

in the US or elsewhere...
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Greg Gutfeld...I admire people with a sense of humor.:D
Charles Krauthammer. Compared with other commentators, he is the teacher and they are the students.
No, I cannot say that there is unless we get down to small town mayor. I used to work for one and he was a decent man despite the fact that he is a hardcore Republican.

Greg Gutfeld...I admire people with a sense of humor.:D

hadn't ever heard of him before now...

just now did a search... found this great quote from him: "I became a conservative by being around liberals and I became a libertarian by being around conservatives. You realize that there’s something distinctly in common between the two groups, the left and the right; the worst part of each of them is the moralizing."
Bill O' Reilly for commentator because he is one of the few who will actually have on people who disagree with him and Marco Rubio on the politician side has impressed me.
Jimmy Carter. Who's done more after his presidency than him?
Ron Paul. Because he showed that you can be a politician that doesn't need to sell their soul and every principle that you had just to make a name for yourself.

Ron Paul for taking the logical and correct position even when idiots, hack, liars and scum used these positions against him under the banner of politically correct.

Ron Paul because he actually predicted this mess we are in and gave the very reasons we would be in the mess while near all other politicians ignored or ridiculed him.

Obama for not caring how wrong he has been proven to be or how much damage his policies are doing.

Then Mitt Romney for selling his voice to the highest bidder.
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Oh man... I don't know...

John Stewart? Glenn Beck? Stephen Colbert and Bill O'Reilly?

I like anyone I can get a laugh from. Usually those 4 guys.
Bill O' Reilly for commentator because he is one of the few who will actually have on people who disagree with him and Marco Rubio on the politician side has impressed me.

Those would be my picks and Greta too, cause every time she gets a politician on she takes em to the woodshed for being asshats!
if you are asking about politicians the answer is no -- not one. there are certainly some i like better than others or dislike less than others but truly admire? Back in the day Ronald Reagan but today -- not a one.

if you are asking about commentators i like charles krauthammer (his logic and analysis is excellent) , ann coulter (face it, shes funny and she doesnt care what any one thinks of her) and to some extent peggy noonan (more because of her excellent writing style than necessarily for what she has to say)
Sure, and by the way, excellent topic Bill.

Just to name two off the top of my head: Bernie Sanders and Chris Christie, for the same reason. They go with what they believe and not what some party apparatchik tells them to do. I like that attitude.

Matter of fact there's two examples of why we should abolish all political parties altogether.
people who are currently active in the realm of politics...

elected officials, unelected candidates, pundits, commentators, philosophers, etc...

in the US or elsewhere...

Corey Booker, J.C. Watts, Gary Johnson, Bobby Jindal, Bobby Scott, Mark Warner, Scott Rigell (much to my wife's chagrin), and others. For commentators, I like Tony Macrini and people who aren't political hacks for either party or ideology. I like people who look at all sides of the issue in an objective manner. Voltaire is one of my favorite philosophers.
I'll echo Corey Booker and raise you a Jon Huntsman.

In other words, principled fair people who are not political whores. Relatively speaking of course.

Adds: Marcy Kaptur and my first entry from media, Shepard Smith.
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