Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

This thread was not my best. YOu gave me nothing to work with.

Predfan totally kicked your ass. There is no doubt about that.

My question stands.

If you have to lie so much, it means you need to reassess your positions as they are likely wrong.
Feel free to explain how Donald Trump has earned your trust.

He has not.

The other candidates have earned my active DISTRUST.

And then there are those that have positions on issues that are IMO, contrary to the interests of the US.

Trump is by far the best.
If he hasn't earned your trust why do you believe he will do anything he claims he will do?

His entire political existence is built on this campaign. If he wants a successful Presidency and to "enhance his brand" he would have to satisfy his supporters.

Otherwise he will be considered a failure. This will hurt his brand.

This gives him motive to follow though.

And I have already explained that that is more than I can say for all the others.
His brand has failed over and over, I'm pretty sure he's used to that. He just picks up the pieces, seeks legal protection from creditors, and moves on. So your reasoning doesn't really seem well thought out.

There are no legal protections from a Failed Legacy.

And I have explained that the rest of the candidates either don't share my positions or have earned my active DISTRUST.

My reasoning is sound.

This is the point where you admit that, but still insist that my positions are NOT in the best interests of the nation, in your opinion.

And we move on.

Except that you and people like you CANNOT admit that other people can have any validity if they disagree with you.

You NEED to marginalize them, if only in your own mind.

Your blind insistence that all Trump supporters are not "intelligent" as per the op and this thread, is another good example of your inability to respect people who are different than you.
Well that is certainly all very interesting about working class heros.....but who said anything about blue collar workers? Sounds like your bigoted assumption is that blue collar workers are all ignorant and uninformed. You really should learn to be more tolerant, but tolerance isn't really a Trump brain attribute. So tell me professor: How do you know Trump will do anything he says? Upon what do you followers base your childish reasoning and blind faith?

How do you know he says? You really don't know any more than anyone else what he will do or won't do. Yours, like mine, is only an opinion. We all thought and gambled that Obama would be the unifier. He wasn't. He turned out to be the greatest single divider of the people in modern history. Blind faith didn't work out so good with Obama did it? Faith is all we can have with any politician. To claim otherwise is not intelligent.
I'm sorry that you have this blind prejudice against blue collar workers, lets hope you can get past it and be less judgemental.

More stupidity from the self-gratifying Liminal. I am a super blue-collar worker. I am an electrical engineer. I actually design and build things.
Then why do you think blue collar workers are less intelligent? I'll bet there's plenty of blue collar folks voting for Sanders.

I didn't claim they were you stupid idiot. They're among the ones that are voting for Trump. They're the ones you continuously attempt to call ignorant. You are too stupid to even realize what you are proposing.
Well then why do you characterize blue collar workers that way? You seem to have a real problem.
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If he hasn't earned your trust why do you believe he will do anything he claims he will do?

His entire political existence is built on this campaign. If he wants a successful Presidency and to "enhance his brand" he would have to satisfy his supporters.

Otherwise he will be considered a failure. This will hurt his brand.

This gives him motive to follow though.

And I have already explained that that is more than I can say for all the others.
His brand has failed over and over, I'm pretty sure he's used to that. He just picks up the pieces, seeks legal protection from creditors, and moves on. So your reasoning doesn't really seem well thought out.

Hillary certainly has a lot of great accomplishments though. She's been an abject failure.
Another candidate I won't vote for under any circumstances. But no doubt you have some point to make. Please feel free to elaborate.
Voting for anybody but the republican nominee puts Pantsuit in office.
If the only choices are dogshit or horseshit I'll vote third party.
Do you ever ask yourself why you have to lie so much?

The fact that the Truth is not on your side, doesn't that raise any Red Flags inside of your little head?
You've displayed no evidence of anything beyond very mediocre, incredibly unimpressive, average intelligence.

This thread was not my best. YOu gave me nothing to work with.

Predfan totally kicked your ass. There is no doubt about that.

My question stands.

If you have to lie so much, it means you need to reassess your positions as they are likely wrong.
Feel free to explain how Donald Trump has earned your trust.

He has not.

The other candidates have earned my active DISTRUST.

And then there are those that have positions on issues that are IMO, contrary to the interests of the US.

Trump is by far the best.
May i ask, does the fact that Trump has proven himself and by extention the entire republican field to be seriously petty and dare I say imature as an indication of competence? Or do you feel that when in a debate time is spend over the size on ones dick means nothing? When your electing someone who quite litterraly gonna have the power to destroy the world, is it to much to ask to ask from that person to display a certain amount of gravitas.

You can ask.

ANd the GOP has been displaying plenty of Gravitas in the past.

Trump is basically running on the same platform as Patrick Buchanan. Who ran with plenty of gravitas.

And was smeared, demonized and marginalized by the leftist media.
Feel free to explain how Donald Trump has earned your trust.

He has not.

The other candidates have earned my active DISTRUST.

And then there are those that have positions on issues that are IMO, contrary to the interests of the US.

Trump is by far the best.
If he hasn't earned your trust why do you believe he will do anything he claims he will do?

His entire political existence is built on this campaign. If he wants a successful Presidency and to "enhance his brand" he would have to satisfy his supporters.

Otherwise he will be considered a failure. This will hurt his brand.

This gives him motive to follow though.

And I have already explained that that is more than I can say for all the others.
His brand has failed over and over, I'm pretty sure he's used to that. He just picks up the pieces, seeks legal protection from creditors, and moves on. So your reasoning doesn't really seem well thought out.

There are no legal protections from a Failed Legacy.

And I have explained that the rest of the candidates either don't share my positions or have earned my active DISTRUST.

My reasoning is sound.

This is the point where you admit that, but still insist that my positions are NOT in the best interests of the nation, in your opinion.

And we move on.

Except that you and people like you CANNOT admit that other people can have any validity if they disagree with you.

You NEED to marginalize them, if only in your own mind.

Your blind insistence that all Trump supporters are not "intelligent" as per the op and this thread, is another good example of your inability to respect people who are different than you.
So evidently your faith in Donald Trump is based on a lack of experience and what you don't know.
His entire political existence is built on this campaign. If he wants a successful Presidency and to "enhance his brand" he would have to satisfy his supporters.

Otherwise he will be considered a failure. This will hurt his brand.

This gives him motive to follow though.

And I have already explained that that is more than I can say for all the others.
His brand has failed over and over, I'm pretty sure he's used to that. He just picks up the pieces, seeks legal protection from creditors, and moves on. So your reasoning doesn't really seem well thought out.

Hillary certainly has a lot of great accomplishments though. She's been an abject failure.
Another candidate I won't vote for under any circumstances. But no doubt you have some point to make. Please feel free to elaborate.
Voting for anybody but the republican nominee puts Pantsuit in office.
If the only choices are dogshit or horseshit I'll vote third party.
Then your vote will put Pantsuit in office. But, unless you are voting in one of the seven swing states, your vote won't count anyway.
His brand has failed over and over, I'm pretty sure he's used to that. He just picks up the pieces, seeks legal protection from creditors, and moves on. So your reasoning doesn't really seem well thought out.

Hillary certainly has a lot of great accomplishments though. She's been an abject failure.
Another candidate I won't vote for under any circumstances. But no doubt you have some point to make. Please feel free to elaborate.
Voting for anybody but the republican nominee puts Pantsuit in office.
If the only choices are dogshit or horseshit I'll vote third party.
Then your vote will put Pantsuit in office. But, unless you are voting in one of the seven swing states, your vote won't count anyway.
You should feel good about that. If my vote doesn't count then what's the problem?
You've displayed no evidence of anything beyond very mediocre, incredibly unimpressive, average intelligence.

This thread was not my best. YOu gave me nothing to work with.

Predfan totally kicked your ass. There is no doubt about that.

My question stands.

If you have to lie so much, it means you need to reassess your positions as they are likely wrong.
Feel free to explain how Donald Trump has earned your trust.

He has not.

The other candidates have earned my active DISTRUST.

And then there are those that have positions on issues that are IMO, contrary to the interests of the US.

Trump is by far the best.
May i ask, does the fact that Trump has proven himself and by extention the entire republican field to be seriously petty and dare I say imature as an indication of competence? Or do you feel that when in a debate time is spend over the size on ones dick means nothing? When your electing someone who quite litterraly gonna have the power to destroy the world, is it to much to ask to ask from that person to display a certain amount of gravitas.

You can ask.

ANd the GOP has been displaying plenty of Gravitas in the past.
So those republican debates have been on the issues, what I heared was a lotta namecalling.
Trump is basically running on the same platform as Patrick Buchanan. Who ran with plenty of gravitas.

And was smeared, demonized and marginalized by the leftist media.
Hillary certainly has a lot of great accomplishments though. She's been an abject failure.
Another candidate I won't vote for under any circumstances. But no doubt you have some point to make. Please feel free to elaborate.
Voting for anybody but the republican nominee puts Pantsuit in office.
If the only choices are dogshit or horseshit I'll vote third party.
Then your vote will put Pantsuit in office. But, unless you are voting in one of the seven swing states, your vote won't count anyway.
You should feel good about that. If my vote doesn't count then what's the problem?
I think we're good.
Another candidate I won't vote for under any circumstances. But no doubt you have some point to make. Please feel free to elaborate.
Voting for anybody but the republican nominee puts Pantsuit in office.
If the only choices are dogshit or horseshit I'll vote third party.
Then your vote will put Pantsuit in office. But, unless you are voting in one of the seven swing states, your vote won't count anyway.
You should feel good about that. If my vote doesn't count then what's the problem?
I think we're good.
What's really funny is how much time everyone spends talking about the election where our votes count least. The Electoral College decides who becomes President, our votes are secondary. The places where our votes really count the most, state and local, hardly anyone knows or even cares about.
I wonder why there isn't more information available about highly intelligent Trump followers. Looks like there aren't any. Haven't seen any on this thread, that's for sure.

More bigotry from the super-intelligent Liminal. Liminal should be working for one of those "think tanks" or seeking a cure for cancer or something. He's a self-proclaimed genius who considers himself superior to everyone else. Pathetic.
Being smarter than Trump followers isn't really much to brag about.

Then why don't you stop with your self-flattery? It's really juvenile and getting old. It really paints you as a bigot.
Self flattery? It actually saddens me to see Americans reduced to seeking answers in a sleazy douchebag salesman like Trump.

Not really. This thread has provided you a vehicle for which you attempt to showcase your self-perceived super intelligence and bigotry. We see through you.
How do you know he says? You really don't know any more than anyone else what he will do or won't do. Yours, like mine, is only an opinion. We all thought and gambled that Obama would be the unifier. He wasn't. He turned out to be the greatest single divider of the people in modern history. Blind faith didn't work out so good with Obama did it? Faith is all we can have with any politician. To claim otherwise is not intelligent.
I'm sorry that you have this blind prejudice against blue collar workers, lets hope you can get past it and be less judgemental.

More stupidity from the self-gratifying Liminal. I am a super blue-collar worker. I am an electrical engineer. I actually design and build things.
Then why do you think blue collar workers are less intelligent? I'll bet there's plenty of blue collar folks voting for Sanders.

I didn't claim they were you stupid idiot. They're among the ones that are voting for Trump. They're the ones you continuously attempt to call ignorant. You are too stupid to even realize what you are proposing.
Well then why do you characterize blue collar workers that way? You seem to have a real problem.

You've already ran out of anything to say? You just keep repeating the same lie over and over? Understood.
I wonder why there isn't more information available about highly intelligent Trump followers. Looks like there aren't any. Haven't seen any on this thread, that's for sure.

More bigotry from the super-intelligent Liminal. Liminal should be working for one of those "think tanks" or seeking a cure for cancer or something. He's a self-proclaimed genius who considers himself superior to everyone else. Pathetic.
Being smarter than Trump followers isn't really much to brag about.

Then why don't you stop with your self-flattery? It's really juvenile and getting old. It really paints you as a bigot.
Self flattery? It actually saddens me to see Americans reduced to seeking answers in a sleazy douchebag salesman like Trump.

Not really. This thread has provided you a vehicle for which you attempt to showcase your self-perceived super intelligence and bigotry. We see through you.
Seems more like a problem with your own perception of yourself.
Unbelievable.... the left knows nothing!

Left-wing fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaLeft-wing_fascism
Left-wing fascism and left fascism are terms that have been used to describe tendencies in left-wing politics that contradict or violate the progressive ideals with .
Ok so what pray tell has Obama done that violates a progressive agenda? Let's see the list. I can quote for quote on trump of all the things he has done that promote fascism? What has Obama done that would violate liberal/progressive ideals? And if he did do such things, since it would be far right ideals, are you supporting these fascist policies? And if you aren't, then why not?

And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

Fascism is a form of socialism. It's leftwing. The rest of your post is even more wrong and more stupid.
Ok so what pray tell has Obama done that violates a progressive agenda? Let's see the list. I can quote for quote on trump of all the things he has done that promote fascism? What has Obama done that would violate liberal/progressive ideals? And if he did do such things, since it would be far right ideals, are you supporting these fascist policies? And if you aren't, then why not?

And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

Fascism is a form of socialism. It's leftwing. The rest of your post is even more wrong and more stupid.

Democratic socialism is the liberal form of socialism and it is not fascism.

Bernie Sanders is not Mussolini.
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
I do know some whom I consider intelligent but do lack what I consider, commonsense. They believe his goals and see him as a leader who can accomplish them. I don't. I see him as a clown and a petty narcissist who hasn't the temperament to be president.

Go Ted. ;)
And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

Fascism is a form of socialism. It's leftwing. The rest of your post is even more wrong and more stupid.

Democratic socialism is the liberal form of socialism and it is not fascism.

Bernie Sanders is not Mussolini.

The welfare state is indistinguishable from fascism. Those who claim otherwise simply don't know a thing about fascism.
Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Trump followers and Sanders followers are two sides of the same coin.
No doubt about it. The difference is Sanders supporters are intelligent and Trump followers are not.

No, the difference is you have a bias towards one and not the other.

There is nothing intelligent about people who can't do math.
I guess it depends on who's doing the counting.
Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Trump followers and Sanders followers are two sides of the same coin.
No doubt about it. The difference is Sanders supporters are intelligent and Trump followers are not.

No, the difference is you have a bias towards one and not the other.

There is nothing intelligent about people who can't do math.
I guess it depends on who's doing the counting.

The weren't "top economists." The were all Marxist demagogues.

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