Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

It happens to be true that a majority of people in this country do not have PHDs. I suppose those who only have a college degree and who are voting for Hillary are a part of the 'less educated' masses.
No professor, wrong again. Hilary supporters might be slightly more intelligent but equally deluded and hypocritical.
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

The more smug you are the more I know you are covering. The only thing you have contributed to this thread is a few sentences of your own that anyone could have written. Copying and pasting a well written article by someone else doesn't necessarily make you an intelligent person. In fact, it kind of makes you kind of stupid because your only original thought that you decided to project was how much smarter I am than everyone else in the world because I happen to cut and paste someone else's article.
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

It happens to be true that a majority of people in this country do not have PHDs. I suppose those who only have a college degree and who are voting for Hillary are a part of the 'less educated' masses.
No professor, wrong again. Hilary supporters might be slightly more intelligent but equally deluded and hypocritical.

A person with a college degree is less educated than someone with a PHD. I wasn't actually disagreeing with the article. Trump has been able to attract a lot of working class folk in this country who don't have college degrees. What is wrong with that?
Yes. Fascism is an economic system, not a political system.

So what would replace democratic government with?

We've already been down this road. Democratic government can be fascist or it can be relatively freedom oriented. However, the later isn't likely since democracy is the means for the prehensile majority to loot the minority.

As always, what I proposed is called the "private law society."

The Idea of a Private Law Society

I don't want to read about your unicorn ranch.

For starters,Private law prohibits any taxation, which means there can be no such thing as a country. You are arguing for the dissolution of the nation, the states, the counties, the villages, the townships.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm arguing for.

Then you and the fraction of 1% in the country who agree with you can enjoy your misery until you're dead.

What "misery?" I'm not like some Democrat who whines incessantly because the world isn't arranged to suit his preferences.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

It happens to be true that a majority of people in this country do not have PHDs. I suppose those who only have a college degree and who are voting for Hillary are a part of the 'less educated' masses.
No professor, wrong again. Hilary supporters might be slightly more intelligent but equally deluded and hypocritical.

A person with a college degree is less educated than someone with a PHD. I wasn't actually disagreeing with the article. Trump has been able to attract a lot of working class folk in this country who don't have college degrees. What is wrong with that?
Democrats used to boast that they were the party of the "working man." Now they boast that they're the party of snobbish intellectual elites.
Yes. Fascism is an economic system, not a political system.

So what would replace democratic government with?

We've already been down this road. Democratic government can be fascist or it can be relatively freedom oriented. However, the later isn't likely since democracy is the means for the prehensile majority to loot the minority.

As always, what I proposed is called the "private law society."

The Idea of a Private Law Society

I don't want to read about your unicorn ranch.

For starters,Private law prohibits any taxation, which means there can be no such thing as a country. You are arguing for the dissolution of the nation, the states, the counties, the villages, the townships.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm arguing for.

Then you and the fraction of 1% in the country who agree with you can enjoy your misery until you're dead.

First they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win.
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

The more smug you are the more I know you are covering. The only thing you have contributed to this thread is a few sentences of your own that anyone could have written. Copying and pasting a well written article by someone else doesn't necessarily make you an intelligent person. In fact, it kind of makes you kind of stupid because your only original thought that you decided to project was how much smarter I am than everyone else in the world because I happen to cut and paste someone else's article.
No doubt we can rely on your own intensive research to explore these questions further and draw conclusions based on your own completely unbiased and objective view.
So what would replace democratic government with?

We've already been down this road. Democratic government can be fascist or it can be relatively freedom oriented. However, the later isn't likely since democracy is the means for the prehensile majority to loot the minority.

As always, what I proposed is called the "private law society."

The Idea of a Private Law Society

I don't want to read about your unicorn ranch.

For starters,Private law prohibits any taxation, which means there can be no such thing as a country. You are arguing for the dissolution of the nation, the states, the counties, the villages, the townships.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm arguing for.

Then you and the fraction of 1% in the country who agree with you can enjoy your misery until you're dead.

What "misery?" I'm not like some Democrat who whines incessantly because the world isn't arranged to suit his preferences.

That's ALL you.
So what would replace democratic government with?

We've already been down this road. Democratic government can be fascist or it can be relatively freedom oriented. However, the later isn't likely since democracy is the means for the prehensile majority to loot the minority.

As always, what I proposed is called the "private law society."

The Idea of a Private Law Society

I don't want to read about your unicorn ranch.

For starters,Private law prohibits any taxation, which means there can be no such thing as a country. You are arguing for the dissolution of the nation, the states, the counties, the villages, the townships.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm arguing for.

Then you and the fraction of 1% in the country who agree with you can enjoy your misery until you're dead.

First they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win.

Even the caveman had government. I am quite justified in laughing at you, someone who thinks man should live in pre-prehistoric times.
We've already been down this road. Democratic government can be fascist or it can be relatively freedom oriented. However, the later isn't likely since democracy is the means for the prehensile majority to loot the minority.

As always, what I proposed is called the "private law society."

The Idea of a Private Law Society

I don't want to read about your unicorn ranch.

For starters,Private law prohibits any taxation, which means there can be no such thing as a country. You are arguing for the dissolution of the nation, the states, the counties, the villages, the townships.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm arguing for.

Then you and the fraction of 1% in the country who agree with you can enjoy your misery until you're dead.

First they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win.

Even the caveman had government. I am quite justified in laughing at you, someone who thinks man should live in pre-prehistoric times.

No, the caveman didn't have government. It didn't exist in the world until about 3000 B.C. when the Sumerians invented it. Then it was a scheme devised by a warlike ruling class to enslave and loot the productive members of society. Nothing has changed since.
We've already been down this road. Democratic government can be fascist or it can be relatively freedom oriented. However, the later isn't likely since democracy is the means for the prehensile majority to loot the minority.

As always, what I proposed is called the "private law society."

The Idea of a Private Law Society

I don't want to read about your unicorn ranch.

For starters,Private law prohibits any taxation, which means there can be no such thing as a country. You are arguing for the dissolution of the nation, the states, the counties, the villages, the townships.

Yep, that's exactly what I'm arguing for.

Then you and the fraction of 1% in the country who agree with you can enjoy your misery until you're dead.

First they laugh at you
Then they fight you
Then you win.

Even the caveman had government. I am quite justified in laughing at you, someone who thinks man should live in pre-prehistoric times.
I don't know why you would find that surprising.
Your argument is intellectually dishonest because there is no intellectual component to any part of the Trump campaign, it's all based on thoughtless emotionalism..
I agree that the Trump campaign is based upon emotionalism. However, if you think that just because something is driven by emotionalism means that there are no intellectual components, it means that YOU are the one being intellectually dishonest.

I don't agree with the "Trump machine"...however, that doesn't mean that I don't take his points in, consider them, and then either agree or build my own counter argument to them.
I agree with you , you totally missed what I was trying to say, I did not mean that there was not any intelligent components involved.
I don't know any lol. I respect all believes. My opinion however is that Bernie sanders is the best candidate. I even wrote a song about it! Check it out!
He has not.

The other candidates have earned my active DISTRUST.

And then there are those that have positions on issues that are IMO, contrary to the interests of the US.

Trump is by far the best.
If he hasn't earned your trust why do you believe he will do anything he claims he will do?

His entire political existence is built on this campaign. If he wants a successful Presidency and to "enhance his brand" he would have to satisfy his supporters.

Otherwise he will be considered a failure. This will hurt his brand.

This gives him motive to follow though.

And I have already explained that that is more than I can say for all the others.
His brand has failed over and over, I'm pretty sure he's used to that. He just picks up the pieces, seeks legal protection from creditors, and moves on. So your reasoning doesn't really seem well thought out.

There are no legal protections from a Failed Legacy.

And I have explained that the rest of the candidates either don't share my positions or have earned my active DISTRUST.

My reasoning is sound.

This is the point where you admit that, but still insist that my positions are NOT in the best interests of the nation, in your opinion.

And we move on.

Except that you and people like you CANNOT admit that other people can have any validity if they disagree with you.

You NEED to marginalize them, if only in your own mind.

Your blind insistence that all Trump supporters are not "intelligent" as per the op and this thread, is another good example of your inability to respect people who are different than you.
So evidently your faith in Donald Trump is based on a lack of experience and what you don't know.

There is no need to "restate" what I said.

I said it clearly and you understood, you just didn't like it.

Your need to add spin to avoid dealing with what I said honestly and seriously is part and parcel of the "Need" of yours I spoke of, to marginalize anyone that disagrees with you.

This thread is not about any failings or shortcomings on the part of Trump supporters, but of your own.

Do you dare to seriously and honestly respond to that?

Rhetorical question: I know the answer is no.
Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

It happens to be true that a majority of people in this country do not have PHDs. I suppose those who only have a college degree and who are voting for Hillary are a part of the 'less educated' masses.
No professor, wrong again. Hilary supporters might be slightly more intelligent but equally deluded and hypocritical.

A person with a college degree is less educated than someone with a PHD. I wasn't actually disagreeing with the article. Trump has been able to attract a lot of working class folk in this country who don't have college degrees. What is wrong with that?
Democrats used to boast that they were the party of the "working man." Now they boast that they're the party of snobbish intellectual elites.

When they support dems, they are the "working man". When they support republicans, they are "uneducated".
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Dude. You've had your ass handed to you repeatedly.

Why are you lying?
I think we can easily conclude that your posts substantiate the OP. No evidence of any intelligent Trump followers so far.
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Dude. You've had your ass handed to you repeatedly.

Why are you lying?
I think we can easily conclude that your posts substantiate the OP. No evidence of any intelligent Trump followers so far.


Some of my other posts are some really good stuff, and it is not credible that you didn't notice that.

YOu are now just lying.

Liberals: All the intellectual honestly of a crack whore.
Trump voters may be smart, but they are suspending their intelligence for the campaign.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

The more smug you are the more I know you are covering. The only thing you have contributed to this thread is a few sentences of your own that anyone could have written. Copying and pasting a well written article by someone else doesn't necessarily make you an intelligent person. In fact, it kind of makes you kind of stupid because your only original thought that you decided to project was how much smarter I am than everyone else in the world because I happen to cut and paste someone else's article.
No doubt we can rely on your own intensive research to explore these questions further and draw conclusions based on your own completely unbiased and objective view.

Cut, Paste, and Mimic is not an intelligent thing to do.
Based on this thread we can only theorize about the average intelligence level of Trump followers.

Thanks for saying the obvious. We can only theorize on the intelligence of anyone without an object intelligence test to measure what that is. I theorize your intelligence is pretty low. I base that on many observation I have made about human nature I have made. The first one is that human beings cover for their insecurities in many ways. One of those ways is to come off like they know everything when they they don't and in the process put down other people who they themselves know are more qualified. You project smugness to others only to cover up for your own inferiority.
Uh huh, thanks for clearing that up.
Donald Trump’s surge is all about less-educated Americans

The more smug you are the more I know you are covering. The only thing you have contributed to this thread is a few sentences of your own that anyone could have written. Copying and pasting a well written article by someone else doesn't necessarily make you an intelligent person. In fact, it kind of makes you kind of stupid because your only original thought that you decided to project was how much smarter I am than everyone else in the world because I happen to cut and paste someone else's article.
No doubt we can rely on your own intensive research to explore these questions further and draw conclusions based on your own completely unbiased and objective view.

Cut, Paste, and Mimic is not an intelligent thing to do.
For you to say anything at all about anything is obviously a very unintelligent thing to do. But it does substantiate the premise of the OP, so thanks.

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