Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Indeed here you are. Let's have a look at some of your fellow Trump University scholars.

Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.

I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.

You are a very stupid and unsubstantial little man.

Not so much. I responded appropriately to your moronic thread.

Predfan seriously challenged you and you came up with NOTHING.

You were completely unable to support your moronic OP.

Challenge? Looks more like absolute confirmation of the OP.
Ok so what pray tell has Obama done that violates a progressive agenda? Let's see the list. I can quote for quote on trump of all the things he has done that promote fascism? What has Obama done that would violate liberal/progressive ideals? And if he did do such things, since it would be far right ideals, are you supporting these fascist policies? And if you aren't, then why not?

And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
Ok so what pray tell has Obama done that violates a progressive agenda? Let's see the list. I can quote for quote on trump of all the things he has done that promote fascism? What has Obama done that would violate liberal/progressive ideals? And if he did do such things, since it would be far right ideals, are you supporting these fascist policies? And if you aren't, then why not?

And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
I wonder why there isn't more information available about highly intelligent Trump followers. Looks like there aren't any. Haven't seen any on this thread, that's for sure.

It is not credible that you have not noticed the quality of the debate from the Trump supporters on this thread.

So, stop your lying.
Yes I've noticed how superficial and unsubstantial their alleged reasoning is.
Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Trump followers and Sanders followers are two sides of the same coin.
No doubt about it. The difference is Sanders supporters are intelligent and Trump followers are not.

Who are you trying to convince with your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

You provide the proof every day.
Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Trump followers and Sanders followers are two sides of the same coin.
No doubt about it. The difference is Sanders supporters are intelligent and Trump followers are not.

Who are you trying to convince with your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

You provide the proof every day.

Do you ever ask yourself why you have to lie so much?

The fact that the Truth is not on your side, doesn't that raise any Red Flags inside of your little head?
And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
If you ask any of these dummies why they believe that Trump is honest and trustworthy they just don't seem to have a cogent answer. I wonder why they don't know? Is Donald Trump a mysterious enigma? Or are they just slow and unquestioning?
Are There Any Intelligent Trump Followers?

Trump followers and Sanders followers are two sides of the same coin.
No doubt about it. The difference is Sanders supporters are intelligent and Trump followers are not.

Who are you trying to convince with your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

You provide the proof every day.

Do you ever ask yourself why you have to lie so much?

The fact that the Truth is not on your side, doesn't that raise any Red Flags inside of your little head?
You've displayed no evidence of anything beyond very mediocre, incredibly unimpressive, average intelligence.
And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
If you ask any of these dummies why they believe that Trump is honest and trustworthy they just don't seem to have a cogent answer. I wonder why they don't know? Is Donald Trump a mysterious enigma? Or are they just slow and unquestioning?
Hmm..............and Hillary.................she's so Trustworthy...................Hypocrite much........
We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
If you ask any of these dummies why they believe that Trump is honest and trustworthy they just don't seem to have a cogent answer. I wonder why they don't know? Is Donald Trump a mysterious enigma? Or are they just slow and unquestioning?
Hmm..............and Hillary.................she's so Trustworthy...................Hypocrite much........
Perhaps you can point to the post where I ever say anything good about Hilary.........stupid much?
Apparently you aren't smart enough to have your own opinions, you have to cut and paste other crap you find on the Internet.

You don't have the intelligence to be criticizing anyone. I answered your question, you have failed to show that I'm not an intelligent Trump supporter.

Now tuck in your tail and run off like a good boy.
I can get a pretty good idea of just how smart you are by the way you keep repeating yourself so ineffectually.

Liberals: All the self awareness of a turnip.
You are a very stupid and unsubstantial little man.

Not so much. I responded appropriately to your moronic thread.

Predfan seriously challenged you and you came up with NOTHING.

You were completely unable to support your moronic OP.
Challenge? Looks more like absolute confirmation of the OP.

Why are you lying? YOu aren't fooling anyone.

Probably not even yourself at this point.
Trump followers and Sanders followers are two sides of the same coin.
No doubt about it. The difference is Sanders supporters are intelligent and Trump followers are not.

Who are you trying to convince with your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

You provide the proof every day.

Do you ever ask yourself why you have to lie so much?

The fact that the Truth is not on your side, doesn't that raise any Red Flags inside of your little head?
You've displayed no evidence of anything beyond very mediocre, incredibly unimpressive, average intelligence.

This thread was not my best. YOu gave me nothing to work with.

Predfan totally kicked your ass. There is no doubt about that.

My question stands.

If you have to lie so much, it means you need to reassess your positions as they are likely wrong.
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
If you ask any of these dummies why they believe that Trump is honest and trustworthy they just don't seem to have a cogent answer. I wonder why they don't know? Is Donald Trump a mysterious enigma? Or are they just slow and unquestioning?
Hmm..............and Hillary.................she's so Trustworthy...................Hypocrite much........
Perhaps you can point to the post where I ever say anything good about Hilary.........stupid much?
You will vote for know spare me.
And you support every one of those things!!!!

He shut down the war in Iraq,and has been attempting to shut Afghanistan, Muslim brotherhood won elections, so how is that his fault? I guess he should not support a democratic voted government.

Again he has made mistakes with foreign policy. But we were already in those places when he became president. Getting security briefings and finding out what is actually going on will change people's rhetoric after an election.

Anyways these are not fascist policies, besides the drones which I already pointed out. So basically a left wing fascist does right wing things. You should be happy then.

We are BACK IN IRAQ, idiot, we are STILL in Afghanistan, He SIDED with the muslim brotherhood who are an acknowledged TERRORIST group! His REFUSAL to prosecute

Obama's Feds Refuse to Prosecute Drug Smugglers | Truth ...
Sheriffs in Arizona now spend millions of dollars to prosecute cartel drug smugglers, jail them and then pay for their legal fees because Obama's government ...

President Obama's DOJ Refuses to Prosecute IRS Corruption
American Center for Law & Justice
President Obama's Justice Department has officially refused to prosecute former top IRS official Lois Lerner for contempt of Congress. It is troubling but not ...

Why Won't Obama Go After Criminal Bankers?
The Huffington Post
Jan 24, 2014 - Obama's "Justice" Department refused even to prosecute, much less to pursue, any of these mega-crooks, who had cheated the U.S. ...

Refusal to Prosecute New Black Panther Party voter intimidation case - Wikipedia ...
The case remained open when the Obama administration took office a few weeks later. ... appointees did interfere with prosecution of the New Black Panther Party. ... Refusal to address these concerns only confirms politicization of the issue ...

How many more do you need, ObomaBOT?
Wow you trump guys are mental. You quote policies you believe in and criticize Obama for being fascist meanwhile you claim trump is not. Fascist is a right wing issue the only time it is a left wing issue is if they support right wing bs.

This retarded circular logic seems pretty typical of trump supporters.

A guy who wants to clamp down on freedom of speech, punch people, have people removed from rally's infringing upon their constitution right and supporting bodily harm to them. Implementing torture, building a wall that will never work and deporting over 12 million people. Shutting down Muslims from comming to this country. These are all authoritative policies. And against the very nature that this country was founded upon.

The only way Trumps BS will work, is if his supporters start rounding up people and making concentration camps and abusing and killing them in mass. But since torture is big with trump you can do that to.

You people are sick in the head, and you do not support the constitution. And you are not Christian either. You are fascists.

You can call me liberal all you want and every name that you think is evil. Your very nature supporting these things makes you a danger to society.

He is a fascist, bigot, racist.

Lmao that you guys said Obama is a fascist.

I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.

No you don't. All you do is parrot the insipid nonsense and outright lies that you hear others say and post. You can't back up any of the ignorant claims you make.
I love how you nut jobs come in here and call Trump supporters stupid and the immediately post some really stupid stuff.

It's ok when democrats are fascists, but not republicans, you support politicians who want to eliminate basic rights bit you condemn it what a republican tries it.

You are an idiot, and deep down you know that so you go out of your way to call others stupid. Makes you feel superior, doesn't it?

No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
If you ask any of these dummies why they believe that Trump is honest and trustworthy they just don't seem to have a cogent answer. I wonder why they don't know? Is Donald Trump a mysterious enigma? Or are they just slow and unquestioning?
Hmm..............and Hillary.................she's so Trustworthy...................Hypocrite much........
Perhaps you can point to the post where I ever say anything good about Hilary.........stupid much?
You will vote for know spare me.
Another dumb one.
No doubt about it. The difference is Sanders supporters are intelligent and Trump followers are not.

Who are you trying to convince with your Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion?

You provide the proof every day.

Do you ever ask yourself why you have to lie so much?

The fact that the Truth is not on your side, doesn't that raise any Red Flags inside of your little head?
You've displayed no evidence of anything beyond very mediocre, incredibly unimpressive, average intelligence.

This thread was not my best. YOu gave me nothing to work with.

Predfan totally kicked your ass. There is no doubt about that.

My question stands.

If you have to lie so much, it means you need to reassess your positions as they are likely wrong.
Feel free to explain how Donald Trump has earned your trust.
No that is trumps gig! I merely point out all the fallacies in trumps talking points. And I have a hard time believing that people who say they support the constitution would even give trump any time of day.

From his own words I can tell he has neither read the constitution nor the bill of rights.

Smart people don't follow someone who vulgar and doesn't think before he opens his mouth.

Smart people look at the reality of the situation and side with facts over hate and anger.
If you ask any of these dummies why they believe that Trump is honest and trustworthy they just don't seem to have a cogent answer. I wonder why they don't know? Is Donald Trump a mysterious enigma? Or are they just slow and unquestioning?
Hmm..............and Hillary.................she's so Trustworthy...................Hypocrite much........
Perhaps you can point to the post where I ever say anything good about Hilary.........stupid much?
You will vote for know spare me.
Another dumb one.
Opinions are like assholes.............everybody has one and they all stink..............You are a parrot............don't like my point..........don't smell...............

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