Are there any Marjorie Taylor Greene / Lauren Boebert type of badasses running? Do you believe they are good for the GOP?

Yep…those outspoken white heterosexual women are scary as hell…watch out!

take your pick here >>>>>
They aren't the rest of you fringe loonies.
Hahaha…I’m asking you.
You can’t really answer the question or you would have…right?
Here…try again.

”I’m curious…what makes you believe that Boebert and MTG are “fringe”?
What have they said, what policies have they pushed that are “fringe”?
Because CNN said so doesn’t count.”
I’m curious…what makes you believe that Boebert and MTG are “fringe”?
What have they said, what policies have they pushed that are “fringe”?
Because CNN said so doesn’t count.
Zero issues with Boebert.

MTG is pretty overt in her dislike of me. A there is that.
The left and right have their loonies, Greene, Omar, they just help appease the masses.
I’m curious…what makes you believe that Boebert and MTG are “loonies”?
What have they said, what policies have they pushed that are “loony”?
Because CNN said so doesn’t count.
Hahaha…I’m asking you.
You can’t really answer the question or you would have…right?
Here…try again.

”I’m curious…what makes you believe that Boebert and MTG are “fringe”?
What have they said, what policies have they pushed that are “fringe”?
Because CNN said so doesn’t count.”
They aren't the rest of you fringe loonies. Watch out for those Jewish space lasers.
The left and right have their loonies, Greene, Omar, they just help appease the masses.

Rep Crenshaw was right except it applied to both parties:

"There's two types of Members of Congress: There's performance artists and legislators. The performance artists are the ones that get all the attention, the ones you think are more conservative because they know how to say slogans real well, they know how to recite the lines that they know our voters want to hear."

They aren't the rest of you fringe loonies.
The elites and powerful with the help of citizens lobotomized with the Prog faction leading the way have demonized half the population in overdrive for the last near 15 years or so. It is out in the open now with the help of which seems like sleeper cell agent Republicans. Repub districts are regional and local as the defensive alarms are picking up by those being blamed for every wrong in human history. What you consider fringe is norm for human traditions that are based on survival of the species. All you have to do is take your foot of the petal.
I’m curious…what makes you believe that Boebert and MTG are “loonies”?
What have they said, what policies have they pushed that are “loony”?
Because CNN said so doesn’t count.
Greene claims the Clintons had JFK Jr killed, utter nonsense. She claims the Pentagon was not attacked on 911, she has made anti-Semitic comments. She is a loon.

Omar is a loon, but she isn’t a terrorist like Boebert claimed.

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