Are there any patriots left?

Martin Luther King Jr. would spit on the MAGAts.
hahaha…no Democrat supported “deal” is a good deal for America….NONE!
What “deal” did Trump need to tighten up the border? What deal did Governor Abbott need to do the right thing for Texans?
Mexicrats don’t need a “deal” to secure the border.
That attitude is why you will lose among other reasons.
Patriots aim to preserve and protect ALL THINGS America…Patriots love and respect America’s rich history, traditions, heritage, culture, principles, family/value system and moral order. ....
YOU sure as hell don't.
I'm not asking for your specific political opinions, or the reasons why you don't love your nation anymore. I'm looking for people that have pride and love for their nation without caveats.

"I, (Missourian's birth name here), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same."
I'm not asking for your specific political opinions, or the reasons why you don't love your nation anymore. I'm looking for people that have pride and love for their nation without caveats.
My nation and country yes, those that run it or want to destroy it no

I'm proud to have served it following in a long line of people in my family that also served when the time came, one who lied about his age so he could fight at the end of WW2

This country could be great again and that's the day I hope to see but doubt we will until DC is cleansed of all corruption
That would be everyone on the left. The left is the only Patriot's left in the country.

The left believes in democracy.
The right believes in a fascist, totalitarian government.

The left believes in the Constitution.
The right wants to eliminate it.

The left believes in one man, one vote.
The right believes in voter suppression.
Isn't that what we have a judicial system for?
The Constitution says that people are free to worship or not worship how they please.

Some idiots in Congress get together and pass a law that says you can't.

No judiciary is needed to know that law is unconstitutional, thus ignorable.
That would be everyone on the left. The left is the only Patriot's left in the country.
What a moronic claim. Leftoids are destroying this country at a prodigious rate.

Better be careful, dildo, all of your welfare money is going to the illegals.

You won't get anything soon.
I live in the real world, not MAGAland. It was not an issue.
hahaha….What's the point….You America hating lefties won’t allow such a definition…You think only dark people and dark people nations have a right to traditions, heritage and culture. I’ve played this retarded game with America hating fools like you before.

"Dark" "Dark" "Dark" "Dark!" :rolleyes:

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