Are there any sane republicans left

Something tells me you are confused about your plumbing.
He doesn't understand or won't admit that it's the child groomers that are responsible for why kids suddenly wanting sex changes.

AKA Democrats
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Mitch McConnell took an oath that he would commit to Obama being a one term president. Since that day, the Republican party has been the obstructionist party. That's where the polarization came from. Having a black president was more than the southern white redneck could take.
Wow, how racist of you. Seeing opposition to complete government handing over of healthcare to HMO's, and not giving Americans a choice about having government & corporations meddle in their lives, as "racial," and divide and rule narrative?

You couldn't be a more disingenuous piece of shit if you tried, you really could not.

Don't try to shoe horn in fascism, and when folks resist it, call them "racist." Talk about clown world. That's like Hitler calling the Jews racist for resisting the Holocaust, it is peak irony.

But this is not, "taking an oath," that was just laying out an electoral strategy. :rolleyes:

Even WaPo is calling out your B.S. And when the paper of record does not agree with your clown world hyperbole, you don't have a leg to stand on.

The Facts​

". . . McConnell made his remarks in an interview that appeared in the National Journal on Oct. 23, 2010 — nearly two years after Obama was elected president. The interview took place on the eve of the midterm elections. The interview was relatively short, so we will print it in its entirety, with key portions highlighted.

NJ: You’ve been studying the history of presidents who lost part or all of Congress in their first term. Why?
McConnell: In the last 100 years, three presidents suffered big defeats in Congress in their first term and then won reelection: Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, and the most recent example, Bill Clinton. I read a lot of history anyway, but I am trying to apply those lessons to current situations in hopes of not making the same mistakes.

NJ: What have you learned?
McConnell: After 1994, the public had the impression we Republicans over promised and under delivered. We suffered from some degree of hubris and acted as if the president was irrelevant and we would roll over him. By the summer of 1995, he was already on the way to being reelected, and we were hanging on for our lives.

NJ: What does this mean now?
McConnell: We need to be honest with the public. This election is about them, not us. And we need to treat this election as the first step in retaking the government. We need to say to everyone on Election Day, “Those of you who helped make this a good day, you need to go out and help us finish the job.”
N.J.: What’s the job?
McConnell: The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.

NJ: Does that mean endless, or at least frequent, confrontation with the president?
McConnell: If President Obama does a Clintonian backflip, if he’s willing to meet us halfway on some of the biggest issues, it’s not inappropriate for us to do business with him.

NJ: What are the big issues?
McConnell: It is possible the president’s advisers will tell him he has to do something to get right with the public on his levels of spending and [on] lowering the national debt. If he were to heed that advice, he would, I imagine, find more support among our conference than he would among some in the Senate in his own party. I don’t want the president to fail; I want him to change. So, we’ll see. The next move is going to be up to him.

So, seen in context, McConnell was saying that if Republicans wanted to achieve their goals, such as repeal of the health-care law, they can’t just win the midterms, they need to ensure that Obama does not win reelection. It’s less of “an announcement” than a statement of fact.

McConnell further elaborated on his remarks in a speech at the Heritage Foundation after the election, in which the GOP made gains but did not win the Senate:

“Let’s start with the big picture. Over the past week, some have said it was indelicate of me to suggest that our top political priority over the next two years should be to deny President Obama a second term in office. But the fact is, if our primary legislative goals are to repeal and replace the health spending bill; to end the bailouts; cut spending; and shrink the size and scope of government, the only way to do all these things it is to put someone in the White House who won’t veto any of these things.”


How about with parental consent, then you're cool with it like Pedo peter and the rest of your ilk.
Just to be clear, you're admitting the dumb claim that parental consent was not required is just bullshit, right?
Just to be clear, you're admitting the dumb claim that parental consent was not required is just bullshit, right?

California Gov. Gavin Newsom last week signed SB 107, which will block state officials from enforcing laws from other states that hinder access to transgender medical procedures and drugs.

"With this law, California is basically saying it can take temporary emergency jurisdiction over any child from anywhere if there's a disagreement between a parent and the state of California over how to treat a child's gender distress," said Kao, whose organization was one of 50 groups that sent a letter of protest to Newsom
over SB 107.

Mods, this is a real story about the real Republican candidate for governor, and the absolutely crazy things she is saying.

Heidi Ganal, the republican candidate for governor is repeating the Qanon conspiracy theory that Children in public schools are identifying as animals, and the schools have supplied litter boxes in the bathrooms to accomodate them. She didn't mistakenly say something that might have sounded like that. That is one of her main points to convince the voters to support her so she can end the practice that she seems to honestly believe is real. Republicans support these obviously absurd candidates, and then complain when their lack of qualifications are expose. Ganal, Hershal Walker, of course crazy Louie Gohmert, and even Mellissa Carone that crazy lady that was so funny when she appeared with rudy in Michigan, and poped her gum while asking her questoner if he had done something funny with the ballots are all on the republican ticket. This is what the republican party has become.

No crazier than democrats saying men have uteruses and can give birth. You were pushing that bullshit a couple days ago, weren't you?

California Gov. Gavin Newsom last week signed SB 107, which will block state officials from enforcing laws from other states that hinder access to transgender medical procedures and drugs.

"With this law, California is basically saying it can take temporary emergency jurisdiction over any child from anywhere if there's a disagreement between a parent and the state of California over how to treat a child's gender distress," said Kao, whose organization was one of 50 groups that sent a letter of protest to Newsom
over SB 107.

Cry me a river. It says that while in California, they will go by California law. Not sure what state you're from, but would you want a neighboring state superceding your state's laws
Cry me a river. It says that while in California, they will go by California law. Not sure what state you're from, but would you want a neighboring state superceding your state's laws
Thanks for proving once again you have zero reading comprehension skills, Simp.
No crazier than democrats saying men have uteruses and can give birth. You were pushing that bullshit a couple days ago, weren't you?
No. I did say that a person transitioning from a woman to a man might live as a man and appear to be a man. For all interactions in general society, they are seen as, and act as a man. But if no surgical procedures have been performed, they might become pregnant. I find it absurd and amusing that you have so much trouble understanding something so simple.
About the same as Louie Gohmert since he spouted off about his asparagus.

Really, HJ didn't have half a dozen commies trying to shout him down. Care to answer my question?

Really, HJ didn't have half a dozen commies trying to shout him down. Care to answer my question?

Honestly don't know how many times he has been reelected, but I do know that, even as dumb as that one remark was, it was the only example of him in such questionble territory. As for Gohmert, Walker, Ganahl, Marjory Taylor Green, and a host of other crazy right wingers, there are dozens of batshit crazy remarks from each of them. That's particularly disturbing for Ganahl and Walker since they each have such a long list of batshit crazy remarks after being involved in politics for such a short time.
Honestly don't know how many times he has been reelected, but I do know that, even as dumb as that one remark was, it was the only example of him in such questionble territory. As for Gohmert, Walker, Ganahl, Marjory Taylor Green, and a host of other crazy right wingers, there are dozens of batshit crazy remarks from each of them. That's particularly disturbing for Ganahl and Walker since they each have such a long list of batshit crazy remarks after being involved in politics for such a short time.

Not one of them so stupid as your Demented Basement President saying we are nearly in an Armageddon.

So hey, he's now just about wrecked the final thing. But go on, keep obsessing about trivia while the whole world goes to hell because you hated those Mean Tweets.
Not one of them so stupid as your Demented Basement President saying we are nearly in an Armageddon.

So hey, he's now just about wrecked the final thing. But go on, keep obsessing about trivia while the whole world goes to hell because you hated those Mean Tweets.
If you think trump's mean tweets are the only, or even the main thing wrong with trump, you either didn't pay attention, or are just dumb. I'm pretty sure it's both.
Show us the scientific data where people are mutilating children, and please define children?

Vanderbilt University Hospital are doing double mastectomies on girls as young a 12. And one of their directors have admitted they can make upward of 100,000+ on each patient. Of course they're doing a lot of back tracking since it came to light.

Vanderbilt University Hospital are doing double mastectomies on girls as young a 12. And one of their directors have admitted they can make upward of 100,000+ on each patient. Of course they're doing a lot of back tracking since it came to light.

Your link didn't mention mastectomies on girls as young as 12 or that they make upward of $100,000+ on each patient. Did you just make that part up? If you have to make shit up, is your point really valid?
Really? What scientific analysis tells you that? Or did you get that straight out of your ass?

The fact is most gender confused kids will revert to their birth gender between 16-18 yoa. And many who have had interventions live to regret it. Early intervention is often irreversible with life long effects especially sterility.

If you think trump's mean tweets are the only, or even the main thing wrong with trump, you either didn't pay attention, or are just dumb. I'm pretty sure it's both.

Please tell yourself when your body is glowing. I'm sure it will make you feel better.
Honestly don't know how many times he has been reelected, but I do know that, even as dumb as that one remark was, it was the only example of him in such questionble territory. As for Gohmert, Walker, Ganahl, Marjory Taylor Green, and a host of other crazy right wingers, there are dozens of batshit crazy remarks from each of them. That's particularly disturbing for Ganahl and Walker since they each have such a long list of batshit crazy remarks after being involved in politics for such a short time.

And you have just as many crazy left wingers. Tell the class why the feds are spending billions on climate change if the world is going to end on AOC's schedule. Why not use the money to throw one hell of a world ending party?


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