Are these examples of stereotypes???

Discrimination and stereotyping is really a subconscious self defense reaction.

It is difficult to eliminate such thinking if it is constantly being reinforced.

The best way to stop such thinking is to stop the actions that reinforce such thinking. I.e. for African american youths to stop the trend of wearing their pants around their knees!!

Ya know , white youth follows the same trends .
unless they were born in Africa and immigrated here, they are not African-Americans.

they are Americans, like the rest of us.

It's also a description . You can do it for whites too.

"Irish looking guy". "I saw an African American women".

You wouldnt just say "yeah, he looked like an American . ". I mean, unless you were overseas . Lol!
There are a large number of African Americans that support Donald Trump.

This is more due to the reaction of the poor performance of the economy in terms of the African American community than anything else.

The more the economy sours, the more likely African Americans will blame Obama and the Democrats and turn right. That is a natural political response.

So no. Those are not token blacks. More like ex-Obama supporters that feel betrayed.

Maybe those are some of the smart ones that realize the Democrat party is ushering in foreigners that are taking jobs away from black Americans.
Discrimination and stereotyping is really a subconscious self defense reaction.

It is difficult to eliminate such thinking if it is constantly being reinforced.

The best way to stop such thinking is to stop the actions that reinforce such thinking. I.e. for African american youths to stop the trend of wearing their pants around their knees!!

Agree. It was several years ago and I forgot where exactly, but a police force had to retire one of their dogs because the dog (so they say) became racist.

An officer was chasing down some white guy and a K9 officer released his dog. The dog ran after the white guy but stopped and attacked an innocent black guy instead. Of course the party sued and part of the settlement was for the force to get rid of that dog.

The dog of course had no racial bias, it's just the animal was so used to taking down black suspects it was a natural thing for him.

People are the same way--especially police officers. They do stereotype which is how the process of illumination works. They don't eliminate all whites and concentrate on all blacks--just the blacks that look like those in the picture on the last page.
Discrimination and stereotyping is really a subconscious self defense reaction.

It is difficult to eliminate such thinking if it is constantly being reinforced.

The best way to stop such thinking is to stop the actions that reinforce such thinking. I.e. for African american youths to stop the trend of wearing their pants around their knees!!

Agree. It was several years ago and I forgot where exactly, but a police force had to retire one of their dogs because the dog (so they say) became racist.

An officer was chasing down some white guy and a K9 officer released his dog. The dog ran after the white guy but stopped and attacked an innocent black guy instead. Of course the party sued and part of the settlement was for the force to get rid of that dog.

The dog of course had no racial bias, it's just the animal was so used to taking down black suspects it was a natural thing for him.

People are the same way--especially police officers. They do stereotype which is how the process of illumination works. They don't eliminate all whites and concentrate on all blacks--just the blacks that look like those in the picture on the last page.

More like the cop had a racial bias on how he used the dog .
Discrimination and stereotyping is really a subconscious self defense reaction.

It is difficult to eliminate such thinking if it is constantly being reinforced.

The best way to stop such thinking is to stop the actions that reinforce such thinking. I.e. for African american youths to stop the trend of wearing their pants around their knees!!

Agree. It was several years ago and I forgot where exactly, but a police force had to retire one of their dogs because the dog (so they say) became racist.

An officer was chasing down some white guy and a K9 officer released his dog. The dog ran after the white guy but stopped and attacked an innocent black guy instead. Of course the party sued and part of the settlement was for the force to get rid of that dog.

The dog of course had no racial bias, it's just the animal was so used to taking down black suspects it was a natural thing for him.

People are the same way--especially police officers. They do stereotype which is how the process of illumination works. They don't eliminate all whites and concentrate on all blacks--just the blacks that look like those in the picture on the last page.

Quick Ray tell me...........................your told someone in your neighborhood was raped 5 minutes ago. How many women you stopping? LOL, but that is STEROETYPING, and we can't have that! Why, if you don't stop as many women as men, you are a sexist!

You are told you need meet the top high school basketball team in the country, head and shoulders above everyone else. They tell you to go into the auditorium to meet them, and the team they are playing tonight. You walk in, and here is 1 all black team, each a little over 6ft, and one all white team, all about 5'9. Quick, which is the best high school basketball team in the country, lol. If you pick the black team, aren't you stereotyping!

In todays America, you are expected to ignore what is logical and reasonable by past performance when it comes to almost everything.........except the economy, then it is the guys fault who hasn't been around for 8 years, not the guy who sits and tries to convince you it is really good, when he will be the very 1st (let me spell that for you lefties) FIRST President EVER, who will not see at least 1 year of 3% economic growth while he was in office. THINK ABOUT THAT! World wars, the great depression, Jimmy Carter, Herbert (I am an idiot) Hoover, even the supposed most TERRIBLE, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon.............all of them, each and every one had at least 1 year with 3% growth. The only President in the HISTORY of the United States of America who will not, is the very incompetent, President Obysmal!
Or maybe he sicked his dog on black perps but not on white perps .

Correct. He only sent the dog after black people. The white people he chased on foot and took them down himself. After all, that's what K-9 officers are known to do; tie the dog up to a tree and chase the criminal themselves.
unless they were born in Africa and immigrated here, they are not African-Americans.

they are Americans, like the rest of us.

It's also a description . You can do it for whites too.

"Irish looking guy". "I saw an African American women".

You wouldnt just say "yeah, he looked like an American . ". I mean, unless you were overseas . Lol!
The ignorance of leftist still shocks me to this day.

Never will anyone ever describe a human being as "Irish looking guy".

"The red headed guy" sure

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