Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

I'm not removing anything and neither are you. You can deny anything you want, but your denials are not based in reality or science. They're just figments of your imagination.
You deny reality. There are male and female. No more, no less.
Nice try at excusing bullying
This is where the conservative movement is currently.

Clearly; someone in the hierarchy of the GOP called a play to attack LGBTQIA this election cycle. This is the whole Dylan Mulvaney (sp?) circus...just pure meanness to a group that doesn't get them the same blowback they got when they went after Hispanics last time around and blacks the numerous times before that.

Taking Curried Goats off or ignore just for a couple of days, since I am going to talk about him. Even on ignore, I see his name in people's replies, and can tell what nonsense he is spewing. Unfortunately the ignore system isn't perfect. But life is never perfect, which on point this thread is intended to make.

This story is about a "transgirl" and her "transman" "dad." Yes. A "father-daughter" trans family.

If a school had a "father-daughter" lunch, to encourage dads to be good male examples for their daughters, the left would have several cows. "Call it 'parent unit of any gender-clump of cells allowed to be born' day! Father-daughter day is sexist and waycist!"

But for this it is fine. In fact, if a "woman" is "trans," then it is very bad not to give her all the respect that the left taught us we were wrong to be giving real women. Go figure . . .

I mention Curried because he has posted a "viral" video of that "transgirl." Not the only one, but "she" seems to be a special favorite of his. I put "viral" in quotes because it did not "go viral" through popularity, big tech pushed it and pushed it.
Taking Curried Goats off or ignore just for a couple of days, since I am going to talk about him. Even on ignore, I see his name in people's replies, and can tell what nonsense he is spewing. Unfortunately the ignore system isn't perfect. But life is never perfect, which on point this thread is intended to make.

This story is about a "transgirl" and her "transman" "dad." Yes. A "father-daughter" trans family.

If a school had a "father-daughter" lunch, to encourage dads to be good male examples for their daughters, the left would have several cows. "Call it 'parent unit of any gender-clump of cells allowed to be born' day! Father-daughter day is sexist and waycist!"

But for this it is fine. In fact, if a "woman" is "trans," then it is very bad not to give her all the respect that the left taught us we were wrong to be giving real women. Go figure . . .

I mention Curried because he has posted a "viral" video of that "transgirl." Not the only one, but "she" seems to be a special favorite of his. I put "viral" in quotes because it did not "go viral" through popularity, big tech pushed it and pushed it.

Aww. Have our conversations broken you to the point that you need a safe space from me? 😄 That's nice to know.
This is where the conservative movement is currently.

Clearly; someone in the hierarchy of the GOP called a play to attack LGBTQIA this election cycle. This is the whole Dylan Mulvaney (sp?) circus...just pure meanness to a group that doesn't get them the same blowback they got when they went after Hispanics last time around and blacks the numerous times before that.

I never met a conservative who gave a shit that people get sex changes or that some men like to watch other men dress as women and sing. It was the LBGT-Whatever Movement that forced us to pay attention to it.

Drag queens in school libraries, Kids being given sex toys, by grown men dressed as dogs, kids being chemically castrated and having breasts and genitals mutilated to satisfy the goals of an adult movement, and school books meant to indoctrinate rather than educate are sure ways to attract negative attention. Just as the left knew it would be.

You wanted the attention, you got it. You should have stuck with indicting Trump over and over again. At least you have not so far dragged kids into that.
I never met a conservative who gave a shit that people get sex changes or that some men like to watch other men dress as women and sing. It was the LBGT-Whatever Movement that forced us to pay attention to it.

Drag queens in school libraries, Kids being given sex toys, by grown men dressed as dogs, kids being chemically castrated and having breasts and genitals mutilated to satisfy the goals of an adult movement, and school books meant to indoctrinate rather than educate are sure ways to attract negative attention. Just as the left knew it would be.

You wanted the attention, you got it. You should have stuck with indicting Trump over and over again. At least you have not so far dragged kids into that.

I guess you never heard of Rick Santorum (who came in 2nd in 2012).

You also forgot your blob kicking transgender Americans out of the military. He seems to have cared.
If everything is a choice, then why isn't gender a choice?
Because you're either born female or male, dum dum. Some things are not in your control. You can't change who you are. You can choose who to have sex with.
Because I'm not gay and that doesn't entice me. It does entice gay men and they do so frequently, at least one would hope.
And that's an unnatural act. That's not sexual intercourse. The anus isn't a sex organ. Only a vagina and penis can have sexual intercourse. Basic biology. Your parents should demand a refund on your education.
Because I'm not gay and that doesn't entice me. It does entice gay men and they do so frequently, at least one would hope.
So you are one of those "men who have sex with men" who don't identify as homosexual I read about years back...Weird to run into one in the wild. Lol
giid afternoon tumbles.

trump is like eli wallach in "the good the bad and the ugly." standing in the gallows with a noose around his neck, the sheriff reads a list of crimes that takes so long that the rat gets away.

i really hope he falls for something, anything, but it seens as if there are so many enormous crimes that the clock will run out.
This country is kind of fucked as far as the Trump situation. In his populist, TeeVee based huckster approach to the presidency, he has successfully projected grievances upon his magaturd subjects (millions of Americans) for so long that they have become radicalized by it.

Magaturds have become willfully ignorant and/or resilient of his massive flaws as well as their own accountability because of targeted messaging. When forced to confront their flaws, they simply default to: it's [insert 'those people'] fault we are unhappy/poor/uneducated/unemployed, etc. So fuck da rules, you can't tell me what to do'. It has become a political identity to them.

The current regressive left mirrors this identity in their tactics as well. If their own behavior/flaws are found to be non-mainstream/offensive by others who have legitimate reasons to take offense, they will seem to double down on said behavior and make it a part of their political identity to 'fuck the rules, my feelings are more important' again, simply because: 'you can't tell me what to do!'

We've become a very entitled society with profound ignorance to the scope of our liberty. This shit is just about at a boil, IMO.

If Trump skates conviction, I believe the country will be even more polarized, but continue to function. :dunno: People might start getting snuffed out, tho.

Also if Biden/[insert democrat here] wins reelection/2024 presidency, I believe the country will be even more polarized, but continue to function, albeit will possible escalation of violence. :dunno:

If Trump should win the '24 election, I think things just might go completely sideways in America very quickly. You might see assassination attempts, or an escalation of all our violence among different groups, perhaps even an outright civil war, who can say for sure. :dunno:

There's little upside here. But obsessing over stuff we can't control seems equally pointless. Furthermore, I'm going on a hike. :dunno:
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I guess you never heard of Rick Santorum (who came in 2nd in 2012).
Came in 2nd for what? A women's swim meet?

Haven't heard much about him. Couldn't have told you who he was and still can't.
You also forgot your blob kicking transgender Americans out of the military. He seems to have cared.
Oh, yeah! That was a typical Democrat dirty trick of Obama's. Instead of letting transgenders in when he took office and dealing with the results, he did it at the end of his administration, knowing the next guy would have to deal with it.

Not caring if people get sex changes is different from wanting tax dollars to pay for them, even if it reduces the effectiveness of our military.

Trump had to ban transgenders from the military, lest our military become under his watch what it is becoming under Biden's.
I don’t see why making a stupid choice in life, and how people treat you for making a stupid choice is anything but a lesson in life?

Make idiotic choices, expect to get treated as though your an idiot. 🤷‍♀️

What’s the issue here?
This country is kind of fucked as far as the Trump situation. In his populist, TeeVee based huckster approach to the presidency, he has successfully projected grievances upon his magaturd subjects (millions of Americans) for so long that they have become radicalized by it.

Magaturds have become willfully ignorant and/or resilient of his massive flaws as well as their own accountability because of targeted messaging. When forced to confront their flaws, they simply default to: it's [insert 'those people'] fault we are unhappy/poor/uneducated/unemployed, etc. So fuck da rules, you can't tell me what to do'. It has become a political identity to them.

The current regressive left mirrors this identity in their tactics as well. If their own behavior/flaws are found to be non-mainstream/offensive by others who have legitimate reasons to take offense, they will seem to double down on said behavior and make it a part of their political identity to 'fuck the rules, my feelings are more important' again, simply because: 'you can't tell me what to do!'

We've become a very entitled society with profound ignorance to the scope of our liberty. This shit is just about at a boil, IMO.

If Trump skates conviction, I believe the country will be even more polarized, but continue to function. :dunno: People might start getting snuffed out, tho.

Also if Biden/[insert democrat here] wins reelection/2024 presidency, I believe the country will be even more polarized, but continue to function, albeit will possible escalation of violence. :dunno:

If Trump should win the '24 election, I think things just might go completely sideways in America very quickly. You might see assassination attempts, or an escalation of all our violence among different groups, perhaps even an outright civil war, who can say for sure. :dunno:
Taking Curried Goats off or ignore just for a couple of days, since I am going to talk about him. Even on ignore, I see his name in people's replies, and can tell what nonsense he is spewing. Unfortunately the ignore system isn't perfect. But life is never perfect, which on point this thread is intended to make.

This story is about a "transgirl" and her "transman" "dad." Yes. A "father-daughter" trans family.

If a school had a "father-daughter" lunch, to encourage dads to be good male examples for their daughters, the left would have several cows. "Call it 'parent unit of any gender-clump of cells allowed to be born' day! Father-daughter day is sexist and waycist!"

But for this it is fine. In fact, if a "woman" is "trans," then it is very bad not to give her all the respect that the left taught us we were wrong to be giving real women. Go figure . . .

I mention Curried because he has posted a "viral" video of that "transgirl." Not the only one, but "she" seems to be a special favorite of his. I put "viral" in quotes because it did not "go viral" through popularity, big tech pushed it and pushed it.

This country is kind of fucked as far as the Trump situation. In his populist, TeeVee based huckster approach to the presidency, he has successfully projected grievances upon his magaturd subjects (millions of Americans) for so long that they have become radicalized by it.

Magaturds have become willfully ignorant and/or resilient of his massive flaws as well as their own accountability because of targeted messaging. When forced to confront their flaws, they simply default to: it's [insert 'those people'] fault we are unhappy/poor/uneducated/unemployed, etc. So fuck da rules, you can't tell me what to do'. It has become a political identity to them.

The current regressive left mirrors this identity in their tactics as well. If their own behavior/flaws are found to be non-mainstream/offensive by others who have legitimate reasons to take offense, they will seem to double down on said behavior and make it a part of their political identity to 'fuck the rules, my feelings are more important' again, simply because: 'you can't tell me what to do!'

We've become a very entitled society with profound ignorance to the scope of our liberty. This shit is just about at a boil, IMO.

If Trump skates conviction, I believe the country will be even more polarized, but continue to function. :dunno: People might start getting snuffed out, tho.

Also if Biden/[insert democrat here] wins reelection/2024 presidency, I believe the country will be even more polarized, but continue to function, albeit will possible escalation of violence. :dunno:

If Trump should win the '24 election, I think things just might go completely sideways in America very quickly. You might see assassination attempts, or an escalation of all our violence among different groups, perhaps even an outright civil war, who can say for sure. :dunno:
Civil War? Gee, I hope so. This poke poke poke is tedious. Let's just do it.
Haven't heard much about him. Couldn't have told you who he was and still can't.
Ahh...pretending to be unaware of your party's history on sheer hatred. Nice try. Lots of Dems do that too with pretending that democrats were not racist bigots in the south.
Oh, yeah! That was a typical Democrat dirty trick. Instead of letting gays in when he took office and dealing with the results, he did it at the end of his administration, knowing the next guy would have to deal with it.

Not caring if people get sex changes is different from wanting tax dollars to pay for them, even if it reduces the effectiveness of our military.

Trump had to ban transgenders from the military, lest our military become under his watch what it is becoming under Biden's.
Wait a were whining like a little bitch on your last post about "we don't care about adults"...."we only care about what it does to kids."

Now you're backtracking on that. You guys hate people who make different lifestyle choices than you. Its all you guys do. Its all you guys ever will do.

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