Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

Maybe the horny teenagers at your Bingo catholic school used the anal doesn't count rule, but Merriam Webster disagrees.

Merriam Webster is woke and politically correct. However, the Webster dictionary is not a biology and anatomy book. The anus isn't a sex organ. The penis and vagina are the only sex organs of the human anatomy. Dum dum.
You just told me that I am not Bingo, and then you called me Bingo.

You cannot even get your lies/delusions/hallucinations straight.

For the record, I am not Bingo, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. I never claimed to be Bingo, never pretended to be Bingo, never “cosplayed” as Bingo.

Only you have ever claimed, with one tip of your forked tongue, that I am Bingo, but with the other tip of your forked tongue, you said that i am not Bingo.
You are a Bingo. You don't understand science or biology. Your knowledge comes from an ignorant, 2000 year old fantasy book.
Of course they are. Absolutely. No question, whatsoever.

This I know, because I know that literally everyone has been, is, and will be bullied sometimes. Being bullied is in no way unique to transfolk, nor is there the slightest evidence that they experience it any more than non trans people.

Unless you are a hermit, life is a continuous process of having other people try to impose their will on you in large ways and small, in ways subtle to outrageous and everything in between. Motivation for this bullying can include disliking an individual, disliking a type of individual, dislike for self that is acted out as dislike for everyone, desire to get one's own way, and even simple boredom. As adults, we have to deal with bullying, just as we did as children.

Because childhood bullying is much less subtle than adult bullying, most kids quickly learn to deal with it, which makes them more successful adults, provided they learn to recognize the more subtle bullying that takes place among adults and deal with it as well. Some people are slow learners and they have worse outcomes than people with more snap. Another part of life that cannot be changed.

If there were no transgenders in the world, the bullies would still gonna bully, and the non-transgenders (which would be everyone) would still gonna be bullied. Since there are transgenders in the world, a better use of the time and energy of progressives would be to help transgender youth and adults learn to avoid/deal with bullying, instead of trying to somehow legislate or medicate it away.

Hint: dressing like a crazy person is not a good bullying avoidance strategy.

If we could wave a magic wand and no transgender person would ever be bullied, would that reduce the suicide rate? Nope. That would do nothing to reduce the co-morbidities like depression and autism that are associated with both transgenderism and high suicide rates. Transfolk commit suicide at higher rates because they have a mental disorder associated with high suicide rate. All the hormones and scalpels in the world do not change that.

Like anyone else with a mental disorder, people with gender dysphoria have a burden to bear. Trying to force it on other people will not make their load any easier. We non-trans have our own burden's to bear, and it would be impossible for us to take on yours, even if we wanted to. In fact, trying to force your burden on others is a form of what?


A lot to unpack here, but agreed. The kid who is different, i.e. doesn't fit in, no matter what makes him/her different, is likely to be a target of mean spirited bullies these days and group think/mob mentality enhances that possibility.

There has always been bullying of a kind I suppose throughout all history. IMO, it has increased because of:
--the anonymity and/or distance provided by social media
--the examples set by mean spirited, cruel, cancel culture adults
--the lack of moral center and conscience that generally comes with having a religious faith
--schools no longer requiring dress codes for biological boys and girls and not allowing disruption by too much individuality in dress
--schools and parents failing to set rules of conduct and respectful behavior that apply to all adults and students and not just those in 'protected' classes.
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I find attempting to withhold the constitutional will of the American electorate to be miles above that offense. Like, unforgivable.

giid afternoon tumbles.

trump is like eli wallach in "the good the bad and the ugly." standing in the gallows with a noose around his neck, the sheriff reads a list of crimes that takes so long that the rat gets away.

i really hope he falls for something, anything, but it seens as if there are so many enormous crimes that the clock will run out.
If you have to use artificial means to pass on your are basically a societal can only continue your lineage by sucking off(no pun intended) of others that can.
No, they can procreate you dumb Bingo. It's their genes being passed on. Homosexuals aren't infertile you idiot.
Merriam Webster is woke and politically correct. However, the Webster dictionary is not a biology and anatomy book. The anus isn't a sex organ. The penis and vagina are the only sex organs of the human anatomy. Dum dum.
The last cry of Bingos. Everything that disagrees with me is woke!!! 😄
No, they can procreate you dumb Bingo. It's their genes being passed on. Homosexuals aren't infertile you idiot.
You didn't understand what I said, that is clear. What did I say in that post that would lead you to the notion that I think being homosexual means they are infertile? Because I'm not seeing it. Care to reread what I said & try to address it again?
My family members who are Doctors
No, that's called foreplay or masturbating. I'm talking about "sexual intercourse". Damn, you're stupid. Sexual intercourse can only occur with the penis and the vagina.

all right bill clinton, doesn't oral count as "sexual intercourse?" i sure wouldn't want clinton to be right about that.........
all right bill clinton, doesn't oral count as "sexual intercourse?" i sure wouldn't want clinton to be right about that.........
No, oral isn't sexual intercourse. It's a sexual act. Sexual intercourse is only a penis and vagina. Bill said he never had sex with that woman. He lied. He should have said sexual intercourse.
There is bullying and incessant bullying from multiple bullies.
I had a few bullies to contend with but I also saw those where the bullying never ended
Ok, that is much more realistic than your previous statement.

People who have a few bullies instead of being incessantly bullied are people who were taught, or learned on their own, to avoid bullies and to deal with bullying when it happened.

Sadly, today's transgenderization movement has a vested interest in having trans kids bullied to support the movement's claim of victimhood status. Therefore, each bullied trans kid is a martyr for their adult cause.

Teach trans kids to keep their opinions, and personal details to themselves, when not around friends, and if they want to dress as the opposite sex, to not make it an exagerated version that appears to be more mocking than imitating. That would sharply reduce the bullying. If bullying were the cause of the high suicide among transgenders, that would be reduced also. Big if, unfortunately.

I had a middle school student who insisted on expressing racist views to black girls who would get mad and attack him. He knew not to fight girls, but he would be so mad that it was hard for him to restrain himself. I told him that he needed to stop before he got hurt or fought back and got sent away for a long stretch of discipline.

His response was that he had free speech rights to be himself and talk like he talked, and that his mom told him that since black kids are allowed to say certain words, there was no reason that he could not say the same and similar words.

Were the girls wrong to attack him for his words? Damn skippy. Is some other teenager wrong to attack a boy wearing lipstick, a frilly top and girls jeans? Damn skippy. But it's going to happen if the students keep doing things that provoke the bullies.

If a kid wants to take a stand about wearing make up and girls clothes as a boy, because that's how they feel, or saying the n-word as a white kid because black people can do it, fine. I disagree with their beliefs and I don't admire their juvenile stand-taking, but as long as they don't complain about the consequences, I won't criticize them.

If an adult complained that the racist kid got attacked, it is fair to assume that that adult likes for kids to be racist, even if it causes them problems. Why does the same not apply to adults who complain about cross-dressing children being bullied, but still wants the kids to dress like that?

There is a reason that you won't answer my question about teaching kids to avoid bullying or to bring it on themselves. You know the reason, I know it, my grandma knows it.
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You didn't understand what I said, that is clear.
Yeah. I understand you were lashing out with your hurt Simp feelings just fine. :itsok:
What did I say in that post that would lead you to the notion that I think being homosexual means they are infertile? Because I'm not seeing it. Care to reread what I said & try to address it again?
When you called them parasites. They aren't sucking nutrients, they are mixing their genetic material with another willing person's of the opposite sex like every other human who wants to procreate.
So do you go to the hardware store and ask for male and female piping, nut and bolts or for queer parts?
You done trying to pretend you're anything other than a Bingo? Is that why you've abandoned the science discussion to talk tools? 😄
So do you go to the hardware store and ask for male and female piping, nut and bolts or for queer parts?
I don't know why these people even try to act like this stuff makes sense. Why is it so hard for them to just say: "I don't care about what is true. I like living life in my own little bubble world of make-believe & impose it on the rest of you!"...instead of tossing out the same old tired & weak arguments...they themselves deep down know are not convincing.

I mean, that's basically what they are saying while making said arguments. Why not just cut to the chase & say it?
No, how would it?

Yes, and not many do make this choice. Those that do, often have a history of attention seeking, and they land on "I'm trans," because that's the latest thing.

Possibly. Also the "suffering hero" fantasy. Wear a dress, get picked on, be told how "brave" you are for doing something that the media, your peers, your teachers and professors, and all your groomers praise you for.

Bullies are generally abused children who are subjected to abuse and violence at home, and take their rage and frustration out on those they perceive as weak and vulnerable.

Your blaming and shaming of children, who dress and act “weird, shows what a bully you truly are. You’re seeking to justify your own treatment of others and it’s not working.

As a child, I was tall, skinny, wore glasses and I skipped a grade. I was bullied relentlessly until middle school.

Other children do try to “fit in” by supporting the bullies and mocking or threatening their victims.

Bullies are generally abused children who are filled with rage and anger, which they take out on those they perceive, as weak and vulnerable, but will quickly back down when challenged or threatened. Like Trump just did with the Washington Judge.

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