Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

Natural selection will do the job.

Only those who know the difference between male and female, and how to properly apply this difference, get to pass our traits on to future generations. Those of you who remove yourselves from the human gene pool, do not. You're just litter and detritus left along the side of the highway of evolution.
"Detritus"....that's a good way of putting it. Lol
There is no observable "animal homosexuality", it's not scientific in any way to try to lay human sexuality templates over the lower animal's sexual behaviors. My dog likes to hump towels sometimes, does that make him a towellsexual? No. We know why dogs hump towels or dogs of the same sex, it ain't because they find dogs of the same sex hotter than the opposite. It's conflicting stimulu that is confusing their smelling a female in heat a couple yards over.
I can't believe people still try this argument.
You denying observations doesn't make them go away. We are animals so it does make sense to study us as animals with our own biological drives, maybe not exactly like dogs but not exactly dissimilar either. We also engage in sexual stimulation for pleasure. My family members who are Doctors can go on for hours telling you about the things they've had to pull out of men's assess. My personal favorite was the lava lamp.
Natural selection will do the job.

Only those who know the difference between male and female, and how to properly apply this difference, get to pass our traits on to future generations. Those of you who remove yourselves from the human gene pool, do not. You're just litter and detritus left along the side of the highway of evolution.
Never heard of in vitro fertilization? I guess that technology hasn't made it to your back water swamp yet.
You denying observations doesn't make them go away. We are animals so it does make sense to study us as animals with our own biological drives, maybe not exactly like dogs but not exactly dissimilar either. We also engage in sexual stimulation for pleasure. My family members who are Doctors can go on for hours telling you about the things they've had to pull out of men's assess. My personal favorite was the lava lamp.
Our similarities to dogs & other mammal's sexual behaviors stop at it being driven by the desire to pro-create. Only humans have the ability to pervert it with purpose.
Never heard of in vitro fertilization? I guess that technology hasn't made it to your back water swamp yet.

Even by such artificial processes, it still ultimately takes both a man and a woman to produce a child. Even if the mother never meets the father, that sperm still came from a man.
Our similarities to dogs & other mammal's sexual behaviors stop at it being driven by the desire to pro-create. Only humans have the ability to pervert it with purpose.
Yes. A natural ability you dumb Bingo. If it wasn't within our natural ability then we couldn't do it.
Yes. Do you know that when you stimulate them, either with your hand or your vagina or mouth or your anus that that is called sexual intercourse? 😄
No, that's called foreplay or masturbating. I'm talking about "sexual intercourse". Damn, you're stupid. Sexual intercourse can only occur with the penis and the vagina.
i guess if he worshps the largest bully on the planet his attitude is inevitable.

this, by the way`, the grooming of another generation of cult followers, may be trump's greatest offense.
I find attempting to withhold the constitutional will of the American electorate to be miles above that offense. Like, unforgivable.
Even by such artificial processes, it still ultimately takes both a man and a woman to produce a child. Even if the mother never meets the father, that sperm still came from a man.
It still allows the LGTBQ community to pass on their genes you dumb Bingo. :funnyface:
Bullies are generally abused children who are subjected to abuse and violence at home, and take their rage and frustration out on those they perceive as weak and vulnerable.
Imitation psychology with no basis in research.
Your blaming and shaming of children, who dress and act “weird, shows what a bully you truly are. You’re seeking to justify your own treatment of others and it’s not working.
I never blamed and shamed any child, nor said that they act "weird." Look up what quotation marks mean.

What I asked was whether we as adults should encourage children to avoid being bullied, or to bring bullying on themselves.

As a child, I was tall, skinny, wore glasses and I skipped a grade. I was bullied relentlessly until middle school.
So . . . not because you were trans?

Then you prove my point. Everyone gets bullied sometime, somewhere. So the idea that we have to medicalize and surgicalize kids who are confused about their gender because they "might be bullied," is absurd. They will be bullied, just like everyone else. Kids in general should be taught how to deal with bullies. No need to single out trans kids as if they are the only victims.
Other children do try to “fit in” by supporting the bullies and mocking or threatening their victims.

Bullies are generally abused children who are filled with rage and anger, which they take out on those they perceive, as weak and vulnerable, but will quickly back down when challenged or threatened.
Public schools, one of the prime locations for childhood bullying, take far stronger action against kids who fight back against bullies than against the bullies themselves. This is because of the litigiousness of Democrat lawyers, who would sue any school who allowed a student to defend themselves.

So avoidance of bullying is what kids need to learn. Do you agree, or do you think kids should be encouraged to bring bullying on themselves?
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No, you're not Bingo.
…you dumb Bingo.

You just told me that I am not Bingo, and then you called me Bingo.

You cannot even get your lies/delusions/hallucinations straight.

For the record, I am not Bingo, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean. I never claimed to be Bingo, never pretended to be Bingo, never “cosplayed” as Bingo.

Only you have ever claimed, with one tip of your forked tongue, that I am Bingo, but with the other tip of your forked tongue, you said that i am not Bingo.

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