Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

Yes. It's called biology and anatomy, you fucking idiot. Time for your nap.
What's called biology and anatomy? What Bingo biology homeschooler taught you people could go against their nature? What kind of Bingo science is that? 😄 How would it even possible to go against your nature? 😄 Can you sprout wings at will and fly?
Sorry Skippy

Not even worthy of a response
That's probably how you responded to bullying. To scared to say anything, just let them keep shoving you into the lockers. Pitiful. You'd be a better & stronger man today if you would've just fought back. Even if you lost, you would have learned that you have the drive to stand up for yourself...only thing to do next is learn to do it well.
No. Domestic violence amongst couples doesn't qualify as a "hate crime"...I disagree with even having such a category in the first place...but there are hate crime laws on the books & couples beating each other up ain't one.
Domestic violence couples can absolutely qualifying for hate crimes. You can be a married cis man and beat your wife because you're a piece of shit misogynist.
What's called biology and anatomy? What Bingo biology homeschooler taught you people could go against their nature? What kind of Bingo science is that? 😄 How would it even possible to go against your nature? 😄 Can you sprout wings at will and fly?
You're confused. Homosexuality is against nature. The penis fits perfectly in a vagina. Is that a fucking accident? Idiot.
That's probably how you responded to bullying. To scared to say anything, just let them keep shoving you into the lockers. Pitiful. You'd be a better & stronger man today if you would've just fought back. Even if you lost, you would have learned that you have the drive to stand up for yourself...only thing to do next is learn to do it well.
Those aren't the only forms of bullying lgtbq members face. They also face higher rates of violence and ostracization from family and community members which is arguably more harmful and devastating than bullying from peers or strangers.
What bigoted world view would that be?
That gender ideology is bullshit, that trans people are mentally ill, or that homosexuals are going against nature.

Gender ideology •IS• bullshit, “trans people” •ARE• mentally ill, and homosexuals •ARE• going against nature.

Those are hard, undeniable facts, and there is nothing the least bit “bigoted” about recognizing them as such.

That you are such a morally-, mentally- and spiritually-fucked-up degenerate is your own issue, and does not obligate any of the rest of us to play along with your madness and evil.

If there is any true bigotry here it s on your part, in expecting and demanding that sane, decent people must respect your fucked-up worldview. Especially when you want to drag children into this fucked-up shit.
Those aren't the only forms of bullying lgtbq members face. They also face higher rates of violence and ostracization from family and community members which is arguably more harmful and devastating than bullying from peers or strangers.
Choices have consequences. Duh!
You're confused. Homosexuality is against nature. The penis fits perfectly in a vagina. Is that a fucking accident? Idiot.
No, you're confused you dumb Bingo. It's impossible to do anything that is outside of your nature for you to do, like sprout wings and fly. If you can do it, it is by definition and observation, within your natural ability to do so. Like I side, that homeschool really did you a disservice.
The left is using gender correctly. It’s conservatives who are improperly equating gender to biology.

Gender is a social construct.

gender roles are certainly cultural constructs.

Yeah, why do you bully Christians?

what? IF she is bullying christians, is not the very essence of this thread that "bullying makes you stronger?"

can you really compare the "bullying" of christians in america to sudan, or even the occupied christians on the westbank, much less caesar's rome?

i learned in catholic school that persecution (including martyrdom, got any of those in mind?) confirms faith and stimulates conversions. is that wrong?
Gender ideology •IS• bullshit, “trans people” •ARE• mentally ill, and homosexuals •ARE• going against nature.

Those are hard, undeniable facts, and there is nothing the least bit “bigoted” about recognizing them as such.

That you are such a morally-, mentally- and spiritually-fucked-up degenerate is your own issue, and does not obligate any of the rest of us to play along with your madness and evil.

If there is any true bigotry here it s on your part, in expecting and demanding that sane, decent people must respect your fucked-up worldview.
No one needs to play with you Bingos. You dumb Bingos will sort yourselves out in no time. 😄 Fewer and fewer of you are in positions of authority or power because you cant make it into higher education. We're all watching your ignorant, backwards culture go extinct. 😄
Your post makes no sense whatsoever. First off, you demand that another poster prove their "expertise" on the topic before you'll take them seriously. That was my first laugh in reading your post. Where's your "proof of expertise" to comment on the topic Sam? Why should ANYONE take you seriously? Then you say that pretty much everyone is "live and let live" when is comes to trans people.

If what you say is true, how to you account for the number of murders of gays and trans people? How do you account for the increase in these hate crimes, and attacks on drag queens since conservatives went bat shit crazy attacking gays and trans children??

The rate of violent victimization of gay and trans people were two times as high as they are for straight people.
Maybe these fucked-up freaks would not suffer so many “hate crimes” if they would keep their fucked-up perversions to themselves and stop forcing this shit on the rest of us who want no part of it; and especially keep their filthy hands and their even filthier perversions away from children.
No, you're confused you dumb Bingo. It's impossible to do anything that is outside your nature to able to do, like sprout wings and fly. If you can do it is by definition and observation, within your natural ability to do so. Like I side, that homeschool really did you a disservice.
Agree. Two men can't have sexual intercourse.
No one needs to play with you Bingos. You dumb Bingos will sort yourselves out in no time. 😄 Fewer and fewer of you are in positions of authority or power because you cant make it into higher education. We're all watching your ignorant, backwards culture go extinct. 😄
What is the story behind you calling people "Bingos"? I am genuinely curious. Why "Bingos"?
Lol...okay. Good grief...the stretching....
Admittedly but I was simply making an argument for how it could. That the LGTBQ community face higher rates of domestic violence doesn't exclude them from also facing higher rates of hate crimes. It's fairly simple to see how vulnerable communities could be vulnerable to violence in all aspects of their lives. Aggressive and violent people will tend to pick on easier targets, be they domestic partners or strangers.

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