Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

You keep making up shit about gays and trans people which is so blatantly false that even a monkey could debunk everything you post.

Primitive tribes didn’t bully gays. They embraced cultural diversity.

Yes, we all know about the ancient American Indian tradition of embracing homosexuality & "2-Spirits"...that was made up by white leftists in 1995.
Gender didn't even apply to living things when I was in elementary school. It applied to words...linguistics. The way it is used by leftists is just gobbledygook.

gender applied the moment your mom wrapped you in a blue blankie.

your third sentence is more interesting. you may have noticed that there are several definitions for many words.

if you don't know, and do not care to find out, what the "leftists" mean by a word may not make it "gobbleegook"

"6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
genesis 11
Of course they are. Absolutely. No question, whatsoever.

This I know, because I know that literally everyone has been, is, and will be bullied sometimes. Being bullied is in no way unique to transfolk, nor is there the slightest evidence that they experience it any more than non trans people.

Unless you are a hermit, life is a continuous process of having other people try to impose their will on you in large ways and small, in ways subtle to outrageous and everything in between. Motivation for this bullying can include disliking an individual, disliking a type of individual, dislike for self that is acted out as dislike for everyone, desire to get one's own way, and even simple boredom. As adults, we have to deal with bullying, just as we did as children.

Because childhood bullying is much less subtle than adult bullying, most kids quickly learn to deal with it, which makes them more successful adults, provided they learn to recognize the more subtle bullying that takes place among adults and deal with it as well. Some people are slow learners and they have worse outcomes than people with more snap. Another part of life that cannot be changed.

If there were no transgenders in the world, the bullies would still gonna bully, and the non-transgenders (which would be everyone) would still gonna be bullied. Since there are transgenders in the world, a better use of the time and energy of progressives would be to help transgender youth and adults learn to avoid/deal with bullying, instead of trying to somehow legislate or medicate it away.

Hint: dressing like a crazy person is not a good bullying avoidance strategy.

If we could wave a magic wand and no transgender person would ever be bullied, would that reduce the suicide rate? Nope. That would do nothing to reduce the co-morbidities like depression and autism that are associated with both transgenderism and high suicide rates. Transfolk commit suicide at higher rates because they have a mental disorder associated with high suicide rate. All the hormones and scalpels in the world do not change that.

Like anyone else with a mental disorder, people with gender dysphoria have a burden to bear. Trying to force it on other people will not make their load any easier. We non-trans have our own burden's to bear, and it would be impossible for us to take on yours, even if we wanted to. In fact, trying to force your burden on others is a form of what?


Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"


Just go to any Republican-controlled state – they actually codify discriminating against transgender Americans in state law, Florida in particular.
gender applied the moment your mom wrapped you in a blue blankie.

your third sentence is more interesting. you may have noticed that there are several definitions for many words.

if you don't know, and do not care to find out, what the "leftists" mean by a word may not make it "gobbleegook"

"6 The Lord said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 7 Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.”
genesis 11
I already know enough about gender ideology. Probably more than you do. What books have you read on the topic?
Yes, we all know about the ancient American Indian tradition of embracing homosexuality & "2-Spirits"...that was made up by white leftists in 1995.

It is from "black elk speaks" which i read in the 1970s. maybe older. black elk was neither white nor any thing i'd call leftist.

also "little big man." a great dustin hoffman movie. long before the 1990s.
Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"


Just go to any Republican-controlled state – they actually codify discriminating against transgender Americans in state law, Florida in particular.
There really is no such thing as a "trans person". Adult or child. This is an objective fact. Doesn't matter how much you pump them full of cross-sex hormones & mutilate their genitalia & other body parts. Nobody can transcend their biology. You can tinker with it @ best...these trans people are just willing guinea pigs.
It is from "black elk speaks" which i read in the 1970s. maybe older. black elk was neither white nor any thing i'd call leftist.

also "little big man." a great dustin hoffman movie. long before the 1990s.
All fiction.
a worldwide issue for almost "6,000 years." doesn't make it right.

"abel you little sissy. god can't help you now." cain
bullying is not right and that is why the Christian faith is the greatest tool to fight against it

In the Christian part of South America and Africa, they don’t have an extremely high divorce rate or a High child born out of wedlock rate. They don’t have the mass school shootings We have here in America. Its Because in large part they have Jesus.
It is from "black elk speaks" which i read in the 1970s. maybe older. black elk was neither white nor any thing i'd call leftist.

also "little big man." a great dustin hoffman movie. long before the 1990s.
It started being pushed by academics in 1995.
Gender is a social construct and is not related to biology. That’s a fact.

i am not interested enough to read a book. don't we have REAL issues?

i live in a city, and deal with most human varients in my line of work.

treat 'em politely, golden rule and such, and they are no problem.

"He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone" (John 8:7):
So you start off acting like you are on expert on gender ideology...then admit you don't really know what you are talking about when asked what you have read on the topic?
Like I said, you are comedic.
I don't live in the city anymore, so I don't see many "trans" people in my day to day life. Except when I go to Walmart. The ones in my area must all be working there, because anywhere else I go, I don't see them. Lol
Just because I disagree with them doesn't mean I don't give them the same courtesy I would any other person. I don't see them & run up to tell them my opinion about the way they are living. Most people don't do that..we are too busy doing our thing.
It is from "black elk speaks" which i read in the 1970s. maybe older. black elk was neither white nor any thing i'd call leftist.

also "little big man." a great dustin hoffman movie. long before the 1990s.
Loved that movie. Little Horse was the "hemani" who offered to be Dustin Hoffman's wife, irrc. The book was great also. In the book, when LBM came back to find his (fri)enemy Younger Bear married having taken Little Horse as his wife. He needled Younger Bear about it, and then Younger Bear introduced his other wife, the lost wife Olga that LBM had been searching for.

I'll check out "Black Elk Speaks," but I don't know that the practices of the American tribal people should guide us. The Comanche and Apache were especially known for their brutal torture of captives. The fact that they mutilated babies does not mean we should continue their tradition with transkids.
No, how would it?

Yes, and not many do make this choice. Those that do, often have a history of attention seeking, and they land on "I'm trans," because that's the latest thing.

Possibly. Also the "suffering hero" fantasy. Wear a dress, get picked on, be told how "brave" you are for doing something that the media, your peers, your teachers and professors, and all your groomers praise you for.

Bullies are generally abused children who are subjected to abuse and violence at home, and take their rage and frustration out on those they perceive as weak and vulnerable.

Your blaming and shaming of children, who dress and act “weird, shows what a bully you truly are. You’re seeking to justify your own treatment of others and it’s not working.

As a child, I was tall, skinny, wore glasses and I skipped a grade. I was bullied relentlessly until middle school.

Other children do try to “fit in” by supporting the bullies and mocking or threatening their victims.

Bullies are generally abused children who are filled with rage and anger, which they take out on those they perceive, as weak and vulnerable, but will quickly back down when challenged or threatened.
Government itself is a bullying mechanism, bud. I saw in another thread that you used to work for the federal were the biggest bully's henchman.

There is a vast difference between "bullying" wherein a strong individual harasses and threatens the weak, for fun or profit, and the government enforcing compliance with THE LAWS OF THE LAND.

Republicans really have no ability to discernn between the two. Just like they can't tell who's lying to them. No critical thinking skills whatsoever.

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