Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

i'm starting to think they never went to school.

even kids who were sexually clueless and grew up straight were called the usual string of "sissy" names as the beatdown began ......
I was often bullied. My bullying was boys trying to boss me because I was short and quiet. I learned to be assertive and rarely had to defend against an actual physical attack.

I wasnt trans or gay or effeminite or of color any other trait that progressives want to "protect from bullying."

Were you never bullied? Should kids avoid being bullied or bring it on?
Waaaaaaay back there in college, Sociology class, I was taught that the conduct that is commonly criticized as "bullying" today was a useful thing. It was how young people were induced to "get with the program" and be "normal."
Now, "we" are encouraged to showcase or be proud of our abnormalities, and revel in the status of "victim."
This is progress. Or so we are told.

When I was young, “bullying” necessarily involved physical violence, or at least a credible threat of violence.

Now, we've become so pussified as a society, that many feel “bullied” by words. My generation learned that “Sticks and stones may break my bones, But words shall never hurt me.”

We've reached an extreme of this weakness, where, as you said, some feel entitled to act out in ways that are abnormal, harmful, evil, or insane, and it constitutes “bullying” to tell the truth about them.
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What difference does it make to you?
If you know it hurts another person, why continue to do t?

If it bothers you, why not just leave the “sir” out of it
It doesn't bother me. I was raised to address strangers respectfully as Sir or ma'am.

Are you trying to invalidate my culture?
The best way to stop a bully is either a punch in the nose or a swift kick to the groin.
The modern pussy-whipped lib culture does not approve of that either

The lib solution is to sexualize normal children so that everyone is at least slightly queer
The best way to stop a bully is either a punch in the nose or a swift kick to the groin.


Most genuine bullies are cowards. They prefer weak victims, that won't fight back.

When attacked by a bully, fighting back is the right response. Even if you end up “losing” the fight, if you come out of it more hurt than the bully, the very fact that the bully got hurt will strongly encourage him to pick a different victim next time.

Of course, I'm talking about real bullies, not modern “bullies” who get so called for the horrendous crime of non-violently daring to speak the truth about their “victims”.
The best way to stop a bully is either a punch in the nose or a swift kick to the groin.

A punch to the groin or a swift kick to the nose works equally effectively.

But the point is obvious. If you demonstrate your willingness to fight back, you aren't likely going to have a hard time with people trying to bully you.

Old school parents would give their boys a simple tutorial in fisticuffs if the circumstance came up.
The funny part is now I look like Steve Austin and most that bullied me are super nice when we do reunions.

When I saw the name, I assumed it referred to the title character of the old TV show The Six Million Dollar Man, and it didn't make much sense.

A bit of Googling brought up a former professional wrestler that goes by that name, who is probably who you really meant to refer to.
Were you never bullied? Should kids avoid being bullied or bring it on?
of course. you'd have to be homeschooled (in a one child family to avoid it.)

since colombine it is easy to see the inevitable result of bullying.

some may say bullying is biological, an establishment of the "pecking order," what soyou think?
A punch to the groin or a swift kick to the nose works equally effectively.

But the point is obvious. If you demonstrate your willingness to fight back, you aren't likely going to have a hard time with people trying to bully you.

Old school parents would give their boys a simple tutorial in fisticuffs if the circumstance came up.
that is how we did it, difficult but necessary.

today? i don't know. a lot of guns out there.
I agree with Seymour

Bullying is a part of growing up and we cant shelter everyone from it

Of course the authorities can try to prevent physical assault

But children have to how to handle adverse situations as a part of growing up
That's where you will hit a wall with libturds. They can not "grow up". It requires independence and struggling to survive. As far as the bed wetters are concerned, someone is supposed to provide for them all their lives. They're not supposed to have to exert energy to sustain themselves
Is it your culture to needlessly insult or embarrass another person?
lol. that is irony
When I saw the name, I assumed it referred to the title character of the old TV show The Six Million Dollar Man, and it didn't make much sense.

A bit of Googling brought up a former professional wrestler that goes by that name, who is probably who you really meant to refer to.

here is great video of austin at work.

Of course they are. Absolutely. No question, whatsoever.

This I know, because I know that literally everyone has been, is, and will be bullied sometimes. Being bullied is in no way unique to transfolk, nor is there the slightest evidence that they experience it any more than non trans people.

Unless you are a hermit, life is a continuous process of having other people try to impose their will on you in large ways and small, in ways subtle to outrageous and everything in between. Motivation for this bullying can include disliking an individual, disliking a type of individual, dislike for self that is acted out as dislike for everyone, desire to get one's own way, and even simple boredom. As adults, we have to deal with bullying, just as we did as children.

Because childhood bullying is much less subtle than adult bullying, most kids quickly learn to deal with it, which makes them more successful adults, provided they learn to recognize the more subtle bullying that takes place among adults and deal with it as well. Some people are slow learners and they have worse outcomes than people with more snap. Another part of life that cannot be changed.

If there were no transgenders in the world, the bullies would still gonna bully, and the non-transgenders (which would be everyone) would still gonna be bullied. Since there are transgenders in the world, a better use of the time and energy of progressives would be to help transgender youth and adults learn to avoid/deal with bullying, instead of trying to somehow legislate or medicate it away.

Hint: dressing like a crazy person is not a good bullying avoidance strategy.

If we could wave a magic wand and no transgender person would ever be bullied, would that reduce the suicide rate? Nope. That would do nothing to reduce the co-morbidities like depression and autism that are associated with both transgenderism and high suicide rates. Transfolk commit suicide at higher rates because they have a mental disorder associated with high suicide rate. All the hormones and scalpels in the world do not change that.

Like anyone else with a mental disorder, people with gender dysphoria have a burden to bear. Trying to force it on other people will not make their load any easier. We non-trans have our own burden's to bear, and it would be impossible for us to take on yours, even if we wanted to. In fact, trying to force your burden on others is a form of what?



Bullying is an essential part of childhood development and a natural process. Now outright beatings and borderline torture is not, but being picked up and bullying is normal.

It's a development stage where people go from being fun loving innocent children when they transition to early stages of being an adult. Bodies change, they begin to think more like an adult, hormones start developing and children have no concept of it and don't understand it so they act differently and have no experience with it.

They start forming personalities, trying to test boundaries, start to learn who they like and dislike and so on.

But with a mother and a father there to teach them how to control it and understand it they can grow and learn.

Even toddlers during the terrible twos bully their parents and siblings.

It's a basic part of life. Shit even look at full grown adults, they still try to bully people. Look at blm, antifa, progressives. They all bully and push around and sometimes physically bully others to say and do what they tell them to. But had they been raised better they may not do it.

All the big anti child bullying people are usually also the ones bullying other adults.
Of course they are. Absolutely. No question, whatsoever.

This I know, because I know that literally everyone has been, is, and will be bullied sometimes. Being bullied is in no way unique to transfolk, nor is there the slightest evidence that they experience it any more than non trans people.

Unless you are a hermit, life is a continuous process of having other people try to impose their will on you in large ways and small, in ways subtle to outrageous and everything in between. Motivation for this bullying can include disliking an individual, disliking a type of individual, dislike for self that is acted out as dislike for everyone, desire to get one's own way, and even simple boredom. As adults, we have to deal with bullying, just as we did as children.

Because childhood bullying is much less subtle than adult bullying, most kids quickly learn to deal with it, which makes them more successful adults, provided they learn to recognize the more subtle bullying that takes place among adults and deal with it as well. Some people are slow learners and they have worse outcomes than people with more snap. Another part of life that cannot be changed.

If there were no transgenders in the world, the bullies would still gonna bully, and the non-transgenders (which would be everyone) would still gonna be bullied. Since there are transgenders in the world, a better use of the time and energy of progressives would be to help transgender youth and adults learn to avoid/deal with bullying, instead of trying to somehow legislate or medicate it away.

Hint: dressing like a crazy person is not a good bullying avoidance strategy.

If we could wave a magic wand and no transgender person would ever be bullied, would that reduce the suicide rate? Nope. That would do nothing to reduce the co-morbidities like depression and autism that are associated with both transgenderism and high suicide rates. Transfolk commit suicide at higher rates because they have a mental disorder associated with high suicide rate. All the hormones and scalpels in the world do not change that.

Like anyone else with a mental disorder, people with gender dysphoria have a burden to bear. Trying to force it on other people will not make their load any easier. We non-trans have our own burden's to bear, and it would be impossible for us to take on yours, even if we wanted to. In fact, trying to force your burden on others is a form of what?


Obviously you don't know what bullying is.

But you go on crying because you're being bullied by
People not going to church
People not buying into your hate
Your fellow hatemongers losing because of their hate...

You are, in a word, disgusting.
The more primitive people relied on bullying to keep tribal members in line. Outliers were a danger to themselves and their tribe mates. A member of a hunting party who preferred to sing and dance instead of stealthily searching for prey with the other put all at risk for starvation. A gatherer who picked vegetable that she was curious about regardless of being told by her elders that they were poison risked the tribe's lives.

In more modern times, the oddballs among us have the opportunity to live as they please without endangering others. but the primitive instinct to bully is still with them, and with the people they interact with. It is still useful

I suppose a pedophile considers him or herself very much bullied by age-of-consent laws, but they exist so people can be forced to be normal, just as you said.

Whether they get the irony or not, those who have claimed the status of "victim" due to their abnormalities are just bullies themselves, looking for ways to impose their will on people.

Sorry, not playing by their rules. I don't have to pretend to affirm their gender because they "feel bullied" if I don't. I don't have to pretend that it is a good idea to mutilate children because some adults claim not mutilating them is "bullying" them.
Explains your lust for Trump.

Cavemen want to be with their own in every way.
Explains your lust for Trump.

Cavemen want to be with their own in every way.
i guess if he worshps the largest bully on the planet his attitude is inevitable.

this, by the way`, the grooming of another generation of cult followers, may be trump's greatest offense.

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