Are Transgender People, Especially Kids, Really "Bullied?"

He also has a mechanical engineering degree from Cornell so he's a pretty smart guy. Tell me though, how come you Bingos can't find very many scientists or biologists that agree with your bigoted world view?
What bigoted world view would that be?
What bigoted world view would that be?
That gender ideology is bullshit, that trans people are mentally ill, or that homosexuals are going against nature. I've heard various forms these arguments from the Right and all of them Bingos who couldn't display even an elementary understanding of science to save their lives.
So you start off acting like you are on expert on gender ideology...then admit you don't really know what you are talking about when asked what you have read on the topic?
Like I said, you are comedic.
I don't live in the city anymore, so I don't see many "trans" people in my day to day life. Except when I go to Walmart. The ones in my area must all be working there, because anywhere else I go, I don't see them. Lol
Just because I disagree with them doesn't mean I don't give them the same courtesy I would any other person. I don't see them & run up to tell them my opinion about the way they are living. Most people don't do that..we are too busy doing our thing.

Your post makes no sense whatsoever. First off, you demand that another poster prove their "expertise" on the topic before you'll take them seriously. That was my first laugh in reading your post. Where's your "proof of expertise" to comment on the topic Sam? Why should ANYONE take you seriously? Then you say that pretty much everyone is "live and let live" when is comes to trans people.

If what you say is true, how to you account for the number of murders of gays and trans people? How do you account for the increase in these hate crimes, and attacks on drag queens since conservatives went bat shit crazy attacking gays and trans children??

That gender ideology is bullshit, that trans people are mentally ill, or that homosexuals are going against nature. I've heard various forms these arguments from the Right and all of them Bingos who couldn't display even an elementary understanding of science to save their lives.
That's not bigotry. It's true. Homosexuality is against nature. Look at the human body. There are female and male humans. That's nature. The bigotry is in your indoctrinated mind.
He also has a mechanical engineering degree from Cornell so he's a pretty smart guy. Tell me though, how come you Bingos can't find very many scientists or biologists that agree with your bigoted world view?
He also has a mechanical engineering degree from Cornell so he's a pretty smart guy. Tell me though, how come you Bingos can't find very many scientists or biologists that agree with your bigoted world view?

Bullies are generally abused children who are subjected to abuse and violence at home, and take their rage and frustration out on those they perceive as weak and vulnerable.

Your blaming and shaming of children, who dress and act “weird, shows what a bully you truly are. You’re seeking to justify your own treatment of others and it’s not working.

As a child, I was tall, skinny, wore glasses and I skipped a grade. I was bullied relentlessly until middle school.

Other children do try to “fit in” by supporting the bullies and mocking or threatening their victims.

Bullies are generally abused children who are filled with rage and anger, which they take out on those they perceive, as weak and vulnerable, but will quickly back down when challenged or threatened.

There is a vast difference between "bullying" wherein a strong individual harasses and threatens the weak, for fun or profit, and the government enforcing compliance with THE LAWS OF THE LAND.

Republicans really have no ability to discernn between the two. Just like they can't tell who's lying to them. No critical thinking skills whatsoever.
Whatever you consider "critical thinking skills" to be ...yes, I don't have that.
That's not bigotry. It's true. Homosexuality is against nature. Look at the human body. There are female and male humans. That's nature. The bigotry is in your indoctrinated mind.
What kind of argument is "look at the human body" you dumb Bingo? 😄 Did they teach those kind of critical thinking skills in your trailer-home school?
Your post makes no sense whatsoever. First off, you demand that another poster prove their "expertise" on the topic before you'll take them seriously. That was my first laugh in reading your post. Where's your "proof of expertise" to comment on the topic Sam? Why should ANYONE take you seriously? Then you say that pretty much everyone is "live and let live" when is comes to trans people.

If what you say is true, how to you account for the number of murders of gays and trans people? How do you account for the increase in these hate crimes, and attacks on drag queens since conservatives went bat shit crazy attacking gays and trans children??

#1- If you are going to tell somebody that they don't know what they're talking about in relation to a topic being need to prove that you do know what you are talking about.
#2- There isn't a lot of "trans" & "gay" people being murdered. There isn't a rash of "hate crimes" being committed against drag queens. So let's try again.
I was wondering if anyone would argue that point.

You led a sheltered life indeed if you were never bullied. It's pretty far-fetched, guy.
There is bullying and incessant bullying from multiple bullies.
I had a few bullies to contend with but I also saw those where the bullying never ended
#1- If you are going to tell somebody that they don't know what they're talking about in relation to a topic being need to prove that you do know what you are talking about.
#2- There isn't a lot of "trans" & "gay" people being murdered. There isn't a rash of "hate crimes" being committed against drag queens. So let's try again.
The rate of violent victimization of gay and trans people were two times as high as they are for straight people.

Violent Victimization by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, 2017–2020
There is bullying and incessant bullying from multiple bullies.
I had a few bullies to contend with but I also saw those where the bullying never ended
You're grown man now. Get over it. Good grief. Ultimately, bullying brings out &/or builds character in those who are bullied. Everyone was bullied at some point. This obviously adult-initiated 'anti-bullying' campaign crap is getting tiresome. You sound like a straight up poontang, man. Stop.
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You're grown man now. Get over it. Good grief. Ultimately, bullying brings out & builds character in those who are bullied. Everyone was bullied at some point. This obviously adult-initiated 'anti-bullying' campaign crap is getting tiresome. You sound like a straight up poontang, man. Stop.

Sorry Skippy

Not even worthy of a response
So you agree with us then......?
No. Domestic violence amongst couples doesn't qualify as a "hate crime"...I disagree with even having such a category in the first place...but there are hate crime laws on the books & couples beating each other up ain't one.
No. Domestic violence amongst couples doesn't qualify as a "hate crime"...I disagree with even having such a category in the first place...but there are hate crime laws on the books & couples beating each other up ain't one.
Many couples have whips and leather bindings.

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