Are Trump supporters actually dumb enough to think he would have confronted the FL shooter unarmed?

Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

Silly far left drone, must have forgot what Obama wanted to people to do in such situations.

And when you click on the link, no story appears just a headline that attracts far left drones like the OP.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

Why didn't Peterson go in? Maybe he was afraid. What t
has Trump ever done in his life that makes you think he would put his life on the line for other people?

What's the point of having a police officer permanently stationed at a school if they'll run and hide when the children need them most? Our Government School System is in shambles. And y'all insulting Trump ain't gonna change that. Parents really should seriously consider all education alternatives.

Did he go run and hide? Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he didn't know what the situation was in the school, because one man for a whole school simply is not going to be enough.

Trump goes around insulting people all the time, he invites insults to himself by talking complete crap all the time too.

You want safe schools but you're not willing to do what is necessary to get safe schools. That's the situation right now.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

Why didn't Peterson go in? Maybe he was afraid. What t
has Trump ever done in his life that makes you think he would put his life on the line for other people?

What's the point of having a police officer permanently stationed at a school if they'll run and hide when the children need them most? Our Government School System is in shambles. And y'all insulting Trump ain't gonna change that. Parents really should seriously consider all education alternatives.

Did he go run and hide? Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he didn't know what the situation was in the school, because one man for a whole school simply is not going to be enough.

Trump goes around insulting people all the time, he invites insults to himself by talking complete crap all the time too.

You want safe schools but you're not willing to do what is necessary to get safe schools. That's the situation right now.

Its not all about schools. A Mall shooting could occur next week. What is the common factor? Yaaas.....that would be Guns....
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

Why didn't Peterson go in? Maybe he was afraid. What t
has Trump ever done in his life that makes you think he would put his life on the line for other people?

What's the point of having a police officer permanently stationed at a school if they'll run and hide when the children need them most? Our Government School System is in shambles. And y'all insulting Trump ain't gonna change that. Parents really should seriously consider all education alternatives.

Did he go run and hide? Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he didn't know what the situation was in the school, because one man for a whole school simply is not going to be enough.

Trump goes around insulting people all the time, he invites insults to himself by talking complete crap all the time too.

You want safe schools but you're not willing to do what is necessary to get safe schools. That's the situation right now.

Its not all about schools. A Mall shooting could occur next week. What is the common factor? Yaaas.....that would be Guns....

Yes, that's the problem isn't it?

They're not willing to part with their guns and they're scrambling to find ways to stop their guns being taken from them. They'll say anything.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

Why didn't Peterson go in? Maybe he was afraid. What t
has Trump ever done in his life that makes you think he would put his life on the line for other people?

What's the point of having a police officer permanently stationed at a school if they'll run and hide when the children need them most? Our Government School System is in shambles. And y'all insulting Trump ain't gonna change that. Parents really should seriously consider all education alternatives.

Did he go run and hide? Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he didn't know what the situation was in the school, because one man for a whole school simply is not going to be enough.

Trump goes around insulting people all the time, he invites insults to himself by talking complete crap all the time too.

You want safe schools but you're not willing to do what is necessary to get safe schools. That's the situation right now.

Its not all about schools. A Mall shooting could occur next week. What is the common factor? Yaaas.....that would be Guns....

Yes, that's the problem isn't it?

They're not willing to part with their guns and they're scrambling to find ways to stop their guns being taken from them. They'll say anything. spoken by the NRA....wants to take people guns away. But there needs to be reasonable gun laws. The NRA narrative of "THEY WANT TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY" is a lie and is getting old.
Why didn't Peterson go in? Maybe he was afraid. What t
has Trump ever done in his life that makes you think he would put his life on the line for other people?

What's the point of having a police officer permanently stationed at a school if they'll run and hide when the children need them most? Our Government School System is in shambles. And y'all insulting Trump ain't gonna change that. Parents really should seriously consider all education alternatives.

Did he go run and hide? Doesn't sound like it. It sounds like he didn't know what the situation was in the school, because one man for a whole school simply is not going to be enough.

Trump goes around insulting people all the time, he invites insults to himself by talking complete crap all the time too.

You want safe schools but you're not willing to do what is necessary to get safe schools. That's the situation right now.

Its not all about schools. A Mall shooting could occur next week. What is the common factor? Yaaas.....that would be Guns....

Yes, that's the problem isn't it?

They're not willing to part with their guns and they're scrambling to find ways to stop their guns being taken from them. They'll say anything. spoken by the NRA....wants to take people guns away. But there needs to be reasonable gun laws. The NRA narrative of "THEY WANT TO TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY" is a lie and is getting old.

Well, any sensible gun control is going to take guns away from certain people, isn't it?
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'
Three brave men on a train did exactly that, you dumb fuck.

Yes, there WERE three brave men on a train that took out a terrorist shooter. Guess you missed the fact that all three were US Military and had training.

Trump doesn't.
Neither did the men who attacked the terrorists in the cabin of flight that crashed in Pennsylvania. It takes only guts and love of those being threatened to attack a threat.

Trump's statement was only a hypothetical anyway. You idiotic Trump haters love to twist all things into lies to fit your childish, hateful mentality.
you trying to equate those brave heroes who had all the guts in the world with this fat piece of shit we have in the WH ? If so you are fn bonkers
I love how Trump trolls the left daily.

Where are those Nazi death camps and the end of the world that Progs swore would happen when Trump took office?

They weren’t full of shit, were they?
In an interview with Howard stern he was laughing about not helping an older man who fell and was bleeding.
Even of you are deaf and can' hear him, just his body language can tell you that he is a scum bag and a coward.

Are you suggesting he's a Broward County Deputy?
Are you suggesting that the cons are anti police now? After the FBI, CIA, media, kids , minorities, refugees, Mexicans, NFL, NBA, books, schools....if Trump criticizes Jesus you guys would hail him and call Jesus names.

We call out those that fuck up.

Those deputies fucked up big time and they got called out.

It's pretty simple. Try to keep up
You don't call Trump when he fucked up do you?
I don't care if he really would have run in unarmed, because I sure as hell wouldn't. I'd probably be like that dad during the Colorado shooting who left his wife and kid in the theater as he's driving away from the scene. That guy was my hero. :lol:
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.
The 'sad nightmare' is the amount of mass shootings that take place in America:

"The United States has more mass shootings than any other country. A mass shooting is commonly defined as a shooting resulting in at least four victims, excluding the perpetrator. When the definition is restricted to four or more people killed, data shows 146 mass shootings between 1967 and 2017, with an average of eight people dead including the perpetrator." Wiki
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

More lies from Billy Triple ZERO.....He said "he'd like to think he would have..." gone in. There's no evidence he was a draft-dodger...his doc said he had bone spurs and sent the x-rays to the DOD.
Question in the hell would Trump be able to get to the upper floors where the shootings were going on? I don't think the school has elevators, and his ass is too fat to go up stairs quickly.
No elevators?
His fear of stairs would soon put an end to his brave rescue mission.

Donald Trump held hands with Theresa May due to his 'fear of stairs'
Maybe if there was an escalator?
This is from Trump himself in a 2008 interview about an emergency situation. An old guy fell off the stage, and Trump was more concerned about the "disgusting" blood all over his Mar-a-Lago marble floor than the guy.

The Time Donald Trump Turned Away in Disgust While a Man Was Bleeding to Death in Front of Him

“I was at Mar-a-Lago and we had this incredible ball, the Red Cross Ball, in Palm Beach, Florida. And we had the Marines. And the Marines were there, and it was terrible because all these rich people, they’re there to support the Marines, but they’re really there to get their picture in the Palm Beach Post… so you have all these really rich people, and a man, about 80 years old—very wealthy man, a lot of people didn't like him—he fell off the stage,” said Trump.
“So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, ‘Oh my God, that’s disgusting,’ and I turned away,” said Trump. “I couldn't, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn't want to touch him… he’s bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn't look like it. It changed color. Became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away. ‘Oh my God! This is terrible! This is disgusting!’ and you know, they’re turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy. His wife is screaming—she’s sitting right next to him, and she’s screaming.”

Thank God for the Marines. “What happens is, these 10 Marines from the back of the room… they come running forward, they grab him, they put the blood all over the place—it’s all over their uniforms—they’re taking it, they’re swiping [it], they ran him out, they created a stretcher. They call it a human stretcher, where they put their arms out with, like, five guys on each side,” shared Trump.

“I was saying, ‘Get that blood cleaned up! It’s disgusting!’ The next day, I forgot to call [the man] to say he’s OK,” said Trump, adding of the blood, “It’s just not my thing.”
That is the REAL Trump.
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

I believe he believes he would have.
I believe no one actually knows how they will face a situation until after they have done so.
Did you go to Vietnam after being given a medical deferment?
If not why do you think you would react any differently?
You sound an awful lot like a pitiful computer commando.
He had 5 deferments. He was as desperate to stay out of Vienam as he is desperate to avoid an interview with Mueller.
Did you go to Vietnam after being given a medical deferment?
If not why do you think you would react any differently?
You sound an awful lot like a pitiful computer commando
If you can't-or haven''t-walked the walk-don't talk the talk.
Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump. He won.

Actually, Obama DID care about the Russians messing with the election. Obama imposed sanctions on them, kicked out a whole bunch of diplomats and took over their properties after kicking them out.

Trump is the one who has done nothing so far against Russia. Congress passed the sanctions, and Trump has yet to impose them.

Ooohhh Sanctions. I'm sure they were scared. Like that line in the sand he drew. smh

You said "Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump." I showed you that yes, Obama did give a shit because he imposed sanctions on Russia.

He also kicked out over 30 diplomats and seized their property.

How is that "not giving a shit"?

Trump is the one who doesn't give a shit, because he's not imposing the sanctions and still cuddling up to Putin.

Winning!!! lol

You're right. I don't give a shit. The whole Russian thing is all BS. It's all Liberals have to try and disrupt. went from Obama not giving a shit, to Trump not giving a shit, to you not giving a shit.

Is that because you have had your ass handed to you by being shown that Obama actually did care about Russia and their meddling?

Declaring victory? Nice try. LOL Trump is President. Shut up and deal with it, or not. The Russian scandal is BS. There is NO PROOF whatsoever there was any collusion. There, you just had your ass handed to you.
In an interview with Howard stern he was laughing about not helping an older man who fell and was bleeding.
Even of you are deaf and can' hear him, just his body language can tell you that he is a scum bag and a coward.

Are you suggesting he's a Broward County Deputy?
Are you suggesting that the cons are anti police now? After the FBI, CIA, media, kids , minorities, refugees, Mexicans, NFL, NBA, books, schools....if Trump criticizes Jesus you guys would hail him and call Jesus names.

We call out those that fuck up.

Those deputies fucked up big time and they got called out.

It's pretty simple. Try to keep up
You don't call Trump when he fucked up do you?

When has he fucked up?

The man has already achieved 64% of his stated agenda. Reagan
only had 49% at the same time.

The economy is taking off big-time. 90% of Americans are bringing
home more money. He's got the Muslims looking over their collective
shoulders. He has given battlefield commanders control of their battlefields.
[Note 100 dead Russians that threatened our military]

And he's in the head of every fucking liberal in the country.

Illegals are afraid to step out of their shack.

You gotta love him, gotta love him.

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