Are Trump supporters actually dumb enough to think he would have confronted the FL shooter unarmed?

We all would like to think we would do something, anything , to keep children from being shot, the reality is something quite different. I really can't blame him for that. lets see what he supports in regards to any reasonable solutions to lessen the chance of more school shootings.
We all would like to think we would do something, anything , to keep children from being shot, the reality is something quite different. I really can't blame him for that. lets see what he supports in regards to any reasonable solutions to lessen the chance of more school shootings.

I hear ya, but i disagree. Police Officers are permanently stationed at schools to protect the children. It's their sole purpose. The officer at Parkland failed to do his job. He ran and hid instead. He could have saved some kids' lives. I also believe that Trump and many others, would have done more.
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If Trump said it, it must be true:

According to Trump minions.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

"I believe him". Sure you do, Orange licker. You people are so divorced from reality it's a wonder you're able to dress yourselves..

Nah, you just need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You loony haters are the ones who are 'divorced from reality.' I'm confident Trump and most other folks would have done more than that 'Resource Officer' did.

I'm not hatin', just questioning your judgement. Also, I don't watch the news. So what else you got, slappy?
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

"I believe him". Sure you do, Orange licker. You people are so divorced from reality it's a wonder you're able to dress yourselves..

Nah, you just need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You loony haters are the ones who are 'divorced from reality.' I'm confident Trump and most other folks would have done more than that 'Resource Officer' did.

I'm not hatin', just questioning your judgement. Also, I don't watch the news. So what else you got, slappy?

Nah, you're hatin. But you can't help it. You've become a Useful Idiot. And I stand by what it said. I believe Trump and most others would have done more than the cowardly 'Resource Officer' did.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

"I believe him". Sure you do, Orange licker. You people are so divorced from reality it's a wonder you're able to dress yourselves..

Nah, you just need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You loony haters are the ones who are 'divorced from reality.' I'm confident Trump and most other folks would have done more than that 'Resource Officer' did.

I'm not hatin', just questioning your judgement. Also, I don't watch the news. So what else you got, slappy?

Nah, you're hatin. But you can't help it. You've become a Useful Idiot. And I stand by what it said. I believe Trump and most others would have done more than the cowardly 'Resource Officer' did.

Then you're not very bright, are you?
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

"I believe him". Sure you do, Orange licker. You people are so divorced from reality it's a wonder you're able to dress yourselves..

Nah, you just need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You loony haters are the ones who are 'divorced from reality.' I'm confident Trump and most other folks would have done more than that 'Resource Officer' did.

I'm not hatin', just questioning your judgement. Also, I don't watch the news. So what else you got, slappy?

Nah, you're hatin. But you can't help it. You've become a Useful Idiot. And I stand by what it said. I believe Trump and most others would have done more than the cowardly 'Resource Officer' did.

Then you're not very bright, are you?

I believe even you would have done more.
"I believe him". Sure you do, Orange licker. You people are so divorced from reality it's a wonder you're able to dress yourselves..

Nah, you just need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You loony haters are the ones who are 'divorced from reality.' I'm confident Trump and most other folks would have done more than that 'Resource Officer' did.

I'm not hatin', just questioning your judgement. Also, I don't watch the news. So what else you got, slappy?

Nah, you're hatin. But you can't help it. You've become a Useful Idiot. And I stand by what it said. I believe Trump and most others would have done more than the cowardly 'Resource Officer' did.

Then you're not very bright, are you?

I believe even you would have done more.

I appreciate that, but it is an exercise in futility to change the past. We can speculate until the day is long, but at the end those kids are still dead.
Nah, you just need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You loony haters are the ones who are 'divorced from reality.' I'm confident Trump and most other folks would have done more than that 'Resource Officer' did.

I'm not hatin', just questioning your judgement. Also, I don't watch the news. So what else you got, slappy?

Nah, you're hatin. But you can't help it. You've become a Useful Idiot. And I stand by what it said. I believe Trump and most others would have done more than the cowardly 'Resource Officer' did.

Then you're not very bright, are you?

I believe even you would have done more.

I appreciate that, but it is an exercise in futility to change the past. We can speculate until the day is long, but at the end those kids are still dead.

I was just addressing your question in your OP.
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'
Three brave men on a train did exactly that, you dumb fuck.

Yes, there WERE three brave men on a train that took out a terrorist shooter. Guess you missed the fact that all three were US Military and had training.

Trump doesn't.
Trump trolls Liberals everyday AND I'M LOVING IT!!! :04:


A week after the FBI said that Russia's aims were to divide the US, you congratulate the President for trolling half the American people...

You admitting that the President is doing the Russians work...

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

It is pretty clear he is giving Aid and Comfort to the enemy...


Is this you?

Trump trolls Liberals everyday AND I'M LOVING IT!!! :04:
while he does nothing to punish Russia for invading our election process He playing golf again today or feeding his fat face?

Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump. He won.

Actually, Obama DID care about the Russians messing with the election. Obama imposed sanctions on them, kicked out a whole bunch of diplomats and took over their properties after kicking them out.

Trump is the one who has done nothing so far against Russia. Congress passed the sanctions, and Trump has yet to impose them.
Trump trolls Liberals everyday AND I'M LOVING IT!!! :04:
while he does nothing to punish Russia for invading our election process He playing golf again today or feeding his fat face?

Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump. He won.

Actually, Obama DID care about the Russians messing with the election. Obama imposed sanctions on them, kicked out a whole bunch of diplomats and took over their properties after kicking them out.

Trump is the one who has done nothing so far against Russia. Congress passed the sanctions, and Trump has yet to impose them.

Ooohhh Sanctions. I'm sure they were scared. Like that line in the sand he drew. smh
Trump trolls Liberals everyday AND I'M LOVING IT!!! :04:
while he does nothing to punish Russia for invading our election process He playing golf again today or feeding his fat face?

Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump. He won.

Actually, Obama DID care about the Russians messing with the election. Obama imposed sanctions on them, kicked out a whole bunch of diplomats and took over their properties after kicking them out.

Trump is the one who has done nothing so far against Russia. Congress passed the sanctions, and Trump has yet to impose them.

Ooohhh Sanctions. I'm sure they were scared. Like that line in the sand he drew. smh

You said "Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump." I showed you that yes, Obama did give a shit because he imposed sanctions on Russia.

He also kicked out over 30 diplomats and seized their property.

How is that "not giving a shit"?

Trump is the one who doesn't give a shit, because he's not imposing the sanctions and still cuddling up to Putin.
Trump trolls Liberals everyday AND I'M LOVING IT!!! :04:
while he does nothing to punish Russia for invading our election process He playing golf again today or feeding his fat face?

Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump. He won.

Actually, Obama DID care about the Russians messing with the election. Obama imposed sanctions on them, kicked out a whole bunch of diplomats and took over their properties after kicking them out.

Trump is the one who has done nothing so far against Russia. Congress passed the sanctions, and Trump has yet to impose them.

Ooohhh Sanctions. I'm sure they were scared. Like that line in the sand he drew. smh

You said "Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump." I showed you that yes, Obama did give a shit because he imposed sanctions on Russia.

He also kicked out over 30 diplomats and seized their property.

How is that "not giving a shit"?

Trump is the one who doesn't give a shit, because he's not imposing the sanctions and still cuddling up to Putin.

Winning!!! lol

You're right. I don't give a shit. The whole Russian thing is all BS. It's all Liberals have to try and disrupt.
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'
Three brave men on a train did exactly that, you dumb fuck.

Yes, there WERE three brave men on a train that took out a terrorist shooter. Guess you missed the fact that all three were US Military and had training.

Trump doesn't.
Neither did the men who attacked the terrorists in the cabin of flight that crashed in Pennsylvania. It takes only guts and love of those being threatened to attack a threat.

Trump's statement was only a hypothetical anyway. You idiotic Trump haters love to twist all things into lies to fit your childish, hateful mentality.
while he does nothing to punish Russia for invading our election process He playing golf again today or feeding his fat face?

Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump. He won.

Actually, Obama DID care about the Russians messing with the election. Obama imposed sanctions on them, kicked out a whole bunch of diplomats and took over their properties after kicking them out.

Trump is the one who has done nothing so far against Russia. Congress passed the sanctions, and Trump has yet to impose them.

Ooohhh Sanctions. I'm sure they were scared. Like that line in the sand he drew. smh

You said "Obama didn't give a shit. Why should Trump." I showed you that yes, Obama did give a shit because he imposed sanctions on Russia.

He also kicked out over 30 diplomats and seized their property.

How is that "not giving a shit"?

Trump is the one who doesn't give a shit, because he's not imposing the sanctions and still cuddling up to Putin.

Winning!!! lol

You're right. I don't give a shit. The whole Russian thing is all BS. It's all Liberals have to try and disrupt. went from Obama not giving a shit, to Trump not giving a shit, to you not giving a shit.

Is that because you have had your ass handed to you by being shown that Obama actually did care about Russia and their meddling?
I would have gone in. I have no doubt of that. I have done something similar, though less dangerous. I went to help someone who was being beaten by a thug. I never stopped to think about it, I just did it. Had the thug had a gun or a knife I could have been injured or killed, but I did it anyway. I believe Trump, like me, would have done it.

cool story, bro

got any more?

saved a drowning child, perhaps?

pulled a thorn from a lion's paw?
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'
Three brave men on a train did exactly that, you dumb fuck.

Yes, there WERE three brave men on a train that took out a terrorist shooter. Guess you missed the fact that all three were US Military and had training.

Trump doesn't.
Neither did the men who attacked the terrorists in the cabin of flight that crashed in Pennsylvania. It takes only guts and love of those being threatened to attack a threat.

Trump's statement was only a hypothetical anyway. You idiotic Trump haters love to twist all things into lies to fit your childish, hateful mentality.

You ought to read The Art of War by Sun-Tzu. It tells you never to place an enemy on deadly ground. Deadly ground is a place where the enemy knows they are going to die. What happens if you place an enemy on deadly ground? They fight harder because they know they are going to die and therefore want to take out as many of the opposition as possible. Sun Tzu said to always leave them a way out and not place them on deadly ground.

Those people in the airplane KNEW they were going to die. They KNEW the plane was going to be crashed. And, because they knew they were going to die anyway, they had nothing to lose, but something to gain if they could prevent the aircraft from crashing into a populated area.

No, the school shooting and the people who took over the plane are two different situations.

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