Are Trump supporters actually dumb enough to think he would have confronted the FL shooter unarmed?

You know, running towards an active shooter is NOT a natural act. Neither is running into a burning building, because people are scared of large fires.

Me? I learned how to run into a burning building when I joined the Inport and At Sea fire party. First, they would run us through a lot of dry runs, and then, when they thought we were ready, they sent us to train with the base firefighters in a mock up building that caught on fire. We learned how to deal with it via repeated exposure to it.

Same thing with running towards an active shooter. I was a member of the Security Force at Newport RI, and we trained one week a month, with a couple of days being used for range training where we shot 150 to 200 rounds per training cycle. We got to the point where doing things like that was automatic, almost to the point of being reflex.

Running towards danger isn't a natural act, but in the military, they train the fear out of you.

I don't think Trump would have the fortitude to do anything.

Well he ran towards Vietnam, didn't he? Well, he got a mile on the way there and then decided to dodge the draft....

No dumbass, he got a medical deferment.
I would have gone in. I have no doubt of that. I have done something similar, though less dangerous. I went to help someone who was being beaten by a thug. I never stopped to think about it, I just did it. Had the thug had a gun or a knife I could have been injured or killed, but I did it anyway. I believe Trump, like me, would have done it.
I would have gone in. I have no doubt of that. I have done something similar, though less dangerous. I went to help someone who was being beaten by a thug. I never stopped to think about it, I just did it. Had the thug had a gun or a knife I could have been injured or killed, but I did it anyway. I believe Trump, like me, would have done it.

I do not think his golf cart would fit through the front door.
I would have gone in. I have no doubt of that. I have done something similar, though less dangerous. I went to help someone who was being beaten by a thug. I never stopped to think about it, I just did it. Had the thug had a gun or a knife I could have been injured or killed, but I did it anyway. I believe Trump, like me, would have done it.

I do not think his golf cart would fit through the front door.

in your (failed) effort to be funny, you post something irrelevant and really just stupid. Doesn't reflect well on you, loser.
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

Question asked, questioned answered.. he's free to his opinion and anyway he pleases, it's a free country.

I probably would have answered the same way, one less old guy and many promising young lives protected, who wouldn't, it's the perfect answer regardless of liberalisms obvious natural cowardice and whiny hate mongering tendencies as evidenced in this thread..

of course you would have answered the same way, lumpy.

you're full of shit too

How would you have answered the question del, just wondering?

i don't know

honesty is the best policy
honesty and drumph have never met ,,he's a world class liar ,cheat and thief ,,That's why he needs teams of lawyers to protect him from 100's of law suits
I find the constant carping at Trump to be mean spirited. It is 110% driven by commie malcontents.

America needs to fall in behind its leader and get with the programme. Its time to break down the doors, build that wall and take out a few nutty teenagers that are allowed to buy guns for reasons nobody can explain.

Perhaps it is time to look to honour the great mans achievements in the field of valour and award him a token of esteem ?

FBI Honorary Medals - Wikipedia

Perhaps this might be appropriate.


I hope that pinko commie traitors do not reply to this suggestion.

It gets scary when we can't identify this as sarcastic straight off....

Some the looney tunes here consider him brave that he sent a guy to talk to the Mafia to overpay for lease they own... That's bravery...
I find the constant carping at Trump to be mean spirited. It is 110% driven by commie malcontents.

America needs to fall in behind its leader and get with the programme. Its time to break down the doors, build that wall and take out a few nutty teenagers that are allowed to buy guns for reasons nobody can explain.

Perhaps it is time to look to honour the great mans achievements in the field of valour and award him a token of esteem ?

FBI Honorary Medals - Wikipedia

Perhaps this might be appropriate.


I hope that pinko commie traitors do not reply to this suggestion.

It gets scary when we can't identify this as sarcastic straight off....

Some the looney tunes here consider him brave that he sent a guy to talk to the Mafia to overpay for lease they own... That's bravery...
trump is a coward who is all mouth and he found those willing to believe his bullshit in the republican party
Trump trolls Liberals everyday AND I'M LOVING IT!!! :04:


A week after the FBI said that Russia's aims were to divide the US, you congratulate the President for trolling half the American people...

You admitting that the President is doing the Russians work...

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.

It is pretty clear he is giving Aid and Comfort to the enemy...

Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

He would have, I would have, and Trump actually did it before.
View attachment 179208

You can shut the fuck up now, loser.
Lol that is a completely bullshit, unverified story.

"Completely bull shit, unverified story", how stupid are you? I told you you could shut up, now do it, loser.

So, let me understand this. Your schtick is that you think you can post drivel and demand that people believe it. Then, you believe you can tell people to shut up, and do what you say. So, obviously you have heavy duty mental problems. Seems likely you are a congenital idiot. But then you are a con troll, so that would be a tautology.
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

He would have, I would have, and Trump actually did it before.
View attachment 179208

You can shut the fuck up now, loser.

quote the witnesses to this that weren't donald trump

i'll wait, little trumpling
Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'

See? Was that so hard to admit he’s a worthless sack of shit?
He's a worthless sack of shot?
Would YOU have done anything?
I find the constant carping at Trump to be mean spirited. It is 110% driven by commie malcontents.

America needs to fall in behind its leader and get with the programme. Its time to break down the doors, build that wall and take out a few nutty teenagers that are allowed to buy guns for reasons nobody can explain.

Perhaps it is time to look to honour the great mans achievements in the field of valour and award him a token of esteem ?

FBI Honorary Medals - Wikipedia

Perhaps this might be appropriate.


I hope that pinko commie traitors do not reply to this suggestion.

It gets scary when we can't identify this as sarcastic straight off....

Some the looney tunes here consider him brave that he sent a guy to talk to the Mafia to overpay for lease they own... That's bravery...
trump is a coward who is all mouth and he found those willing to believe his bullshit in the republican party

Of course they found them in the republican party. They are trolls, well paid by the NRA.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

"I believe him". Sure you do, Orange licker. You people are so divorced from reality it's a wonder you're able to dress yourselves..

Nah, you just need to take a long break from Democrat Fake News. You loony haters are the ones who are 'divorced from reality.' I'm confident Trump and most other folks would have done more than that 'Resource Officer' did.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.
Of course you believe him. You lost your dignity a long time ago .

Nah, i'm confident he would have tried to help the kids. He isn't the 'Evil Boogeyman' y'all wingnuts wanna make him out to be. Try laying off the Democrat Fake News for awhile. You'll likely regain some logic and civility.
I believe him. He surely would have done more than the 'Resource Officer' Scot Peterson did. What's the point of having a Police Officer permanently stationed at a school, if he or she runs and hides when the kids need them most? Our Government Schools are such a sad nightmare at this point.

Why didn't Peterson go in? Maybe he was afraid. What t
has Trump ever done in his life that makes you think he would put his life on the line for other people?

What's the point of having a police officer permanently stationed at a school if they'll run and hide when the children need them most? Our Government School System is in shambles. And y'all insulting Trump ain't gonna change that. Parents really should seriously consider all education alternatives.

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