Are Trump supporters actually dumb enough to think he would have confronted the FL shooter unarmed?

Trump is actually claiming he would have confronted the Florida shooter unarmed. Are his supporters actually stupid enough to buy this? Probably so. Afterall, they thought it was brave he tried so hard to avoid Vietnam.

Trump claims he would have 'run in' and confronted the Parkland shooter 'even if I didn't have a weapon'
All I know is that Obama wouldn't!
Trump is a coward and a crook, anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot PERIOD.

that pretty much describes EVERY president since reagan,anybody who thinks otherwise on that is for SURE an idiot.:haha:
Russia..must be loving it when we have mass shootings on a weekly basis....They love to see divisions in America..

Russia didn't create the 'divisions in America.' They've been there for many years. It's US Politicians, especially 'Communist Organizers', who've created all the division. Check out Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals' sometime. It's a well-organized 'Divide and Conquer' strategy.

The US Democratic Party can't thrive unless there's mass discontent. It needs an angry bitter populace. The last thing Democrats want, is a happy prosperous populace. Check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down', when you get a chance. It's currently running on Amazon Prime. It lays out the Agenda very clearly.
you nailed it.this is the first step in their agenda of total disarnment they have been planning for years.with all these staged false flag operations that have been increasing year after year,cant believe the sheep are still in denial mode on this when it has never been anything like this before.

Oh yeah, it goes beyond just the Communist Agenda. It's the NWO Globalist Agenda. Disarming the populace is a very important aspect of the Agenda.

You're definitely my favorite poster on the site. Part conspiracy theorist, part Trump nut hugger and literally never make a valid post. That's actually not easy to do. Even CrusaderFrank has accidentally made a legit post once or twice.

Glad you enjoy my posts. I know i'm breaking through that hard Useful Idiot shell, Democrats have created for you. Somewhere deep down, you're getting it a bit. :)

I would pay good money to see just one average day of yours. It would be fascinating to see a grown adult managing his way through the world without the use of his brain.

Even a Useful Idiot such as yourself should check out the documentary 'Agenda: Grinding America Down.' It's fascinating and enlightening. You can watch it on places like Amazon Prime. Who knows, it might just cause you to reconsider your loyalty to the Communists. Check it out. Take care. :)

Remember that time I asked you to debate me and you ignored my request. Yeah, I do too.
Lots of people don't like blood. But that doesn't mean when they are
confronted by some real event, they don't do something. They might
get sick to their stomach, puke, gag, whatever...but they still do the right
thing. It's hard to explain, but it's like you're in a different zone or world.
When the emotion dies down, you get the shakes and get sick.

I don't know what he would have done...but neither do you.
Trump was confronted with a real event. Lots of people heard and saw his cowardly reaction. There is strong evidence that he would run at the first sight of blood. If you want to believe in Trump, so be it.
He literally would have confronted the shooter even if he didn't have arms.

The liberal school officials of course ran away and let the massacre happen, just as they did when it was a time to confront the shooter when he declared he wanted to become a school shooter. At least they can always blame guns.
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.
He literally would have confronted the shooter even if he didn't have arms.

The liberal school officials of course ran away and let the massacre happen, just as they did when it was a time to confront the shooter when he declared he wanted to become a school shooter. At least they can always blame guns.
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.

I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
He literally would have confronted the shooter even if he didn't have arms.

The liberal school officials of course ran away and let the massacre happen, just as they did when it was a time to confront the shooter when he declared he wanted to become a school shooter. At least they can always blame guns.
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.

I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
God damn, you’re stupid :lol:
He literally would have confronted the shooter even if he didn't have arms.

The liberal school officials of course ran away and let the massacre happen, just as they did when it was a time to confront the shooter when he declared he wanted to become a school shooter. At least they can always blame guns.
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.

I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
God damn, you’re stupid :lol:

Brilliant rebuttal!

Leftists don't have even the most basic arguments so insulting is what they resort to. I bet this indivudual's IQ is below 80. No wonder he would like to import more friends of similar caliber.
He literally would have confronted the shooter even if he didn't have arms.

The liberal school officials of course ran away and let the massacre happen, just as they did when it was a time to confront the shooter when he declared he wanted to become a school shooter. At least they can always blame guns.
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.

I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
God damn, you’re stupid :lol:

Brilliant rebuttal!

Leftists don't have even the most basic arguments so insulting is what they resort to. I bet this indivudual's IQ is below 80. No wonder he would like to import more friends of similar caliber.
You can say whatever you want about liberals - I don’t care. But you are flat out stupid if you think Trump would “literally confront the shooter unarmed”. Good god. You are such a pawn.
He literally would have confronted the shooter even if he didn't have arms.

The liberal school officials of course ran away and let the massacre happen, just as they did when it was a time to confront the shooter when he declared he wanted to become a school shooter. At least they can always blame guns.
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.

I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
God damn, you’re stupid :lol:

Brilliant rebuttal!

Leftists don't have even the most basic arguments so insulting is what they resort to. I bet this indivudual's IQ is below 80. No wonder he would like to import more friends of similar caliber.
Coming from a guy who just said an armless Trump (did you mean Trump without arms or Trump unarmed? :dunno: ) would have single-handedly stopped the shooter, I’ll take that as a compliment. Don’t breed.
I see the juvenile liberals have infested this thread. Look a bunch of armed trained police officers cowering outside a building while a nut job kid shoots up a school, I mean why even have police officers, just hire coroners and ambulance drivers.

Thank you for the great reason why arming teachers is just dumb.
In an interview with Howard stern he was laughing about not helping an older man who fell and was bleeding.
Even of you are deaf and can' hear him, just his body language can tell you that he is a scum bag and a coward.

Are you suggesting he's a Broward County Deputy?
Are you suggesting that the cons are anti police now? After the FBI, CIA, media, kids , minorities, refugees, Mexicans, NFL, NBA, books, schools....if Trump criticizes Jesus you guys would hail him and call Jesus names.

We call out those that fuck up.

Those deputies fucked up big time and they got called out.

It's pretty simple. Try to keep up
You don't call Trump when he fucked up do you?

When has he fucked up?

The man has already achieved 64% of his stated agenda. Reagan
only had 49% at the same time.

The economy is taking off big-time. 90% of Americans are bringing
home more money. He's got the Muslims looking over their collective
shoulders. He has given battlefield commanders control of their battlefields.
[Note 100 dead Russians that threatened our military]

And he's in the head of every fucking liberal in the country.

Illegals are afraid to step out of their shack.

You gotta love him, gotta love him.
Keep lying to yourself. He is the messiah a complete honest human being...NOT!!!
He literally would have confronted the shooter even if he didn't have arms.

The liberal school officials of course ran away and let the massacre happen, just as they did when it was a time to confront the shooter when he declared he wanted to become a school shooter. At least they can always blame guns.
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.

I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
God damn, you’re stupid :lol:

Brilliant rebuttal!

Leftists don't have even the most basic arguments so insulting is what they resort to. I bet this indivudual's IQ is below 80. No wonder he would like to import more friends of similar caliber.
You can say whatever you want about liberals - I don’t care. But you are flat out stupid if you think Trump would “literally confront the shooter unarmed”. Good god. You are such a pawn.

The God-Empror laughs at your projection, indeed a pawn of the far left plantation....
This is definitely the dumbest USMB post of the month.

I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
God damn, you’re stupid :lol:

Brilliant rebuttal!

Leftists don't have even the most basic arguments so insulting is what they resort to. I bet this indivudual's IQ is below 80. No wonder he would like to import more friends of similar caliber.
You can say whatever you want about liberals - I don’t care. But you are flat out stupid if you think Trump would “literally confront the shooter unarmed”. Good god. You are such a pawn.

The God-Empror laughs at your projection, indeed a pawn of the far left plantation....
You are literally the dumbest person I’ve interacted with today
I can see why you would think that. After all, to you the more truthful something is, the more dumb it sounds. That's because you are surrounded by leftist falsehood.
God damn, you’re stupid :lol:

Brilliant rebuttal!

Leftists don't have even the most basic arguments so insulting is what they resort to. I bet this indivudual's IQ is below 80. No wonder he would like to import more friends of similar caliber.
You can say whatever you want about liberals - I don’t care. But you are flat out stupid if you think Trump would “literally confront the shooter unarmed”. Good god. You are such a pawn.

The God-Empror laughs at your projection, indeed a pawn of the far left plantation....
You are literally the dumbest person I’ve interacted with today

Cool to know, I really really care about what low IQ pleb such as yourself thinks.

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