Are we an overweight board?

I just seldom see any anti lardass threads/posts on here.

jus wunderin.
Silly, silly man. 3500 kcalories = 1 pound.

The average daily kcalorie use about 2,000 kcalories for adults, 30-50, and seniors, 1700 kcalories or less, in some cases.

Average daily expenditure for active men is around 2200-2400, kcalories and active women expend 2000 kcalories average.

Daily expenditures for desk jobs in 8 hours--1480 kcalories

The average breakfast of 2 eggs, 3 bacons, hash browns, orange juice, pancakes and a latte is 1500 kcalories. A big mac meal with fries and a drink super-sized is 1350 kcalories. Steak dinner with beverage and dessert, 1944 kcalories. Add another 900 kcalories for 2 alcoholic beverage and cheese and carbohydrate snacks, you get 5694 kcalories. In 8 hours at work, average people expend about 1400 kcalories for sedentary jobs or activities in 8 hours, up to 2450 kcalories for extremely active jobs such as bicycling messenger tasks or full-time heavy construction. One hour of regular aerobic exercise could expend around 400 kcalories if it is intense. To gauge a perspective, to walk 1 mile, the average person expends about 94 kcalories, and if they do 3 miles, it's about 282 kcalories. Whether you crawl, walk, or run, one mile is 94 calories, period. If you ride a bicycle, 5 miles expends the same amount as one mile of walking. If you do nothing, your body uses about 50 kcalories per hour, up to 60 kcalories, depending on age, size, weight, and sex. It's not fair, but that's what science has discovered. So let's say you spend 20 minutes of well-thought exercise per diem, you just upped your body's resting kcalorie burn per hour for about 10 hours. That is a good thing. Didn't work out today? Fine. You're burning 50 kcalories resting per hour. In a 24-hour day's time, that's 1200 kcalories, or less than most people spend if they sleep round the clock. If you consumed the calories above, which is about what a lightweight football player would consume, You gained a pound and a half for the day. Skipped breakfast and ate like a piggy the rest of a day? Same deal.

To walk off one pound of fat, you have to walk 35 miles or exercise 6 or 7 hours a day. Many people kill themselves trying to binge diet, which stresses every system in the body and work out like Arnold Schwarzenegger did when he won the Mr. Universe Titles for several consecutive years. It is particularly lethal if one does not get into training gradually, but jumps in with a winner-takes-all attitude and a low carb diet that raises cholesterol in the bloodstream. During rest time that damn cholesterol firmly attaches itself into arteries all over the body. If a parent, grandparent, aunt, or uncle died young as the result of a stroke or heart attack, you are at risk for the same if you get too stressful too fast, or if you live the perfectly sedentary lifestyle but continue to eat like you did in high school or college when you didn't have to pay much attention to diet, or got into trouble once you started warming library benches to get good grades, with no attention to gymnastics.

Some people are genetically gifted with body systems that do not inspire any hunger for food or have a metabolism that burns well. Most people in America have so much fast foods, snacks, and empty calorie foods thrown into their diet, they're not getting any of the RDAs of vitamins and minerals we used to get when a greater variety of foods was set before us by parents.

Can you imagine carrot growers spending $1,000,000 for a 15-second spot on the Superbowl plugging the great value of the vitamin combination of this great carotene content that can produce vitamin A? Or a tuna fish corporation touting the vitamin D benefit people can get from its food? Or lettuce growers growing only DARK GREEN lettuce that has a bazillion times as many antioxidants and B-vitamins in its leaves as its sickly sister, the yellow or white iceberg lettuce? What about a thiamine-pill manufacturere plugging thiamine as a way to avoid being bitten by a mosquito which will avoid you if you enrich your diet with B-1?

Ain't gonna happen!

I can imagine it, but they just don't tell you that kinda stuff, and you're not born knowing it.

So, US Citizen, you're right to noice. If we post here, we need to discipline ourselves to do a little bit of work and exercising daily to have more efficient minds and bodies.

Just sayin'... :eusa_whistle:
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I'm not a lardass, i'm famine resistant. "Hmpft"(waddles away with nose in air and donut in mouth.)
When you can't fit in the seat on an airplane, you are a true fat ass.

When you can't squeeze your butt cheeks on a couch, you are too fucking fat.

I still fit on the couch!

Yee haw.
Every Michelle Obama thread is an anti-obese thread.

Before her "cause."

And folks call that 'stylish'?
It's a great Country. Who would have thought 200 years ago that we would bitch about having too much to eat? You gotta wonder though when and if the grossly obese ever get the message. Is it the stack of pizza boxes that towers over the garage or the first time they settle into a mobile shopping cart because they can't navigate around Walmart on their own legs anymore?
Maybe, just maybe if some of you who find yourselves on these message boards morning til night, would actually log off and get some exercise, we might not be so top heavy.

Yes, I'm talking to you. And you. And yeah, you too!
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Maybe, just maybe is some of you who find yourselves on these message boards morning til night, would actually log off and get some exercise, we might now be so top heavy.

Yes, I'm talking to you. And you. And yeah, you too!

Ok, I need to log off and go on a hike to the top of the (very small) mountain.

See you all in about two hours.
Masquerade wants to see pics of me perspiring. That aint gonna happen.

However, I have pictures from a previous days trip.....


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Maybe, just maybe is some of you who find yourselves on these message boards morning til night, would actually log off and get some exercise, we might now be so top heavy.

Yes, I'm talking to you. And you. And yeah, you too!

Wait a minute, I know you ain't talkin to me. I weigh a buck twenty after a heavy meal. I am no lard ass.
Well, there is the whole meth thing.
But I ain't fat.

It makes me think of Adele's lyrics....

Sometimes the donuts last
But sometimes I can hardly bend

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