Are we better off than we were a year ago ??

Then you should join me in my effort to convince people that we can no longer exist in one country. We need to divide this land into two countries instead: One side for you leftists and the other side for us.

Think how happy you'd be never having to put up with us ever again. No more threats to "your" democracy to worry about. In your country nobody will be able to have a gun. Criminals will be spending much less time in prison or jail, if you want to jail them at all. Tax your industries and wealthy at 70% if you like. We'll give you the west half of this country so you can open the border and let in all the third-worlders you ever dreamed about. You can run your entire country on windmills and solar panels. Police will have very little authority if you bother to have any police at all. Make all dope legal so half your country is strung out. Free college, free daycare, free healthcare and any other personal expense you feel government should be providing to you.

Just think how great that would be. As for myself, once you leftists move out of our country, my property values would double or more overnight.
I support that, except no foreign aid from Conservative America.
Again, they kept raising it on him, something they didn't do with DumBama. And the reason they could raise rates IS because the economy was doing so well.
First step under Obama was pulling back on QE. Then they stated increasing rates in 2016 (under Obama). Once they reached 2% with Trump, things got a little shakey and had to pull back a half point in late 2019.

But yeah, being unable to tolerate 2% interest rate isn’t exactly a sign that it’s the best economy in the last 50 years.
Actually there is. The Communists are scared to death of Trump. Piglosi and others have nightmares about him coming back. Even though Trump has been out of office for nearly a year now, they are still trying to destroy him. They know against Trump, they are finished.

So they instructed Dementia that whatever Trump did or planned to do his second term, do the exact opposite. Trump passed the Keystone, they reversed it. Trump got the Stay in Mexico policy going that was a huge success, they got Dementia to remove it. Trump removed the threat to schools that didn't allow weirdos in dresses to compete in female athletics, and Dementia put the threat back in. Trump was building the wall, Dementia stopped it nearly on his first day, and now it's costing us millions for federal agents to guard the building materials. If you really look at it issue by issue, their policy was to try and do everything anti-Trump. That's why our country is in such a mess today.

Right! Because apartments in the city are so cheap. Oh wait, they’re not.

Fact is, houses used to be FAR more affordable. Child care used to be far more affordable. College used to be far more affordable. Y’all need to catch up.

But hey, didn’t hear the right complaining about the child tax credits when they started under Clinton and expanded under Bush and Trump (and Obama).
Hmmm, keeping more of the money they earned and having less of it taken by the government with threat of violence.

Yeah, conservatives hate that. :rolleyes:

Are we better off than we were a year ago ??​

It depends.

I you belong to the 1%, that is the elites, or to Big Pharma or the Globalists... big Government ....etc...then yes, you are mighty fine and mighty richer.

All the rest is worse.
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Gotcha. Buy an hour out of the city. The townhouses are unaffordable either. Daycare is unaffordable and closes before they can get back because they have to drive AN HOUR to get them.

You guys don’t realize how good you had it and act like nothing has changed since the 50s. You’re so out of touch.
Again, then they rent a place an hour out. I had a commute of more than an hour back into the city for my job, and I formed a carpool to cut down on transportation costs.

What you don’t do is insist you want a close-in home you cannot afford, and stomp your feet that other people have to help you pay for it.
The left claimed prices absolutely would not rise if the minimum wage was increased, because reasons.
Because that’s a relatively small segment of the population.

If there were no illegal immigrants, it would hit a lot of industries EXTREMELY hard.
Again, then they rent a place an hour out. I had a commute of more than an hour back into the city for my job, and I formed a carpool to cut down on transportation costs.

What you don’t do is insist you want a close-in home you cannot afford, and stomp your feet that other people have to help you pay for it.
You’re out of touch.

The 50s were a lot simpler. Since then, inflation in housing, medical care, child care and education have skyrocketed.

Don’t act all high and mighty. These are serious problems. Far more serious than a 4% increase in the price of bananas.
Yes, it makes so much more sense to borrow a hundred grand for a useless vanity liberal arts degree that prepares you only for a career in retail or food service with no hope of ever paying back your student loans.
Liberal arts degrees teach one how to think. How to collect information, organize it, synthesize it and express conclusions based on it.

There’s a lot of jobs out there you don’t “train” for. They require a malleable intelligence capable of adapting to new situations.

You don’t train for a job that doesn’t exist. You create it.
You’re out of touch.

The 50s were a lot simpler. Since then, inflation in housing, medical care, child care and education have skyrocketed.

Don’t act all high and mighty. These are serious problems. Far more serious than a 4% increase in the price of bananas.
Blah, blah, blah.

You want housing prices to come down? Well you won’t accomplish that by handing out other people’s money to new home buyers. That just keeps the prices HIGH.

What you do is insist people buy only want they can afford. When enough people can’t afford to buy a house, then the prices will start to come down.

It’s the same reason that college tuition has skyrocketed. The government is subsidizing tuition.
Because that’s a relatively small segment of the population.

If there were no illegal immigrants, it would hit a lot of industries EXTREMELY hard.
Fine. We might have to pay slightly more to buy the company’s products, but we’d be saving a fortune on educating kids who are grades behind and don’t speak English, feeding them breakfast and lunch, and when mama pushes out an anchor baby, then housing subsidies, food stamps, and Medicaid.
Liberal arts degrees teach one how to think. How to collect information, organize it, synthesize it and express conclusions based on it.

There’s a lot of jobs out there you don’t “train” for. They require a malleable intelligence capable of adapting to new situations.

You don’t train for a job that doesn’t exist. You create it.

All the jobs you SJW Crybullies create are DIE program personnel. Bleah. You're a parisitical scourge on humanity.

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